Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 4

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Hi -
The disney Christmas fabric was cotton - sorry -

Okay -Im ready to toss my ruffler out the door - it keeps jamming (trying to do a double ruffle so its fuller and i dont have to hem) - any ideas????????

thanks, wendy

I've discovered that the ruffler doesn't work very well with double ruffles or especially with doulbe with a lot of seams it seems to jam a lot. I just slid the fabric out a little from the plate when it got to the seam. Then to make the ruffle the same I went back a did a line of basting stitch so I could hand ruffle where the ruffler missed. Hope that makes sense.
Where is everyone? These are some travel pillow cases that I made. Super quick and easy. The girls Disney pillowcases will have rick rack along the seam between the red gingham and white. The white fabric is that minky stuff - SUPER SOFT, the others are made from fannel.


I want to see...just haven't yet. It looks kinda scary and dark. Will my DD5 like it, or should I save it for next year?

When my son was 18 months old he watched NBC EVERY DAY!!! Of course I suppose it would depend on the kid. You should watch it first I suppose... THERESA??!?!?!! I am disappointed in you.
I cannot imagine not seeing a Tim Burton film, let alone a Tim Burton/Disney film...BRILLIANT!

AlliKat, Oh, I so hope we run into each other. We will all be dressed up as gangsters and flappers....we'll have a 2 yo newspaper girl w/ us, so we should be easy to spot.

I was just at Hancock's and found 3 new mickey fabrics. Didn't have any way to take pics though. They also have Minnie dot on sale for 60% off. Juist thought I'd let you all know.

Yippee! I think I'll have to head over to Hancock Fabric then! I was looking for something to do today. :banana:

Teresajoy, thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing okay, after being on the antibiotic for a week the pain has mostly subsided, just a little sore every now and then but nothing like last weekend. I'm still nervous about Monday but I just keep telling myself this will be the worst of it and everything else will be downhill from here on out.

I have done a little measuring and figured out that I can set up the extra small desk I've got in our garage in our bedroom and make myself a permanent sewing area instead of taking over the dining room. I'm excited about getting that ready this weekend.

I gathered up all the flannel that I've got and I'm going to get ready to do a load of pj pants and nightgowns for all of us. I just need to wash what I've got again and then I can get moving on it. I found a super easy pj pattern for DD that has both pjs and gowns on it.

I've got a bunch of fabric already cut out that just needs to be sewn together and I'll do the same for a few other projects so I can just start sewing. Hopefully with a space to work in that I'll be able to more easily continue to work.

Anything good happening at Joann's this weekend?
I was just at Hancock's and found 3 new mickey fabrics. Didn't have any way to take pics though. They also have Minnie dot on sale for 60% off. Juist thought I'd let you all know.

WHAT? 60% off?! Woohoo, I gotta go!

Also, I think it was Leslie that posted about NBC... I may get bashed for this, but I hate it! Dd16 & dd8 don't like it either, dd7 & dd2 are scared of it. Just my opinion, sorry!
Heather and I had a Holly Hobby (or Hobby Hobby as Heather use to say :love: ) canopy bed too!!!! Was it from Sears? Ours had a pink background. I'm sure we have a picture of that somewhere too.

Mine was blue - I think - not sure if it was from sears.
AlliKat, Oh, I so hope we run into each other. We will all be dressed up as gangsters and flappers....we'll have a 2 yo newspaper girl w/ us, so we should be easy to spot.

Awesome!! I'll be on the lookout for you guys!

The girls will be in white t-shirts with appliqued Mickey pumpkins on the front. And, orange & purple Mickey halloween print strip twirl skirts. They'll be dressed exactly the same, so if you see us, say HI!!!
That's so funny, I had a Holly Hobby bedroom too. :rotfl2: Of course there weren't a lot of choices when I was little. Dh always says all the boys had star wars bed sets. I think he still has his old blanket around somewhere.
That's so funny, I had the Holly Hobby comforter set, looked like a patch work quilt. I also had the cardboard playhouse and the pressboard open top toy box. I got them for Christmas when we were in Germany, I think it was either '76 or '77.

