8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 11

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Good morning everyone.

It's been an adventure the last week or so. Things have settled down from the layoffs and we've moved into a new building. While I don't like the drive, 20 minutes w/o traffic if I leave my house at 7am, I can see Disneyland and Angels Stadium from the north-facing windows to the right of me. Of course my boss, knowing I'm a Disney fan put me by the west facing windows.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend.
Hey folks....I'm back from DL (boo hoo) and trying to ketchup while doing actual work....

Had a great trip. Got to have a mini meet with grandma X3 (Chris) and her DGKs. Had a lovely afternoon with them, especially Rockin' Space Mountain. My son loved having other kids around. Poor guy, he's usually stuck with just mom.

I'll be poking along here trying to see what went on this weekend.
Wow...hers, stop! whatever you're doiong, and go outside, the
:sunny: is shining!

it seem like there's alot of inter-acting going on or some are
just unlucky running into the cranks. :rotfl:

:flower3: to o'bmv. however, it still sounded like a wonderful wdw
trip. maybe, they were wishing for some of your devil's juice? :rolleyes1
maybe you should have shared? [ i think accidentally spilling would been
a waste...so sez the lil'devil in my pirate: ]. my guess, the lady @ wdw
was using that as an excuse to stopped her nagging kids? while your
boss was probably hoping you took her with you? maybe they were at
the "rocking-d bar" causing a bunny hop? ......p.s., if you rever decide to
share, plez let us guys know first. * they're are the ones that usually starts
taking their clothes off...after one tote. & "i", already seen too many
shocking things in my life, already. Good for you! not wasting any
of the "good stuff"....but if you ever run into her again, have her "look"
into your glass before letting it flies. [:dumbo: ].

social skills 101...its just as easy to give those around you~ a reason to
like you than not. those never learning the basics...grow into personality
disorders. they are miserable people and in order to feel good about
themselves, they hurt others. unfortunatley, those that lives life
well, are usually their targets. (esp. when they find a position to do so)
i must commend you on your professional "limit setting"...redirecting is
the way to blocked out their annoyances and move on.

* i have felt others asinine responses , & it is easy to tell the difference.
however, i am most "defensive" when it comes to my children...& i came
from a family of 7 boys {3 sisters/spoilt...just to show it based on reality,
my oldest had a blue convertible T-bird...(high school)...while i only had
a 59' chevy el canio= :rolleyes: }....warning! can & will explode! :eek:

yep, that's me> :simba: , barely trained. 2004 cruise,i asked 2 fellas to
make a lane so i could leave the farewell show. what they did, were to
locked arms as a barrier...feeling ill, i was in no mood for games, so
i burst thru with ease..while one gave me the evil eye, my response was
to the point..bring it on, i 've no problem vomiting all over you! :snooty:
Look what i found in my easter basket:


Arrrrrg Pirate Lotion

(PS available at Walmart for like $7)

OMG....I NEED that....gotta make a trip to Walmart....especially since I forgot to take my sunscreen out of my carry on so I had to toss it at the airport.
Cool! That makes me smile. I just wish I knew how to find and post the neat pictures and cakes like some do here. But I do hope he likes that.

For Tuesday, April 10th



Well apparently you CAN find & post neat pictures of cake, because that is one cool looking cake! :thumbsup2

Hi all! We arrived back from vacation Saturday evening. Spent Sunday (Easter) at MIL's, and yesterday getting things back in order.

It's been so long since I've posted.....I feel lost again. But I wanted to tell you all about our Magical time at Disney.

I'm so sorry we weren't able to make it to the DIS mini-meet. Hope you all had a great time. We were primarily down there for a wedding. So we had to plan around that and visiting with family, etc.

