Mystery Pins

Oh by the way, DJblu883. You should have no problem trading those pins, as long as they can tell it is from the kid.

I'll tell you a great story that happened one time. Have you seen those little "make your own pins"? You can add little charms. I saw a great CM that accepted one of those for a pin from a very small girl. We watched it happen and when the kid left I complimented him on a great job. I even offered him a pin so he wouldn't get "in trouble". He declined, but it was very nice of him.
that my dear is why you let it trading as with any hobby is for fun...when it becomes UNFUN...its time to let it go....OR...look at things from a different perspective....I'm listening to right now...24 hour Disney music...its not a Disney Radio station but a Disney lover who broadcasts this for all who have a love for Disney to enjoy....listening to it makes the small stuff even smaller...right now they are playing the music that goes with the Fantasmic Show...pins...huh what? I see MICKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao: :surfweb: :wizard: princess: pirate: :hippie:


You put that very kindly and I'll honestly take what you say and think about. I honestly feel weird about "turning" them in. It was never my idea to "turn anyone in", I was instructed to do this by the manager I spoke with. I really need to find that card and see if I can get in touch with her to help clear this up.

I brought it up only b/c I was very curious about how a subculture (mystery pins) to a subculture (pin traders) could just pop up. I thought my turning in the people that were breaking the rules would be a good thing to right past wrongs.

I am in no way trying to take fun away from anyone, but please understand to me it is unfun (if I may use it as a word) to have to deal with. Maybe I'll stop complaining about it at the parks, but I was asked to by management. I thought I was helping the Disney product, which I do love (yes, even more than universal lol).
the pins were 4 tiny Christmas pins but not make your own or add charms to...each one was a mini of a bigger Christmas pin of Mickey, Goofy, Donald and Minnie I think...Ryleigh will have her own lanyard for her own trading..Thanks

Oh by the way, DJblu883. You should have no problem trading those pins, as long as they can tell it is from the kid.

I'll tell you a great story that happened one time. Have you seen those little "make your own pins"? You can add little charms. I saw a great CM that accepted one of those for a pin from a very small girl. We watched it happen and when the kid left I complimented him on a great job. I even offered him a pin so he wouldn't get "in trouble". He declined, but it was very nice of him.
I am not supremely disgruntled :) I was told by upper management it was not allowed. Disney fans on a message board are telling me it is. Who should I believe?

I am not just a Disney fan, I am a former CM and Trainer that worked her way up through blood, sweat (a lot of that in Florida) and knowhow. I am telling you that it is allowed, and I am also telling you that you could easily get someone fired by filing a complaint on them at WDW. Why would you do that to someone you didn't even talk to or know is staggering to me. All for her trading mystery pins? Who will be next? CM's work HARD for Disney and they do not get paid what they are worth (most of them). These people deserve respect and not unwarrented complaints that could adversely affect their jobs in a competitive market that is located in a very expensive place to live. I think you seriously need to let this go before you truly damage someone's job.
You know after reading his explanation of what happened I wonder if what she was apolgizeing for wasn't the snotty behavior of the CM who said that they created the Mystery Pin concept to "frustrate" pin traders because CMs hate them... being mean to guests would certainly be against policy.

That said I highly doubt she meant there was a policy against the Mystery Pin concept its self.

Well I would love to see where that phone number goes to.... I know enough CMs that are high ranking in the Disney pin world on both coasts well enough to trust when they say there isnt a policy, there isnt a policy. ALL of the "pin trading policies" are the same on both sides of the coin- What you read in Pin trading etiquette on is the same info thats posted for CMs to follow.

What that manager at City Hall was illuding to I have no idea, but I think it was simply to appease you as the guest as its obvious to you that nothing has changed in regards to mystery pins property wide.
But dude - I thought you said Disney Policy was like all important, shouldn't you be outraged that this CM didn't follow policy?

I'll tell you a great story that happened one time. Have you seen those little "make your own pins"? You can add little charms. I saw a great CM that accepted one of those for a pin from a very small girl. We watched it happen and when the kid left I complimented him on a great job. I even offered him a pin so he wouldn't get "in trouble". He declined, but it was very nice of him.
1) I only filed a compliant b/c I was told to if I saw any more mystery pins, so she was outraged by mystery pins. I don't believe we ever got the chance to tell that I asked the girl 3 times and was turned down.

