Disboutiquers Part 8 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I should add that the nice notes I get back from people about what I make just make me feel so good! I love it when they send pictures of the kiddos (but never ask since I don't know how you would go about that) and I have become friends with alot of them or atleast friends and communicated back and forth alot while working on their outfit.

I have had a few lately who have written the nicest long letters, it is just so nice that even though I am at home I am doing something I love and someone else is able to enjoy it too. Does that make sense?

That is also one reason I love the BIG GIVE! The items are so appreciated! The kids look so cute and happy with whatever is sent to them, just puts a smile on my face!
I can't understand anyone expecting a child to go into K able to read. I never really thought about teaching Ash to read since that is one of the things I send her to school for. Besides, we both get very frustrated when I try to help her learn things. There is no way I could homeschool. Those of you who do impress me very much.
I'd love to homeschool. But we both get frustrated when we work on her reading! I don't know if the teacher plans on teaching them to read in class or not. :confused3

I hear you I had the same issue last yr then come mid yr and report card they faulted him because he couldn't do letter bends like ou! UGH! I so feel your pain!

Ok I need to vent again!
Nikki's principal called me AGAIn and I got scolded because I keep bringing up her lack of communication skills and the principal said I can't bring up her past poor communications skill issues because it doesn't apply. Well I think it does if it keeps happening!!!! She said I will find huge differences between 2nd and 3rd grade but when I mentioned that the other 3rd grade teacher has wonderful communication skills with parents. She didn't want to hear it. So from how she sees it is she won't take a habitual issue into effect?!?!? Then I said I wanted and tried to extend an olive branch to the teacher for my kids sake and I would like to have a conversation with her to do so she told me to drop it! OMG I am so pissed AGAIN!

I was so close to telling her NOT to talk to me like a child I am not her student I am an adult!

then I was told to go to her with issues concerning Nikki not the teacher or the nurse! HUH? Nikki has a medical issue she is not a medical professional! I even explained that I got to the nurse because she IS the medical professional and she told me NO!

How bad is it when you wished your kid hated school so you would have an excuse to homeschool her?!?!? Problem is she LOVES school and her friends there and thankfully the teacher doesn't seem to treat Nik any differently since our issues which is good. Though I wonder if Nik just isn't telling me because she is so moody lately or is it that she is just hitting that moody age...

UGH! I swear all of this stress is going to make my thyroid issue come back!
Thanks for understanding about the whole reading thing!

What is the problem with your principal? What are you asking for that is so outrageous? You just want to make sure your daughter doesn't eat wheat products, correct? Why are they making it into such an issue? What a jerk to talk to you that way!

Oh...THE COOKIES ARE SO GOOD!!! Yep, made them this am. As I was getting ready to mix them, I thought...hey this stuff would fit in a jar! You know, like the cookie mixes in a jar you see around the holidays...but this is much less work! I tried it with a medium size mason jar, don't know the measurement, I'll figure that out later...but the cake mix and the chips fit perfect. So, for those last minute gifts, a basket from the dollar store, a jar with the mix, the can of pumkin, a wooden spoon, maybe a tea towel...I'll be keeping that stuff on hand.

And, because I live in the south and all things need to be more fattening...I tried a glaze with powdered sugar and milk on top...YUMMY!
I SO don't appreciate all this dessert talk! I started the South Beach diet 12 days ago. I haven't had any sugar or bread or anything bad for me since then!! I have 2 more days to go before I can start reintroducing 100% whole grain products back into my diet.

But, on the plus side, I've lost ELEVEN pounds!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: I never lose weight this fast, so I am thrilled!!!

Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you! :hug: I'm already feeling better today than yesterday.

:hug: :hug: Heather, do not stress about Tessa's reading level!! I don't believe that it is expected they they read at that level, but many, many kids have developed the skill when they enter K. I think it's also one of those things that when it clicks, the teachers want to roll with it and encourage as much progress as they can so every kid ends up working at a different pace. Neither of my kids was reading when they entered K but Megan started 1st grade reading above 2nd grade level and Wyatt was still at level one when he started 1st grade this year. :confused3 He's gone up 6 levels in one month of school and his teacher told me that his class of 14 children has 6 different reading groups right now. The one thing that has been consistant with all teachers the last 4 years is that they want the children to practice reading every night. :hug: Hang in there, Tessa will be flying through books before you know it!
I wasn't so concerned with her not reading fluently as I was concerned that she's going to get left behind by her teacher if I can't figure out how to make it "click" with her. This is something we were told they would have to know by the end of the year, not before school started. Most of the kids in her class took a class called "BK" last year. It's almost exactly the same as kindergarten, but it's for kids who aren't quite ready for K yet. So, they've already done all this stuff. Tessa is loving school and she loves to learn, so I'm sure she'll catch up. I was just surprised because I thought she was pretty advanced to be able to read a little before school started!

working on the new fabulous pair this morning already!
I'm looking forward to seeing them! Sawyer loves Dumbo and I had been eyeing a Dumbo applique design on :wizard: .