We went to Epcot on Tuesday, April 3rd. What a great day! Upon exiting our second ride of the day (Living with the Land), a CM asked us how many were in our party, and then handed us each a Dream Fastpass. Boy, did that make our day go smooth! We were spoiled after this. On Wednesday, April 4th, we went to Magic Kingdom. Even though it was an extremely busy day, I never felt the crowds were unmanagable. We took Fastpasses for each of the "big" attractions, and POC was the first ride we hit. We never waited in line longer than 30 min. all day, and managed to do everything we wanted to. In the late afternoon, we were headed over to redeem our Space Mountain FP, and a CM approached us and handed each of us a one-time use FP good for any ride. I'm telling you....the pixie dust was just flowing!

Our weather was perfect! Just an overall great trip. Hope I didn't miss too much around here. Hope everyone is well.

Happy Birthday to everyone who celebrated over the past couple of weeks!

Hi Deanna! You were missed! Glad you had a great time at WDW! You really did luck out with lots of pixie dust! :wizard:

Hi everyone...

Home sick today :sick:

I'm bored.....


So sorry you're sick & bored Chrissie! :hug:
They probably had or have bosses that refuse to let them stay home....

No we have a pretty open policy on staying at home if you are sick around here. They just put up hand sanitizers all over the building trying to reduce the spread of germs b/c someone is on a 'cut costs by cutting medical expenses' kick in corporate finance.

This particular guy does it all the time. He's come to meetings with eyes watering, nose running, yuck. He prides himself on being at work every day. He doesn't get he's the cause of the rest of us being out sick.

This particular guy does it all the time. He's come to meetings with eyes watering, nose running, yuck. He prides himself on being at work every day. He doesn't get he's the cause of the rest of us being out sick.

That's just wrong..and GROSS

I can understand if kid is really sick... But I'm not one of those parents who will keep my kid home at the slightest sniffle....

My DH has nieces who are allowed to stay home at the drop of anything...I feel sorry for their bosses later in life.....

I've always taught my dd to suck it up and go to school. (i draw the line at puking of course) Many jobs do not give you sick time now-a-days and since I'm not independently wealthy i go to work.

When DD was little she would throw a slight fever at each tooth. (It was a phase. Fever, drool, rash, tooth. The daycare she was at would call me to come get her the second her temp went over 99. Of course then i could give them permission to give her tylenol but i still had to leave work. by the time, i'd get there, my dd was happy, playing, no fever. DOH!!!!!

and to think i lost that job because of all the times daycare made me pick her up for nothing.....

My dd also has sensitive skin so does get freaky rashes (Moreso when she was younger....They would usually go right away in a day or so. She gets like an eczema thing on her inner elbow and knees. Once the dance teacher made me take her home and not to come back without a dr's note because the teacher thought she had ringworm... I knew this was not the case but got the note anyway and shoved said note in her face....
Never got bothered again....

Just a working parents point of view....

I understand there are two sides to this and I've had daycares where they seemed to us 'sick' as an excuse to solve overcrowding.

My daughter's school is bad about calling us for the slightest thing, but they don't usually force a pick-up.

Although I had to get nasty with one helper b/c she tried to pull the '24 hour rule' on me on time. They called me around noon one day and said DD had a fever. I was at lunch and decided just to take the afternoon off and pick her up. The next morning the helper tried to prevent me from checking her in b/c it had not been 24 hours. After politely telling her the rule didn't apply b/c I had not been asked to pick her up but came on my own and still getting resistance, I walked around her to the classroom and dropped her off with her teacher and told the teacher if there were any issues, to have the center director call me. They never did.

But I think that once the fever hits 100 or the kid throws up, it is time to go home for a day.

Well, if you had read any of my previous posts, you would know I graduated HS in 1986, am old enough to have seen Star Wars when it originally came out and Playboy Playmates are young enough to be my daughter.

I've missed you too, sweetie.

J/K about the 'senior' moment. But the BLENDER? I could see forgetting sunscreen, or your husband, BUT THE BLENDER?

Oh MR...please don't hate me because I'm in my 30's (also graduated in 86)...I'll be 40 on the TOAL!

Another Class of '86 grad here! :thumbsup2
She loads the older ones up with motrin and sends them to school and the other all teachers know it. She just thinks everyone's stupid.