As for high school reunions, I had my 20th last month, goodness, it's amazing how some people peaked in high school and are deperate to hang on to that. :confused3 You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to that point in time. You couldn't pay me to go back to my early 20's either. Just about everyone is a mess in their early 20's. :eek: :scared1:

I like looking down the wrong side of my 30's heading for 40. Bring it on! :cheer2: :cheer2: I don't look 38 but I am proud of the few wrinkles I've got and the few grays that I try hard to hide.:rotfl: Thank goodness for hair color in a box. I'm convinced that the best way to prevent wrinkles is to be slightly plump natural fat works so much better than that stuff people inject to get rid of wrinkles plus it's got lots of pros, I doesn't hurt to get fat (in the sense that there are no injection sites) and really if you eat food you enjoy, there's a level of pleasure and you don't have to continue to visit the plastic surgeon, just visit the fridge. :goodvibes

Those are my theories and I'm sticking to them. I'm still working on something that countacts gravity, darn that Newton guy...:upsidedow
Yup, and she had gloves too I think, oh and blue eyeshadow. :laughing:
I bet it was the same one!

Thas funny you say that he left for pizza. Acording to my mother the night I was born it was a nurses bday and my had almost missed me being born because he was running for free cake nice huh. He almost missed my sis cause he was out smoking. :lmao: :confused3 :rotfl2: What are these hubbys thinking.

MEN! :confused3

Where is everyone? These are some travel pillow cases that I made. Super quick and easy. The girls Disney pillowcases will have rick rack along the seam between the red gingham and white. The white fabric is that minky stuff - SUPER SOFT, the others are made from fannel.



These are really cute!

TERESA??!?!?!! I am disappointed in you.
I cannot imagine not seeing a Tim Burton film, let alone a Tim Burton/Disney film...BRILLIANT!


Sorry Tifani!
Teresajoy, thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing okay, after being on the antibiotic for a week the pain has mostly subsided, just a little sore every now and then but nothing like last weekend. I'm still nervous about Monday but I just keep telling myself this will be the worst of it and everything else will be downhill from here on out.

I'm glad to hear it's not hurting so bad now. :hug: You will be fine! We will all be thinking about you Monday.

So cool about your little sewing area!
Mine was blue - I think - not sure if it was from sears.

I know there was a blue version and a pink version of the one we had. I need to dig out those photo albums!

That's so funny, I had a Holly Hobby bedroom too. :rotfl2: Of course there weren't a lot of choices when I was little. Dh always says all the boys had star wars bed sets. I think he still has his old blanket around somewhere.

We could all form a little club!!! How cute your husband still has his blanket!
I still have the Holly Hobby blanket my Grandma made us. It's not in the best of shape anymore though!
That's so funny, I had the Holly Hobby comforter set, looked like a patch work quilt. I also had the cardboard playhouse and the pressboard open top toy box. I got them for Christmas when we were in Germany, I think it was either '76 or '77.

As for high school reunions, I had my 20th last month, goodness, it's amazing how some people peaked in high school and are deperate to hang on to that. :confused3 You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to that point in time. You couldn't pay me to go back to my early 20's either. Just about everyone is a mess in their early 20's. :eek: :scared1:

I like looking down the wrong side of my 30's heading for 40. Bring it on! :cheer2: :cheer2: I don't look 38 but I am proud of the few wrinkles I've got and the few grays that I try hard to hide.:rotfl: Thank goodness for hair color in a box. I'm convinced that the best way to prevent wrinkles is to be slightly plump natural fat works so much better than that stuff people inject to get rid of wrinkles plus it's got lots of pros, I doesn't hurt to get fat (in the sense that there are no injection sites) and really if you eat food you enjoy, there's a level of pleasure and you don't have to continue to visit the plastic surgeon, just visit the fridge. :goodvibes

Those are my theories and I'm sticking to them. I'm still working on something that countacts gravity, darn that Newton guy...:upsidedow

When I went to my reunion, I was amazed by a few things. How short the guys were, and how good most everyone still looked. I mean really! You go to the 20 year class reunion, and you want to see that the skinny cheerleader got a little chunky! You don't want to see her looking EXACTLY like she did 20 years ago, and NICE too! Geesh!

I like your wrinkle theory!!!!! :lmao: :cool1: :rotfl2: :rotfl:

ETA: Hmm, I don't remember if our comforter looked like a patchwork quilt or not. I wish I could find a picture!
Oh crud! I have a potluck to go to tomorrow, and I said I'd make a cake. A cake I've made countless times before. But, wouldn't you know it, I couldn't find my recipe, and had to look up one online. And, I am using a different cake pan than usual. So, I burnt it a bit! UGGH! :scared1: Thankfully, I had enough stuff to make another cake, and the second one turned out better, but STILL a little too done! I'm hoping with the frosting on top, it won't be so bad! Man, that is so irritating!

AND! I can't get my stinking scanner to work tonight! And, I NEED it for a job I'm working on!

Yeah, I thought you all needed to hear my ranting!

