DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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When I checked my phone on the way out, Stacy had called and left a message right at 5... she and Jay were worried about me because I wasn't there yet!
It feels good to have someone "worry" about you!

Bee, I KNOW the very day you have NO 3's in your number will be the happiest day on this thread ever!!!!!! Do you hear me???? Every one of us is cheerin' for you!!! :cheer2:
She is so right! Looking forward to it!

Ok, time for me; I hate my work envirionment and I am looking into changing jobs or careers. I have a lot of pharmacy knowledge so that's what I'm thinking aobut doing. I have to go to school to get certified and the next classes aren't for a few more mos but I have to apply in the next 2 weeks. I might not be around much depending on what I have to do to get it done. Please wish me luck, this is really scary for me.

Gotta go to a job that I'm rapidly beginning to hate.........:sad1:
Good luck figuring out what you want to do! I used to wish I could get "settled". Now that I am I'm trying to decide what I could change!

Hello to all -- Well after lurking for several months over on the DIS Disney Cruise boards and dreaming of a relaxing cruise with the mouse himself, I somehow found my way this morning over to the WISH board and this thread. Talk about serendipity! :wizard:
Sounds like you're making some good changes - way to go! Welcome!!

The jeans I have on now, and love, are just at my belly button. :goodvibes
Why, why, are those so hard to find!?!!!!

Any good ideas for the best way to make a Mickey Mouse birthday cake - or a favorite one? My nephew is having his 5th birthday right before our WDW trip. I think I decided to make a cake myself instead of ordering, but I don't decorate cakes! But I want to do this one. Can I do it? I know there are some experts here. Opinions, please.
eeyore, I have been on one big roller coaster for the past 4 years, and honestly beyond that. It is so hard to stick with a healthy lifestyle... so much temptation around. Go read my insipiration post and you'll know you aren't alone!! Great for re-starting, I did too back in Feb. Hopefully this will be the last "re-start" for both of us!!

Bee, sending a big :hug: your way.

I managed to do well for dinner, chicken livers w/ onions (200) and a potato and an onion sliced thin and sauteed in a bit of cooking spray (100). I also had my popcorn (200). So I am at 1050 for the day. I will likely have a hostess 100 cal wee-cupcake pack, and maybe a few ff pringles. Exercise was 32 min (2 miles) on the d* dirty elliptical trainer, and 30 reps on all my weights (includes 2 ab machines). I should probably try to at least make it to 1200 cals considering the exercise.

I have started bulking up my meals w/ a big salad, a serving of veggies, and fruits. Seems to help w/ the hunger issues. I also drink 64 oz of water, take my mega-t in the morning and afternoon, and a women's vitamin right after lunch.

Edited to add... add 1 100 cal pack of cupcakes, some ff pringles, and an 8 oz glass of wine (150) to my total... probably at about 1300 for the day.
MHL - ok. I'm skimming, way past time for bed (I'm up at 4ish w/ dd or dh snoring!! so I"M TIRED) and i read Noni... "naughty night" I cant believe she posted that!!! GO GET 'em GIRLFRIEND!! :woohoo:

More :grouphug: for Bee - I cant post here without saying a prayer and sending positive vibes up for you dear Bee!!

and the reason for posting before bed (as if I need a reason!! :rotfl: )
Vernon Hills - a security guard comes home and unloads his gun to put away, only he doesnt do it right, and there is a bullet in hte chamber that discharges and goes out his house into the street - - and HITS A CHILD! ( 8 or 9 depending on which channel I watch - serious condition, not life threatening) She was walking with her mom, for exercise...

and tonight dd wanted to ride her bike while I went out walk/running...

I know, its random. I really live in a peaceful suburb!
Thanks for all the comments on my DD8's weight issues.The thing is I have made alot of changes around here but I took a hard look at the situation and there is much room for improvement.She has a huge appetite(will out eat my DH if I let her) so we had a talk last night.Mainly our motto is the best choice possible.I know if I restrict her too much it will backfire.A couple of examples of what we have done.Sugar is pretty much out of the house already because of DS9's ADHD .Last night we ate out at Wendy's and she chose a grilled chicken salad and yogurt.:thumbsup2 At the ballfield she was offered a caprisun and a small bag of cookies.I let her choose one of them and she had the cookies and a bottle of water.:thumbsup2 She plays soccer twice a week and the other days she plays in the yard(trampoline,bikes,kickball).If any of you have any more suggestions I would love to hear them.She has been hurt lately by other little girls about this and was uncomfortable ay a slumber party this past weekend.Also she is embarrassed by having to wear a bra.Thanks for letting me talk this out.My DH hasn't been any help.He says that when she wants boys to look at her she will stop eating.:sad2:

Bee,way to go on the loss!!!:cool1:

Dance,I love the wraps!!

