Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I set out today to run 6 miles and only made it 4.5 before my PF reared its ugly head. I thought the rest over the weekend of ToT would do it some good but....not so much. :sad2: My Garmin said my pace was 10:12 which is really disappointing too. I guess I am hoping for snow soon so I can start race skiing and give my PF a break for the winter so I can come out strong in the spring. Good job today everyone. Keep on working!!!! :yay:
Hi all,
I'm new to the sight and plan to run my firt half at Disney in Jan. There are very few competitive runs through Marathon Weekend as the weather gets colder. I did a local 5K this past Sunday and posted a 27:26. Now running 6 miles each Monday in the neighborhood. I hope to be doing 10 before the race. I did do the Army 10 miler in 1:47. Hoping Orlando is not as hot as Arlington was on that day.

Bob NJ
Lisa, sorry about the PF thing. Take it easy with that.

EPCOTDUDE Bob, Welcome! It is great to have you join the WISH Team.

I updated the WISH Team 2007 calendar. If you have anything to add please do. The link for 2008 is in the 2007 WISH Team calendar thread. If you have your dates set for next year, post them and we'll get the calendar rolling.

Happy training everyone.
Stephanie - your pics are awesome! WISH was well represented! :banana:

Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME HOME to all our ToT and MCM Wish-ers! Great Job!

Happy Halloween!

I hate halloween, its interfering with my runs today. All my running buddies want to go to school parties or take their kids trick or treating. Where are their priorities??!! JK. Anyway, BOTH my runs were canceled today! :scared1:
However, its just not safe to run alone here. So, I am going to head to the dreadmills at the gym today and then do my usual mid-week long run tomorrow. I really respect those of you that can run on a treadmill for more than 5 miles! I can't even think about it.

No rest for me. My entire family can tell when its a run day. I am totally charged up and ready to go. Amazing actually, considering that I usually take 3 cups of coffee to function nominally.

Have a great day!
Good Morning WISH teammates :surfweb:

I posted this on the Marine Corps Marathon thread, but I wanted to reconnect with the rest of my teammates too.

OK, let me post my official weekend report now that I have a few more pictures downloaded. My Dad and I met Sara and her family in the hotel lobby Saturday morning and took the Metro out to the Expo. We picked up our numbers, and then Sara and I separated. Dad and I strolled around the Expo checking out all of the booths.

We were looking at one booth that had "unofficial" MCM t-shirts and such. They had some shirts that said "Marathon Wife", "Marathon Dad", etc. We looked for a little bit, and then wandered on. I then feel someone tap my shoulder. It's the salesman from the t-shirt booth, and he says "I want you to have this for your Pop". He gave me (well my Dad really) one of the Marathon Dad t-shirts - no charge. I thought that was really cool. Dad was touched, and decided to go back to the booth to buy the coffee mugs we were looking at.

After the Expo, Dad and I drove out to the Air and Space Museum/Hangar by Dulles Airport. Dad worked as an engineer for the space program when I was born in the late '60's, and it was the highlight of his career. He was in heaven at this museum. He was just walking around with his mouth open, going "wow", and taking pictures of everything. We had a great time at the museum.


I sat down on some chairs, and put my feet up to try to save my legs for the marathon on Sunday. We left to go have an early dinner at Lonestar Steakhouse. On the drive back, we were going by the Iwo Jima memorial so we decided to stop and check it out. I told Dad I wanted to show him where we finished so he could get a sense of the area. We found a parking space, parked, and got out and looked around. I figured if we wanted to see the memorial we should do it now - because there's no way we could get near it when the marathon was going on. [Note - that was an incredibly good decision.] Dad had never seen the memorial, and we had a great time walking around. The Netherlands Carillion even started chiming (it was 6:00pm), and it was playing the tunes of all the armed service branches.





After walking around the Iwo Jima memorial, we went back to the hotel and I got all my stuff ready for the marathon the next day.

Marathon Morning- Up early, get all my gear on, eat an energy bar and we meet Sara and Jodi in the hotel lobby.

We make our way to the Metro and meet Chester and Tracy at the entrance.

We get off the Metro, and Mike and Kathy find us as we're getting off.

So we have the whole crew together at the Pentagon for Port-a-John city where Jodi works her mojo picking the right porta potty line.

Colleen calls to WISH us well, and we're about ready to line up for the race. We work our way to the start, and I ask to be on the left hand side of the road because that's where I told my Dad I'd be. We have an airplane flyover and a goose flyover and we're ready to go. We cross the starting line in only 5 minutes which I thought was really good for all those people.

The 5 of us all start together, and as we run the first mile, we pass under the Arlington Memorial Bridge and see Tracy in her WISH shirt sitting off to the right up on the bridge. I never see my Dad, but it turns out he was on the bridge too on the other side. I was distracted by Tracy's shirt.

