Halloween Time at Disneyland, Oct 16-19. Lots Of Pictures! Trip Report Completed

Those people on the tram sound just lovely! I've encountered a lot of rudeness on the tram before. It's ridiculous. I especially hate when I'm in a row of 5 adults. And then a 6th adult and sometimes a 7th try to squish in the row. So rude. I usually say something or at least say something to my husband really loudly (I'm passive aggressive like that...haha.)

:rotfl: I can get passive aggressive, too! I have to watch what I saw though, because if the people I'm upset at have the audacity to say anything back, there will be a war at Disneyland.

That chocolate crossiant photo is killing me. That is my favorite thing to get at Blue Ribbon Bakery.

It was really yummy. I just wish that the center had been more ooey gooey. I will definitely be having one again though! :goodvibes
Wendy: I have to say that you take some of the most beautiful pictures I've seen of our beloved DLR! (Now if you could only take a picture of the alleged "Monkey Bride"!)

About the Halloween Haunts Tour--IMO it was totally poorly planned. Whoever planned that the Tour would be going through Main Street as the parade ended should have their head examined. Hilary did a good job (well, as good as she could do under the circumstances) of shepherding us through. But you would think they would have used a back entrance or something. I also didn't think the various parts of the tour held together very well--what was the point of the Monsters Inc. screaming (other than screaming?)

Now maybe I was just dense (don't answer that!) but I really didn't get that Hilary was a ghost until the HMH part. I really thought she was some evil person making the other tour guide disappear. And the other tour guide--maybe she was meant to be this way but--what a ditz! And I didn't care about not riding Big Thunder (you know how I feel about that ride--and having done it once that was enough for that trip) but I do think they should have offered fastpasses or something for those of you that did want to ride it. It just was really disjointed and unorganized. But then--I felt the same way about the Holiday Tour last year too--just something else for Disney to get us to spend our $$ on -- but at least we got special seating on the Holiday Tour for the parade! I think the biggest disappointment is that I was anticipating something really neat and it didn't turn out to be that way. Oh well--at least I enjoyed the company! (and Hilary WAS good).

So, how much more are you going to eat on your last day??????? :rotfl:
Wendy: I have to say that you take some of the most beautiful pictures I've seen of our beloved DLR! (Now if you could only take a picture of the alleged "Monkey Bride"!)

Thank you!! You and I will have to take a special trip this next holiday season so I can show you the monkey bride. I'll even jump out of the doom buggie and stand next to her and point her out until you see her!

About the Halloween Haunts Tour--IMO it was totally poorly planned. Whoever planned that the Tour would be going through Main Street as the parade ended should have their head examined. Hilary did a good job (well, as good as she could do under the circumstances) of shepherding us through. But you would think they would have used a back entrance or something. I also didn't think the various parts of the tour held together very well--what was the point of the Monsters Inc. screaming (other than screaming?)

Now maybe I was just dense (don't answer that!) but I really didn't get that Hilary was a ghost until the HMH part. I really thought she was some evil person making the other tour guide disappear. And the other tour guide--maybe she was meant to be this way but--what a ditz! And I didn't care about not riding Big Thunder (you know how I feel about that ride--and having done it once that was enough for that trip) but I do think they should have offered fastpasses or something for those of you that did want to ride it. It just was really disjointed and unorganized. But then--I felt the same way about the Holiday Tour last year too--just something else for Disney to get us to spend our $$ on -- but at least we got special seating on the Holiday Tour for the parade! I think the biggest disappointment is that I was anticipating something really neat and it didn't turn out to be that way. Oh well--at least I enjoyed the company! (and Hilary WAS good).

I agree. Both the Happiest Haunts tour and the Holiday tour weren't all that great to me. It was fun to do it one time, but I'm not dying to do it again. The Holiday tour was better then the Happiest Haunts tour, to me.

So, how much more are you going to eat on your last day??????? :rotfl:

Well, it's been about 30 minutes since I'd eaten that churro in my last update...I feel another meal coming on! :rolleyes1


I am sure it will include a Churro!:goodvibes

I can't believe that I only got around to eating one churro this trip! :scared1: It did leave lots of room for other yummy foods. I'm just glad I didn't push myself and hunt down some pomme frittes and mickey beignets on my last day (I did consider it though)! :rotfl:
All caught up again.
I am glad you liked the monkey even though it :scared1: Beth.
Sorry the tour wasn't what you expected. I hope we don't have issues with the headsets on our Walk in Walt's footsteps tour.
I love :love: all your detail pictures. I hope we have time to soak in all the details.

What else are you going to eat.......I hope you don't make yourself :sick: ;)
Beth, the poor girl has been sick with the flu. She's now delirious (and thinking that Edward from "Twilight" is planting monkey signals to her) so I think we need to give her a couple of days to recover--or be committed! :rolleyes1
It was starting to get late, and I knew I would have to leave soon. I hung around the castle for awhile, just looking at the detail and different colors. Mostly I was just trying to put off going home. Finally, I made my way down Main Street. It was a lot less busier then it had been a couple hours earlier when I had wanted to eat at Carnation Cafe. The Emporium was going to be my last stop, I wanted to get something for my mum and dad because the helped make my trip happen. I picked up something for them and something for myself, actually it was for my car, but we're both enjoying it. I grabbed my purchases and somehow got pulled toward the back exit, which landed me right at Carnation Cafe. Wow, how did that happen? At this point it had been at least thirty minutes since I had eaten, and I couldn't very well leave Disneyland without eating at Carnation Cafe.

