Stacey and Frank's Happily Ever After PJ FINALLY MARRIED!!!!!

everything looks great! I love the blue on the toasting flutes and in the ring- very pretty!the necklace from your mom is very pretty too! what a sweet gift:goodvibes
Today was my trial for my hair and dress fitting. It all went quite well. I have some pics for you guys
Inspiration picture




I think she did a great job.. and here is the front. I did my makeup to try out the colors and I definitely think this is the look I'm going to go for



and here it is with the dress on from my fitting



This is the bouquet I decided on. I think it will look great with my pink dress

I also decided today that I would be wearing a veil. I wasn't going to but it really does complete the look

and here are the favors all wrapped up


That's it for now.. I'm sure I'll be back soon with another update
Thanks Lynn..that means a lot coming from you! Everyone has a disbride that they look up to and for me it was you and Christina. I was there (accidently) at the boardwalk the day you got married and saw you and your MOH but didn't know it was you until after I was engaged and home on the boards. I loved everything about your wedding. You're a gorgeous girl and I hope my wedding can be as beautiful as yours was

Aww Stacey thank you so much girl! That is so cool you saw me on the Boardwalk!

Christina is a "very good true friend" of mine. I was fortunate to meet up with her on my honeymoon... I love her to death. She really is a sweetheart.

Girl your trial run is just gorgeous. You are going to be a beautiful stunning bride. I love everything. Love all the pink lol!

I'll be married one month from today!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

YAY how exciting!!!! I can't wait to see pics and hear all about it!:goodvibes
I have to ask where you got those shoes! They are to die for!
I love the cake, and dress... Can't wait to read more!!
I have to ask where you got those shoes! They are to die for!
I love the cake, and dress... Can't wait to read more!!

I ordered the glass slippers online. I did a google search for cinderella glass slipper and they came up.

The other shoes are dyables from payless believe it or not. Soo worth the money!
We're getting closer and closer! Yesterday marked the 2 week point until we leave! I'm so very excited. I've been doing a lot to get ready, like gathering things together to ship down and so fourth. I'm getting very excited and a little nervous. I know that the day isn't going to be perfect but I want it as close to it as possible. Here are some updates.

I decided I don't like the way my hair looks with my body type. It was very pretty but I think it makes me look bigger than I am so I decided to go with this
I'm sure Ana will make it look beautiful!

Here is my veil
I'm very excited about this as I wasn't originally going to have one but I think it completes the look.

I also decided to add some stephanotis to my bouquet to break up the lavender. It looks so pretty!

One of my extremely handy bridesmaids and good friend is a notary so she helped us with our marriage license legal stuff. She notarized everything and Say I Do Weddings called me yesterday, it's official, our marriage license is ready to go and waiting for us with Reverand Tim. I also got all the documents together to notify everyone of my name change. I'm not working, I figured I might as well make good use of my time.

So I'm pretty much all set. I'm not sure if you'll have another update before I leave but I promise to try and update from down there with some pictures as we will have our laptop.

and now for the best news....
We are going to get this for our at home reception in September
it will have 2 white horses pulling it! I'M PSYCHED!

That's about it for now..I'll leave you with this (that is the only pic I have of my tiara)
Aww love the carriage!!

Your hair style will look perfect with that tiara and viel.

LMAO love the pic of DF!
Yes I'm back already and I have a bridezilla rant .. This is my first and the only place I can rant and rave so please excuse me..

My Matron of Honor (and best friend since I was 2) got pregnant in 2007, she decided she was going to have a "family only" ceremony so that they were married before the baby came and then have thier big wedding the following year. So she got married August 2007, and didn't invite me to the ceremony. When I told her that I wished I could be there because I wouldn't be able to imagine not being there for eachother's wedding she told me it was just family and it was something small. I was hurt but let it go. I still spent about $400 on gifts for them, plus another $200 for her baby shower that year. I'm not one to count dimes but she was very priveleged growing up. Her grandfather invented the straw and she is an only child so the word "no" is not in her vocabulary.

Fast forward to last year when she asked me to be her MOH. I was still hurt about not being invited to her wedding because I'm important enough to be her MOH but not be there to witness her get married? I wasn't ok with the family only excuse because after being friends for 22 years I considered her family..but I digress

So after declining to be her MOH, she and my mother talked me into it and I bit my tongue about the vera wang bridesmaid dresses she picked out. I was out of work and had no money but my mom helped me out and we made it work. I gave her another $500 at her wedding.

