Has anyone ever had an altercation with another guest and/or family while at WDW?

He/She shouldn't have to move if they got there first. Not only that - but this person was not obstructing the view of the child...I have two 6 year old boys and would NEVER expect someone to move so they can have their spot if they got there first. I certainly wouldn't allow my child to hit ANYONE - much less another adult. :sad2:

I agree. There was no reason to move (not that the PP was given a chance to move before they were hit).

Should I allow my 7 year old to "hit" the people in line in front of her just because they got there first? NO!!! :rotfl:
first, you shouldn't have screamed at the kid first, always talk to the parent first

second, he was 6, it was most likely his first trip and wanted a good view, you couln't have moved for a 6 year old

Ok, while I agree w/the first part, I certainly don't agree w/the second. Are you going to give up your spot in line at soarin' or something just because the 6 yr old behind you is bugging you because he wants your spot? I don't think so. Children need to learn how to behave in public & that they're not always going to get what they want.
She never said she screamed, she said she told him very loudly. And the kid shouldn't have hit her. I probably would have done the same thing.

My first trip was in June and I was 26. It was also the first for both my kids. As long as they could see, I wasn't moving for ANYONE if I was there first!!!!!

I reserve the right to tell people not to hit me, regardless of their age. Anyone who doesn't want me telling their kid not to hit can teach their kid not to hit me in the first place.

I have a standing policy of offering to let children stand in front of me at standing venues because I'm SHORT. I know how sucky it is to watch someone else's back instead of the show. I was, (as anyone but the troll would have noted) *sitting down*. Even a toddler could have seen over me easily and unobstructed.
I have a child with autism. Wdw presents many challenges, but is usually worth it. We have been threatened on buses by other guests, harrassed by bus drivers who did not want to deal with us, yelled at by other patrons as we patiently waited our turn but in an alternate location, yelled out by cm's, among other things.

Right before this last trip, I suffered a stroke. I am 35. I also have multiple pulminary embolisms. I have several other issues. These present even more challenges. But I promised my child we would go, and I didn't know if we would have another opportunity. I planned my hinny off to make things as easy as possible, but folks can be so rude. My ds had been waiting patiently to make paper at epcot. This family kept pushing him and dragging things out with like a thousand differnt photo poses. Each time one child would finally finish, they would scream out across the musuem for another kid or send someone for them. I finally mentioned to the cm that my son had been waiting a long time and this was very hard for him. He couldn't even watch because all the adults kept moving around and blocking his view. She started complaining about me in spanish to the other family. I also understand spanish. I called her out (I had had enough) the other family went off on me and freaked my poor child out - I mean they had like 9 kids or something...

We had a very difficult stay at all stars movies. It had reached the breaking point so I asked to see a manager, whom promtly told me - "well what do you expect - you only paid for a value hotel... (apparently blood free sheets was to much to ask for..)

Next trip, I am waiting to check in and this women shoves me over and demands a manager immediately. She was going crazy, mouthing off to her poor kids. Manger comes and she goes off because she got off at the wrong busstop and he needs to fix it! She also was very angry because rr at studios had brokedown, and what was he gfoing to do to makeup for it? She actually demanded a full refund for her trip and for him to drive her to her hotel.:scared1:

He was beyond gratious. I took time to praise him for his patience and tolerance. He gave ds some stuffed animals!

Oh - I was at the grocery the other day and a women chased me down in her van - I mean pulled right up to the doors of the store to scream at me 'do you know that you parked in a handicapped parking space?" I politely said yes. She started going off. I limped in to get a scooter. She actually followed me around the store and I ended up going to customer service because she was scaring my ds.

We were selected to ride with goofy one am and this other women, who's kids could careless about even being there it looked like, through a fit that they had been waiting for hours. She followed us and forced her kids on to the ride, screaming the whole time. her very small (1 and 3ish) children started crying. Her husband begged her to just let them get off. She kept ranting. Sh ewouldn't even let me ride behind my son. Her husband took her kids off. She stayed, harrassing poor goofy. Then she kept getting between ds when he was trying to hug and thank goofy.

