Some people are unbelieveable

I've had whole rosebushes yanked right out of my garden. I live way out in the 'burbs. If I ever see anyone with that particular rose (not a common one), they're getting a knock on their door and a foot up their butt.

We need a video podcast to get to the bottom of this....I'll bet Will's wearing one on his lapel!
The other day I saw a lady walking her dog and after it had done it's "business" she never picked it up. I tried to get her to pick it up but by the time I reached the yard she was gone. I don't poop in your yard, please don't poop in mine!

I hear you. My dear:rolleyes1 neighbor's husband allows the dogs to go anywhere and doesn't care if I am sitting on the porch watching them-he won't pick it up.
This last weekend, dear neighbor's husband and son were out riding bikes. I guess they went in for a bit, but left their bikes and helmets on the sidewalk. Someone let out their darling wiener dog who promptly peed in the husband's helmet and finished in the son's. DD and I were swinging on the porch and almost died laughing. We stayed out just to watch them come back and put on the helmets. :rotfl2:
"Karma dudes!":thumbsup2
I hear you. My dear:rolleyes1 neighbor's husband allows the dogs to go anywhere and doesn't care if I am sitting on the porch watching them-he won't pick it up.
This last weekend, dear neighbor's husband and son were out riding bikes. I guess they went in for a bit, but left their bikes and helmets on the sidewalk. Someone let out their darling wiener dog who promptly peed in the husband's helmet and finished in the son's. DD and I were swinging on the porch and almost died laughing. We stayed out just to watch them come back and put on the helmets. :rotfl2:
"Karma dudes!":thumbsup2

eeeww but:rotfl: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: too funny!!!

OMG!! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I know it's soooooo wrong and not PC, but.....:rotfl2: :rotfl2: It's disturbingly funny! C'mon, you guys laugh about this on a yearly basis now, right? I know I would!

To me, everytime something goes wrong in my life I tend to say "what a great story this one is going to make!" The usual sayings go with it This too shall pass" "Time heals all wounds", etc. Yeah, you're burned at that moment, but in a little time you keep on keepin' on. Remember that there are MORE great people in this world than bad, you just don't know them all yet ;-) This board is a good start though! :)

Glad y'all found the humor in our tragedy. :rotfl2: We do laugh about it - especially when we see other people's inflatable decorations and wonder when they will have a Frosty incident of their own. We did not allow my father to buy anymore inflatable Christmas yard decorations after the Frosty incident. Although he circumvented the rules and ended up buying some lighted mechanical pink flamingos with Santa hats on them. (You have to love a dad who continues to try to have tacky holiday yard decorations.) :lmao: Well, you can imagine what happened with the pink flamingos - the "yutes" returned and tried to steal them. Little did they realize but all of the flamingos were attached to each other since they were after all lighted flamingos and they were also staked into the yard. So the "yutes" were foiled that year and Christmas was saved - but the flamingos did sustain considerable damage. And darn it if my dad doesn't still has those tacky things in the garage. (He keeps saying he is going to fix them but has yet to succeed.) :rotfl: Now my parents put out the lighted reindeer who graze. Grazing reindeer must be pretty boring because the "yutes" have left those alone. :confused3


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