Squirrel vs. Crock Pot


Jul 15, 2008
I've been lurking around here for a few weeks now. I have found answers to most of my questions in other threads. (Thanks for that by the way.) Along with getting a few chuckles from some of the posts.

I will be arriving at the Fort on Thursday, the 17th. We will be tent camping for the first time (yes, in July....I know.) I do have one question....

I was thinking I'd like to cook something in a crock pot on Friday. Someone suggested to me that the squirrels may be attracted to the smell and raid it. I don't think they could get the lid off.....but, I'd hate to return after a long day at MK to find that Mickey's distant cousin has stolen our dinner. Does anyone know if squirrels or other critters at the park will get into a crock pot?
I don't tent camp (you might have seen my post in the camp. comm. board about my first and last camping trip :rotfl: ) but I read on here all the time and it seems like people put a crate over their crock pot. You might want to double check this with a tent camping expert but I think that would do the trick. Just bungee a crate over the pot.
I've not heard of any problems. The crate trick would work or a few rocks or something non flammable on the lid would work also.
I wouldn't worry about it at the Fort, but if you put an oscillating fan near it, the noise will keep critters away.

Nothing will keep the otters away from your beer though!

BTW have a great trip!
Lucy - I didnt see that post but I'd like to read it. :) Can you post the link here?

2goofycampers - Thank you, I might try the crate or the fan trick (the oscillating one, not the dance).

ntsammy5 - The fan is a great idea. Should I bring otter repellant?
I've never had a problem leaving the crockpot outside while we're gone. I don't do anything to it other than turn it on. Good Luck!
The otters will steal that too. They especially like beer though!
Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to hide the beer! (and the repellant) ;) As long as they don't steal my crockpot, I'll be okay.

Have fun!!!
Thanks! We are really looking forward to this trip!

I've never had a problem leaving the crockpot outside while we're gone. I don't do anything to it other than turn it on. Good Luck!
Thank you, Good to know!

here it is
it's pretty, umm, interesting!
LOL! That was pretty interesting. I read, and posted a reply there. There aren't ticks at the Fort, are there? *shudders
Never underestimate the tenacity of some of these critters. While I have never seen any acts of "super-squirrel" strength, I have seen raccoons do some absolutely incredible things to get to a food source.
Yea, for a second I thought I was going crazy, I'm like, why did I wish a squirrel and a crockpot fun??? lol
I've never done it myself, but yeah I've read where a lot of folks put a milk crate over their crockpot and bunjie it to the picnic table.
I was grilling hotdogs on the upscale grills they provide you with at each site....and a squirell jumped on the grill as if it werent even warm....took a wiener of and leaped to the picnic table shoved the wiener into a bun, grabbed the mustard container and plopped hinself a dollup. I was completely amazed...it absolutely FLOORED me....first off, that the grill didnt fry his little feet, and secondly that he knew how to make a proper hotdog. The was Disney magic at its finest.....then he went for the beer....and the magic was gone!!!! I swatted at him with the spatula, he went all ninja on me...yanked the spatula right outta my hand and swang it around with the precision of a well trained combat artist. Here I am, sweating and hot from the grill next to me....with no grilling tool in hand...and a squirrel on my picnic table posed in some power ranger death strike position with a spatula pointed right at my juggler vein.......needless to say....I forfieted the beer. He may have been a little badasteriskasteriskasterisk, but he didnt have a chance in hell of making it up the tree with that full bottle of brew!!! I figured I get him when he hit the tree......ya know, he didnt even TRY to go up the dang tree....that ballsy little punk took his hotdog and beer and hopped over to my loungechair!!!! Sat in MY CHAIR, eating MY HOTDOG, and drinking MY BEER!!!!!! All I could do was watch, I made a move towards the camera, because I figured NO ONE would EVER believe this, but he slapped that spatula down with athority on the picnic table right in front of the camera...which I took as a warning that he wasnt too big about being in photos.
The wildlife at the fort IS wildlife...very unpredictable(and sometimes well trained with the skills of a heartless killer)...use common sense, and you'll be alright. And for gods sake....a beer aint worth losing your life over, sometimes these are sacrifices we have to learn to live with!!
The "S" aint for superman, people...Its for SQUIRREL
Just make sure that you cook enough that when the squirrels have had their fill there is enough left for your family to have a filling dinner. :confused3
...Originally Posted by BigDaddyRog
I was grilling hotdogs on the upscale grills they provide you with at each site....and a squirell jumped on the grill as if it werent even warm....took a wiener of and leaped to the picnic table shoved the wiener into a bun, grabbed the mustard container and plopped hinself a dollup. I was completely amazed...it absolutely FLOORED me....first off, that the grill didnt fry his little feet, and secondly that he knew how to make a proper hotdog. The was Disney magic at its finest.....then he went for the beer....and the magic was gone!!!! I swatted at him with the spatula, he went all ninja on me...yanked the spatula right outta my hand and swang it around with the precision of a well trained combat artist. Here I am, sweating and hot from the grill next to me....with no grilling tool in hand...and a squirrel on my picnic table posed in some power ranger death strike position with a spatula pointed right at my juggler vein.......needless to say....I forfieted the beer. He may have been a little badasteriskasteriskasterisk, but he didnt have a chance in hell of making it up the tree with that full bottle of brew!!! I figured I get him when he hit the tree......ya know, he didnt even TRY to go up the dang tree....that ballsy little punk took his hotdog and beer and hopped over to my loungechair!!!! Sat in MY CHAIR, eating MY HOTDOG, and drinking MY BEER!!!!!! All I could do was watch, I made a move towards the camera, because I figured NO ONE would EVER believe this, but he slapped that spatula down with athority on the picnic table right in front of the camera...which I took as a warning that he wasnt too big about being in photos.
The wildlife at the fort IS wildlife...very unpredictable(and sometimes well trained with the skills of a heartless killer)...use common sense, and you'll be alright. And for gods sake....a beer aint worth losing your life over, sometimes these are sacrifices we have to learn to live with!!
The "S" aint for superman, people...Its for SQUIRREL

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I dropped the lid to mine over the 4th GG and it broke. Where can i get a new one? The co. it came from's website is under construction so no luck there.


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