CP Job Descriptions Thread

I asked my Campus Rep about Photopass and the CM giving the presentation said to put it down on my Check list because it was a possibility. Has anyone done Photopass? Also, for attractions do you have any say as to what ride you are attending or is that left up to the computer as well?

WDW CPs can't do Photopass. It is offered for the DL CP though.
Congrats!! Character attendant is such a fun role. I have done it twice now.

As for cameras, you can. Just be careful of what/when you use it for.

Oh wow! I thought you weren't allowed to have cameras. That's very neat! So what kind of stuff is acceptable vs whats not acceptable?

I was part of the opening team for the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique at Cinderella's Castle. (Yes, I was a FGIT.)

The role requires you to be female, able to climb 3 flights of stairs everyday (though there is a way around that), and capable of standing on your feet for 6-12hrs a day.

You'll also have 1 week of training with a trainer who'll teach you the 3 hairstyles, the rules, and other items related to the Boutique. Afterwards you'll have 2 wks of probation where you'll be monitored while you're with guests.

From there, everything is a piece of cake. There's no register training, you can't work for the DD Boutique, but you *can* accept tips. The only downside is that the Boutique is *incredibly* busy 24/7, so you must be able to deal with a high-volume work atmosphere. However, there's set hours for the Boutique so you'll never have a "till 3am" shift followed by a "8am open".

...And there's always the added benefit of air-conditioning!

Did you or any of your coworkers know anyone in the position who didn't have previous salon experience? I've heard you need it but it isn't on the role checklist or anything so I'm trying to get a well rounded response. I've always wanted to go to cosmetology school and be a hairdresser but my parents said I have to go to college first.

You just style the hair right, you don't cut it?

Thanks! :wizard:
WDW CPs can't do Photopass. It is offered for the DL CP though.

That's what I thought too, but I asked the CM giving the presentation, he said they were trying it out at WDW, put a sticky note on my App and I was asked about it during my phone interview.
That's what I thought too, but I asked the CM giving the presentation, he said they were trying it out at WDW, put a sticky note on my App and I was asked about it during my phone interview.

Ooh!! Please let me know how this goes and if you hear any more information about it?
Oh wow! I thought you weren't allowed to have cameras. That's very neat! So what kind of stuff is acceptable vs whats not acceptable?

You just style the hair right, you don't cut it?

Thanks! :wizard:

You just have to be careful of what's in the background. If you'd like, I can show you some of my pictures.

No, you don't cut hair at BBB.

That's what I thought too, but I asked the CM giving the presentation, he said they were trying it out at WDW, put a sticky note on my App and I was asked about it during my phone interview.

Really? Wow, if that's added for Fall 09, I'm going to have a hard decision.
Really? Wow, if that's added for Fall 09, I'm going to have a hard decision.

Yeah I am pretty excited even about the chance for it. How many Semesters of the CP can you do? That is something I meant to ask my campus rep but forgot.
Yeah I am pretty excited even about the chance for it. How many Semesters of the CP can you do? That is something I meant to ask my campus rep but forgot.

You can do 2 in a row before you leave (up to a year). Overall, you can do as many as you want. I just finished my 4th CP in Aug (2 were summer-only CPs though) and will be applying for my 5th in May.
I don't want to do merchandising because I've been in retail all my life and I'm used to being in management now, and I doubt Disney will care I have so much experiance lol
I don't want to do merchandising because I've been in retail all my life and I'm used to being in management now, and I doubt Disney will care I have so much experiance lol

Oh they do. I have a friend who was just put in merchandise for Spring 09, and she didn't pick it as a choice (she works in retail at home).
yea but I mean I doubt they'd care that I've been a manager before, they'd probly still just throw me in at minimum wage
yea but I mean I doubt they'd care that I've been a manager before, they'd probly still just throw me in at minimum wage

It's a flat wage no matter what position you get. The only difference is if you're in a "tipped" position, then things can change a lot.