2) If the CM went against policy to make a guest happy, why would I mind? Especially a small child. But if I ask three times (and it is against policy), they should flip the pins over. You really can't see this?

Guys, I realize you guys are big Disney fans and want to defend the company. I am a huge Disney fan. I don't mean to insult any of you that were former CM's. I was told to file a complaint if I saw any more mystery pins by upper management. I just wanted to help make Disney a better place. I thought I was doing a good thing.
We love mystery pins. I've traded for some of my best, and some of my worst pins as mystery trades. Frankly, it doesn't matter to me if it is policy or just a bit of fun, that someone thought up along the way. But I shy away from legalism IRL, also.
What if they made something up you didn't like?

What if they stopped giving you ice?

Does it really matter if we agree or not?

This is the question I was curious about when I brought it up.
I'm sure there are many things I don't like. That leaves the option of participating up to me. I like spontanaity, and flexibility, but I know that many feel more comfortable with consistency and regulation.

Don't like ice...

And, no, differing opinions are what make the world go around!
What if you went to a resturant and order burger and fries, and the waiter said he decided to just not bring you fries..or a drink..or whatever?

You don't get upset?

Hmmm... if not you are a very, very nice person :)
I guess that I see it differently, because when I purchase a pin, I'm not paying for the right to trade it regardless of the rules, etc.
If I go to a resteraunt and they wont give me ice, I have no other recourse as I just blew my CS or TS on that meal and don't have enough credits to go to another resteraunt.
If I see a CM trading a pin in a way I don't like - I can always move onto the next one - no big deal, no loss to me.

As to your quote above about making a guest happy - you continue to state that you're only concern is that CMs are breaking rules and you don't think they should break rules. You continue to say that you don't care about the incident its self, but that CMs are "making up rules" that "go against policy"...

If you were truly that dogged about adhering to the rules there would be no reason for you to forgive infraction of rules in one case, and report someone without having ever spoken to her for doing something in another. (not that I am conceeding that it's even against the rules.)

But let us, for one moment, say that you are quite correct and the rules are explicitly against this... you said that it was ok that the CM break the rules for the litltle girl because it made her happy...

Let's go with that.

So as you've seen on this board the mystery pin concept makes many, many guests in Disney World happy... so they should have to stop because you don't like it? What makes your happiness more important then the hundreds of other pin traders who derive great pleasure from this "game"?

If it is ok to break the rules to make a guest happy - and mystery pins make most guests happy, where is the problem?

As for asking the CM to "turn it around 3 times" - that wouldn't make other guests who enjoy the game very happy. After all, why should you get special privlages just because you don't like the game? Especially when you have the option to simply not play with no loss to you.

So again I ask you:

1.) If mystery pins make the majority of guests happy (and from what I see here - they do) then what's the harm? (Assuming your logic that it is ok to break the rules to make a guest happy)

2.) If it is thus ok to play the Mystery pin game because it makes so many guests happy, why should any one individual be able to cheat at the cost of degrading the game for all the others?

What if you went to a resturant and order burger and fries, and the waiter said he decided to just not bring you fries..or a drink..or whatever?

You don't get upset?

Hmmm... if not you are a very, very nice person :)
I think that is extremely well said.

I simply want you to understand that you could really harm someone's job by complaining about something like that. Complaining because they are doing their job and playing and interacting with guests through a game is just plain silly. It does not make Disney a better place.
I'll try to answer your questions.

1) I don't believe they make the majority happy. Disboards are not the majority :) If it is against their policy they should not do it. Even if they want to do it for the ones it makes happy, so be it. For the ones it upsets, they should not. Easy as pie :) Everyone is happy and nobody loses.

* For you office fans (tv show), it is a win-win-win LOL.

2) It is not cheating if it is against Disney policy (which they told me it was). Honestly, I don't know who is who on this board. I will be respectful of everyone. But I believe the person I spoke to in City Hall was working for Disney, not people on here (not doubting that you do).

3) If it is against Disney policy, they are not doing their job. So it would not be silly. Remember, I was asked by DISNEY to turn these guys in.

I just got off the phone with Michael Dublin from WDW Services. He confirmed with me that mystery pin trading is NOT against Disney policy and that CM's are allowed to do it as long as they adhere to the guidelines of the game. Part of adhering to the guidelines would be NOT turning over pins for one guest and turning them over for the next one.