So I have probably mentioned that I am kind of a chicken and haven't really figured (never even taken it out of the box actually) out how to use my ruffle foot right? Well now I have bought the Singer serger and am scare to use that too :rotfl2:! I swear I will figure them both out this weekend but really, what is my problem? This is ridiculous! I am excited about both of them since it will make my life easier but I have to get over this fear I have!
I don't know how to help you, but I do know that my sister is NOT the person to help you through this issue. :rolleyes1

Bonjour les filles et un gars (that's "one guy" en français!) hey - I'm just like Fancy Nancy!

Well, I've been lurking lots, not sewing so much. It looks like everyone needs a GIANT group hug! There's so much going on. And sadly, I'm in need of a hug too. We were looking to buy a house, found one we liked (that we could afford) and put in an offer, had my Dad do a home inspection, hired an arborist to check out a large tree in the yard, AND put in an offer. Then we waited while the sellers were ON VACATION, and couldn't be reached to present the offer to! Anyhoo, long story short, we lost the house, the sale was almost complete too! Now we have to be out of our present house in 27 days, and we're not able to secure a mortgage in time (thanks to a data entry error at the credit verification company, and that market crash from earlier this week :(). Sooooo, we have to rent a place for a while until this whole mess is sorted out. This just rots! So DH and I surprised the kids by picking them up from school at lunch and driving to the USA, took them to Target and bought them their Hallowe'en costumes, bought some junk food that we can't buy in Canada and ate at the Olive Garden (we don't have those here either). Yum! Love the Bellini iced tea there. A little cross-border retail therapy was all we needed to lift our spirits, but we just didn't have time to go to Joann's :sad2:

I had a question for those of you who sell your creations, feel free to PM me! Do you feel that you make enough money to justify the time spent? Are you able to make a profit - or you do find yourself spending more on fabric for your own kids? Any tips would be great. Here in Canada I NEVER see kids with customs of any kind, so I thought I would look into this!

So here's a GIANT :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for everyone (even if you think you don't need it!)


I'm sorry to hear the deal on your house fell through! What a pain to have to
move twice now, it would have been nice not to have to do that!

As for everyone who feels ignored, you're not alone! There have been lots of times I've answered a question, or commented on something and then someone posts "No one answered my question" or "No one commented on this" or they thank the person who answered after I did. So, it happens to all of us! But, I don't take it personally. I know people miss things, especially when it's in a big multi-quote like I tend to post!:rolleyes:

:grouphug: :hug: To everyone who has felt that way! We all do our best to try and make sure no one gets ignored. If you ever have a question that hasn't been answered, post it again, really BIG!
okay, I hope this makes sense, I'm no Linnette! :laughing: and I had to write with a "fat" marker, but a couple of people asked, so here are the dimensions for the reversible cape. I used about a 1/4" seam allowance and left an opening at the bottom big enough for my hand so I could turn it right side out. Then I used a little piece of stitch witchery to close the opening without showing any stitching. When I put the velcro on I just remembered to put one side on one color and the other side on the other color (before I stitched around the edgs) to keep me from messing up.

I hope this all gets straight somehow!!!

And about the kids getting faulted for silly stuff...when we moved last year a month after school started, Patrick was tested to see where he was at for 1st reports. When asked his phone number and address he gave the exact perfect address, for our old house. Keep in mind, we had only been here for a week. He was marked he did not know it!:eek: I told the teacher is was all perfect, she had written down what he said, she said, well that is not what is in his records.:headache: He knew it next report time!
That was crazy!
So I have probably mentioned that I am kind of a chicken and haven't really figured (never even taken it out of the box actually) out how to use my ruffle foot right? Well now I have bought the Singer serger and am scare to use that too :rotfl2:! I swear I will figure them both out this weekend but really, what is my problem? This is ridiculous! I am excited about both of them since it will make my life easier but I have to get over this fear I have!
Let me know how you make out my ruffler still scares me!
Bonjour les filles et un gars (that's "one guy" en français!) hey - I'm just like Fancy Nancy!