I went from being one of the lowest paid people in my apartment because they all had QSFB, to one of the highest because they changed my role to a "tipped" position.
I worked Main Entrance Operations (Fall Advantage 2004), but I think when I went it was more generally classified to just Operations and included attractions. In any case I was assigned to Parking at MK. I don't know if it's still this way, but we weren't given our actual assignment till we checked in. I almost cried when they told me parking.
After a couple of hours, I was okay with it though. I didn't know parking meant driving and speiling on trams in addition to directing traffic. Believe it or not, I really think this was a great role. I had so much fun and I had way better break times than my room mates. Ours were dependent on fluctating need as opposed to computer assignment, so my 30 min lunch was often 45 mins to an hour or more. They couldn't send us home 'cause they would need us for exit or random surges in arrival or departure.
My role was pretty self explanitory. We drove the trams, we speiled on the back of the tram (park info on the way in, parking lot info on the way out), directed traffic to parking places or to the exit if tram patterns required it, some crowd control in the loading zones, and trash pickup. On New Years Eve we also did turn around when the park was closed and we weren't parking any more cars (this involved an Orange County Sherriff and was quite interesting). Some CPs chose to cross train and the entrance plaza, gift shop and lost and found, but none of those were particularly appealing to me.
Since I worked summer, fall, and winter I got to see a lot of weather. The summer was hot outside. I got a really ridiculous tan that my roomies liked to make fun of (I was tan from elbow to fingertip, knee to ankle, and a small v-neck), fall was fabulous, and some winter days were so cold that I wore my rain gear under my costume to block the wind which could make the back of the tram miserable.
One word of advice for anyone working outside: if they still have them, get the yellow rain gear instead of the clear kind. It doesn't tear as easy. And in the parking lot I found it helpful to wear my shoe covers after the rain to protect myself from the puddles. I'm not sure if that was legal, but i got really tired of wet socks.
Sorry this was so long.
Nope. Parking and Front Entrance is now seperate from attractions.
I worked Main Entrance Operations (Fall Advantage 2004), but I think when I went it was more generally classified to just Operations and included attractions. In any case I was assigned to Parking at MK. I don't know if it's still this way, but we weren't given our actual assignment till we checked in. I almost cried when they told me parking.
After a couple of hours, I was okay with it though. I didn't know parking meant driving and speiling on trams in addition to directing traffic. Believe it or not, I really think this was a great role. I had so much fun and I had way better break times than my room mates. Ours were dependent on fluctating need as opposed to computer assignment, so my 30 min lunch was often 45 mins to an hour or more. They couldn't send us home 'cause they would need us for exit or random surges in arrival or departure.
My role was pretty self explanitory. We drove the trams, we speiled on the back of the tram (park info on the way in, parking lot info on the way out), directed traffic to parking places or to the exit if tram patterns required it, some crowd control in the loading zones, and trash pickup. On New Years Eve we also did turn around when the park was closed and we weren't parking any more cars (this involved an Orange County Sherriff and was quite interesting). Some CPs chose to cross train and the entrance plaza, gift shop and lost and found, but none of those were particularly appealing to me.
Since I worked summer, fall, and winter I got to see a lot of weather. The summer was hot outside. I got a really ridiculous tan that my roomies liked to make fun of (I was tan from elbow to fingertip, knee to ankle, and a small v-neck), fall was fabulous, and some winter days were so cold that I wore my rain gear under my costume to block the wind which could make the back of the tram miserable.
One word of advice for anyone working outside: if they still have them, get the yellow rain gear instead of the clear kind. It doesn't tear as easy. And in the parking lot I found it helpful to wear my shoe covers after the rain to protect myself from the puddles. I'm not sure if that was legal, but i got really tired of wet socks.
Sorry this was so long.
Thanks for the info!
For anyone scanning over this thread -

If you see your role already explained by a previous poster, please feel free to post your own account of your CP because I've noticed that the same role seems to differ from location to location. Plus its always fun to hear everyone's experiences. So don't be shy and post please! We're all very curious! :lovestruc
For anyone scanning over this thread -

If you see your role already explained by a previous poster, please feel free to post your own account of your CP because I've noticed that the same role seems to differ from location to location. Plus its always fun to hear everyone's experiences. So don't be shy and post please! We're all very curious! :lovestruc

Was there any role in particular you were looking for?
I was selected for Housekeeping for Spring 09, which might turn out to be a mistake, I am still waiting for response from my recruiter, but I was just wondering if anyone on here had ever done it? I know what the job entails, that's common sense, but I just wanted to see if anyone had done the role and what they thought of it. Thanks!
Was there any role in particular you were looking for?

Well I haven't narrowed down my roles too much but I was looking more for a "day in the life" sort of thing. Just a breakdown of what you do from shift start to shift end.

I'm interested, in your case Joanna, in character attendant and custodial.

Do you think if I put custodial as one of my choices, they'll completely overlook my other choices and put me in custodial because they need people for it more than the others? I would only want to do custodial after character attendant and BBB hostess. My first choice would be character performer but that's pending at audition. I wouldn't mind custodial, its just my last choice..