On a good note though. I got to see Heather's Cinderella pumpkin outfit yesterday! Except for the ruffle, it's all done. It is GORGEOUS!!!! She even let Lydia try it on. You guys will all have to wait though!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I am making a lion costume and I am taking 6 inch pieces of ribbon, gluing the ends and then gluing to the costume (which is a thin fleece) to make the mane. I have Alene's fabric glue which is supposed to be quick stick...or whatever, but it isn't too great.

Anyone know what I could use that would work better? I have to sit and keep pushing the ends down.

I am making a lion costume and I am taking 6 inch pieces of ribbon, gluing the ends and then gluing to the costume (which is a thin fleece) to make the mane. I have Alene's fabric glue which is supposed to be quick stick...or whatever, but it isn't too great.

Anyone know what I could use that would work better? I have to sit and keep pushing the ends down.

Could you just sew them on? Sometimes I think that is the easiest option.
That's so funny, I had the Holly Hobby comforter set, looked like a patch work quilt. I also had the cardboard playhouse and the pressboard open top toy box. I got them for Christmas when we were in Germany, I think it was either '76 or '77.

As for high school reunions, I had my 20th last month, goodness, it's amazing how some people peaked in high school and are deperate to hang on to that. :confused3 You couldn't pay me enough money to go back to that point in time. You couldn't pay me to go back to my early 20's either. Just about everyone is a mess in their early 20's. :eek: :scared1:

I like looking down the wrong side of my 30's heading for 40. Bring it on! :cheer2: :cheer2: I don't look 38 but I am proud of the few wrinkles I've got and the few grays that I try hard to hide.:rotfl: Thank goodness for hair color in a box. I'm convinced that the best way to prevent wrinkles is to be slightly plump natural fat works so much better than that stuff people inject to get rid of wrinkles plus it's got lots of pros, I doesn't hurt to get fat (in the sense that there are no injection sites) and really if you eat food you enjoy, there's a level of pleasure and you don't have to continue to visit the plastic surgeon, just visit the fridge. :goodvibes

Those are my theories and I'm sticking to them. I'm still working on something that countacts gravity, darn that Newton guy...:upsidedow

:eek: My 20 year reunion is next year! Wow, where does the time go?
Oh crud! I have a potluck to go to tomorrow, and I said I'd make a cake. A cake I've made countless times before. But, wouldn't you know it, I couldn't find my recipe, and had to look up one online. And, I am using a different cake pan than usual. So, I burnt it a bit! UGGH! :scared1: Thankfully, I had enough stuff to make another cake, and the second one turned out better, but STILL a little too done! I'm hoping with the frosting on top, it won't be so bad! Man, that is so irritating!

AND! I can't get my stinking scanner to work tonight! And, I NEED it for a job I'm working on!

Yeah, I thought you all needed to hear my ranting!

On a good note though. I got to see Heather's Cinderella pumpkin outfit yesterday! Except for the ruffle, it's all done. It is GORGEOUS!!!! She even let Lydia try it on. You guys will all have to wait though!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:scared1: What do you mean we have to wait, didn't you take any pictures of Heather's Cinderella Pumpkin outfit??? Don't you know most of us on here are impatient and want to see these creations NOW...okay is it just me? hahaha
Well here are our creations:

Here is a close up of dory:

Here is me & DD drawing the face on hers:

My grammie ended up taking over the sewing of my costume- Thanks grammie- I have a ton to do and on 4 more days!!! So it is all basted together I tried it on today and it fits good. She is going to get it all sewed up and it will be ready tomorrow- but I might not get over there until monday. So I will put it on and have Dh take pics before we leave. It is so cute I'm really getting excited.
I've only had enough time to stay caught on these threads and not so much time to post. So I just wanted to say Great Job everyone- Seems we all had a little sewing aversion there for a bit but some great customs lately!!! There is no way I can bring my sewing machine to FL so I have to finish everything before thursday!! Hope you are having a great time t-beri. I also love NBC- My friends and I used to go to the movies on the weekends pretty regularly and NBC was one of the few movies my Ddad was excited to see so he came with us. He never went to the movies!!! So I guess it was kinda special that he went with us :goodvibes We weren't embarassed- my parents were cool most of the time :lmao: Went to Joanns today to get more fabric for my costume- That pattern LIED!!! GRRR!!! So of cousre I had to look for some of the things that have been mentioned lately- They had at least 4 different starwars fabrics- yoda, darth vader, different space crafts, and one that says star wars on it. cool- just gotta get a pj pattern so I can get to some of those when we get back :) I did pick up a couple christmas fabrics- I already have some snowman fabric I was meaning to make a quilt with. So maybe there will be a winter/ christmas outfit in the future for DD/DS. I am also attempting a pirate/princeess shirt for WDW so I better get cracking- got that stuff at Joanns today too. I'll be back with pictures......
speaking of NBC, on our list of do do's while we're here is taking the boy to see NBC in 3D:3dglasses in DTD. He saw it last year so it's really just an excuse for us to go.