Well, I've been lurking lots, not sewing so much. It looks like everyone needs a GIANT group hug! There's so much going on. And sadly, I'm in need of a hug too. We were looking to buy a house, found one we liked (that we could afford) and put in an offer, had my Dad do a home inspection, hired an arborist to check out a large tree in the yard, AND put in an offer. Then we waited while the sellers were ON VACATION, and couldn't be reached to present the offer to! Anyhoo, long story short, we lost the house, the sale was almost complete too! Now we have to be out of our present house in 27 days, and we're not able to secure a mortgage in time (thanks to a data entry error at the credit verification company, and that market crash from earlier this week :(). Sooooo, we have to rent a place for a while until this whole mess is sorted out. This just rots! So DH and I surprised the kids by picking them up from school at lunch and driving to the USA, took them to Target and bought them their Hallowe'en costumes, bought some junk food that we can't buy in Canada and ate at the Olive Garden (we don't have those here either). Yum! Love the Bellini iced tea there. A little cross-border retail therapy was all we needed to lift our spirits, but we just didn't have time to go to Joann's :sad2:

I had a question for those of you who sell your creations, feel free to PM me! Do you feel that you make enough money to justify the time spent? Are you able to make a profit - or you do find yourself spending more on fabric for your own kids? Any tips would be great. Here in Canada I NEVER see kids with customs of any kind, so I thought I would look into this!

So here's a GIANT :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for everyone (even if you think you don't need it!)

I am sorry this isn't going as you planned! Good luck!

All I am asking for is open communication between me and my dd. I also want her to be safe in school with her Celiacs. This all started because the teacher vetoed me talking to the parents about if they were going to bring a bday treat or some kind of treat for what ever reason to class to please contact me so I can bring something comparable for Nikki. She said NO! Last yr is was no problem we had a great relationship with the teacher and it was very easy. So why is this witch making it so hard!???

So just because she isn't sick at this moment and because she is smart in school and not falling behind they are not letting her get a plan that will ensure her safety! Sure they are making a care plan but it isn't as binding as a 504 plan...

This principal has o problem treating me like a child and talking down to me! This is the same woman who has no issue with a sexual offender who has a kid in the school come and help out with events because his wife heads the pto! Ok so he was charged with relations with a teenager so it wasn't like it was a little kid but se was still underage! This woman also has no problem announcing to the entire school which has some prek classes and younger grades last yr that rules are changing because of a bomb scare! UH the kids in elementry school just need to know rules ahve changed period and it should be up to the parents to handle how they kids needed to know about the bomb scare She announced this during the morning announcements BEFORE the parents where told in that school:scared1: When I confronted her about this she said well kids came to me because their older siblings knew about it. Sure so blame the kids. What she should have done is directed the kids back to the parents! Even call those parents and let them know what their kids were asking. UGH! she is a nightmare!
We have a new BIG GIVE family!

This family has a 3 year old girl named Lydia and a 18 month old boy named Tobias. The mother is really sweet. She was SO excited when I told her we wanted to include them in the big give. Here's how she responded when I asked if she was interested:

Oh. MY.GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am completely speechless... I am in shock!! WOW! I'm pretty much giggling like a little kid. :goodvibes Those are SO beautiful!!!!!!!!! Lydia will be so excited!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
Wow.... I don't even know what to say.... :sad1: Wow.... *giggle* Okay, I'll try to keep it toghether, lol! Our answer is YES!!!! :thumbsup2 :cloud9:
That is the most amazing blessing since our Wish Trip announcement!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! :worship:

I'm still giggling with tears in my eyes!!!! :rotfl:
I just told Lydia (and with as much as she actually understands, lol) and she started jumping up and down!!!!!!!!! :banana: :yay:
Wow, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! :dance3: I had to phone my mom and she is so excited too!!! She said to say thank you!!! She lives far away in Norway and feels so happy that someone is blessing Lydia!!!!
WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: :banana:

How cute is she? I loved that response!! Anyway, if you want to learn more about this Big Give, here's the link:


We're playing around with the color scheme over there, so it may look different than the last time you were there.

Here's a link to her pre-trip report, too.