And for anyone else, I was interested in a detailed explanation of an average day in costuming, BBB Hostess, and transportation.

thanks!! :goodvibes :goodvibes
Well I haven't narrowed down my roles too much but I was looking more for a "day in the life" sort of thing. Just a breakdown of what you do from shift start to shift end.

I'm interested, in your case Joanna, in character attendant and custodial.

Do you think if I put custodial as one of my choices, they'll completely overlook my other choices and put me in custodial because they need people for it more than the others? I would only want to do custodial after character attendant and BBB hostess. My first choice would be character performer but that's pending at audition. I wouldn't mind custodial, its just my last choice..

And for anyone else, I was interested in a detailed explanation of an average day in costuming, BBB Hostess, and transportation.

thanks!! :goodvibes :goodvibes

Ah, ok. Well, for my two:
Character Attendant
Character Attendant is a pretty simple role. You know your schedule 2 weeks in advance (though it can change). The schedule tells you which park and character you will be working with (though you may not always know the exact character, as some spots have more then one). Unlike other roles where they can bring home 5 costumes at a time, character attendants can't. This means you have to go to costuming everytime. Most shifts aren't that long. Last summer I usually worked something like 10am to 6pm, or something like that. Unlike the performers, attendants usually stay out the whole time. Breaks are given by a breaker (an attendant who specifically gives breaks to people). However, there are certain cases where you will go in with the character. There are different places where you work- regular meets, dining, shows. Regular meets are the basic get in line and meet a character. Dining is the character dining. And shows are stuff like Dream Along with Mickey. For regular meets, you make sure the line stays orderly. Make sure the people have their books open, pens set, and cameras ready to go (and if there is a Photopass photographer, make sure they have their photopass card out). Answer questions for guests. And the big one- assisting the character(s). For dining, you basically go around making sure people stay at their tables and don't go chasing after the characters. Also to make sure the books are open (since the characters won't have that much time at each table). And for shows, it's pretty much just making sure people are behaving.

Every location may be different. Now for me, I worked in Epcot WS (so I worked in all the countries). You would be working either in restrooms or in streets. I learned to never go by what my schedule said, since half the time it was wrong or I was pulled to the other. Streets is where you would walk around with the pan and broom sweeping up trash, taking care of the garbage cans, and major guest interaction (taking pictures, answering questions, giving directions, ect). For restrooms, you would be taking care of the restrooms in your area (keeping them clean, stocking them, ect). Now for the WS, you had 1 country for Streets and 2 countries for Restrooms (for example, I would have Germany and Italy together for restrooms). Usually it was 3 bathrooms for both countries. We also got scheduled sometimes for special events. This includes the concerts in the American Adventure theater (like the Sounds like Summer concerts), and events in the big building behind UK/Canada (I can't remember the name of the building). I was in there for a few events. There were 2 different times for shifts. You either opened or closed. Opening was 6:45am til 1:15 or 3:15 pm. And closing was 1:15pm or 3:15pm til closing. Also, you got a duty for before or after your shift (depending on if you opened or closed). This would be getting something ready to open, or cleaning something at the end of the night. For example- when I opened Canada restrooms I would get the Le Cellier and Refreshment Port restrooms ready to open.

I think that is everything. If you have anymore questions, just let me know.:)

And to answer your other question- I can't be positive. But it is pretty likely, since they always need people for custodial (and also QSFB).
Ah, ok. Well, for my two:
Character Attendant
The schedule tells you which park and character you will be working with (though you may not always know the exact character, as some spots have more then one).

Is there a costuming place at each park? Will your schedule just say "Camp Minnie Mickey, AK"... stuff like that?

Breaks are given by a breaker (an attendant who specifically gives breaks to people). However, there are certain cases where you will go in with the character.

There are different places where you work- regular meets, dining, shows. Regular meets are the basic get in line and meet a character.

How often would you say you got a break and usually for how long? Do you go back and forth between meet and greets, restaurants and shows in one day or do they have different CMs for each location?

There are different places where you work- regular meets, dining, shows. Regular meets are the basic get in line and meet a character. And the big one- assisting the character(s).

So besides working the line, what do you do for the characters? Help them down stairs and stuff? I don't quite understand this...

P.S. Character attendant sounds really fun.

Streets is where you would walk around with the pan and broom sweeping up trash, taking care of the garbage cans, and major guest interaction (taking pictures, answering questions, giving directions, ect).

Do you have to 1)carry the trashbags somewhere or 2)roll the trash cans (like trashbins outside of your house) or do you 3)have a cart to put them on or what? and I remember hearing something about trash vacuum tubes, do you put the trash in there or a dumpster?

Thanks for all your help!


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