We Smelled It ... It Had To Be Eaten! Christmas Eve Food Porn posts #1170 & #1171!!

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I'm too much of a traditionalist to use the kindle. I love the smell and feel of books ... I love the feel of the pages ... I love buying them and reading them and putting them in our many varied bookshelves scattered around the house. Heck, if my bathrooms were big enough I'd probably have a bookcase in them too. :lmao:

Thanks for taking the time to catch up on the silliness ... I'm going to be posting PFTS today but I've still got some stuff to finish around the house before that. And sooner or later you'll have much somethings to say, so I'm not worried. ;)

I, too, am a big fat book geek. I think half the weight of our household goods is books!! That's why I was hesitant to get the Kindle as well. When I heard Oprah say that she loved it and didn't miss the feel and smell of books....well that was what I needed to hear. A reader who loved it. Plus, less trees cut down and all.

March is a good read. I read it a couple of years ago. My copy of Little Women is broken into several pieces, but I can't get myself to replace it.:cloud9:

I owe everyone an apology again because I had 50+ pictures and my PFTS review waiting to post here on the DIS and when I hit the submit button the whole thing crashed and the boards were no more (at least in my browser windows). I'm not happy because I spent the better part of the evening working on it and now I've got to start over from scratch. Add that to the the freezing rain and sleet that we're currently getting and maybe I can try again tomorrow night and maybe I can't.

I'm very sorry but this one was out of my hands. :headache:

:hug: That stinks!
I owe everyone an apology again because I had 50+ pictures and my PFTS review waiting to post here on the DIS and when I hit the submit button the whole thing crashed and the boards were no more (at least in my browser windows). I'm not happy because I spent the better part of the evening working on it and now I've got to start over from scratch. Add that to the the freezing rain and sleet that we're currently getting and maybe I can try again tomorrow night and maybe I can't.

I'm very sorry but this one was out of my hands. :headache:

Oh Bendy I think the God's are angry this week... :headache:

Take a small break my friend, re-group... grab some wine and cheese and settle in and let the words just flow out naturally... (and then you can edit all the stuff you know we'd love to hear about but would get tossed off the boards for...:upsidedow )
Harry Potter stuff, my friend! :thumbsup2 Which new Stephen King book do you refer to? I really like some of his books and others bore me silly.

Did you get a chance to try it while you were at the World in October? It was very good ... even eating around the pralines. :laughing:

I got Duma Key in paperback, but have only read 3-4 pages so far! I like all of Stephen King's stuff except for the Dark Tower series, which I could never get into. What I really miss are Anne Rice's novels....I used to always get a new one every Christmas.

And as for the pralines, I did not get a chance to try it b/c I think I was usually eating or drinking something else as we went by. Oh, yeah, and the day it rained all over Epcot, I don't think we ate much at all that day except for Le Cellier.

However, I do have a wonderful fresh box of pralines we got in Charleston this weekend! :cool1: I think that trip is the best Christmas present we've ever given each other. If I could have taken pictures, I'd post them of our dinner at Charleston Grill--OMG if I hadn't read your reviews of "fancy" places and watched a little Top Chef I would have been in trouble! It was a wonderful meal, though, and we managed not to look like hicks! :rotfl: If you get back to Charleston, it is a definite you should try.

P.S. You guys looked very nice for your Christmas party!
Whosgirl... River Street for the Prailines???

Sorry I didn't get back to you on restaurant ideas... it got a bit crazy around here...

Glad you liked it... did you go to the market???
Saturday, October 11th - We are Famished, Yes! Famished We are, Precious!!!

After our late morning snacking spree at Epcot, Jay and I spent the afternoon soaking up the sun and the margaritas at the pool. We starved ourselves in anticipation of the evening's main event: Party for the Senses.

Every Saturday evening during the F&W Festival, Epcot hosts a fabu cocktail party with all you can eat and drink taste treats ... it's not cheap to attend at $135 per person plus tax, but our experience in the past has been that it's a terrific event well worth the splurge.

Here is exactly how Disney pimps the event in the 2008 Festival Guide:

Feast on this tribute to the sensory arts! Begin your evening with a reserved seat at the Eat to the Beat concert series at the America Gardens Theatre. Following the show, World Showplace Pavilion becomes the setting for a sensational evening showcasing the talents of more than 25 eminent chefs along with the diversity of over 70 wines and beers. Wander among tempting tasting stations in the midst of imaginative decor and live entertainment.