Dragonfly,is okay.She has been traveling alot(Brazil last week) and this is her busy time a work(lumber buyer).I will tell her she was asked about.

My DD11 (12 in 2 weeks) has struggled with weight since about age 7. Also had to start a bra early. Same thing with the very large portions and poor food choices. Doesn't help that all her friends are very thin. I started all of us on a better eating plan when we returned from Disney in January. Honestly, I got very tired of being the mean food police. I got fed up with her and DH telling me how much they wanted to get healthy and then if I made suggestions or said something like, "You don't need seconds" or "Water, instead of coke" - I would get eye-rolling and huffing. It is hard enough to police myself. I am ashamed to admit that I gave up. I know I need to work on this again. But I am not sure how to do it. How do you help your child without hurting their self esteem?
We're here for all the in between times too Bee... :cheer2: :cheer2:

WooHOOTY indeed!! Now a kind reminder - if everyone adds the grand gathering number to their ressies, WDW room assigner will try and get us all in the same building... from what I've been reading!!

AWESOME!! :cool1:
YAY, BEE!!!!!!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

I still need to add the GG number (next call to Disney). I am wondering how they handle the preferred vs. standard rooms. Shold be intersting, but will be nice to be near each other.

Does anyone else venture to the Creative dis igns boards? They make designs using photo shop and images gleaned from all over, they create amazing artwork for shirts...

I've been looking for one someone designed a year or so ago... I'll find it... but I stumbled on this one!!

:rotfl2: Sandy, I just had to laugh when I saw this. That is exactly what the airline counter guy said to me and my two girlfriends when he saw we were flying to Orlando with no husbands in tow!!!

have A cheerio! or A grape. or A crouton! :lmao:
Yes, please do, Celery :rotfl:

Exercise is 30 min in the d* dirty elliptical trainer, abs, and a weight circuit.
are you a Planet of the Apes fan? When I worked at the Santa Monica courthouse when I was in college, I got Charlton Heston's check with a parking ticket. I wrote on the back, "Loved you in The Naked Jungle". My friend wrote, "Get your hands off me, you d* dirty ape!"

Chromium Picolinate (stabilizes the blood sugar - I have hypoglycemia - helps stabilize all blood sugars diabetics too - ask my grandma - and its a main ingredient in otc diet pills - I take 500 mg when I dont eat a lot of fats!)
I just got some from Costco on Sat. It's also supposed to increase your lean muscle mass, and ever since i hit forty, that's been an issue.

Ok, this isn't TO Spongie, it's ABOUT her....hee hee. I just left her house to return 2 folding tables I borrowed and just as I was leaving, TWO gorgeous, hunky, yummy cable guys arrived at her door!!!!! :eek: You'd think I've never seen males before!!! Anyways, I said "By Misty!!!" and whispered, "You Lucky girl!!!" ;) HA!

OK, I'm no Dene, but I have a great cable guy story: He was working on our living room TV. Then I heard him go to the backyard to work under the house. I took a shower, and DH had put the scales in the hallway:mad: . I opened the door and asked if anyone was around. No answer. I stepped out in my bra and panties to weigh and said, "Hi cable guy!" to be silly because i thought my husband was in the living room. :scared1: It was the cable guy in the living room, and DH and the kids were in the backyard. I ran back in the bathroom so embarassed. I am not lying though; we got free cable for about 6 months after that. (That was when I was younger and more fit, needless to say).

Hello to all --

Howdy do! Nice to meet ya!

And Miss Minnie Moo, I know I had a woo hooty for you. did you get new bling? Way to go!

Nighty night (or naughty) all.

Doesn't that sound dumb? Just call me a secretary! I don't mind. The office administrator is taking all secretaries out to lunch today and I can't go. Got too much work to do and not enought time to do it. My boss is taking me out next week. Hope all you secretaries get nice gifts, flowers, lunches, and lots of appreciation!

