Has anyone ever had an altercation with another guest and/or family while at WDW?

BTW--Disney isn't a public place...its private property. If you standing on a public road, you can take pictures of pretty much anything you want. (There are some exceptions, like if someone suggests you are taking inappropriate pics of a child). But WDW wouldn't fall into this. I had to learn this as a news reporter (was for about 9 months). We couldn't walk onto people's property (unless owners invited us) to take pics of fires or crime scenes or whatever, but if you stood in the street there was no legal issue.
I have red hair and know exactly how some of you feel about people wanting to touch your child and/or take their picture. When I was a kid and we were around people from another culture, they would want to touch my hair and take my picture. Apparently in some countries red hair is unheard of?? I'm really not sure, but it made me very uncomfortable.

I have friends who are a redheaded family - three kids, two parents ranging from strawberry blonde to red to auburn. They have not a drop of Irish in them, but went on vacation to Ireland a few years ago - and were stopped over and over again to have their photos taken by other Americans because they looked so "Irish."
Why would you want a picture of someone else's child?

Because some photos of kids are just charming. If you are traveling WDW without kids, and you see one of those "oh my God, so cute" moments - you may wish to remember it - even if it involves someone else's child. If Snow White is worth snapping a photo of to remember, Snow White with a little girl in a Snow White dress is also worth remembering.

I see photos here of other peoples kids all the time that are really really charming - they should be marketing materials. And they make me smile.

(Note that I have never posted a picture of my kids on the internet - we don't even use Flicker for kids photos. I get the other side of it as well.)
My dd was in her tink dress after bbb one day and a lady thought she was sooo cute and wanted her picture taken with her. She was very nice about it and asked first. It made my dd feel special like she was one of the characters or something. That one I didn't mind because of the way it was handled. However if someone just walked up or was watching my kids and took a picture I would be upset and little wierded out. I would feel better about it if people would be polite and ask first.

Besides the above mentioned story I'm still not totally sure why someone would want a picture of someone esle's kids. Even if those kids are doing something really cute, that is a memory for that child and his/her parents. I guess I just can't see myself pulling out the scrapbook and saying "oh, and there is that one kid we saw at the park." Maybe it's just me, but I would rather remember things that our family did at the parks, not everyone else there.
When our daughter was dressed as Christmas Belle after an appointment at BBB, one of the Brazilian tour groups--a bunch of teen girls where swooning over her, she did a curtsy to them and several of them snapped her picture. :goodvibes I know I have shown my DH and my daughter the BBB pics on here, or any that I think are adorable.

One year for Halloween, I dressed my son as a little devil, he had a long red tail and a pitchfork (a talented neighbor sewed it for him, he was a preschooler) and his best friend was dressed as an angel. People thought it was so cute that a couple people took their pics as we treat or treated.

However, I would be leery in most circumstances. Too many molested children...too many children found dead.:sad1:
My dd was in her tink dress after bbb one day and a lady thought she was sooo cute and wanted her picture taken with her. She was very nice about it and asked first. It made my dd feel special like she was one of the characters or something. That one I didn't mind because of the way it was handled. However if someone just walked up or was watching my kids and took a picture I would be upset and little wierded out. I would feel better about it if people would be polite and ask first.

Besides the above mentioned story I'm still not totally sure why someone would want a picture of someone esle's kids. Even if those kids are doing something really cute, that is a memory for that child and his/her parents. I guess I just can't see myself pulling out the scrapbook and saying "oh, and there is that one kid we saw at the park." Maybe it's just me, but I would rather remember things that our family did at the parks, not everyone else there.

I agree.
Originally Posted by eeyoregon
Me: "Excuse me but the last time someone got this close to me and touched me this much, they at least bought me dinner!!"

Oh my god that's too funny!
I have been annoyed plenty of times by those who just don't seem to understand the personal bubble concept.

Last August while at the World I had a woman behind me in line for Peter Pan that was sooooooooooooo close to me that I finally had to say something. It was BOILING HELLISH HORRID HOT and I couldn't stand another minute of her tail gating me.

Me: "Excuse me but the last time someone got this close to me and touched me this much, they at least bought me dinner!!"