On the stages, extraordinary artists from Metropolis perform feats of balance, strength, agility, and mayhem throughout the evening, while other remarkable characters interact with the guests to their surprise and delight. Between acts, unique music by Mechanical Soul will provide a stylish world-beat accompaniment to the party.

Ummmmm, how best to respond?



Imaginative decor? It looked an awful lot like last year's decorations.
Feats of mayhem? What the hell is that even supposed to mean?
Remarkable characters interacting with guests? Mayhap we missed that along with the mayhem.
Stylish world-beat accompaniment? We felt like we were trapped in an episode of Sprockets. You may not eat my monkey.

A few other comments before I get down to the good stuff, which is really nothing more than a whole lotta food porn with me keeping my mouth shut for once.

1) I think that Epcot is going to have to start re-thinking how they admit guests for this event because the crush of people is getting to be too much. There is very little real crowd control and my fear is that someone is going to end up getting hurt over something (I can't believe I'm going to say this) as inconsequential as food.

2) We weren't the only people disappointed by the lack of a full program guide for the evening. While it's nice to know the names of the chefs and wineries being featured for the evening, it's far more nice to know what the hell it is you're eating and drinking ... especially when you try to share the event with your cyber food-friends two months after the fact. I read here on the DIS that later parties beginning with the one held on October 18th were given full programs, but that doesn't help us much, does it?

3) I hate it when a winery runs out of something more than an hour before the event has ended. Rosa Regale is not an expensive wine, but when Jay and I were ready to have some along with our dessert selections we were told that they were already out. Are you kidding? You folks from Banfi can't afford to share the fizzy pink joy with more than a handful of people? We're not talking about a $300 per bottle beverage; it's $20 per bottle ... retail. Poor planning or tightfistedness ... or maybe a little of both?

4) Can someone please tell me why there was a woman standing in the PFTS crowd, pre-admittance, with an infant in a stroller? We spotted her again a few times throughout the night and we also saw a handful of young children hanging out rather despondently on the stage at various times during the evening. They weren't eating ... they certainly weren't drinking ... and they looked miserable. I can see bringing teenagers with a foodie bent to this event, but I can't see why someone would bring a child under the age of ten if he/she doesn't want to be there. Have a heart mom and dad - get a babysitter or smack 'em in the kids club and let them have some kid fun while you have a few hours of grown up fun. And don't try to tell me that your offspring washes down caviar with Chateau Yaquem, because I'm not buying it. :laughing: There is a time and a place for young kids and I, for one, don't think that most of them belong at this kind of F&W event.

Having said all that ... let's get on with the show!

Here we are getting ready to leave for the party ...

Bring on the feasting!

A shot of the crowd waiting for the magic gates to open.

Crowd #1

And now the crowd waiting to enter the pavilion ...

Crowd #2

As an aside, I'd just like to thank those people who cleaned up in advance of the evening. My sensitive nose really appreciated not having to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and your stinky theme-park armpits. Here's a picture of the hubba and me putting a good face on the wait, and hoping against hope that the rain would hold off until after we were indoors.

I hope there are some crunchables birdses for eating!

Once inside we were spotted by the only DISer that I knew for sure would be in attendance: Kabuki - my cheese-loving pal from the west coast!!! She's married to a Jason, too, and they're just the cutest, friendliest couple. We're looking forward to running into them on another trip where we can share a good meal and good conversation together. Here's a picture ...

Kabuki's Jason, Kabuki, and Brenda the toothy

I hate it when I smile like that ... all my teeth end up showing and I feel like someone is going to start calling me Chompers. I have twelve molars .... yes, that's right; I said twelve molars. My wisdom teeth started to make an appearance when I was 14 just as I was being outfitted with braces. Rather than dig them out, Dr. Walrus-Man pulled out some other teeth and created lots of space - the result being that by the time I was 17 all four of my widsom teeth were firmly entrenched in my mouth. I could probably chew through metal if I had to ... :laughing:

This next picture is Jay and me showing off the wonderful wine lanyards that our DISfriend Jeanne sent us earlier in the year just for PFTS! These were awesome and came in very handy during the evening. Thanks again Jeanne!!!

These glasses sure could use some wine...