I can understand if kid is really sick... But I'm not one of those parents who will keep my kid home at the slightest sniffle....

My DH has nieces who are allowed to stay home at the drop of anything...I feel sorry for their bosses later in life.....

I've always taught my dd to suck it up and go to school. (i draw the line at puking of course) Many jobs do not give you sick time now-a-days and since I'm not independently wealthy i go to work.

When DD was little she would throw a slight fever at each tooth. (It was a phase. Fever, drool, rash, tooth. The daycare she was at would call me to come get her the second her temp went over 99. Of course then i could give them permission to give her tylenol but i still had to leave work. by the time, i'd get there, my dd was happy, playing, no fever. DOH!!!!!

and to think i lost that job because of all the times daycare made me pick her up for nothing.....

My dd also has sensitive skin so does get freaky rashes (Moreso when she was younger....They would usually go right away in a day or so. She gets like an eczema thing on her inner elbow and knees. Once the dance teacher made me take her home and not to come back without a dr's note because the teacher thought she had ringworm... I knew this was not the case but got the note anyway and shoved said note in her face....
Never got bothered again....

Just a working parents point of view....

My DD had the same rule -unless you have a fever or are throwing up, on the bus you go. She would play sick every day if she thought for one second she could get away with it. She does not like school at all ;) .

When I say, loads them up with motrin and sends them to school, this is the incident (one of many) that comes to mind: This boy fell asleep during circle time mid-morning three days in a row. Was sent to the nurse had 101 fever every day. THe second day, instead of taking him home or to DR, she had him go to HER clasroom and wait till the end of the day. Why the school allowed that, I'll never know. Although, she is good friends with the school's nurse. Third day back at school again, same thing. Finally leaves work to take him to the Dr. where he had an ear infection and strep throat. All her kids get strep constantly.

Oh my, in your senario, I would never even bother a parent at work (except to approve meds), never mind make them leave work for a teething child, and the symptoms, as you describe them, are obviously consistant with teething. I hope my post didn't come off as that is something I would do in my daycare :confused3 .

However, it is my responsibility to keep this enviroment as healthy as possible for everyone's children (including my own). From a Daycare Mom's point of view, believe me, it is a fine line and can be an uncomfortable confrontation (the coxsackie incident surely was) to deal with. So much so, I will always give the benefit of the doubt first. That being said, there is a big difference between a common cold and a sick, fevering, contagious child, and Moms know the difference ;) . I consider myself a working Mom too, and do not get paid when I have to close my daycare due to illness on my part. Bottom line, common sense should always prevail on all sides.

JMHO :hippie:
Hey folks....I'm back from DL (boo hoo) and trying to ketchup while doing actual work....

Had a great trip. Got to have a mini meet with grandma X3 (Chris) and her DGKs. Had a lovely afternoon with them, especially Rockin' Space Mountain. My son loved having other kids around. Poor guy, he's usually stuck with just mom.

I'll be poking along here trying to see what went on this weekend.

Hi all! We arrived back from vacation Saturday evening. Spent Sunday (Easter) at MIL's, and yesterday getting things back in order.

It's been so long since I've posted.....I feel lost again. But I wanted to tell you all about our Magical time at Disney.

I'm so sorry we weren't able to make it to the DIS mini-meet. Hope you all had a great time. We were primarily down there for a wedding. So we had to plan around that and visiting with family, etc.

We went to Epcot on Tuesday, April 3rd. What a great day! Upon exiting our second ride of the day (Living with the Land), a CM asked us how many were in our party, and then handed us each a Dream Fastpass. Boy, did that make our day go smooth! We were spoiled after this. On Wednesday, April 4th, we went to Magic Kingdom. Even though it was an extremely busy day, I never felt the crowds were unmanagable. We took Fastpasses for each of the "big" attractions, and POC was the first ride we hit. We never waited in line longer than 30 min. all day, and managed to do everything we wanted to. In the late afternoon, we were headed over to redeem our Space Mountain FP, and a CM approached us and handed each of us a one-time use FP good for any ride. I'm telling you....the pixie dust was just flowing!