We wind our way through Rosslyn, and we start to break up a little bit. Mike and Sara move up ahead, Jodi and I are in the middle, and Chester is right behind us. We cross the Key Bridge, go through Georgetown, and around the Georgetown Reservoir. We catch up to Sara around mile 6, I try to chat with her some, worry I'm about to receive a forearm, and decide to leave her alone.

We turn around to head back towards downtown and the monuments. At mile 11 I see my Dad just past the Lincoln Memorial. I wouldn't have seen him but Sara's husband Mike yelled my name. I looked over to see Mike, and he pointed down. There was my Dad. I ran back to give Dad a hug.

Jodi and I are running together. I point out the sites like the famous statue of the guy with the hat. We're keeping up with the 4:15 pace group, but I'm starting to get tired. I normally take walk breaks during my LRs, and I have not taken a walk break yet. I'm going to pay for this later. We see Tracy near the Smithsonian and wave and say hello. We turn and pass the Jefferson Memorial around mile 15, and make a long loop around a golf course on an island in the Potomac River. This is where the course was the toughest for me. My legs are starting to ache, and I'm getting a little crabby. I also could use a water stop. We pass a first aid station at mile 16, and they're passing out tylenol. Cool, I'll take one of those. I tell Jodi that I'm going to walk at the next water stop. We finally get to it around mile 17. I fill my water bottle up, WISH Jodi well, and get my iPOD out.

I start listening to the DISUnplugged Podcast, and it's a good way to kill an hour and a half. My pace really drops off now as I take more walk breaks. I'm probably averaging closer to 11:00 min miles compared to the 9:30 mpm I was averaging. The 4:15 pace group is long gone now, but I'm still on pace to meet my goal of finishing in 4:30. We cross over the Potomac at mile 20 into Virginia, and we reach Crystal City. This is a double back section so I keep my eyes out for Jodi. This helps me through this part wanting to give Jodi a final cheer. We see each other near the turn around point around mile 22 - home stretch now. Mile 23-24 was a long boring stretch around the Pentagon. Not too much interesting here at all, and I'm glad I have the DIS podcast to listen to.

Now we're back on the road we started on, and we're picking up a lot more spectators. The podcast is over so I put my iPOD away. At mile 25 we run past the turn up to the Iwo Jima Memorial where the finish line is. Oooh, that's cruel. The finish line is so close, but we keep on going. How far do we have to go before we turn around? We reach the turn around point, and get a little bit of a downhill. Yahoo! I'm going to be close to 4:30, and if I push it I can beat Oprah's time of 4:29. I make the turn up to the Iwo Jima Memorial and the finish line. My Dad's standing right there at the turn at the start of the hill. I pass him, give him a thumbs up, and continue on to the finish line. I gotta push it to beat Oprah's time. I turn on whatever jets I have left. There's the finish line, I cross, stop my Garmin, and I'm at 4:28:50! Whoo hoo! I did it. I've also set a new PR by 35 minutes. I'm feeling good. I go up to the Iwo Jima Memorial, and get my finisher pictures taken.

Now comes the time to wait in line. I wait to get through the finish line area, get my water, banana, and some Powerade. Meet my Dad at the "W" banner, and find Mike, Kathy, Chester, and Tracy. We snap some pictures, and go our separate ways.

Dad and I head back to the hotel. By the time we catch the Metro the lines are gone. I think they put some more trains on duty, because our train was totally empty when everyone boarded at Rosslyn. We slept well, and got up to go to the airport Monday morning.

It was a great race, a great weekend, and I feel like I made some new friends. I'm definitely feeling a bit of the post-marathon letdown and blues, but all and all it was a fantastic weekend.
Stephanie: great pictures!

Epcotdude: Welcome!

NEPatsfan Bill: about the 40 pounds--if you haven't already been to see your doctor to talk about losing weight, start there. The reason I say this is that a year ago I needed to lose some weight so I started with my doc who gave me a diet that I was able to stick to and within a month had lost over 20 pounds. Sometimes the docs do have the answers (not always, but it's a start).

Glad to see so many people back from the weekend. I'm very much enjoying the pictures!

Have a great day everyone!
Fabulous pics, Dave!!!

I won't be training today as there are too many Halloween festivities going on.
But I did start marking my training plan in my log for the WDW Half - does that count?

I guess my xt for today was starting to search the internet for a new job. :sad2: This place just gets worse & worse. I just wish I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up. ;)
Stephanie - Great pix! I think the one of Scott (my Scott) is perfect for ToT!:rotfl2: Sorry we missed you SUnday night. You family looks great!

Mel - Way to go on teh PR!!!!

Dave - Great pix! O focurse the one witht ehMichigan shirt is my favortie. ;)

Kudos to all who made Scott's parents feel welcome Saturday night. They did think we were nuts but are starting to get it now. :rotfl: They had a really good time. And for those of you who don't know, they were the couple in MGM with WISH shirts cheering, he was in a wheelchair.

