The Birthdates Of Characters. Post Your Memorials here..

Born on May 27th 2005
Refused to leave the kingdom

This is my kingdom and here I rule and yes my friends list is always full
so LOL and AFK my home away from home is VMK
Born on May 27th 2005
Refused to leave the kingdom

This is my kingdom and here I rule and yes my friends list is always full
so LOL and AFK my home away from home is VMK

this is the best 1 -
Birthdate: October 9, 2007
Disconnected: May 21, 2008

Age: 7 1/2 months

While a very young and new VMK Player he still managed to score 8352
in Fireworks, get 126 ghosts in mansion, and 48k in Jungle Cruise. He was
never meant to be a pirate. YellowStrangeShark made many friends he will
never forget even as his virtual spirits drifts across the wide open space
of the internet graveyard. :(
Born September 2006
Goodbye: November 2006
Forced Rename: Capt.Walrus
Goodbye: Hopefully never. Always look on the bright side of life.
Born on May 27th 2005
Refused to leave the kingdom

This is my kingdom and here I rule and yes my friends list is always full
so LOL and AFK my home away from home is VMK
I should stay with Aengus and refuse to leave the kingdom..

Born: May 28, 2006
Went to VMK Heaven: May 21, 2008

Although my virtual life was so short I experienced so much, and wouldn't give that up for anything. The joy PrincessPaisley and vmk brought me will live on forever with my memories.
Its too bad they are closing vmk, there was so much more fun stuff and i never finished my hat collection or won a best guest :rotfl:

Character: KristyBlue
Birthdate: Not positive, somewhere around summer of '06
Also refuses to leave the kingdom
Join Date: 2005 near the end of July
Disconnection: May 21th 2008

I've had many good times and laughs, a few bad times and tears. But I will remember VMK and my wonderful friends.
What are we just going to give up and die? :mad:

Connected: August 11, 2005
Disconnected: May 21, 2008

Connected: March 28, 2006
MIA: May 23, 2008 [Current whereabouts unknown, officials are currently on the lookout for this renegade]

You want me, VMK? Come and get me!
Always in Memory:

Set sail: August 2, 2005 :boat:
Disembarking: I refuse to return to port

I never won a best quest, best room, best game. I never had a host visit. I never won any of the ride competitions.

Rich in friends.........................
In Memeory:

created:June 2005
Execution date: May 21, 2008


Created- Feb 2006
Execution Date May 21, 2008

AceBugdozer was created for me by son. He is not just mere pixels on the screen. He has his own personality. This game was so much deeper then a game for our family. It bonded us in a time when crisis was at it worst. It gave me and my son the magic of Disney Parks and the strength to make it- to hang on. They made our avatars look so much like little people that i truley do not know what I will do on that fearful day. It is like they are mass killing a population.

I feel very helpless. My son is beyond devastated. This game gave him hope when he felt he had none, a sense of belonging to a greater community. I was able to save the real slinkyman before but I feel so helpless in saving the virtual one-not sure i can bear to watch him die.

To my son THANK YOU. You let your mother into your virtual world and we enjoyed over 2 years of amazing connection. We laughed cried shared good times and bad and VMK became part of our lives. I will never let go of the memeory of the fun we have had and seeing the joy a simple game brought to your face.

To my friends I love you all. Two most important friends Smalld and Laurabearz words will do no justice to how I feel. Smalld you were always and are always there a true friend no matter what. My Bearz little avatar reached through my screen and grabbed on for a crazy wild ride she did not have to do. She is a kind soul caring, passionate and always there. We will be great friends without VMK but I will miss our cute little avatars.

To the staff we love you all to. Host Lily Hula and Fin your kindness and caring shines through everyday. This was more then a job to you.

Dear Hula i will never forget the most touching thing you did. Shortly after Slinkyman was diagnosed I was alone in my room. You came in to talk to me and you told me you wanted me to know that you were thinking of us and hoping the best for slinkyman. You wanted to send him a hat during the hat drive Bearz did for him but you could get in trouble if you did and I told you that it was not worth risking your job over-you showed you cared. I will never forget that moment it is forever saved in memeory.

Dear Lily you are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Always cute funny whimsical and your true love of kids, Disney and the players shine through daily. We have so many happy memories with you. You captured Ink's heart and helped guide him in the right direction. We are forever great full to you for how much you loved us all.

Dear Fin you are the stability we all needed in the game. You were always there, we could count on Fin. You worked hard to guide us all in the right direction yet did it with a gentle kindness. You kept your calm in the face of countless complaints and were always there with hugs.

So it will be with heavy heart that I bid good bye to our little people:


Bugdozer, AceBugdozer, slinkyman, Smalld, Laurabearz- may your little avatars burn brightly in our memories. They may take you from our computer screen but the will NEVER take you from our Hearts.


Narnian_Princess: Created March 2006. Stayed until the end.

My only fully active character. When I made her, I had no clue what I was doing. I knew nothing of fansites, so I went it all alone, figuring out stuff as I did it, asked questions, and experimented. For about 6 months, I was alone, with no real friends, but some awesome acquaintances. In September 2006, I met 2 people who were my first real VMK friends, and I noticed the next day that I got on VMK not for the trading or the credits... but to spend time with my friends.

Narnian_Angel: Created April 2006. Laid to rest: unknown

Simply a mule.

Karate_Star: Created April 2006. Laid to rest: unknown

Simply a mule.

Jedi_Ninja: Created 2006. Laid to rest: unknown

Oh, the fun times I had. :rotfl: I took Jedi_Ninja out and Acemicfan took his girl character out, and we went around acting ridiculous. :laughing:
Born:May 2006
DOD:21st of may
i will miss my Dearest Orange!
We only knew each other 4 2 years!
Born: September 2005
Murdered: May 21, 2008

terribear & poolcue (other 2 main accounts)
Born: October 2005
Murdered: May 21, 2008

All other accounts:
Lilylady, LilElena, ingirl, circlesofwhy, Judy.Garland.Fan, LaBefana, ghoulsarecool, Santabear, Herefortheholiday, santasredsuit, etc.
Born: Various times over VMK hisory
Murdered: May 21, 2008

As they have unfinished business, all will be joining Gus, Ezra and Phineas in the Haunted Mansion.

Bug: :sad: :sad:
Created:October 2nd, 2006
Disconnected: January 8th,2007

Created:March 16,2007
Disconnected: January 1,2008

Created: January 1, 2008
Disconnected:May 21st, 2008


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