"Freeloading" at SSR?

just back from ssr, loads of "illegals"taking the bus to the marketplace. one woman and her husband sitting next to me on the bus asked me if i liked ssr, i said yes and how do you like it, and she replied that they were staying at the hyatt and did not want to wait for their shuttle to leave from the park so the shuttle driver told them just to hop on the ssr bus and then go to ddd to get back to the hyatt. this drives me nuts as i notice these "people" all the time on the ssr buses.
Last time we stayed at Port Orleans Riverside (I know, it's not DVC!!) and we I saw this guy come walking in from the shrubs across the street. He came over and waited for the bus. I got to talking with him and he ended up being a cast member at Hollywood Studios. Not totally sure how or why he came from where he did, but he was using the transportation.
Well-seems that at least the bus thing has been going on for quite awhile. Disney must certainly know about it by now.
Also seems that they have no intention of doing anything about it.
Last time we stayed at Port Orleans Riverside (I know, it's not DVC!!) and we I saw this guy come walking in from the shrubs across the street. He came over and waited for the bus. I got to talking with him and he ended up being a cast member at Hollywood Studios. Not totally sure how or why he came from where he did, but he was using the transportation.

He may have been one othe students who was living at the treehouse villas and although it would be a bit of a walk through the brush he may have come from there.
Some people for some reason think if they are staying in Disney they can use any Disney pool.

A few years ago someone at my daughters pre-school went to Disney and stayed at one of the value resorts. She told me that the "Policy" they have at Disney about using other pools is great. She said that they even tried out Stormalong Bay and when she was asked for a room key she told them that her husband had it and he was way over there. The CM said that's okay and gave her a towel and wrist band. WHAT???

I tried to explain to her the real policy and she just said I must have it wrong because she was just there and this is what they explained to her upon check-in. Whatever???
I think many of us assume that because it would be more trouble than we think it's worth to do an illegal pool hop, or park at DTD to get free parking that no one else would do it. But, I think there are a lot of people who just want to find a way to 'beat the system.' I would never waste my valuable vacation time to save a few dollars, but I know everyone is different.

The two times I have been at SSR I didn't find the pools or buses to be overcrowded, although that doesn't mean there's no impact. I do think that our dues would be impacted by people who elect to use SSR services they aren't entitled to. At some point, the extra people on the bus will impact fuel usage, and might create a need for more buses. If people use pool towels, that will affect laundry or housekeeping fees.

But I think one more thing needs to be addressed, and that would be the lack of security that is demonstrated here. So, anyone can just walk or boat over to SSR from DTD or the DTD hotels and use SSR services. I am equally concerned about the security issues this raises. I think that this can be mostly remedied by a requirement to show a KTTW card at the pools and when getting on the buses. Additionally, the walking paths to DTD should have a gate with key card access (like the gate to the beach at VB). I think these minor adjustments would take care of most issues related to mooching and security.

This would actually incur huge expenses to the owners at SSR. Remember Disney is out to be the "friendly resort' and will not step up Security to a point that you feel that it is "needed". Only after 9/11 and people were complaining that there wasn't enough security did Disney really begin to uniform and display some security, to ease the concerns of guests. Even the bag check is relatively recent and does not provide real security. Most Six Flags parks actually use metal detectors, etc after having serious issues that occured in their parks.

As for requiring room keys, etc....that simply isn't the easiest solution. The restaurants are open to the public, you don't have to stay onsite to use those and don't even need ressies, they will still allow walk ups. Most resorts, including BWV will allow people come to "look around"....it is simply the Disney way of doing business.

Until it has a substantial impact and receive lots of complaints will they initiate policies like at SAB, to help offset the problems that occur...and anyone in security/law enforcement will tell you it is not full proof and is merely a deterrent (like the locks on your doors).
hi we just bought into ssr last week two simple ways to solve the problem a we all get dvc tatoos on our arms or b disney start charging by the hour to park in downtown disney up to the equivelent of $11 a day stops the free loading pool hoppers and theme park goers as well. i must admit the carpark at dtd was a lot fuller than the shops were busy last week. this would cause thes people to at least walk from the crossroads shopping area. i would prefer the tatoo :hippie:
hi we just bought into ssr last week two simple ways to solve the problem a we all get dvc tatoos on our arms or b disney start charging by the hour to park in downtown disney up to the equivelent of $11 a day stops the free loading pool hoppers and theme park goers as well. i must admit the carpark at dtd was a lot fuller than the shops were busy last week. this would cause thes people to at least walk from the crossroads shopping area. i would prefer the tatoo :hippie:

Excellent example of how Disney focuses on their bottom line. More guest mean more revenue, so they'll be hesitant to charge for parking if it discourages anyone from visiting some Disney attraction including shopping/dining at DTD. By instituting any fee, say they lose a shopper for each freeloader, they're still behind. As far as losing a DVC owner, it's not that close to breaking point, is it? Seems like just a minor annoyance right now, but be sure to bring it to DVC attention, so they can properly monitor the situation. If it becomes major enough, I'm sure they'll do something. There are some low cost solutions, but anything added will add additional costs here or there. Charging for parking seems easy, but it's costly to provide, and will turn off shoppers/diners hurting their revenue. Providing free validation is the way to offset this, but again, not necessary yet. In fact, if the free parking situation gets worse, expanding Valet parking may be Disney's first solution.
We had friends staying off property and their hotel told them to park at DTD and take bus from resort.:wizard:
This was our experience in May 2007 at the SSR "leisure pool" at the Springs.
There was a group of six adults - about mid-50s I would guess - who monopolized the hot tub. They had a large cooler, tub-side, from which they drank beer and wine coolers. One of them bragged about how great it was to "borrow" one of Disney's pools but then went on to justify that the guests weren't using them "anyhow".