Her: Blank, puzzled, slightly embarrassed look on face...took 2 steps backwards.

:lmao: Oh that is so funny. We had three young women at Aquatica the other day that were just unreal. I kept feeling them rub up against me in odd places while I was wearing a bathing suit. I just could not even understand why anybody would want to do what they were doing. I kept making my husband stand behind me and then they started doing it to him. Honestly I ran into a lot of people this last trip that seem to have a huge problem with personal space. Like if they stand right on top of me they will somehow get to ride the ride quicker. :confused3

Back to the topic of the thread, no I have never gotten into an altercation. I try very hard to ignore it especially when I am with my children. I do not know where people get the nerve to do some of the rude things they do as far as cutting in line, and pushing goes, but I know better than to engage with such people.
Originally Posted by eeyoregon
Me: "Excuse me but the last time someone got this close to me and touched me this much, they at least bought me dinner!!"

Oh my god that's too funny!

I agree! I hear that I should expect a lot of teens from Brazilian tour groups en mass during my January trip. I'll be sure to keep response stored away for then!
Heres mine... We were staying at POP and I had my DS with me down at the baby pool he was about 18 months old at the time. My son was walking in the water and kind of new to the whole baby pool thing when 3 teenagers came over and were sitting on the jets and causing the water to go every where. They were also jumping and splashing all around. They tried jumping over my son and knocked him down. So I said something along the lines of if you want to act like that go to the big pool and not mess with the little kids. I was probably not so nice in my tone. About 5 minutes later this beastly looking lady walks over to me and gets in my face and told me I have no right to tell her kids what to do and that I can not tell them where to play. I tried to explain to her what happen and she just started screaming and cussing at me so I quickly said I see where your children learn their manners from. I grabbed my son and walked away. I could hear her screaming at me for quite a while. I was ticked. She did kind of scare me. I left my stuff by the pool and made my husband go back and get it. Wouldn't you know it she was in line by us the next day for lunch at MK. Its a huge park with tons of people and I am lucky enough to see her the very next day.
When our daughter was dressed as Christmas Belle after an appointment at BBB, one of the Brazilian tour groups--a bunch of teen girls where swooning over her, she did a curtsy to them and several of them snapped her picture. :goodvibes I know I have shown my DH and my daughter the BBB pics on here, or any that I think are adorable.

I think it's different if you've actually had an interaction with the child (even if it's as simple as meeting them after their BBB appointment). Then it's one of your vacation memories. Or, as others said, snapping a photo of a character when they happen to be with a child, just because you like that character. Those aren't weird, IMHO.

To the people who think it's no big deal to take photos of random children because they're cute... would it bother you if someone took photos of random teenage girls and young women because they were cute?
I had an odd picture taking moment too!! My husband and I were at the end of Test Track where all the cars are. Well, I was sitting in the drivers seat of one and my husband was taking a picture of me. All of a sudden, an older Asian man asked my husband if it was ok if he took a picture of me! I didn't know if it was weirder that he didn't ask me if it was ok to take my picture or that he was even asking at all! :confused3

Also, we had a "moment" in the Test Track line (what's up with Test Track??). We went through the fast pass lane and we were in the area right before you go into the room to watch the intro clip, everybody is just kind of smushed together. A CM was loudly saying, "Everybody move in as much as possible! This is NOT a line!" Well, we move up to make room for other people and an older woman accused us of breaking in line! We just gave her a weird look. I think she was just angry because we had a fast pass and they had to wait in the regular line. I felt bad for her husband, he looked so embarrassed. We saw her pushing people out of the way after the intro movie to get in the actual line, she was making lots of people angry! The funny thing is that it felt like we kept on seeing her throughout Epcot after that! We just kind smiled at her everytime she saw us and she just scowled back at us :goodvibes
I was at Disneyland with from friend who is confined to a wheelchair and she loves watching the fireworks. She goes and gets ready for the fireworks 90 minutes before they start and I was with her and stood behind her wheelchair. We were close to the castle, but behind the area that is sit down only. We verified with a cast member that is was ok for me to stand during the show and the cast member confirmed that this is a standing area. Well about 30 minutes before the show, people about 20 people back asked if I was going to sit down before the show started. I politely indicated that no, I was going to remain standing and had already been standing for 60 minutes.