MJ.........:welcome: So glad giving up soda has made such a big difference for you already! Sounds like your attitude is in the right place to make this happen! We'll help if we can. Post often so we can get to know you!
So, please dont be mad at me.. just continue to lift me up as you all normally do..
Will do! But Bee...please quit the smoking ASAP. My husband and I cared for his mother for 8 years until she died of emphysema. I was with her when she struggled for her last breath. I know you don't want that for your girls. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't care if you were smoking. I'm off the soapbox. Take care!
Just wish I wasnt so hungry all day and could have not eaten them.
Jen...eat as much fiber as possible. It makes you feel full. Look at the nutrion info and try to pick things that have lots of fiber. Also protein will help you feel full longer. Drink lots of water. Sometimes when you think you're hungry...you're really just thirsty.
my all-time favorite guilty pleasure is chili pies from there........soooooooo yummy!!!
I LOVE the chili pies. Usually just settle for a corn dog. We do not live near a Sonic...thank goodness.
B-Sugar Free Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal 2packs (4pts)
L-South Beach Diet Chicken Monterey Wrap (4pts)
100 Calorie Hostess Cupcake Pack (1pt)
D-Morning Star Chicken Patty(3pts) w/lite english muffin(1), 14 Fat Free pringles (1), cheese stick (1).
S-Fiber One Chocolate Oat Bar (2pts)
Total-17 and I will have a small snack later to finish out the day. I also need to get some more water in.
Good job!
they're just right for me - about and inch or two below my belly button.
Those are cute! I don't have enough shorts so may have to make an Old Navy run.
I should probably try to at least make it to 1200 cals considering the exercise.
I love chicken livers! You're food looks good but be careful. I read that if you get your calories too low, your body will begin to think that food is in short supply and your metabolism will slow down. Eat enough to keep your metabolism up, especially since you're exercising too.
there is a bullet in hte chamber that discharges and goes out his house into the street - - and HITS A CHILD!
OH, NO!!! This is awful! Prayers for the family and the poor guy with the gun.
Sandy, I just had to laugh when I saw this.
I meant to quote your edit. LOVE THE NEW BLING, GIRL! :cheer2:
I wrote on the back, "Loved you in The Naked Jungle". My friend wrote, "Get your hands off me, you d* dirty ape!"
:rotfl2: I loved Planet of the Apes!
"Hi cable guy!" to be silly because i thought my husband was in the living room. :scared1:
I would gladly subject the poor cable guy to the bra and panties mom if I could get free cable for six months! :laughing:

About 800 pages ago, we all introduced ourselves and I think it's about time to do it again. I saw a thread over on another message board where everyone is just filling in a little questionaire so I thought that would be easiest.


Name: Melinda
Age: 44
Birthday: March 3
Location: KY
Occupation: Church secretary
Personal: Married w/ 3 kids: DD17, DD13, DS6
Total weight to lose from starting point: 8-10 pounds
Progress so far: Goal weight!
Method: Calorie counting
Exercise: Walk 2 miles with weights 3 or 4 times per week.
Best tip: Eat lots of fiber and drink lots of water!

Now it's your turn! Just quote this post and fill in the blanks...

Total weight to lose from starting point:
Progress so far:
Best tip:
Name: Tara
Age: 30
Birthday: June 26th (I will be at the SOA show!!! :goodvibes )
Location: Rochester, NY
Occupation: nanny
Personal: Newlywed with 3 dogs, 3 cats and 2 horses! :cloud9:
Total weight to lose from starting point: I forget...I think 23?
Progress so far: 7 lbs
Method: watching fat content and not eating too many snacks!!!
Exercise: walking 3-4 times a week, when I drag myself off the couch, and riding my horse
Best tip: Oprah once said, "Nothing tastes as good as looking thin feels." She got a lot of slack for it but it's true!!! :wizard:

No pics from me....I am late for work and I think you guys have seen enough wedding pics to last for awhile!! ;) Have a great day!!![/QUOTE]
Good morning all---I will do the questinaire later today when I have the right pic.

Hope that everyone had a great day. God bless.

DITTO FROM ME!!!!!!!! i used to be a paralega/legal secretary (a/k/a the person that does most of the work and gets none of the credit) and i know what a hard job that is, so you guys definitely deserve at least a day...if not more! :goodvibes

Name: Sandy
Age: 45+ (and yes, I have a harder time admitting my age then my weight!) :rotfl2:
Birthday: Feb 8
Location: suburb of Chicago IL
Occupation: permanant subsititute teacher k-8
Personal: strong faith, loving family, 25th anniversary celebrated in WDw. I have 3 DK - and a fdil (future dil) 21, 19, 10 (boys are hard of hearing)
Total weight to lose from starting point: 45#
Progress so far: up and down, up and down 0# on the scale..
Method: portion control, exercise
Exercise: I set a goal of the 1/2 marathon in Jan '08 so I'm doing the couch-to-5K running program (see WISH main page)
Best tip: Hang out with your peeps - stay away from negative self talk. Drink your water, eat less, move more - and most importantly - -

