Wk Of Oct 28 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning WISH Teammates: :surfweb:

OK, I'm waking up this morning after a fun Halloween trick or treating with DD6 pooh: and DD9 princess:. I haven't run at all since the Marine Corps Marathon (not that I was expecting to). My legs are feeling OK, and I may try a short TM run today.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hello all! I won't have time to respond to much, but the race reports and pics I've seen from the weekend are great!!

Unfortunately, my weekend and week have been fulled unexpectedly will the death of a family member. My Jordan's grandma was taken off of her life support this last Sunday. I had never been in the room for a death before, so I'm taking this harder than I thought I would. She and I were pretty close as I don't have any older people left on my side of the family. I love older people and would visit her often to hear her stories and whatnot. My intentions were to be there for Jordan and his mother, but I have found comfort in the process as well. The showing was last night and now she is being transported to Georgia and will be laid to rest next to her late husband. The service will be tomorrow morning and we leave today to drive down.

I'll get back on track with my posts next week...fortunately I have been able to get my running in. Hope all is well with everyone and congrats to all of the race finishers from the weekend!
Eva, so sorry for your loss. I find in these times that running keeps me sane. My thoughts are with you. :flower2:
Eva- I'm so sorry for the loss. I WISH you all the best in this difficult time.
Eva: so sorry for your loss

Kelly: I'm having the same problem with my clippies the last few days....sometimes they're there, but most often they're not. I noticed the same thing was happening to everyone so it's probably something out of our control.

Jackie: bummer about being at Mile 22. I have to get a decent copy of the map - the one online is so hard to read. If 22 isn't somewhere all the way into Umstead Park, maybe we'll come visit anyway. Take care of that foot.
Whoo hoo, I got 3 miles in on the TM this morning before work. Legs feel pretty good after the marathon, and I did some good stretching.
Hey everyone, well now with the craziness of ToT weekend over time to get back to regular posting.

First off: Eva I am so sorry to hear about your loss:hug:

Back to regular training, however, but targetting weightloss a bit more. I have gainned 16 pds since the Minnie....just not making good choices, BBQ and mudslides....:scared1: I have set a weights program out for myself. 2 or 3 days of upper...starting with 2 days working up to 3. Also 1 to 2 days of leg work. I am also starting to add some running to my program, I had so much fun doing ToT with DH, and he wants to do all events with me now at my pace so I think it is fair that I try and add some jogging. We will see how it goes.

OK enough of my babbling....back to work.

:thumbsup2 :woohoo: 3 miles with no PF pain :cool1: Back to my 9 mpm pace, finally. Not holding my breath that it is gone but I guess I have to work on technique and shortening up the runs for now. Kim, when I started adding in jogging, I did a mile for mile walk/run which worked well to keep my pace where I wanted it. My DH and DF did this during the ToT and were only 12 minutes behind my partner and I (slow run or slog as my MIL calls it) so you may want to consider that technique. Keep training everyone!!!!!!
Hi everyone!!!! We just back from WDW last night. I hate be being back, but I'm very glad to say that we are going again in 71 days! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: It was so awesome seeing everyone at the race Saturday night, I wish we would have had more time to hang out, but my parents were there with us, so Stephen and I had to balance being with them and being with everyone else. Just Stephen and I are going down for the marathon, so we'll be able to be around more and get to visit with everyone. But I'm glad for the time we had! :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

By the way, is anyone else sick? I picked up something in WDW, not sure if it's virus or the rainy weather, but I have a terrible head cold, slight sore throat and my ear is starting to hurt. Flying last night was fun. :sad2:

Dana--I wish we would have known you were standing right behind us!!! We got quite a few comments on our costumes, I'll have to post pics once I get them up loaded.

Carrie and Stephanie--We should have gone to MNSSHP with you guys, we got rained out of ours! It POURED the entire night, not just sprinkled, but POURED! It was bad. But we did find out that Capt. Jack is a Steelers fan, we of course wore our jerseys (yes, that 3 times :eek: ) and when Jack saw Stephen's Polamalu jersey he held up a 4 and a 3, gave us the thumbs up and then put his finger to his lips like shhhh! Stephanie, be sure to tell DH that! ;)

ToT People--Has anyone e-mailed Disney yet? I think I'm going to have to e-mail them about the race. It was very disappointing and frustrating and chaotic. I doubt we will be back.

MCM Finishers-- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Eva--So sorry for your loss. :hug: :hug:

Colleen--Sent you a PM. Continued :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for your knee!!!!

I have a ton of work piled up on my desk and zero motivation, but I may have to push through and do the work anyway. :) Talk to all later!!!
Hey everyone!