Our weather was perfect! Just an overall great trip. Hope I didn't miss too much around here. Hope everyone is well.

Happy Birthday to everyone who celebrated over the past couple of weeks!

:welcome: Welcome Home, Deanna & Monica :welcome:

it seem like there's alot of inter-acting going on or some are
just unlucky running into the cranks. :rotfl:

:flower3: to o'bmv. however, it still sounded like a wonderful wdw
trip. maybe, they were wishing for some of your devil's juice? :rolleyes1
maybe you should have shared? [ i think accidentally spilling would been
a waste...so sez the lil'devil in my pirate: ]. my guess, the lady @ wdw
was using that as an excuse to stopped her nagging kids? while your
boss was probably hoping you took her with you? maybe they were at
the "rocking-d bar" causing a bunny hop? ......p.s., if you rever decide to
share, plez let us guys know first. * they're are the ones that usually starts
taking their clothes off...after one tote. & "i", already seen too many
shocking things in my life, already. Good for you! not wasting any
of the "good stuff"....but if you ever run into her again, have her "look"
into your glass before letting it flies. [:dumbo: ].

social skills 101...its just as easy to give those around you~ a reason to
like you than not. those never learning the basics...grow into personality
disorders. they are miserable people and in order to feel good about
themselves, they hurt others. unfortunatley, those that lives life
well, are usually their targets. (esp. when they find a position to do so)
i must commend you on your professional "limit setting"...redirecting is
the way to blocked out their annoyances and move on.

* i have felt others asinine responses , & it is easy to tell the difference.
however, i am most "defensive" when it comes to my children...& i came
from a family of 7 boys {3 sisters/spoilt...just to show it based on reality,
my oldest had a blue convertible T-bird...(high school)...while i only had
a 59' chevy el canio= :rolleyes: }....warning! can & will explode! :eek:

yep, that's me> :simba: , barely trained. 2004 cruise,i asked 2 fellas to
make a lane so i could leave the farewell show. what they did, were to
locked arms as a barrier...feeling ill, i was in no mood for games, so
i burst thru with ease..while one gave me the evil eye, my response was
to the point..bring it on, i 've no problem vomiting all over you! :snooty:


I had to chime in ...

... I get the same way... except I think I would have been happier to have vomited on the turkeys who wanted to lock arms! (NOT!) However, the thought seems laced with enuf mischief and vindictive nonsense to make me seek out a mirror to double check if I didn't somehow wake up a different person!

At any rate - I can get mildly defensive when vile folks rear and vent. However, I like to think that my responses are measured and remain ... diplomatic. My spouse on the other hand usually counsels me to let it pass if she's around. And most of the time I relent. Ocassionally I get to witnessjustice in action though.

Once we were drivin' north on the 101 (AKARATEMOM... this is just in your neck of the woods!)... just as the 101 exits the fringe of Ventura the freeway opens to a beautiful ocean side drive and I noticed and watched in my rear view mirror as this convertible corvette was zig zagging through the cars... not safely or casually - but maliciously. And as they passed me two lanes over through the emergency lane the passenger was raising a clenched fist in mock defiance and I had just enuf time to glance sideways at my spouse to see her looking my way and shaking her head. I and the other driver had not had time to actively block this driver nor did anyone LIKELY even SEE these guys coming up on them. I notice them only because I drive a LOT and tend to scan front and back all the time.


Well... not more then about 5-15 seconds AFTER these guys passed I missed seeing in my rear view mirror (due to the distraction this corvette posed) that a California Highway Partolman went zipping pass (slightly safer driving but just as fast) in pursuit! My spouse broke out in a whooping hollar and turned to smile big at me. If anyone ever deserved to be pulled over it sure looked as if these two MIDDLE AGED guys deserved it! We got a good look at the pulled over cars with the driver in the moment of reaching back for his wallet as the CHP had his door open but was not out yet. Maybe he was about to tell them to hold thier hands up before he approached? We passed at freeway speeds and I had no more then a glance obviously.