How do you get to the big give board? I'm sure I missed something in the front page? Now that I am finishing up for my own trip, I wouldn't mind trying to help out on occassion for the big give.
Since I haven't been on in a while and I can't possibly go through all the posts (you guys are so chatty-I love it!), could you tell me where I can find the pattern for the Vida dress. I really like it and would love to try it out. Thanks!!

okay, I hope this makes sense, I'm no Linnette! :laughing: and I had to write with a "fat" marker, but a couple of people asked, so here are the dimensions for the reversible cape. I used about a 1/4" seam allowance and left an opening at the bottom big enough for my hand so I could turn it right side out. Then I used a little piece of stitch witchery to close the opening without showing any stitching. When I put the velcro on I just remembered to put one side on one color and the other side on the other color (before I stitched around the edgs) to keep me from messing up.


Thanks jham!!! This is going to be sooo helpful when I make her costume!!!
Since I haven't been on in a while and I can't possibly go through all the posts (you guys are so chatty-I love it!), could you tell me where I can find the pattern for the Vida dress. I really like it and would love to try it out. Thanks!!


Someone said they had gotten theirs at banberryplace.com!HTH
Okay, here are the photos I didn't get posted earlier. Here is a reversible superhero cape I made for Luke's friend's birthday. I CASEd some that were being sold at the last boutique we were in only I sort of changed the shape of mine. I like mine better :snooty: Now Luke wants one but can't decide which superheros. They had a cute Incredibles one at the boutique.





and here's Luke's birthday shirt I slaved over for hours--seriously! I picked out the image, typed in my text, resized, colored, moved it around, did the back, got everything perfect, went to put it in the cart and the stupid zazzle system went down. about 3 or 4 times. I had to go back on a totally different day to get it to work. It really did take as long as making a shirt myself. But shipping was super quick!



and last but not least I CASEd myself, and the skirt I made for Karlyn, for Lily. Actually I cut all the squares out at the same time. Now I just need to make her top for it.

OMGosh! I love love love the capes.....how cool is that! :thumbsup2
I made t-shirts thru them and they didn't fit. They sent me a new size and when I tried to return the other ones they said...no problem just keep them. They do have fast shipping!
I love your skirt.....the colors are great together. How did you do the hem again??? Was it hard?

Thanks for noticing! I was starting to feel invisible :hug: (hey, it's been a rough couple of days!)

Awwwww poor jammy....sorry about the rough couple of days :hug: :hug:

Hi My Friends....I wanted to let you all know that I did go see my best friend today who is dying from cancer. I am so THANKFUL that I went..so very, very thankful. It was very hard emotionally but Peggy was so glad I was there. They had been limiting people's visits to ten minutes but she didn't want me to go. I was there in her room for almost 2 hours. Yes, I cried and cried and so did she but she held my hand and told me it was okay. She has always been more concerned about how I was doing than with herself. She is older than me and has told me nurmerous times since she has been sick that I am the daughter she never had. She said she would have been honored to be my Mother which of course got me crying again. She cried and told me that she loved my letter that I sent her and that it meant the world to her. That made me feel so good too. She also gave me one of her favorite things and told me that it reminded her of me and that she wanted me to have it. I will cherish it always.

It had only been a few weeks since I had actually seen her, though we had spoke on the phone. However, in those short weeks, her body had changed drastically. It was hard to see her so frail and thin, and of course it is devastating to see how much pain she is in. She looked so tired and worn out and I kept telling her I would let her get some rest but she did not want me to go. So again, I am so THANKFUL that I went and spent this time with her. I love her dearly and will miss her so much!

One of her favorite books was "Marley and Me" (about a dog) and that is because they have always had dogs. They never had children. About a month ago I went to the movies with her and her husband and we talked about seeing "Marley and Me" the movie. It is coming out around Christmas time and so Peggy made me promise I would go see it in her honor and have an icee and popcorn for her. It made me laugh....but you know I will be there!!! Absolutely!!!

Her husband said he wanted to talk to me before I left as he wanted to ask me to do something. Turns out he wants me to help him create a slideshow of pictures and music to show at Peggy's funeral. I hope to create a beautiful one in honor of Peggy. I don't think she has much time left here but as she said to me with tears, "don't worry Bethie...I will see you again"!!!

And I believe her!!!

Anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you again for the kind words and prayers. You guys are all so sweet on here!!! Hugs to all of you!!!