I got seated right away, but it took FOREVER for my waiter to come out and help me. It was ridiculously insane actually. Finally he come out and took my drink order. He eventually brought me my drink and took my order - turkey sandwich and baked potato soup! Yum yum! As I sat there waiting for my food I looked out onto Main Street and thought of how amazing it would be just to come to Disneyland to shop and have lunch. It's hard not to daydream when you're in such a wonderful place. At this point, my drink had been empty for way too long. Seriously, I was his only table, was I TOO much to handle? Someone that was not my waiter brought my food out and offered to get me a drink refill. My waiter came out just in time to make sure the other guy was taking care of my every need. I would get mad, but how could I, with this in front of me:


After I ate, I REALLY began to feel the affect. My stomach was hating me! I couldn't very well go home when I had a tummy ache, could I? No! But what to do? Hmmmm.... The train! That would be the perfect place to rest my tummy. First, I shoved a handful of Tums in my mouth. There were a lot of people waiting for the train and even more people on the train. I scooted all the way down the row, but no one sat next to me. That was fine by me though, because as soon as the train started I was all over the place trying to get comfortable. Before we left the station I took a few pictures.

Kinda like the backside of water, but not as exciting:



I did the grand circle tour, and by the time I made it back to the Main Street station, I was 100% again! So I knew I had to go home, no more excuses. I took a few departing shots:




As I walked out the gates, I realized I hadn't gotten a good shot of the candy corn letters in front of DCA.


People kept on getting in my shot.


No matter how close I got, they just messed up my shot.


I guess the "A" is all I really cared about.


Another candy corn reference:


Oh man, I was SO close to the DCA entrance at this point. I couldn't just not go in. So, I decided I would just make a little itsy bitsy stop in DCA. I was headed to nowhere in particular, but I love these windows, so I stopped to take pictures of them.




I made my way through the Pacific Wharf area.


Then I went and checked out San Andres Shakes, which is totally not on the map - unless I'm blind. There was no way I was going to get anything, or their would have been a protein spill. Yuck. It was really starting to get late. It was already past 5 and I had a long drive ahead of me, so I knew I should go. Wait a minute, what was that I just heard? The Pixar Play Parade was about to start? Wow, I've never seen that, I should stay and watch it!

Up Next: Let's see how long I can stay here!

Hope you are feeling better Wendy.:goodvibes

I've got Edward and the monkeys, life couldn't get any better! :rotfl:

Thanks! I believe and pray and hope that I'm over the worst of it. My body is in loads of pain though, I'm scared of how sore I'll be tomorrow! :scared:
Good food but bad service? Wonderful combination. Coming up with excuses not to leave. My kind of woman. That is why I never go to Disneyland on the day that I am supposed to go home because I will never leave then.

I am sorry you have been sick.:hug:
I am so going to make that potato soup mine SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that you are just following your heart & trying to stay as long as you can to enjoy your last day.........sounds just like what I would do.:goodvibes
Hope you aren't too achy today.........oh a nice chilly man to lay beside would be the perfect thing for that wouldn't it???????????:lovestruc
Love the update!! :thumbsup2 Great pics. And that food at Carnation Cafe looked so good.

Thanks, it's hard to update while sick!

Good food but bad service? Wonderful combination.

I don't know what was up with that waiter, I've never had such bad service there.

Coming up with excuses not to leave. My kind of woman. That is why I never go to Disneyland on the day that I am supposed to go home because I will never leave then.

I could NEVER not go to Disneyland on the day I'm leaving, it's just NOT possible!

I am sorry you have been sick.:hug:

Thanks. I'm going on day 5, I'm ready to die!

I am so going to make that potato soup mine SOON!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh please do! Eat lots and lots and lots of extra for me!

I love that you are just following your heart & trying to stay as long as you can to enjoy your last day.........sounds just like what I would do.:goodvibes

It's the only way to do Disneyland!

Hope you aren't too achy today.........oh a nice chilly man to lay beside would be the perfect thing for that wouldn't it???????????:lovestruc

As long as I don't move or breathe I'm fine. A nice chilly man would be rather nice...oh Edward!
Do you stalk Cast Members too? :lmao: It's easy to miss the details that are up high. Most people are concentrating on what's in front of them, not above them, so it's easy to miss the little things. I was able to notice a lot of little things being there by myself and it made everything all the more magical. :wizard:

I just happened to stop next to the guy to watch Push and noticed that he was talking into something. At first I thought he might be crazy, but then I realized he was being Push!

Yes, I agree too. I remember always being so excited to see what would be in the window display. I would always get so excited, because it usually had to do with a movie that was out at the time. It was always like in "A Christmas Story" where Ralphie is looking at his BB Gun in the department store window. Such awe and wonderment. :goodvibes

For some reason, I missed this post before. But yes, while I have not stalked any Cast Members yet, I am not above that and will do it if I have to!!!!!:rotfl: Next time I am in DCA and find Push, I am going to look aorund for that guy or someone similar taking into a device, trying to look like a common folk! I am going to go up to him and whisper, in a creepy and diabolical voice, "I KNOW who you are..."

Do they still change the DL window displays for the holidays? I don't think we looked at them last year in December, but I seem to recall that when I was a kid, the displays were changed at Christmas, or made more Christmasy.


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