Yep, you guessed it, as soon as the show started, the 'down in front' screams came. There were about 10 of us standing and no one sat down, but the screams continued. I felt bad for the people filming the show that night. Afterwords a lady came up with a sleeping child in a stroller and started yelling at me that her child could only see my back the entire time of the show and all her pictures were of my white sweatshirt. Their party was about 10 feet behind me and I somewhat politely said, your child is asleep I think the reason the didn't see the fireworks is because their eyes are closed. She continued to rant and say that I ruined the show for them because they couldn't see the fireworks. I not so politely this time said 'I'm 5'9" and the fireworks are quite high in the sky, surely you didn't have a problem looking up to the sky from your position 10 feet behind me.'. My friend and I started leaving and she came after me one more time and I finally said. I told you I was going to remain standing, what did you want me to do, sit down behind my friend's wheelchair so I wouldn't be able to see the fireworks? She said yes, I couldn't see them and Disney is for kids and you ruined it for me. I said, if Disney is for kids, then I didn't ruin anything for you, you are an adult and the only one who may be disappointed is your sleeping child who missed the show because they were tired and asleep, not because they couldn't look up in the sky. She proceeded to call me a b**** as I walked away getting louder and louder the further away I got. My friend and I had a good chuckle over it as we saw them being escorted away by security a few minutes later.

Really, you should have sat down. I can't imagine why anyone would stand so close to the castle much less for 90 minutes! How could you enjoy the fireworks knowing how you were upsetting so many families?

nice thread just read it all

2 things

last trip my family is waitng to watch wishes from the end of main street
verry crowded people mixed everywere i leave to get some food long line come back during wishes my wife is all upset the 2 small kids are asleep in the stroller and she standing there with my ds9 whos in a wheelchair
some guy comes and stands right infront of my son there are other spaces to stand for 1 guy alone it wasnt soo soo packed he couldnt have moved 2 feet away so my wife says something he tells her to go to hell and she didnt want to fight alone with 3 kids so he stands there for a while and leaves walks away a few feet i come back she tells me points out the guy i go over stand about 5 feet from him and im deciding weather or not to start somthing with this guy turns out his family is over by the curb and hes still standing alone so my wife begging me to come back and i didnt want to get ejected from mk so i let it go and just stared him down but he never noticed me

anyway on the topinc of handicaped stalls i have been in everyone in wdw several times! as my son either pees alot or says he has to then cant
when i walk in a empty or 1/2 empty bathroom and the hc stall is taken and some guy walks out 10 min later after taking a big you know what and wanted a comfortable place to do it i think they bring magazines or read park maps i am mad if u dont need it dont use it ESPECIALY if its not full with a line
an empty rest room with 1 guy whos not hc in the hc stall is a FULL restroom with a line as long as hes in there for my son and companion bathrooms are for people who need to be transfred to go to not a private changing room to put5 little girls in princess dresses and do there hair !
Really, you should have sat down. I can't imagine why anyone would stand so close to the castle much less for 90 minutes! How could you enjoy the fireworks knowing how you were upsetting so many families?

I agree. I'm not sure I could just stand knowing I was blocking so many peoples view. I don't think it matters that a CM said you could..Its common courtesy. You could of sat next to your friends wheelchair. I always look behind me to make sure I'm not blocking a kid or something.

It irritates me to no end at the local aquarium at the penquin tank when you get a big guy that can easily see over the wall sections..standing forever in front of the lower glass window sections for little kids to see. Whatever dude..they're penguins..move along.

With regards to personal space issues in lines...DH laughs at me..but I always try to make myself as "large" as possible. Feet spread apart, hands on my waist elbows out..and a large handbag or diaperbag on my shoulder..and swing around alot. Then as polite as can be, "Opps sorry..Did I hit you with my bag, elbow, foot!?! pardon me.." Most of the time..people give me back my space.

No altercations during my trips..but I certainly point out rudeness with dripping politeness when I can.
I agree. I'm not sure I could just stand knowing I was blocking so many peoples view. I don't think it matters that a CM said you could..Its common courtesy. You could of sat next to your friends wheelchair. I always look behind me to make sure I'm not blocking a kid or something.