Once the main doors to the venue were open it was pretty much a free-for-all. Lots of people were focused on finding a table where they could come back and sit and enjoy their food and drink. We didn't do that this time, but I can understand the appeal because it's hard to eat and drink standing up while a glass of wine sways dangerously between your bewbies. Our plan was to start in the back of the hall and work our way forward. I hope that I've got the food listed properly in the pictures to come ... I had to use pictures of the signs from the different food stations and it's possible that something is mis-labled. For that I apologize, but I hope you enjoy the pics anyway.

Pepperberry-Crusted Wild Boar Tenderloin

Pan Roasted Petit Lamb Chop

Roasted Hiramasa Kingfish with Mussels and Poached Oysters

The mystery plate! Wait ... it might be Grilled Ostrich Tenderloin with Sweet Potato and Yukon Mash

Two way Tuna with Voodoo Drizzle

Grilled Shrimp with Thai Red Curry Beurre Blanc Sauce

Unknown #1

Smoked Pulled Pork over Smashed Taro

Yep, that's my finger pointing at the cheese ... glorious cheese!

More cheese!

Still more cheese!

Unwind me some cheese, will ya?

One glorious plate of cheesy goodness!

Lamb Loin with Berbere-Spiced Lentils

Unknown #2

Unknown #3

Continued in the next post ....
Saturday, October 11th - We are Famished, Yes! Famished We are, Precious!!

Apple Marinated Ostrich Tenderloin

Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Truffle-Infused Goat Cheese Spuma

Chicken Paprika with Roasted Cauliflower

Apple Bourbon Veal Tenderloin

Slow Roasted Pork Shoulder with California Strawberry Chipotle Chutney

A few random pictures before dessert ...

Looks like last year to me!



Yes, that's more cheese!

Brazilian Chocolate Chiffon Cake with Banana Mousse Croquant & Raspberry Foam; and a big honking plate of truffles!

They told me that I had to take one of each truffle ... how could I disappoint those hard working pastry chefs by declining their generosity?

Rose and Pink Champagne Cake with Creme Fraiche and Rose Ice Cream

This was our favorite dessert of the evening! So pretty and such delicate, unique flavors ... yum!

A Cannoli

Maybe it's unfair, but after that rose / champagne cake the cannoli was laughably uninspired and downright dull. Next time try harder!


The above desserts were all prepared by one chef from the Ritz Carlton. He must have been trying to make up for the cannoli-man.

Here's what we have on our plate: Pink Champagne Truffle, le Petit Antoine, Red Berries and Lemon Macaroons, Chestnut, Orange Verrine Pistachio Lady Finger, Chocolate and Coconut Cremeux, Chinese Spices, Banana Foster Tartlet.

It was all so good ... I wish I was eating it right now!

And last but not least, Jay and me pleasantly stuffed and happily squiffed waiting for the SSR bus to take us away.

Can we go to Ghiradelli's for second dessert?

Final thoughts: It was a good evening but not as good as last year in my opinion. There was too much of the same thing ... how much ostrich does one person need to eat in less than three hours? I was disappointed that there were no soup offerings or specialty cocktails and I would have liked more seafood and less meat.

Most people that we approached were very generous and kind about sharing table space with us for a few minutes. There were a few who were rather rude, but we moved on ... leaving a trail of noxious fart gas in our wake. The final couple that we ended up with for quite some time was very nice (they were from Michigan but I can't recall their names) and they were even kind enough to share with Kabuki and her friends when they happened upon us while we were stuffing our faces full of dessert. To those kind people, thank you very much and I do hope we weren't too obnoxious. :flower3:

Would we do it again next year?

Man, that's a tough question. If the price goes up again we would be hard pressed to justify the cost for this kind of event as opposed to spending nearly the same amount on dinner at Victoria and Albert's.

We did have a good time but I think 2009 will find us spending our funds on a different event (I hope).

Thanks for reading ... next up will be our French Regional Lunch at Bistro Paris - the best F&W event of our trip! :thumbsup2
To be totally fair I really didn't give Jay much of a choice. When I found out over the summer that Amazon was releasing the book I went online to pre-order it and saw the Collector's edition and said to myself, "Self, that is just too cool to pass up. Order it now and tell Jay he just took care of your Christmas gift for the year."

And I did.

And like a good husband when I told him about it he said, "I'm so nice."