Glad that you were able to connect and your support means so much to them I am sure!!! :hug:

Thank you. :hug:

What's weird is that the teacher is spending a lot of time teaching them shapes, colors, letters, and things they all probably already know. But, we're supposed to work with them on reading in the evening. I'd really rather she tried to teach them to read in school! Tessa gets very frustrated when I try to help her!
Are you sure :confused3 they wanted you to "teach" her to read...typically they just want you to read to them. The more the better....:)

:teacher: Perhaps Tessa should employ Sarah's technique. It worked. :rotfl: She wanted to get into the honors class so she completed all her work to the best of her ability and as soon as she was done, I told her to go to the teacher to ask what she should do next, or ask how she can help. So, today the teacher pulls her aside and says that he wants to move her to the honors class because she is ahead of everyone and always goes above and beyond. :banana: Perhaps Tessa could ask her teacher to help her learn to "read" (letters and sounds) rather than working on shapes and colors etc. which she already knows. Doesn't hurt to ask. :thumbsup2

Rylie just walked in here and was telling me something! She does not say things very plain, and so sometimes I can't understand her. Well, she walks up to me and all I can smell is baby powder! I asked her to show me what she had done. Well, she had gotten deodorant and rubbed it all over her arms!:eek: At least she smells good!:rotfl2: :rotfl:
Awwwwww....this is soooo something my DD's do! However they get into my bath and body works spray and smell like one big vanilla bean! :rotfl:
I only have a little here. I got it from :wizard: and it is part of a fabric shower curtain. I probably will not use it this year. Let me see how much I have..

Oh that would be wonderful. Please let me know.

Do you think this is too girly for my son... My husband says yes and now I am sad he will not get to wear it... now what do I do with it.. ok what do you all think!



I didn't think it looked girly. It looked age appropiate. But I know men can be funny about stuff.
Are you sure :confused3 they wanted you to "teach" her to read...typically they just want you to read to them. The more the better....:)

:teacher: Perhaps Tessa should employ Sarah's technique. It worked. :rotfl: She wanted to get into the honors class so she completed all her work to the best of her ability and as soon as she was done, I told her to go to the teacher to ask what she should do next, or ask how she can help. So, today the teacher pulls her aside and says that he wants to move her to the honors class because she is ahead of everyone and always goes above and beyond. :banana: Perhaps Tessa could ask her teacher to help her learn to "read" (letters and sounds) rather than working on shapes and colors etc. which she already knows. Doesn't hurt to ask. :thumbsup2

I'd like to know how to get a kid to like to read! Kirsta hates it and every night if such a fight just to get her to read for 20 minutes.
Hi everyone I spoke with Chloe's mom this morning and she started crying. She just could not believe there were people out there that would do this for her daughter without knowing her. I found out her shoe size it's a 1 so I am thinking size 1 or 2 would be great. These are the pictures I took of the twom of them today. Chloe was proud to be wearing the blue flower shirt Megan had just given her a few days ago. Every day this week she has gotten to wear something new to her. And i know it makes her happy. Normally she is shorter than Megan but she has I would say 2 inch plastic heels on today:scared:. They make eachother so happy. Thanks to everyone for your help. Her Birthday is dec 17 so I thought we could try for the second week of dec that way I have time to get gift bags and wrap everything. And I told her mom that there has to be a fashion show so I can take pictures for all of you.


I am making Madi a patchwork twirl jumper She is a size 3-4. I have 1/2 yd of 4 fabrics so a total of 2 yrds; from the bodice to hem is 16in; she is 22 in around. What size do I need to make the squares so it will come out right? :confused3 I am soooooo bad at math ;)
The outfits are really cute!! I love the pumpkin fabric too!
Do you pin then sew or just go for it? How are you gathering the ruffle?

Thanks :)

I gather the ruffle on my machine...I use the long stitch and set my # thing (??) to 9. Usually it will ruffle it 1/2 the length...if that makes any sense. I then pin it and sew it...I guess I need to measure??? Not try to eyeball it...I am so impatient!! LOL

I love this fall outfit it is so perfect. the only thing it's missing is a model

I know...I am hoping I can get her in it today...we'll see :)

I think someone has already mentioned it but get an applique foot. Mine was only about $8 but it was worth ten times that if you are going to do a lot of appliqueing.

I am so going to get that foot!! I had no idea :) LOL!! Such a rookie!! huh :)

Great job! Congrats on your first pattern and applique! :cool1:

Thanks so much!! I think I may do another one this weekend :) I want to try a Peasant shirt for under the fall one and I need to do the buttons :)

Great job! You can buy an applique foot for your machine that is clear and is open and clear-makes things a lot easier!

Thanks so much!

It looks great!
Thanks :)

I love it...makes me want to go apple picking or to the fair!

Thanks so much! I know! I am really in love with this one. If I do say so myself.

FInally got my camera back today from canon. it is all fixed!! Woo hoo -
Here are a couple of sets I finished.


Warning... sad puppy pose!!



I also finished a few that are not disney.. want to see those!!

These are all great!!
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