So many to catch up wiht, but htis is my first day back and I really need to get going.
Dave -Awesome pics! :thumbsup2

Cecilia - I did pick up my runner's mace yesterday at Big Peach Running Co. Are you doing the half or full for the ING Georgia? Were you planning on joining any training groups for it?

Yesterday DH and I got fitted for new running shoes. This was the first time I've done this. They had me stand on some computer pad that showed my foot prints on a computer screen, then had me run on a treadmill while they videotaped it. I have neutral feet I was told, left foot pronates very slightly. After running around in the parking lot in a few different shoes I ended up going with a pair of Mizunos. We'll see how they go tomorrow!

Glad everyone is starting to get back from WDW and ToT. I'm kinda sorry to read the mixed reviews. DH and I were hoping to do next year's...

Happy Halloween to all of you!
I am back from WDW. I had a good time at the race and at WDW. My DH got some pics of me at the start but for some reason the pics at the finish are not of me!! LOL

I am back to running tomorrow. I think I will take it easy and do 2 miles. Glad to hear all the race reports and that everyone got back safely. MSDave your race report of MCM was interesting. Thanks for the photos and I am glad your dad had a good trip.
Shan - Don't let the mixed reviews fool you. I'm really glad I did it and there were VERY cool things about ToT. Next year they should have a better handle on things too.
Happy Halloween!

I managed to get in 8 miles today in 1:12:10 for a 9:00 pace. Not bad considering I am still a bit sore from the 20-mile LR this past weekend. I am going to start tapering off as I prepare for the Philly marathon. Hopefully I'll get rid of the little aches and pains and find a way to come up with the last 6 miles.

Sounds like everyone is back and enjoyed ToT. The medals look great. Maybe next year I'll try to find a way to run the 13K.

Well, it's time to get ready for trick or treating with the kids!
PatsBill - I will help with the humidity if you can get all the northerners to quit hogging the cold air. ;)

Kristi - Sorry your job isn't much fun right now. Hope your search goes well and something fruitful comes from it.

Dave - Glad you had a good time and run at MCM. Your time was great. :thumbsup2

Cam - Just to give you fair warning, if you are wanting to hold Timmy in January you will need to start doing arm excercises. He is definately getting heavy for extended periods of time. :lmao:

MSDave - LOVE your race report and all the pix. It's so great that your dad could share the weekend with you.

EpcotDude/Bob - :welcome:

GaJen - Hope you don't mind - I've copied your calendar idea and have scheduled all my runs for the month around everything else I have to do, then I'm going back at the end of the day and highlighting them in green if they actually happen. I started Monday and I have 2 green days this week!

I'm hard at work trying to get back in shape so I can do the Victory Junction Half in December with Kathy, Lynne, Pat, Wendy, Beth, Jeanne, and Renee. Ran 3 miles Monday and again today, planning on 8 this weekend (I hope!). Strange thing is that the right ankle is sore after I run, and the left one was broken? The left one still hurts a little for the first couple of miles, then warms up and feels okay.

I'm volunteering Sunday at the City of Oaks marathon - I have the option to defer my entry to next year, but the volunteer tshirt is so horrid that I'm tempted to go ahead and pick up my packet just to get the race shirt. Is it uncool to have the shirt if I don't actually run the marathon?

Jackie: Do you know where you'll be working? I'll try to spot you. John and I will be wearing our WISH shirts so we shouldn't be too hard to find.

Stephanie: Super photos! You even managed to get a nice shot of my husband as he was running through MGM. It was great to finally meet you.
Cecilia, sorry that your runs were canceled in favor of Trick or Treat time. I'll be dreadmilling later tonight too.

Dave, Fantastic pics. I love them. It makes me want to try that event. I probably am not fast enough but it looks like something I would really enjoy. I know DH would enjoy that museum and I would enjoy weaving about the monuments. Win-win!

Jackie, WISHing that you get those steps in for the Junction event.

Shan, Yay! for new shoes. Yeah, don't let those reviews get you down. There are always some things that need tweeking.

Happy Halloween! to all!
Total drive by with a quick question...

Why are the Donald, Mickey, and Goofy images missing from our sigs? Earlier today I saw mine had a broken X in a box, now it's gone altogether. :confused3

(Sorry if this is old news and I'm woefully behind the times. Complete LTO for the past few weeks....DH is in China, DS broke his ankle, DD's biopsy is inconclusive so we wait some more, and no time for me to train.)

Great pics of ToT and MCM. Congratulations to all the Wishers!
Jackie: Do you know where you'll be working? I'll try to spot you. John and I will be wearing our WISH shirts so we shouldn't be too hard to find.

I'm working the water/Gu stop at mile 22. I'm really bummed about the assignment - almost everyone I know is running the half, and I get a stop near the end of the full! I was hoping to see people at the start, but they want us to meet at 7:00 to get to our stop on time, so it's not looking very promising... I'm planning on wearing my WISH visor anyway, just in case.



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