Mr. Dublin thanked me for the call and said he would check this thread online. He also stated that you are more than welcome to call anyone at WDW to verify what I am telling you now as well as the fact that I was in fact a CM and in Management. Just let me know if you need my information, name, whatever. Please call them. You will realize the Manager you talked to was trying to appease you in the moment and that you were misinformed.
1.) The Dis is what can be reffered to as a representative sample... you know like you use in marketing studies (You don't really think they ask every person on the planet how they feel about something do you? Of course not)

not to mention that if this was't a popular concept grab bags wouldn't be so darn popular... and the mystery pin is actually better then a grab bag, because you can't usually trade a grab bag for something else if it sucks.

Let's look at the question of policy logically shall we? Hmm there are a lot of CMs doing it, if it was agaisnt policy these CMs would get fired... then nobody else would do it because nobody is going to lose their job over something like this... logically it stands to reason that folks are not putting their jobs on the line in this economy over a stupid mystery pin.

Next please don't speak to me of respect. You have taken it upon yourself to start a crusade against something that you don't like - because you don't like it. No matter how many other people you may deprive of joy if they lose this simple pleasure. You want your own way - and could care less about anyone else. I don't call that respect.

You can't seem to make up your mind when it is and isn't ok to break the rules, the only litmus I can see by your way of thinking is it's only ok if it makes you as an indiviual happy, regardless of the joy it brings to anyone else. If it doesn't make you happy, who cares about anyone else it's gotta be wrong right?

I fail to understand why you feel the need to take it upon yourself to deprive others of something they love simply because you don't like it. What would happen if I decided that CM was wrong from taking that pin from the little girl? And I reported that CM, and then I decided that it was unfair that any child should get special treatment because I'm an adult and that's not fair... so I started reporting every CM I saw do something nice for a child... what would you think of me then?

If your claim is that what is important is making guests happy, then shouldn't a CM take into consideration that doing what would be considered cheating in this game by other guests, whether it's offical policy or not, might make more guests unhappy then the one (In this case you) guest who wants him to "cheat"?

In other words should a CM choose to make one guest happy over all the others?

If you don't like this game - don't play it.
If you are just pissed off because you didn't get your way - and you don't like that, be a man and say it. At least being honest about it would show some guts.

I'll try to answer your questions.

1) I don't believe they make the majority happy. Disboards are not the majority :) If it is against their policy they should not do it. Even if they want to do it for the ones it makes happy, so be it. For the ones it upsets, they should not. Easy as pie :) Everyone is happy and nobody loses.

* For you office fans (tv show), it is a win-win-win LOL.

2) It is not cheating if it is against Disney policy (which they told me it was). Honestly, I don't know who is who on this board. I will be respectful of everyone. But I believe the person I spoke to in City Hall was working for Disney, not people on here (not doubting that you do).

3) If it is against Disney policy, they are not doing their job. So it would not be silly. Remember, I was asked by DISNEY to turn these guys in.
I still wouldn't bet that he didn't confuse the attitude he received when gettig the explanation for what she was apologetic for...

God knows that "Because we hate you" is a really crappy answer to a question when speaking to a guest...


I just got off the phone with Michael Dublin from WDW Services. He confirmed with me that mystery pin trading is NOT against Disney policy and that CM's are allowed to do it as long as they adhere to the guidelines of the game. Part of adhering to the guidelines would be NOT turning over pins for one guest and turning them over for the next one.

Mr. Dublin thanked me for the call and said he would check this thread online. He also stated that you are more than welcome to call anyone at WDW to verify what I am telling you now as well as the fact that I was in fact a CM and in Management. Just let me know if you need my information, name, whatever. Please call them. You will realize the Manager you talked to was trying to appease you in the moment and that you were misinformed.
I have been honest. I just feel you guys are hostile.

I'll just continue to complain about the ones that do it. I have that right and I will use it.

Happy trading to everyone!
Very true! Whatever floats your boat- it is a free country, however......
It's OK folks, Disney is aware that someone may be complaining about this and they will not be filing any official complaints about mystery pin trading. I have the word of upper management! If someone is rude during pin trading or rude to a guest, that is a different story, but I was just told by a very reliable source that mystery trading will continue by popular demand and that only a handful (literally) of people have ever actually complained about it. The complaints will be unheeded. So complain away!


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