It irritates me to no end at the local aquarium at the penquin tank when you get a big guy that can easily see over the wall sections..standing forever in front of the lower glass window sections for little kids to see. Whatever dude..they're penguins..move along.

I'm sorry I but I feel for the woman who got yelled at. She stood there forever to make sure to have her spot. She was responsible and made sure she was in an area where she could stand and that was behind the sit down area. She even gave the people who wanted to sit behind her ample warning that she would not be sitting down. They could have picked another spot. We don't know what sort of help she would need to give to her friend during the show that could have been hard to give while seated.

IMHO, I believe the person who yelled at her so harshly was out of line. If she's less than 6 feet and the fireworks are 100s of feet in the air (not to mention that close to the castle they're really high up), if the people were really about 10 feet behind her, they should have been able to see. There's no reason to go off on someone. Yes, perhaps she could have sat down, but that family could have moved. Were all of their legs broken? I teach HS -- I constantly tell my kids that they are responsible for their own actions. If they don't like someone or what someone is doing (that is ok to do), move away. You don't have to stay!

I feel for all of you who have had an altercation. Someone coming up and screaming in your face (or in some cases, striking you) is sooooo scary! Definitely not something I would expect to happen at "the happiest place on earth!" Hope I don't get flamed for taking her side -- just giving my view. :confused3

nice thread just read it all

2 things

last trip my family is waitng to watch wishes from the end of main street
verry crowded people mixed everywere i leave to get some food long line come back during wishes my wife is all upset the 2 small kids are asleep in the stroller and she standing there with my ds9 whos in a wheelchair
some guy comes and stands right infront of my son there are other spaces to stand for 1 guy alone it wasnt soo soo packed he couldnt have moved 2 feet away so my wife says something he tells her to go to hell and she didnt want to fight alone with 3 kids so he stands there for a while and leaves walks away a few feet i come back she tells me points out the guy i go over stand about 5 feet from him and im deciding weather or not to start somthing with this guy turns out his family is over by the curb and hes still standing alone so my wife begging me to come back and i didnt want to get ejected from mk so i let it go and just stared him down but he never noticed me

anyway on the topinc of handicaped stalls i have been in everyone in wdw several times! as my son either pees alot or says he has to then cant
when i walk in a empty or 1/2 empty bathroom and the hc stall is taken and some guy walks out 10 min later after taking a big you know what and wanted a comfortable place to do it i think they bring magazines or read park maps i am mad if u dont need it dont use it ESPECIALY if its not full with a line
an empty rest room with 1 guy whos not hc in the hc stall is a FULL restroom with a line as long as hes in there for my son and companion bathrooms are for people who need to be transfred to go to not a private changing room to put5 little girls in princess dresses and do there hair !

This isn't meant to be mean , but could you please use periods, commas, ect.... It's very hard to read your post the way it was written.
As far as the bathroom thing goes, im a policeman and I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing as charging someone for using a handicapped stall. Completely outrageous. Those stalls are just larger to accomidate a wheelchair or power chair, there is nothing else special about them. Glad to hear you son is ok, hope he enjoys many more trips to WDW. Without the hassel!!
I have a child with autism. Wdw presents many challenges, but is usually worth it. We have been threatened on buses by other guests, harrassed by bus drivers who did not want to deal with us, yelled at by other patrons as we patiently waited our turn but in an alternate location, yelled out by cm's, among other things.

Right before this last trip, I suffered a stroke. I am 35. I also have multiple pulminary embolisms. I have several other issues. These present even more challenges. But I promised my child we would go, and I didn't know if we would have another opportunity. I planned my hinny off to make things as easy as possible, but folks can be so rude. My ds had been waiting patiently to make paper at epcot. This family kept pushing him and dragging things out with like a thousand differnt photo poses. Each time one child would finally finish, they would scream out across the musuem for another kid or send someone for them. I finally mentioned to the cm that my son had been waiting a long time and this was very hard for him. He couldn't even watch because all the adults kept moving around and blocking his view. She started complaining about me in spanish to the other family. I also understand spanish. I called her out (I had had enough) the other family went off on me and freaked my poor child out - I mean they had like 9 kids or something...

