SW - Custom missions

I have been trying to figure out this measurement and pay issue. This is just a hunch. But here was my experiment.

9:15am EST Magic Kingdom Quest - played 104 times - received 32 tokens
1:45pm EST Magic Kingdom Quest - played 121 times - received 29 tokens

9:15am EST Epcot Resort Quest - played 96 times - received 10 tokens
1:45pm EST Epcot Resort Quest - played 109 times - received 14 tokens

Both are currently rated a 4/5.

I have received feedback in the room by people, that they have rated my quest low because I do not payout well. For some reason, I think a rating may impact how the pay occurs. In addition, like Cruise says, a slight alteration to the mission will impact it as well.

Just a thought. I think we should keep this in mind and rate all Dis'rs quests a 5. I will not be charging for the quest until I get to a good payout for the recipients, just think it is best that way since we both will make out in the long run. Charging too early will make people not want to do your mission.

I agree, but wanted to expand on this a little. Mostly for those who are just starting out, perhaps steal a few lines from our own Gracie Fairplay. When typing a description for your mission, remind the players that payouts are determined by the staff of smallworlds, not the creator of the mission. Also mention that the higher they rate missions, the more money they can make doing them again, every 24 hours. Maybe this will help eliminate the snotty comments I've been witnessing when players don't receive substantial payouts. ;) Just some thoughts I had...
Don't Edit!

I finally noticed something about these missions. My mission is still giving out 1 token and I have been using two test mules to verify. Something else I just noticed, one mule took it yesterday and it got 4 xp and 2 tokens. This morning I edited my mission again(been editing every day) and when the mule went back to do it, it only got 3 xp and 1 token. I think every time we edit it drops back down a bit. Just a thought.

Cruise might be onto something here. My mission was capped at the highest pay-out of 81 tokens... then it dropped somewhat and I coudldn't figure out why.

However, I DID make an edit.... maybe that is why?
When typing a description for your mission, remind the players that payouts are determined by the staff of smallworlds, not the creator of the mission.

I don't think this will work. Nobody even takes two seconds to read the "Please sit in the chair closest to the door" in my mission's description. :p
So does changing your mission track count as editing? I was considering changing mine to Social or Gamer, but maybe I shouldn't if it reduces the XP and tokens.

I leveled up to 40 in Social while doing Disvaclub's missions. Thanks Dis! I can wear my purple fairy wings now. :) (I guess the track requirement for that item was Social after all. Don't know why they don't mention it in the shop description like they do for the other wings.)
Just a suggestion, to get your mission on the list you need at least 5-7 people visit your mission. If you create a mission, please use the DIS channel to request people to come to your mission so that we can get your mission on the list.

Good question Alice Blue, I am guessing since it is not a "physical task" change it should not impact it. But you never know the method to the madness of the mission engine. hehe.
I opened a new mission... it's called Sparkle Pixie's Disney Villians Mission.. you should be able to find it in the Dis teleporter network.. thanks Disvaclub!
I'm wondering if they have a cap on the token payout. The most I have ever received from any custom mission is the 81 token/ 405 XP. Has anyone seen a higher mission payout?

Initially the # of plays definately help the mission payout. The first time I did AliceBlue's mission the payout was 2XP and 0 Tokens. Most of us know if as gone way up. :thumbsup2

Like everyone, I'd love to know what reduces the pay out. For now the theme seems to be play often and rate high.

When I hear someome complain about payout, I tell them, the more you play, the more it pays. Play again tomorrow the pay should be much better. I also explain the room owner does not set the pay, the game does. This seems to help.


When I hear someome complain about payout, I tell them, the more you play, the more it pays. Play again tomorrow the pay should be much better. I also explain the room owner does not set the pay, the game does. This seems to help.
Ungrateful, don't want to work for anything, little brats...heh
Ungrateful, don't want to work for anything, little brats...heh

Yes, sad but true. I think my next mission might be a about what is "RIF". Three questions, fill in the blanks. Prolly rated low.

Sad but true, they don't even read the tasks just want people to tell them the answers.
Yes, sad but true. I think my next mission might be a about what is "RIF". Three questions, fill in the blanks. Prolly rated low.

Sad but true, they don't even read the tasks just want people to tell them the answers.

No worries on that Dis. If they can't finish the mission, they can't rate it! :lmao: "I help with the other missions, but not that one."
I was on a mission and I go in a teleporter, the teleporter outside was (sit down for this one) A HOBBIT HOLE LMAO :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ned I tried to do your mission, but I couldnt get past the, draw me a picture, part.
No worries on that Dis. If they can't finish the mission, they can't rate it! :lmao: "I help with the other missions, but not that one."

Doh! So true, can't rate a mission you can never complete. You can tell it was late when I posted that. :lmao:
Ned I tried to do your mission, but I couldnt get past the, draw me a picture, part.

Yea, thanks. Happy sent me an email bout that as well. I had the Graffiti board "Who can use" set to "Contributor" for some reason. Is now set to anyone. There is a button you click on the board, don't really need to draw anything as I couldn't get that to work and complete the task by actually drawing. Oh, and it's the board on the right.

If someone wouldn't mind running thru the quest...er, mission :-)lmao: ) and letting me know if it works, I'd be appreciative! :thumbsup2


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