We were at the pool for several hours and the group never moved from their spot by the hot tub, except to cool off in the pool and head on back. They helped themselves to towels and, I imagine, the free restrooms.

And no, I wasn't going to approach a group of intoxicated people to ask them to let someone else use the hot tub for a change.

Later in the day DH reported the activity to the front desk who indicated
it happens "all the time". DH also brought it up at the condo assn meeting in December and the DVC President seemed very interested to hear it.
This was our experience in May 2007 at the SSR "leisure pool" at the Springs.
There was a group of six adults - about mid-50s I would guess - who monopolized the hot tub. They had a large cooler, tub-side, from which they drank beer and wine coolers. One of them bragged about how great it was to "borrow" one of Disney's pools but then went on to justify that the guests weren't using them "anyhow".

We were at the pool for several hours and the group never moved from their spot by the hot tub, except to cool off in the pool and head on back. They helped themselves to towels and, I imagine, the free restrooms.

And no, I wasn't going to approach a group of intoxicated people to ask them to let someone else use the hot tub for a change.

Later in the day DH reported the activity to the front desk who indicated
it happens "all the time". DH also brought it up at the condo assn meeting in December and the DVC President seemed very interested to hear it.

I hope this isn't happening frequently, but thank you for taking action. It's a start to get a handle on the problem, and considering cost effective solutions. One thing to keep in mind is that WE are OWNERS. The staff that works there and isn't doing anything about it WORKS FOR US! What are their instructions regarding policing the shared areas and action to take when reports are made by other OWNERS? If you have a pool in your back yard and someone is using it without permission, you don't ask the babysitter to confront the trespassers. It's your problem, and your decision to call the cops (and if it turns out they're friends and received permission from someone else in the household, can turn out to be quite an embarrasing situation).

The response, "it happens all the time" implies the current policy (or lack of policy) is WE DO NOTHING ABOUT IT AND AREN'T REQUIRED TO. This is just wrong when there is management on the grounds as well as security. Someone needs to assess the situation and involved security either before or along with that. In your situation, involving security to check up on these folks is probably prudent for the safety of the staff and guests, so long as they are well trained and don't escalate the situation. In other cases, the threat of calling security by a staff member may be enough to get those that don't belong to leave.

BTW, anyone notice any signage warning trespassers? Some signs would be helpful twofold. First it would serve as a deterrent to those that can read, and second, they can provide instructions to other guests (OWNERS) on what the steps are to report and remove the trespassers.
Truthfully, I think we on the 'Dis' police things more than Disney does. It's the same with the mugs. They say one thing but we have all seen the people with mugs that aren't from that trip. you know the ones that are all washed up and can barely read what is written on them? Or the ones that say the name of some Gas Station? They aren't going to risk offending someone but what is happening is that some of us are getting offended It does offend me to follow the rules only to see others not. And when I am paying a lot of money to Disney it does bother me but I must say in the light of real problems it isn't much to lose sleep over.
I don't know about SSR but when we were staying at BWV in September 2007 we were swimming in the clown pool when I struck up a conversation with two girls that were there with several kids and asked if they were having a good vacation when the one told me that they weren't on vacation that they lived in the area and were just there to swim. I was taken aback as it has always been my understanding that Disney resort pools are for Disney resort guests.!

This is the precise reason I NEVER talk to anyone around SAB when I'm there, I'm always afraid of what I'll find out. I see it and suspect it but if it's unconfirmed I can't get irate. Ignorance is bliss in my case. I'll strike up conversations elsewhere on property but the pool is off limits, I just don't want to know.
Whether or not the pools are worth sneeking into isn't the issue. Do I think it's worth the hassle? Of course not. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

DVC owners (including myself) have paid thousands of dollars for the priviledge of using the SSR facilities. The thought of an SSR guest not finding an available lounge chair at the pool because they are taken by non-guests is infuriating to me. The same goes for seating on busses.
Whether or not the pools are worth sneeking into isn't the issue. Do I think it's worth the hassle? Of course not. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.

DVC owners (including myself) have paid thousands of dollars for the priviledge of using the SSR facilities. The thought of an SSR guest not finding an available lounge chair at the pool because they are taken by non-guests is infuriating to me. The same goes for seating on busses.

Well said....agree 100%!
This is the precise reason I NEVER talk to anyone around SAB when I'm there, I'm always afraid of what I'll find out. I see it and suspect it but if it's unconfirmed I can't get irate. Ignorance is bliss in my case. I'll strike up conversations elsewhere on property but the pool is off limits, I just don't want to know.

That is why I always answer "No Habla Ingles" to all the seemingly friendly but nosy people while at DVC properties:sad2:


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