We had a very difficult stay at all stars movies. It had reached the breaking point so I asked to see a manager, whom promtly told me - "well what do you expect - you only paid for a value hotel... (apparently blood free sheets was to much to ask for..)

Next trip, I am waiting to check in and this women shoves me over and demands a manager immediately. She was going crazy, mouthing off to her poor kids. Manger comes and she goes off because she got off at the wrong busstop and he needs to fix it! She also was very angry because rr at studios had brokedown, and what was he gfoing to do to makeup for it? She actually demanded a full refund for her trip and for him to drive her to her hotel.:scared1:

He was beyond gratious. I took time to praise him for his patience and tolerance. He gave ds some stuffed animals!

Oh - I was at the grocery the other day and a women chased me down in her van - I mean pulled right up to the doors of the store to scream at me 'do you know that you parked in a handicapped parking space?" I politely said yes. She started going off. I limped in to get a scooter. She actually followed me around the store and I ended up going to customer service because she was scaring my ds.

We were selected to ride with goofy one am and this other women, who's kids could careless about even being there it looked like, through a fit that they had been waiting for hours. She followed us and forced her kids on to the ride, screaming the whole time. her very small (1 and 3ish) children started crying. Her husband begged her to just let them get off. She kept ranting. Sh ewouldn't even let me ride behind my son. Her husband took her kids off. She stayed, harrassing poor goofy. Then she kept getting between ds when he was trying to hug and thank goofy.
I have a child with autism. Wdw presents many challenges, but is usually worth it. We have been threatened on buses by other guests, harrassed by bus drivers who did not want to deal with us, yelled at by other patrons as we patiently waited our turn but in an alternate location, yelled out by cm's, among other things.

Right before this last trip, I suffered a stroke. I am 35. I also have multiple pulminary embolisms. I have several other issues. These present even more challenges. But I promised my child we would go, and I didn't know if we would have another opportunity. I planned my hinny off to make things as easy as possible, but folks can be so rude. My ds had been waiting patiently to make paper at epcot. This family kept pushing him and dragging things out with like a thousand differnt photo poses. Each time one child would finally finish, they would scream out across the musuem for another kid or send someone for them. I finally mentioned to the cm that my son had been waiting a long time and this was very hard for him. He couldn't even watch because all the adults kept moving around and blocking his view. She started complaining about me in spanish to the other family. I also understand spanish. I called her out (I had had enough) the other family went off on me and freaked my poor child out - I mean they had like 9 kids or something...

We had a very difficult stay at all stars movies. It had reached the breaking point so I asked to see a manager, whom promtly told me - "well what do you expect - you only paid for a value hotel... (apparently blood free sheets was to much to ask for..)

Next trip, I am waiting to check in and this women shoves me over and demands a manager immediately. She was going crazy, mouthing off to her poor kids. Manger comes and she goes off because she got off at the wrong busstop and he needs to fix it! She also was very angry because rr at studios had brokedown, and what was he gfoing to do to makeup for it? She actually demanded a full refund for her trip and for him to drive her to her hotel.:scared1:

He was beyond gratious. I took time to praise him for his patience and tolerance. He gave ds some stuffed animals!

Oh - I was at the grocery the other day and a women chased me down in her van - I mean pulled right up to the doors of the store to scream at me 'do you know that you parked in a handicapped parking space?" I politely said yes. She started going off. I limped in to get a scooter. She actually followed me around the store and I ended up going to customer service because she was scaring my ds.

We were selected to ride with goofy one am and this other women, who's kids could careless about even being there it looked like, through a fit that they had been waiting for hours. She followed us and forced her kids on to the ride, screaming the whole time. her very small (1 and 3ish) children started crying. Her husband begged her to just let them get off. She kept ranting. Sh ewouldn't even let me ride behind my son. Her husband took her kids off. She stayed, harrassing poor goofy. Then she kept getting between ds when he was trying to hug and thank goofy.

Wow sweetie that sounds awful! I empathize with you and wish those things didn't have to happen, especially in front of your son. You are an angel without wings and I'm sure you know how blessed you are. :hug:


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