Quiet pool?


DIS Veteran
Aug 11, 2001
okay here we go let the fireworks begin!
Why is it that on the DCL there is an adult only pool,beach and resturant and yet at the resorts there is no quiet place for adults to unwind? DH and I were at SS beautiful day by the pool, just fell into relaxation mode and here comes a woman with her two kids screaming, they are all over the pool all the adults get out and she doesn't get it/? Then the kids repeat and repeat calling for her and she refuses to respond for a good twenty minutes! Guess it didn't bother her! Finally I got up and and nicley said "I am not sure but I think your children want you" She proceeded to get up scream at them and return to her chaise.
Disney is for children but can they make a little corner of the world where some adults can just relax and have some down time? I love kids as a matter of fact I work with them everyday but just a little serenity?
We were at the quiet pool hot tub one night @SSR and a man and his 4 kids come to the pool. He comes over to the hot tub and sits with his back to them while they played and screamed in the pool. They hollar and hollar for him, like your scenario then, upon his lack of responce they ALL come to the hot tub and start jumping in, the little ones doing cannon balls and such. :rolleyes1 Needless to say, I went over to a more quiet area and sat, continuing to watch my own children at play in the pool.

I can't imagine zoning out while my kids are in the pool with no life guards on duty (for there are none at the quiet pools). This is my own meager opinion of course and have learned there are MANY different parenting skills out there.

We are waiting for our children to get older so we can frequent Pleasure :woohoo: Island. It seems to be an adult zone of sorts... For now I will continue to watch them play and enjoy life, and teach them to be respectful of others especially in public environments.

It's the unsupervised children in the hot tubs that is my pet peeve.

In the past, my DMom has been on trips, and we're morning persons and have enjoyed peace and solitude in the DVC hot tubs/pools before 8AM.

"Quiet pools" are not necessarily quiet. All it means is that there is no lifeguard located at that pool and you accept the risk of swimming without a lifeguard.

But it surely doesn't mean that one family can take over the pool and make everyone else move out. Maybe it takes a conversation between the two member families to make it work. Though it seems like the PPs did try that and it was not successful. You could always contact the front desk.
Why is it that on the DCL there is an adult only pool,beach and resturant and yet at the resorts there is no quiet place for adults to unwind?

I always assumed it was because those features are staples of the cruise line industry and Disney would be alienating many guests by not providing similar amenities. By comparison, adults-only areas of resort hotels are the exception rather than the rule.

I can't see Disney going down that road with the resorts. It's impractical in many regards. At SSR alone you have 3 "quiet pools" and just the one main pool.

Some areas of Downtown Disney are still adults only, so I guess it depends on one's definition of "unwind." ;)
I can understand the request, but I don't see how it could be implemented at any of the current resorts. BWV is the only place where the quiet pool is reasonably close to the main pool, so making it adult wouldn't be a hardship on famillies - except that the community hall is at the quiet pool!

I don't see how any of the quiet pools at SSR could be made adult only without creating other problems. Maybe the one in the Paddocks because it's so small already, but it's not reasonable to ask a family to confine their kids to a pool that's on the other side of the resort from where they are staying.

The other problem would be enforcement - the only way that would work would be staffing, which ups member fees, etc.

It's a nice thought for a future resort, though

I always assumed it was because those features are staples of the cruise line industry and Disney would be alienating many guests by not providing similar amenities. By comparison, adults-only areas of resort hotels are the exception rather than the rule.

I can't see Disney going down that road with the resorts. It's impractical in many regards. At SSR alone you have 3 "quiet pools" and just the one main pool.

Some areas of Downtown Disney are still adults only, so I guess it depends on one's definition of "unwind." ;)

Perhaps on some of the newer cruise ships they have an "adult only" pool, but I have been cruising for about 20+ yrs and while alot of ships had 2 pools one wasn't designated "adults only". They were usually not used much, as they didn't have a bar close by.:rotfl:
I find that sometimes "adults" who arrive at pools with their 6-packs and footballs or frisbees are way more bothersome than children. Unless someone creates "library" pools (no talking, no splashing, no distractions of any kind) I don't see adults-only as a guarantee of peace & quiet.
as for the three "QUIET POOLS" at SS they are not visible to my eye! There are pools that appear to be "quiet Pools" but some selfish or short circuted parents just don't care, I over heard one mom say that they came over to the smaller pool because the main pool was loud and her kids were screaming at the tops of their lungs. So is it that she can't stand to hear other peoples kids scream but hers are okay? I am aware that the pools are much quieter in the am but if I want to relax and catch some sun 8:00 am is not going to work.
I remember the first time we went home. At check in we were clearly told where our rooms were and where things were located and specificly that one area was a quiet pool for relaxing. Whatever happened to that I have no idea.Last time there I had to ask a girl to say something to her DB who was doing cannonballs into the jacuzzi while two women were in there, my DM & DS! If you know this jacuzzi it is about the size of a kiddie pool at walmart.I was concerned about all three of them and was told by a ten year of to go F myself
Disney really needs to check some of this stuff out and see the percentage of owners would like a little "quiet" place like on the cruises
I agree that there often are many noisy people at the quiet pools and they can really annoy others who are there to relax and unwind. Having young children in the hot tubs is a pet peeve of mine, also. (Especially the smaller ones -- the heat is not good for them)
I've been pretty lucky on our last visits to WDW -- I haven't run into too many loud families at the pool.
So far I've had some good results at just asking kids to keep the volume down, or please stop splashing over here, etc.
What I haven't found a great way to deal with, however, are the parents who just ignore what their children are doing. That's a hard one.
I suppose if I saw something that really worried me, or got me mad I would find a DVC employee and express my concerns. Not exactly the best solution, but - heck - I'd like to relax on my vacation, too!! :confused3 :flower3:
I agree that there often are many noisy people at the quiet pools and they can really annoy others who are there to relax and unwind. Having young children in the hot tubs is a pet peeve of mine, also. (Especially the smaller ones -- the heat is not good for them)

IMHO, hot tubs should be off limits to small children because of the potential health issues. Not many kids just sit quietly, they go underwater - and hot tub water is not good for swallowing or going in the ears. It also causes UTI issues with little girls & any diaper "accidents" are going to cause bacteria to breed. Hot tubs are not for children.
IMHO, hot tubs should be off limits to small children because of the potential health issues. Not many kids just sit quietly, they go underwater - and hot tub water is not good for swallowing or going in the ears. It also causes UTI issues with little girls & any diaper "accidents" are going to cause bacteria to breed. Hot tubs are not for children.

