DH will NOT cooperate! WWYD?

I love Disney, nothing makes me happier. However, matching families look silly (no offence). I understand it for really really littleones, it's easy to find them and it's a bit of a safty thing. For regular kids/full families...lets just say I pitty the kids and husband.
We had shirts made for 8 of us 6 adults, 2 children (DB and SIL, DM and DF and DP, DS, DD and me) both men refused to where the shirts but what we came to as a compromise was we put them in a backpack and when we wanted to have a "family" picture taken by the Photo people with all of us in the shirts they would throw it on over whatever they had on.

Hope this helps. :)
That was a great that you both respected each other and came up with something that would make you both happy. This would be a great idea for the OP if she wanted a just a family pic (we did that once too).
Girl let him wear whatever he wants to wear. Remember pick your battles. This isn't even a battle. Let this roll off your shoulder and keep on going.
I love Disney, nothing makes me happier. However, matching families look silly (no offence). I understand it for really really littleones, it's easy to find them and it's a bit of a safty thing. For regular kids/full families...lets just say I pitty the kids and husband.
I take offense at that. We don't look silly at all. We got many, many compliments from people while at WDW. Why would you pity my husband or kids?

Maybe he would feel better knowing that "What happens at Disney-stays at Disney!"
I take offense at that. We don't look silly at all. We got many, many compliments from people while at WDW. Why would you pity my husband or kids?

Matching outfits are not my cup of tea. Your family is young enough to pull it off, but once kids hit a certain age it looks like the weird.

I would personally never wear a mating outfit. Similar, yes. Matching, no. Guys think of it as cheesy. I understand a few pics at each park icon with matching or Similar cloths, but going all day is crazy.
My dh thinks matching shirts are not very good either. I got around it, I made each of us a shirt that matches the personality, NOT each others. The closest I have is one mickey and one stitch in star wars. Everyone likes their designs, and I don't have to worry about the guys or boys complaining, everyone has what they want, I made, them and they're happy!! I'm not into the matching thing either. Some people look good in it, I don't think I do. I like to go and show off my tigger shirts, and DH his grumpy shirt. That shows our personalities better!!!
In my explorations around this board, I've discovered the DISigners. I'm not usually a "character shirt" kinda mom and really don't dress my kids in that stuff. But I have fallen in love with QUITE a few designs. I was all excited about making matching shirts and my dh said, "Uh, no way. Don't even THINK about making one for me. Just put the kids in them" :sad2:

So, should I make some shirts for me and the kids or just them?

This is the same guy that won't even wear mouse ears at the mouse house. :lmao:

So disappointed...

:lmao: Man I am so with your Dh on this one. No way are you going to get me and my kids in matching shirts. First of all it looks absolutely fake IMO.
Not to mention silly (just my opinion folks). Please, please, please do not force him. I'd probably "accidently" burn mines with the curling iron if Dh tried this. :rolleyes1
We did themed shirts for MVMVP, but not matching. I personally don't want my entire day's worth of photos looking the same by everybody having the same clothes on with just a different backdrop and face.

We had a Cheshire Cat Shirt that said: We're All Mad Here!
Alice shirt that said: I Am Not a Weed!!
Mad Hatter shirt that said: Mad ABout Everything!
Alice shirt that said: Which Way to Wonderland?

They were cute and we recieved a lot of compliments on them. We got them from Zazzle. ;)
and maybe for pictures sake, not even having to wear the same shirt w/o characters, maybe all pick green for a day, a color "theme" like you wear a green tank, your kids green character shirts, and then your hubby a green plaid....all different shades? I mean it worked for a whole buncha families at our church for our picture directory.....
We tried it once and actually it wasn't that bad! As a DH, I agree with most that say don't make a big, deal, just say OK, the kids and I will do it and you don't have to. What I would do if I was you if possible is get/make one for him and tuck in in a bag. If he stays firm, no big deal. But if the day comes and he sees everyone else in the family with it and says he wishes he had one, you can pull it out.

I know it may be a little silly, but it does get us in the mood a bit. We do it just once on the trip, and not necessary every trip.
:lmao: Man I am so with your Dh on this one. No way are you going to get me and my kids in matching shirts. First of all it looks absolutely fake IMO.
Not to mention silly (just my opinion folks). Please, please, please do not force him. I'd probably "accidently" burn mines with the curling iron if Dh tried this. :rolleyes1
What looks absolutely fake?
Like Dirty Harry said, "a man's got to know his limitations..." Let him be the odd duck in the group, if he really doesn't want to wear one... or go ahead and order it now, and see if he changes his mind. You never know once you get down there, he might get in the spirit and be willing to bend a bit.

Ha. The odd duck is the guy who's NOT wearing the matching shirt?
Hey, no offense to anybody, and lets try not to stereotype here either. It isn't just men who wouldn't wear matching shirts, I know plenty of women who would never do that. And I'm sure there are some men that are all for it too. And it isn't a Disney thing either - plenty of us love Disney but would never wear a matching shirt. And I've seen families doing this outside of Disney too.
This isn't a Disney thing thing, it isn't a man/woman thing, its just a matter of personal tastes. And like everybody else has said, if your husband doesn't want to wear one, don't try and make him. But it couldn't hurt to throw one in the bag to see if he'll wear it for pictures.
My husband wouldn't be caught dead in matching anything no matter where we are, and I honestly can't say I blame him as neither would I. And I wouldn't want him to. I am not at all a fan of the entire family matching, but I do match my kids most of the time. It just makes it easier for me to spot them. For those men, or families, who do it, great for them, but I couldn't imagine my husband wearing Mickey Ears either, he's just not that kind of guy. Please don't force him to do it, he will enjoy his vacation much more if he is comfortable with what he is wearing.
I think the OP should request her husband's preference. I can't blame the poor guy if he thinks he'll look like a dork (he will). Besides, any time I see a man dressed like that I think, "dumb fella looks p-whipped to within an inch of his life--where'd his spine go?" Finally, famblees who dress like that seem to scream, "lookit US, lookit US." No thankee, I'm there to lookit Mickey et al.


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