It's almost 4 am and we just got back from DH's gig in St.Pete. Jeesh. Of course we had to go to Wally world after the gig, so I don't have to go tomorrow, I know my way around tampa/St.Pete so much better than O-town:confused3

OK, you'll never believe this. I was sitting here, sewing away:hippie: , when I finished attaching the top tier of my soon to be patchwork tiered twirl dress when I reach into my sewing "stuff" and discover.....the 3rd tier didn't make it into the stash:scared1: OMG, I about cried. well, the originally designed patchwork tiered twirl "skirt" turned into a dress b/c it was a little longer and it's hot here and we're going to wear it to Seaworld and just thought it would be cute as a dress, so frankly the 2 tiers w/ ruffle are plenty long enough to be a skirt. I'm going to tear down the 2 layer ruffle that was for the bottom of the 3rd tier and make it so it fits the 2nd and is only the 1 polkadot layer. My idea is to use the remaining ruffle to add to the bottom of her shirt (black with a glittery orange pumpkin-from Tar-get) We'll see how that goes.
So initially I was totally bummed BUT I know that noone else will know (except all of you and everyone I complained to that I never get my way)that the skirt wasn't what I had planned to create and as we've said here many times our kids would be cute in potatoe sacks so I'll get over it. Though it does suck when you have a vision and a plan and you don't get to see it through to fruition. I guess I'm still getting over it:rolleyes: anyway I couldn't finish it earlier b/c I didn't have elastic, I'd only brought what I knew I needed to finish the dress (including scrap fabric but NOT the third tier) so I had to wait till my WM trip to pick up some. I will sew as soon as I am able to wake up today (it's 4:15 now) and try to get some pics up. Hopefully you guys will be around, looks like today was slow.

ALI if you read this before you leave I will be on the lookout for your cuties!

Goodnight goodnight, parting is such sweet sorrow that I should say good night till it be morrow.:flower3:
:scared1: What do you mean we have to wait, didn't you take any pictures of Heather's Cinderella Pumpkin outfit??? Don't you know most of us on here are impatient and want to see these creations NOW...okay is it just me? hahaha

It is not just you! That is totally unfair and I demand to see the Cinderella outfit now!!!

OK, you'll never believe this. I was sitting here, sewing away:hippie: , when I finished attaching the top tier of my soon to be patchwork tiered twirl dress when I reach into my sewing "stuff" and discover.....the 3rd tier didn't make it into the stash:scared1: OMG, I about cried. well, the originally designed patchwork tiered twirl "skirt" turned into a dress b/c it was a little longer and it's hot here and we're going to wear it to Seaworld and just thought it would be cute as a dress, so frankly the 2 tiers w/ ruffle are plenty long enough to be a skirt. I'm going to tear down the 2 layer ruffle that was for the bottom of the 3rd tier and make it so it fits the 2nd and is only the 1 polkadot layer. My idea is to use the remaining ruffle to add to the bottom of her shirt (black with a glittery orange pumpkin-from Tar-get) We'll see how that goes.
So initially I was totally bummed BUT I know that noone else will know (except all of you and everyone I complained to that I never get my way)that the skirt wasn't what I had planned to create and as we've said here many times our kids would be cute in potatoe sacks so I'll get over it. Though it does suck when you have a vision and a plan and you don't get to see it through to fruition. I guess I'm still getting over it:rolleyes: anyway I couldn't finish it earlier b/c I didn't have elastic, I'd only brought what I knew I needed to finish the dress (including scrap fabric but NOT the third tier) so I had to wait till my WM trip to pick up some. I will sew as soon as I am able to wake up today (it's 4:15 now) and try to get some pics up. Hopefully you guys will be around, looks like today was slow.


Aww, I am sure it looks great! I asked my husband yesterday if we could go to Disney today and he looked at me as if I was crazy! Next year we are going to do the Halloween party for sure: I am so jealous of you and Allikat.

We just found out that our January trip conflicts with Jacob's soccer so we won't be going. :sad1: We will go on spring break in March, but that is a long time to wait! Wait, Teresa, when is your super big trip? Maybe I can convince my husband that we have to go then!
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