Aw, so sorry those things happened to you! And I really can't believe the value comment. If you didn't do so, feel free to write a letter (written) to Disney to make them aware of it. No one should have to have them happen to them, and by making them aware of it you could be preventing the occurrence for another.
I resisted the urge to create a huge scene once. I raised my voice but I didn't hit anyone.

So we're sitting on a curb waiting for the parade to start. We got lucky and got prime seating on a curb shortly before the mob showed up. A large Hispanic (yes, it's relevent, no, I'm not a racist, my last name is Rodriguez, okay) family group shows up and stands behind us. Two women with strollers and an assortment of children in various sizes.

So one of the little boys, maybe 6 years old, stands right behind me and clearly wants my spot. Shoving forward, pushing at me with his feet, you know the drill. I ignore him because he is not going to get my spot. He can see over me just fine, I'm seated and I'm short.

Out of the blue there is a blinding pain in the top of my head. Little bugger has HIT me. I wheel around in time to see him pulling back and giving me an ugly look. There is no way this was accidental. My friend saw it happen and was too stunned to warn me. (Reflexes, girl. I'm buying her some for Christmas.) So I look at him and his mother and say very loudly, "You just hit me! NO HITTING!" I turn to his mother and say, "NOT OKAY!" I then turn around to ignore them as best I can because the parade is about to start and if I miss the roller skating snowflakes I'm a'gonna find a bear to feed him too.

Her friend asks her in Spanish why I'm yelling. The mother begins complaining, also in Spanish, about how mean I am and how it isn't the boy's fault because... *he doesn't speak English*. No kidding. That was her reason for why it was okay for her child to hit people. I was unaware that hitting required translation.

At that point I turn around and explain to her, also in Spanish, that I understand Spanish. She got very quiet.

But seriously. "My kid isn't accountable for hitting people because he doesn't speak English."

I so wish I were fluent in another language for that reason.
:lmao: That is ALL KINDS of awesome!

I'm filing that one away in my brain for future use!

ha ha, me too. It's like they need to be so close, as if they'll get to the front or get in faster... oy. You're still in front of them. Not going to get there any faster than the person in front of you.
second, he was 6, it was most likely his first trip and wanted a good view, you couln't have moved for a 6 year old

Seriously? She wouldn't have been moving for just a 6 year old, remember there was an assortment of family and 2 strollers. If she would have moved for the mis-behaved child before she knew it the rest of the assortment of family and strollers would have been in front of her as well.

If the poster chose to stake out a spot for the parade ahead of time, then it is her spot and the parents coming later with their children should realize and understand that and plan better in the future.
We were at Sea world just two weeks ago waiting for the shamu show to start, when an altercation in the seats to our right in the next section over happened. Somebody started screaming for the security guard, two groups were shouting and fighting over what I think was over seats. One person hit another and both parties were escorted out different exits. We were far enough away that we couldn't really hear what was going on, but I think someone reserved a row with their stuff, left to go get food or something, and when they came back some one else was sitting there.
How horrible.

Like another poster - I'm guilty of using the handicapped stall. I have small childen - and if it is the only stall available, and there isn't a handicapped person there, I will take them in there before they have an accident. It has never crossed my mind that someone would get that angry about that. And regardless - if they felt inconvenienced, they certainly could have voiced it without being so hateful. It is sad that there are hateful people everywhere. I'm glad the magic is back.

On a side note - how wonderful that your son is doing well! :)

In most places the baby changing center thing is IN the handicapped stall!!!
If I saw a child I wanted to take a picture of in a public place, I wouldn't think twice of snapping the shot.

I do not understand the "asking them to stop". What harm could come from a simple photo?

The real point is, it's creepy! It was making my DD very nervous, and she started to cry. Why would you want a pic of someone you don't even know? What's to stop these people from putting the child's pic on the internet somewhere? It's about respecting a families privacy. It isn't like she just happened to be in the backround of a pic of something elese, there were about 5 people she didn't know taking pictures of her.