I believe there are signs at the hot tubs stating age limits, so they are theoretically "off limits". But if the parents don't enforce the rules...
as for the three "QUIET POOLS" at SS they are not visible to my eye!

I should have pointed this out in my first post but in fact there are no "QUIET POOLS" at Saratoga Springs. Most often resort maps (at ALL resorts) will just have these locations labeled as "pool." In more detailed descriptions they are referred to as "leisure pools" with the only distinction being that there are no lifeguards on duty. Disney has never published behavioural guidelines for these locations, thus your interpretation of appropriate use is no more valid than that of any other guest.

There are pools that appear to be "quiet Pools" but some selfish or short circuted parents just don't care

In lieu of any published useage guidelines, your stance is just as selfish as any other. Sorry, but (paraphrase) "they have the big pool" doesn't cut it since Disney has made no statement that loud behavior is prohibited at the leisure pools.

You can try to convince Disney to establish use restrictions for certain pools, but good luck with that! ;)
I should have pointed this out in my first post but in fact there are no "QUIET POOLS" at Saratoga Springs. Most often resort maps (at ALL resorts) will just have these locations labeled as "pool." In more detailed descriptions they are referred to as "leisure pools" with the only distinction being that there are no lifeguards on duty. Disney has never published behavioural guidelines for these locations, thus your interpretation of appropriate use is no more valid than that of any other guest.

In lieu of any published useage guidelines, your stance is just as selfish as any other. Sorry, but (paraphrase) "they have the big pool" doesn't cut it since Disney has made no statement that loud behavior is prohibited at the leisure pools.

You can try to convince Disney to establish use restrictions for certain pools, but good luck with that! ;)

Perhaps the name "quiet pool" isn't such a good idea, maybe "smaller pool without a lifeguard" would be more appropriate.

By the way at Thanksgiving the CP pool was being used by some rather loud adults(the kind that Jarestel mentioned). It was about 9 and I thought rather chilly to be in the pool.
Perhaps on some of the newer cruise ships they have an "adult only" pool, but I have been cruising for about 20+ yrs and while alot of ships had 2 pools one wasn't designated "adults only". They were usually not used much, as they didn't have a bar close by.:rotfl:

Well in MASSIVE cruise experance of ummm 1 cruise. Royal Cribbean Majesty of the Sea, has an adults only pool area.

Well in MASSIVE cruise experance of ummm 1 cruise. Royal Cribbean Majesty of the Sea, has an adults only pool area.


That is on the newer mega ships, the older ships had a smaller pool(usually deeper than the main, so not too many kids ventured into them but they were in not the most desirable locations(not like the DCL set up)
i must say TJKRAZ you really need to read a post before you reply! Never in the post have I said they have the "Big One". And if you refer to the map of BW you will note that the pool over by the community center was labeled and I believe still is "quiet" pool"
As far as being selfish, is it took much to ask that a vacation my DH & I have shelled out for by way of our DVC points for almost 13 years be as respected as anyone else's I find you comment to be insulting quite frankly. I began this post to see if there was anyone else who felt the same not to get into a mean hearted conversation throwing barbs.
i must say TJKRAZ you really need to read a post before you reply! Never in the post have I said they have the "Big One".

I'm aware of that. I was just trying to anticipate the next direction the thread was likely to take. ;)

And if you refer to the map of BW you will note that the pool over by the community center was labeled and I believe still is "quiet" pool"

Could be. That's why I said that "most" maps have eliminated the phrase "quiet pool." Still, you were at SSR and none of the pools there are referred to as "quiet pools." Most documentation just refers to them as a "pool", while I was able to find one reference to "leisure pool" in a document I was given at check-in.

As far as being selfish, is it took much to ask that a vacation my DH & I have shelled out for by way of our DVC points for almost 13 years be as respected as anyone else's I find you comment to be insulting quite frankly.

To be blunt, the problem I have is that you're acting as if the people you encountered had no right to be there when they have EVERY right to be there. I understand that you didn't approve of their actions. Unfortunately we live in a world where people have different standards of acceptability.

I certainly wouldn't have allowed my children to act like that and would have probably been just as annoyed as you. But the fact remains Disney doesn't have any posted rules for acceptable behavior at the pool areas. That means the boorish, annoying guests-from-hell have just as much right to be there as you or I. Sorry. :confused3 To imply otherwise is...IMO...a bit selfish. Why should you be more entitled to YOUR idea of a vacation than they are to THEIR idea of a vacation?

I began this post to see if there was anyone else who felt the same not to get into a mean hearted conversation throwing barbs.

Sorry I thought you asked for fireworks. :3dglasses
Only a relatively small number of cruise ships have separate adult only areas but some do. The specifics are much different for a cruise ship than a resort and I don't see it working for most resorts.

There is no excuse for rude behavior. However, my info suggests that Disney never intended the labeling of quiet pool to be an intent of activity or sound but rather an acknowledgment related to theming and lack of extras such as water slides, etc.


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