Trouble with explaining my sadness.

That's what brings me to tears each time I think about it - future shows and the introductions. I imagine Pete saying Bob's name out of habit, or his voice cracking when he says "with us here in spirit is Bob," etc. It pains me to know that these guys have lost a very good friend.

I think we can all be fairly certain this will be a part of the intro when the show returns.
Not only is it hard to explain the sadness, I think it's really hard to believe that it really happened. I listened to the rest of the email show today, and the first voice I heard was Bob's. I was in the middle of an old podcast, and when I continued, Bob was in the middle of saying something. I know Bob through the podcasts, and I still hear him, so it's hard to grasp that he is really not with us anymore.

I know what you mean.

After my DH told me that he had been reading about the Bawb stories/memories and he asked me how I felt. I told him I just felt bummed and saddened all day due to Bawb's passing last night . I told him that while I really enjoy the entire Podcast Crew I will admit that Bawb is my favorite. I told him that I loved the way Bawb was start in on a story and just go on and on. My DH laughed and said "kinda like you do?". I also loved his quirkiness and ability to laugh at himself.

The outpouring of comments from people that never physically met Bawb is a testament to his personality and warm nature.

I tend to tell looooong stories that ramble on myself, I think that is why I could relate to Bob. I imagined the podcast crew staring at him glassy eyed like my DH does me. ;)

I agree completely - I will listen to the old Podcasts with a smile for the wonderful humor (both by Bob and at Bob!) and this September, I will raise a Dole Whip in honor of Bob! :hug:

He would love that! We plan the same but with Mojito's.
I'm still really upset. I think the shock is what is bothering me the most. This was just all so sudden. I also wish I was able to fly out from Jersey to Florida for the gathering with the podcast crew next week. I'd love to personally give them my condolences. -sigh-
Hi folks,

I have just spoken with Diana and she is overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion and tenderness that has been shown for Bob, his family and friends. She says she cant begin to express the appreciation that she and the rest of her family are feeling and the comfort that this is bringing to them.

As for people being understanding....

It's a new world with technological advances that allow us to get to know and become connected with people we might never get to see face to face.

This new technology has allowed us to form extraordinarily strong bonds that some people dont (and wont) understand. I like to think that Walt himself would have understood fully and I think all you need do is point any non-believer toward the Dis Unplugged board to see what has transpired in the last 36 hours.

I think we are very lucky to have this outlet to share the love and laughter along with the grief and sorrow that is part of life. I dont feel that any of us need to apologize or make excuses for the emotions that come from losing someone that touched our lives, whether that relationship is face to face or via the written or spoken word. I think it just proves that we are part of a different kind of in which I am honored to be included

I say hello to Anthony each week. Anthony has come to represent all of us that have had to explain our love of Disney to someone that doesnt understand.

Maybe Bob will come to represent the connection that those of us that communicate via this technology feel for one another. I cant think of a better guy to represent that touchstone of humanity and good will.

Though I am sorry that it has taken this to illustrate the depth and breadth of this humanity and good will.... but I am certain that Bob would be thrilled to think that he was part of it.

Maybe Bob will come to represent the connection that those of that communicate via this technology feel for one another. I cant think of a better guy to rersent that touchstone of humanity and good will.

Though I am sorry that it has taken this to illustrate the depth and breadth of this humanity and good will....I am certain that Bob would be thrilled to think that he was part of it.