And you know what? I would even be nice enough to volunteer - that MAYBE these guys had a good excuse for what they were doing... maybe his passenger was spouting blood and he was running to the hospital (NOT - as no hospitals are in that direction) ... or something similar... but the officer would make that determination. And if not outrageously justified somehow (what would be, eh?)... then I hope their citation was an EXPENSIVE one. Folks with such bad habits tend to continue their bad habits until "it hurts". Either their insurance gets too expensive, their tickets cost too much (successive tickets in short order cost mush more), their license gets suspended (same bracket reason as above)... or they wreck their car and get injured. Actually, the "Lucky Ones" are those who learn their lesson with a ticket and traffic school... or those who DON'T get tickets or into accidents are the lucky ones.

At any rate, we're ALL probably had run ins with the folks described (below)


social skills 101...its just as easy to give those around you~ a reason to
like you than not. those never learning the basics...grow into personality
disorders. they are miserable people and in order to feel good about
themselves, they hurt others. unfortunatley, those that lives life
well, are usually their targets. (esp. when they find a position to do so)
i must commend you on your professional "limit setting"...redirecting is
the way to blocked out their annoyances and move on.

I tend to feel a pang on sorrow for folks who have lost their attitude. I've had moments when I lost MY attitude (possibly in a different way, though)... and now I think I've largely mastered my wild "bad" feelings .... but I remember the past when I was not master - but slave to ocassional wild feelings. And it's a sad time. Now - I know some day in the future I'll likely lose it again - maybe in the midst of a tragedy or if I'm lucky I'll lose it over really good joke. But when I do I hope to survive it without causing anyone else undue harm or brusing their feelings.


Lil' Grumpy, as usual, your contributions were poetic and insightful.... thanks for sharing your thoughts. :thumbsup2

Oh yeah... you're a nut too!
JUST Like me!​

Speaking of....

.... me being a "nut"... I remember once I felt like a nut when I RENAMED MY DOG on account of a fellow who worked for us who was emotionally unstable and abusive with coworkers. He had some responsibility over others and I was trying to salvage him to a tolerable state. I rarely fire people except in cases of fraud or criminal investigation - or suspected misconduct. Letting people go is a touchy thing that I prefer to avoid unless absolutely necessary. Well... I had one person approach me admitting their reluctance on account of their assuming I was "protecting" the offending worker. Well... I explained that I was protecting NO ONE.... but as a matter of practice I was trying to salvage this person - and I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that maybe their conduct was temporary and possibly linked to a temporary personal hardship outside of work. Matters like that are not things I ask or probe about typically.

In the end - I demoted the fellow to obscurity where he could influence no one. As predicted, he resigned and I had no employment reference inqueries. I sincerely wished him well - even though he had cost me a lot more $ then he ever got paid... and I lost considerable time an energy in renaming my dog on account of his name sounding similar to my dogs original name!



Ladieeeeeeeeesssssss and gentlemeeeeeeennnnn!!!

Welcome to the First Annual
Easter 2007 Deathmatch!!!!!!

On my left wearing DISgreen Crocs and a lime DISgreen t-***** (even though EVERYONE knows the t-***** color of the day is BLACK) with the DISgreen thong stolen from Jasmine and the Hidden Mickey tat on her fanny

And on my right wearing the sourpuss look of the century RIGHTEOUS--I CAN'T MIND MY OWN STINKIN' BEESWAX--WOMANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!

Lllllllllllllet's get ready to rumbbllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

READY? FIGHT! <--- Click for fight results!!! :3dglasses


:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Good morning everyone.

It's been an adventure the last week or so. Things have settled down from the layoffs and we've moved into a new building. While I don't like the drive, 20 minutes w/o traffic if I leave my house at 7am, I can see Disneyland and Angels Stadium from the north-facing windows to the right of me. Of course my boss, knowing I'm a Disney fan put me by the west facing windows.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend.

OUCH!!! If I am reading this right!!

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