And your hubby sat through the release party? Double-jointed thumbs up to him! :thumbsup2

I would so do that, except I already did that with our honeymoon to Disney next year. I did DxDDP when I booked, and then let him know it was my Christmas present from him.

Yes, he did. He's awesome for it! :) He even got me some Starbucks (We did it at B&N) and a snack while we waited, since I was 7 months preggers at the time. (Don't worry. It was a creme frapp. No caffeine for my baby!) I guess I can sit through the "Why don't you just go *insert words meaning dirty things* Harry Potter, then?!" if he does stuff like that! :rotfl:
Saturday, October 11th - We are Famished, Yes! Famished We are, Precious!!!

This space intentionally left blank...for now


Oh... never mind...
Things to do while Bendy is rethinking her report from yesterday...
:surfweb: :surfweb: :surfweb: :surfweb: :surfweb:

Go and read something educational on the web...

Or play computer games... :thumbsup2
We could go see Bolt in 3D...

:3dglasses :3dglasses :3dglasses :3dglasses :3dglasses

But it hasn't hit the Cheapie one plex in town yet and probably won't until at least MARCH...
But nope...

We're gonna sit here...

And we're gonna wait very patiently....
And I'm going to go and hide before she throws something at me... :lmao:

:duck: :duck: :duck: :duck: :duck:
I, too, am a big fat book geek. I think half the weight of our household goods is books!! That's why I was hesitant to get the Kindle as well. When I heard Oprah say that she loved it and didn't miss the feel and smell of books....well that was what I needed to hear. A reader who loved it. Plus, less trees cut down and all.

March is a good read. I read it a couple of years ago. My copy of Little Women is broken into several pieces, but I can't get myself to replace it.:cloud9:

I suspect that almost everyone on this thread is a book geek of some kind. ;)

I think the kindle would be too hard on my eyes after spending 10 hours per day on the computer working for those fiends in finance. But I hope you enjoy it!

I'm looking forward to reading March ... I'm not sure how I managed to miss it when it was first published.

All my Alcott books are falling apart ... the sign of a truly loved book. :goodvibes

:hug: That stinks!

Thanks! I think the posts I did tonight may be funnier but that might depend on whether or not you've been drinking when you read them.

Oh Bendy I think the God's are angry this week... :headache:

Take a small break my friend, re-group... grab some wine and cheese and settle in and let the words just flow out naturally... (and then you can edit all the stuff you know we'd love to hear about but would get tossed off the boards for...:upsidedow )

They're not pleased with me, that much is obvious. ;) I did have some wine last night but not tonight and the cheese has to wait until Christmas (waaaah). And then come the beginning of the year this girlie is on a mega-diet.

I got Duma Key in paperback, but have only read 3-4 pages so far! I like all of Stephen King's stuff except for the Dark Tower series, which I could never get into. What I really miss are Anne Rice's novels....I used to always get a new one every Christmas.

And as for the pralines, I did not get a chance to try it b/c I think I was usually eating or drinking something else as we went by. Oh, yeah, and the day it rained all over Epcot, I don't think we ate much at all that day except for Le Cellier.

However, I do have a wonderful fresh box of pralines we got in Charleston this weekend! :cool1: I think that trip is the best Christmas present we've ever given each other. If I could have taken pictures, I'd post them of our dinner at Charleston Grill--OMG if I hadn't read your reviews of "fancy" places and watched a little Top Chef I would have been in trouble! It was a wonderful meal, though, and we managed not to look like hicks! :rotfl: If you get back to Charleston, it is a definite you should try.

P.S. You guys looked very nice for your Christmas party!

I could never get into the Dark Tower series either. My favorites by King are his early stuff - The Stand and It are his two best in my opinion, although he has some terrific short stories, too.

I'm glad you had a good time in Charleston ... yum Charleston Grill! Can you at least tell me what kind of "fancy" food you had there? Please? :flower3:

Things to do while Bendy is rethinking her report from yesterday...

Send buckets of money to Stinktown to subsidize Western Transatlantic Cruise in 2010???
Yes Bendy... you made me laugh... :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think we do V&A's Chef table next year...

And maybe I'll try the PFTS, but do I HAVE to take pictures???

Can you see the little green guy commenting on the Ostrich? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: (I hear it would have something to do with chicken fingers... )
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