Ummm... hello? Stalker? Child abusers? Porn?
I have a child with autism. Wdw presents many challenges, but is usually worth it. We have been threatened on buses by other guests, harrassed by bus drivers who did not want to deal with us, yelled at by other patrons as we patiently waited our turn but in an alternate location, yelled out by cm's, among other things.

Right before this last trip, I suffered a stroke. I am 35. I also have multiple pulminary embolisms. I have several other issues. These present even more challenges. But I promised my child we would go, and I didn't know if we would have another opportunity. I planned my hinny off to make things as easy as possible, but folks can be so rude. My ds had been waiting patiently to make paper at epcot. This family kept pushing him and dragging things out with like a thousand differnt photo poses. Each time one child would finally finish, they would scream out across the musuem for another kid or send someone for them. I finally mentioned to the cm that my son had been waiting a long time and this was very hard for him. He couldn't even watch because all the adults kept moving around and blocking his view. She started complaining about me in spanish to the other family. I also understand spanish. I called her out (I had had enough) the other family went off on me and freaked my poor child out - I mean they had like 9 kids or something...

We had a very difficult stay at all stars movies. It had reached the breaking point so I asked to see a manager, whom promtly told me - "well what do you expect - you only paid for a value hotel... (apparently blood free sheets was to much to ask for..)

Next trip, I am waiting to check in and this women shoves me over and demands a manager immediately. She was going crazy, mouthing off to her poor kids. Manger comes and she goes off because she got off at the wrong busstop and he needs to fix it! She also was very angry because rr at studios had brokedown, and what was he gfoing to do to makeup for it? She actually demanded a full refund for her trip and for him to drive her to her hotel.:scared1:

He was beyond gratious. I took time to praise him for his patience and tolerance. He gave ds some stuffed animals!

Oh - I was at the grocery the other day and a women chased me down in her van - I mean pulled right up to the doors of the store to scream at me 'do you know that you parked in a handicapped parking space?" I politely said yes. She started going off. I limped in to get a scooter. She actually followed me around the store and I ended up going to customer service because she was scaring my ds.

We were selected to ride with goofy one am and this other women, who's kids could careless about even being there it looked like, through a fit that they had been waiting for hours. She followed us and forced her kids on to the ride, screaming the whole time. her very small (1 and 3ish) children started crying. Her husband begged her to just let them get off. She kept ranting. Sh ewouldn't even let me ride behind my son. Her husband took her kids off. She stayed, harrassing poor goofy. Then she kept getting between ds when he was trying to hug and thank goofy.

WOW you are an Angel! I hope the rest of your trip was good. I hope Karma comes around those "mean" people...
Our unpleasant experience happened in the airport before we left for WDW.:headache:
This was a few years ago. Our daughter was 13 months and we had purchased a seat for her and had her car seat with us for the flight.
SW still had the preboard for families at that time so we were in line to board. They made an announcement that the flight would be full.
This woman in front of us starts complaining loudly that she "Hoped they didn't think they were putting that car seat on a full airplane!!"
My husband and I just looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
We were walking down the ramp behind her and she was still ranting saying "Who do they think they are? The plane is full!!"
I was giggling to my husband that it would have been pretty funny if we were gate checking the car seat and she was complaining for nothing. (which she really was, she just didn't know it)
When we walked onto the plane I saw that the left side bulkhead seats were open so, I took the row with my daughter, her seat and my middle son. My husband and oldest son sat behind us.
When I started to buckle the car seat in I heard her again. I looked over and she was across the row in the other bulkhead seats.:headache:
She looked at me and said "I know you aren't going to put that car seat in that seat".
I replied "Yes Ma'am, I am. We bought a seat for our daughter". With the nicest smile I could muster.
She didn't understand me so she said "The plane is full, you can't put that car seat there!!". She was starting to raise her voice at that time.
I replied again, "Ma'am, we paid for a seat on this plane for our daughter, we can use her car seat and we are".
She looked at me and told me she was going to speak to a flight attendant. I told her to go ahead.
The flight attendant came over and asked "What seemed to be the problem?" I told her I did not have a problem at all except for the fact that this woman had been harassing me since Preboard. I then explained what the deal was. (The flight attendant was being very nice through this). She winked at me and went over to the woman and explained once again that we had purchased a seat and we were free to do whatever we wanted with it.
The woman STILL did not understand. The Attendant fnally walked away and I strapped my daughter in.
That woman made comments on and off the entire flight!!:mad:

When we went to walk off the plane I looked at her and just said "I am sorry you do not understand that we did nothing wrong but, I hope you have a nice day" and walked away.
I could hear her complaining to her poor husband while we were walking away about "The nerve of that woman".
I was so proud of myself that I didn't flip on that pain of a woman!! She was really obnoxious and not just before the flight, the entire flight!!

We have had our daughter in a car seat every flight since and have never had a problem.;)

Off topic, but we had the opposite happen on a tour bus in Lancaster county. We boarded a bus that had people sitting in it already but we were assured there was exactly enough seat for my family of seven. I paid for three children and four adults. It was expensive but I knew it would be worth it. Well, when we got on we were two seats short. Turns out two families decided that there one year old babies (who are free) should have seats (window seats, I might add). We had to put the eight and five year olds on our laps and sit in the last row which his blocked on the right side by the bathroom. We paid for seats we did not get to sit in. I complained at the first stop that I didn't mind sitting in the back but please, could I at least have my own seat? She had the families hold the infants.

I wouldn't have minded so much if they were ignorant of us not having seats but they watched us put these huge children on our laps and squish in.
Off topic, but we had the opposite happen on a tour bus in Lancaster county. We boarded a bus that had people sitting in it already but we were assured there was exactly enough seat for my family of seven. I paid for three children and four adults. It was expensive but I knew it would be worth it. Well, when we got on we were two seats short. Turns out two families decided that there one year old babies (who are free) should have seats (window seats, I might add). We had to put the eight and five year olds on our laps and sit in the last row which his blocked on the right side by the bathroom. We paid for seats we did not get to sit in. I complained at the first stop that I didn't mind sitting in the back but please, could I at least have my own seat? She had the families hold the infants.

I wouldn't have minded so much if they were ignorant of us not having seats but they watched us put these huge children on our laps and squish in.

Next time tell the driver before you start that you have paid for seven seats but only five are available. They are responsible for making sure that doesn't happen. :) You should not have to deal with other people taking up seats you paid for and they didn't. My goodness, what if you'd been seven adults! HusbandMan loves me and all, but he doesn't want me sitting on his lap on a tour bus! :rotfl:
Next time tell the driver before you start that you have paid for seven seats but only five are available. They are responsible for making sure that doesn't happen. :) You should not have to deal with other people taking up seats you paid for and they didn't. My goodness, what if you'd been seven adults! HusbandMan loves me and all, but he doesn't want me sitting on his lap on a tour bus! :rotfl:

They didn't know and we were running late (so in a way it was our fault we didn't give ourselves more time with five kids, but it happens). But really, if you see a family who obviously paid for seats, pick up your baby (who I am sure was put down because at the time seats were available) and offer the seat to the family who paid (my kids are big, the five year old does not look under three!). Please don't turn your head and ignore us. I thought maybe we would find other seats on the next stop and I realized we were the last to board and they were ready to take off. Anyway, it didn't ruin our tour-it was great!

On a different note, my husband would have allowed me to sit on him since he was so not interested. He could have slept without anyone noticing.
first, you shouldn't have screamed at the kid first, always talk to the parent first

second, he was 6, it was most likely his first trip and wanted a good view, you couln't have moved for a 6 year old

Rewarding bad behavior is never a good idea. Maybe that poster would have scooted over and made room had he asked nicely. But I can't imagine moving over for some nasty little child who hit me in the head!:headache:


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