Did 4 on Tuesday, 7 yesterday, supposed to do 4 today. I am starting to freak out about 15 on Sunday- I've done 13 before, but 15 seems so long. I'm going to need to bring lunch and a diet coke! What's that going to take me, 3+ hours? (I am considering getting a portable DVD player to strap onto Harry's stroller- we've still got enough LRs in the future that it might be practical. Babysitters here are $10/hr per child, so that 3 hour run would cost me $60.00 if DH isn't able to watch them- from that perspective, a DVD player is a bargain! :laughing: )

Eva- I'm so sorry.

Melissa- anytime anyone tells me I'm crazy for all this running, I need to bring out that race report! The mud sounded horrible, but then the race involved rappelling too? WOW! :scared1:

Shan- I'm totally jealous of your fitting. That sounds cool. I like my shoes, but sometimes I wonder if the perfect pair isn't out there waiting for me...

Jackie- Glad I'm not the only green ink geek! (I also keep my calendar and all my info in a green expandable folder, but it's a bit over the top. I had to get it because I kept losing my green pen).

Vicki- Singapore?! Wow. That will be interesting. My first thought was to warn you that based on my extensive food network/travel channel viewing, you need to really know what you are eating, but then I'm not an adventurous eater! ;)

Carrie- I saw Scott's parents! Emma got all excited about the WISHers who were cheering! So nice of them.

Cam- somewhere you mentioned "You Can't Stop the Beat" from Hairspray. I must have listened to it at least once per mile yesterday. Good idea!

Dave- I loved your pictures/race report!

OK, here's two indications that I am slowly but surely becoming a runner: first, I was having a fit last night trick-or-treating because I just knew I was going to injure myself in the dark (I survived!); second, for the first time in years, I got a flu shot! I'm never motivated enough to get a flu shot, but when I counted how many miles I've run (and how many I have to go), I decided I'd deal with the whole shot thing...:scared: Now I can act all pious around DH until he breaks down and gets one!

Jen in GA
Good morning everyone, still figuring out who everyone is so forgive me for not knowing you all yet.

Eva - My condolences for your family.

Ran this morning and did a short hill workout on the TM. I have 26 weeks to get ready for the Minnie, and have never run that far so I printed programs from running planet to follow to build up my distance without overdoing it. If I were to follow them exactly in order, then I would have enough time to complete their 5K, then 10K then half marathon plans and end the week we leave for WDW. The half is farther than I would need to run for the Minnie, but I could always level off at the 10K for a while and then add more mileage. Make sense?

So anyway, ran 2.5 this morning in a hill workout in 30:12. I felt good and was happy that I have a goal to work toward.
Good Morning,

My name is Sabrina and I am planning on starting to train for a 5K. I'm not sure of any race dates that I might try for so I will need to do some research.

Any way I need all the support I can get. Plus I hope to join you guys at Disney for a Marathon possibly in 09.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!
Eva - I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

Sabrina - :welcome: You will find lots of support and encouragement here! :goodvibes

Hey Everyone;

:flower3: Ok, be nice, I'm coming over from the Marine Corps Marathon site where there were only 6 or 7 of us, so all of this is a little overwhelming.:confused3

I have no idea in the world how I will keep up w/ everyone here, but I'll give it a go.

Doing the Goofy in Jan., but have't run yet since Sunday's outing & have no clue how to train from here on in...oh well.

I do want to want tell Eva that I am sorry for her loss, keep your head up.

Ok, I'm done.
Hey Everyone;

:flower3: Ok, be nice, I'm coming over from the Marine Corps Marathon site where there were only 6 or 7 of us, so all of this is a little overwhelming.:confused3

I have no idea in the world how I will keep up w/ everyone here, but I'll give it a go.

Doing the Goofy in Jan., but have't run yet since Sunday's outing & have no clue how to train from here on in...oh well.

I do want to want tell Eva that I am sorry for her loss, keep your head up.

Ok, I'm done.
Hi Jodi :wave2: Hey WISH teamers, Jodi's my buddy who I ran with for the first 16-17 miles of the Marine Corps Marathon.
Hi Jodi. Remember me? I'm the one that gave you grief for drinking your water out of glue bottles (that ought to get you started off right here on the big thread)!

Eva - Sorry for your loss. Safe travels.

Sabrina - Welcome. You will get lots of information from all the folks here (some of it may even be useful) ;) .

SWDave - Good job on getting back to it. I'm hitting the pavement this evening while DDs are at dance. I ended up putting double the distance in last night Trick or Treating. DD4 lost part of a grandma hand-made costume so I went and retraced our entire route looking for it (my legs were starting to protest at that point). Never found it but then Kathy went out and found it right away 3 houses up :headache: .

Take care everyone.
Hey Vic - My DW momoftwogirls already thanked you for the AP rate post.

She was sitting in the study yesterday and all of a sudden SCREAMS "Vic posted"... then something I couldn't hear. I thought you'd gone over the edge and finally posted the locker room pictures of you at WWDave's health club.:eek: :eek:

Needless to say, I was greatly relieved to find out it was that the AP rates were out.

Thanks again.


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