Diet and Exercise are not a punishment for getting fat, but a REWARD for getting Healthy!
About 800 pages ago, we all introduced ourselves and I think it's about time to do it again.

great idea! and my, melinda, how skinny you look!!!

here i am...this is me at my 30th birthday surprise party. i tend to crop all pictures of me so that they only show me from the waist, up! ;)


Name: dawn
Age: 30 (fast-approaching 31!)
Birthday: 7/18/76
Location: northeast georgia
Occupation: court reporter
Personal: married w/ no kiddies, but i do have two "babies", my beagles, sherman and eli.
Total weight to lose from starting point: 28 pounds
Progress so far: 14 pounds (i just can't seem to get that new ribbon!!! :mad: )
Method: counting calories by writing down everything i eat, drinking water, exercise
Exercise: a mix of cardio and weights at the gym. my best friend is the group fitness trainer there, so i'm a very lucky girl because i get her free advice! :thumbsup2
Best tip: think of your exercise time as your "me time" during the day - the only time you can release all the worry in your mind and think of nothing but getting through your workout....it makes exercise actually enjoyable! :goodvibes
hubba hubba PUnkin - you look too cool to hang out with me!!

BTW the pic I posted is from '05 and about 10 - 15# lighter - its the pic I've included in the scrapbook - but when I reduced the size it cuts out dd, she is so not happy about that!

The news is now reporting the girl that was shot last night is ten years old.. My heart and prayers do go to the family - and I also pray she is not in dd classroom. (DD school is a district charter type school you had to win a lottery to get in) dd 1st grade class (there are 2 classes per grade level) a boy died freak accident with a soccer goal falling on him.

Dance - how's your dd sleeping? DD is NOT sleeping, she was up till 2am - one thing for sure, she'll make a great babysitter!! :rotfl2:
my guess would be lakisha or phil. my favs are jordin and blake. i think melinda can wail, but i just enjoy listening to jordin's voice more. and i think blake is just very creative.

Jordin and Blake are my favorites too!
are you a Planet of the Apes fan? When I worked at the Santa Monica courthouse when I was in college, I got Charlton Heston's check with a parking ticket. I wrote on the back, "Loved you in The Naked Jungle". My friend wrote, "Get your hands off me, you d* dirty ape!"

I just got some from Costco on Sat. It's also supposed to increase your lean muscle mass, and ever since i hit forty, that's been an issue.

OK, I'm no Dene, but I have a great cable guy story: He was working on our living room TV. Then I heard him go to the backyard to work under the house. I took a shower, and DH had put the scales in the hallway:mad: . I opened the door and asked if anyone was around. No answer. I stepped out in my bra and panties to weigh and said, "Hi cable guy!" to be silly because i thought my husband was in the living room. :scared1: It was the cable guy in the living room, and DH and the kids were in the backyard. I ran back in the bathroom so embarassed. I am not lying though; we got free cable for about 6 months after that. (That was when I was younger and more fit, needless to say).

Howdy do! Nice to meet ya!

And Miss Minnie Moo, I know I had a woo hooty for you. did you get new bling? Way to go!

Nighty night (or naughty) all.

You always crack me up Danielle!:lmao:
Name: Mary Lou
Age: 45
Birthday: Jan. 12
Location: Upstate New York
Occupation: attorney
Personal: married (23 years this Saturday!) 3 daughters, 11, 13 and 15 and 1 dog
Total weight to lose from starting point:65lbs
Progress so far: 20 lbs
Method: Calorie Counting
Exercise: elliptical, walking, light weights
Best tip: lots of water
Name: Robin
Age: 41
Birthday: March 12
Location: Central Alabama
Occupation: RN and personal taxi driver for DD1 and DD2
Personal: Married-3 kids, DS 18, DD1 15, DD2 11. 2 dogs. Majority of my time spent taking girls to dance practices. DS is "finding himself" currently into electric guitar-
Total Weight to lose from starting point: 40#
Total lost so far: 3#
Method: I have tried numerous. Mostly WW. But Calorie Counting seems to be working the best for me.
Exercise: elliptical, gazelle, some weights and now crunches for my tummy. Mostly it has been hit and miss- mostly MISS. Gotta work on this-
Worst pitfall: Fast Food. And talking myself out of exercise.
Best Tip: Everyday is a new day. Success may not come in a day but IT WILL COME!
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