Kevin this is eloquently put. It is good to hear from those closest to Bob how he would have felt. Deepest appreciation :hug:
It really helps to feel so validated. I teach kindergarten, and every time I hada break today, I had to log on and re-connect with everyone. Just wish I could be there this weekend.
Well put Kevin - I truly honoured to be part of the Dis Boards and the Dis Unplugged. There is a special place in my heart for all you guys :hug:
Well put. It set off the tear factory again, but truly gets to the heart of what I could never put into words these few days. I can't imagine how you all are coping and dealing with it. I am glad that you feel we all can find some comfort here.
Kevin -- Thank you for wrapping up our feelings about this and tying it up with a bow! Once again, your wording is spot-on. :hug:

The fact that Diana is being comforted by us during this time of need is the one bright spot in my day. :goodvibes
Kevin -- Thank you for wrapping up our feelings about this and tying it up with a bow! Once again, your wording is spot-on. :hug:

The fact that Diana is being comforted by us during this time of need is the one bright spot in my day. :goodvibes

My thoughts EXACTLY! If this helps Diana and her family, I'm so glad to be a part of it!

Thank you so much Kevin for speaking up. It means a lot.
I was trying to explain to a co-worker today this outpouring of love and despair for a man that was a stranger in life to thousands yet was a part of each of our lives in such an unexplainable way.

She didn't get it so I opened up the podcast boards and showed her the hundreds of posts, she sat and read them over a period of time and had tears in her eyes. She didn't get the inside jokes, the funny lines, the misspelled words but she got that this family we have formed cannot be broken.

She spoke of how amazing it was that one man (Bawb), and thousands consumed by a dreamer (Walt) and a cartoon character could come together like we all have.. Then she said these simple words.. if only the rest of the world new how to love life and each other like we do, what a difference it would make...

She got it...

Thanks Kevin for the update.. When you can, please come back and let us know how Pete, John, Corey and Julie are doing.. We are all so worried about all of you.
Hello all.I don't usually post on these boards.I've been a "lurker' for many months.The passing of Bawb has really had an effect on me.It's so weird. I don't know Bob or the 'Team" but ,like you all,I feel a connection.I know it's the love of Disney that's the catalyst. I feel like a friend has passed.Infact, I would refer to the Podcast team as my 'Friends' when i would speak about them to my wife.WE would listen to them at night before we fell asleep.God Bless the man.He would always give us a chuckle.IHOPE the TEAM stays together.They were or are a small joy in our lives.God Bless
Thank you so much, Kevin. It's so hard to be out in the "virtual" world and not be able to comfort and console like we want to. I thought I would start to accept this loss by now, but I am still just heartsick. I get even sadder when I think about the love the Podcast Team had for him and the pain they must be feeling.

And to be honest, and I hope this isn't wrong to say, I worry about Pete. He's been so honest and open about his depression and it is so important to me, to all of us, that he not slide into destructive despair. Please let him know we really, really care.
And to be honest, and I hope this isn't wrong to say, I worry about Pete. He's been so honest and open about his depression and it is so important to me, to all of us, that he not slide into destructive despair. Please let him know we really, really care.

I have worried too. But knowing that Walter, the Podcast Crew and DIS family are all right there, I take comfort knowing he is with those he loves during this difficult time.

And I second that thought. WE REALLY REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU PETE, and THE PODCAST TEAM as well.
Today was espically tough for me. This is the first time I've posted because I just don't know what to say or how exactly to express myself. I had never lost anyone close to me until now. Even though I had only known Bawb for a short period of time. He truly became a close friend fast.

I'm not real good with words, I find myself typeing a bunch and erasing, typing and erasing. Just know your are truly missed here Bawb!
Today was espically tough for me. This is the first time I've posted because I just don't know what to say or how exactly to express myself. I had never lost anyone close to me until now. Even though I had only known Bawb for a short period of time. He truly became a close friend fast.

I'm not real good with words, I find myself typeing a bunch and erasing, typing and erasing. Just know your are truly missed here Bawb!

Hope you are doing alright Will. I love your Kaht Kam tribute in your signature, very fitting.
Will it is so good to hear from you. I know that words are hard to come up with in these times. I have done the same with my typing these past few days.

Just know that you have an entire community behind you all. I know that these must be very trying days, any comfort we can be, let us know.
Thank you Will and Kevin.

I usually talk to my hubby when I am sad and hurting but he is in Hawaii on business this week. It's been such a relief to come here and talk about how I am feeling.


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