So now I'm getting married and I invited her to Disney for my ceremony even though mine is also family only. She said she wasn't able to afford coming down :-)rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: ) but she would love to be my MOH at the at home VR. I was ok with that but disappointed. Her son will be my RB also.

At my engagement party I got (what I could only assume was regifted) a card box and a halmark wedding cash like I gave her for her engagement.. again, I'm not one to count $ for $ but it's not like they don't have it or we just met.

I put up our HM registry so people can get us little items because they have been asking what they could do for me. My other maid of honor and on of Frank my best friend's both got us great gifts but I got a letter from MOH saying that she can't afford to get us anything off our registry. I totally understand, times are tough we're in economic crisis..

Today I got a call from my mom, she spoke to MOH mom and they are going to California for Spring Break. Not to mention the $2500 German Sheppard they had to have from Germany that she and her husband got eachother for Christmas.

Ugh!! Guys please.. you can tell me if I'm being too Bridezilla.. I want you to! I'm just stressing money so hard just like everyone else is and I know she has it. My mom says "Well this is the way she has always been, she's an only child" so I'm just supposed to accept this? I would never say anything but it does hurt me. What is a dining plan incriment? $35? Just do that and say "I just want you to know I'm thinking of you"

To top it off our Best Man (that introduced us) also told one of our friends in common that they shouldn't have given us a gift from our registry because it's not our "real wedding" ..HELLO!! WE HAVE A MARRIAGE LICENSE, AN OFFICIANT, DRESSES, TUXES, RINGS..HOW MUCH REAL CAN IT GET?!?!?!?
Oh WoW! I must say I can agree with you being a little upset with your MOH. Anyways... I must say I love the pink dress and I agree your hair will look better down rather than up.
Her grandfather invented the straw and she is an only child so the word "no" is not in her vocabulary.

Umm what? He invented the straw! Not to digress but I have never heard of nyone inventing something so ismple that we use everyday, they must be very wealthy. Cool fact though.

Anyways, I think you are 100% right to be upset, it's nto about the $$, it's the thought that counts and for a friendship thats 22 years old, you deserve a little respect. I would try to forget all this b/c your big day is so soon... I know thats hard to do though.

Try to focus on how special it will be for you and your DF, and put all the negative stuff away (you should keep on venting it out here though, we can ALL relate! :rotfl: ) You are going to have a gorgeous wedding, and the VIP's in your life will be there to love and support you both! You will have so fun, you'll completely forget the drama of MOH's. Keep us posted hun!
Umm what? He invented the straw! Not to digress but I have never heard of nyone inventing something so ismple that we use everyday, they must be very wealthy. Cool fact though.

Anyways, I think you are 100% right to be upset, it's nto about the $$, it's the thought that counts and for a friendship thats 22 years old, you deserve a little respect. I would try to forget all this b/c your big day is so soon... I know thats hard to do though.

Try to focus on how special it will be for you and your DF, and put all the negative stuff away (you should keep on venting it out here though, we can ALL relate! :rotfl: ) You are going to have a gorgeous wedding, and the VIP's in your life will be there to love and support you both! You will have so fun, you'll completely forget the drama of MOH's. Keep us posted hun!

He invented and perfected the machine that bends plastic so straws, hula hoops..things like that
I just wanted to jump on board and say everything looks fabulous.

I understand that you are upset about your friend, but like Sam said, vent here, but don't let it ruin your day. Some people are very selfish and self-absorbed, but just know at the end of the day, that you are obviously the better person. You seem very nice and considerate and I hope your wedding day is everything you deserve it to be!!!

Oh, by the way, I love your name! There are a few Stacey's on here getting married, and we all spell it the same way, which I haven't met another Stacey who spells it with the e!
He invented and perfected the machine that bends plastic so straws, hula hoops..things like that

Thats so random! I guess someone had to invent it though right! :confused3

:flower3: I hope you are feeling better about everything, just remember it's YOUR day, you are allowed to feel every emotion you want! I really hope it is amazing for you, I have a feeling it will all be fine once your in WDW, Disney just makes people happy :):goodvibes
Hey everyone! I'm back from WDW and we had a very magical wedding! I will post a TR if anyone is interested. We were a very intimate group of 10 and it was really a magical day. The whole trip was filled with lots of pixie dust!

Our planner was also named Stacey. She was GREAT! She answered all of our questions immediately and was so helpful with everything. A+++++++

Rev Tim Herring: Great ceremony, everyone loved him! He did exactly what I asked him to and even called DH's mom since she couldn't make the trip down and let her hear the entire ceremony. A++++

Ana at Beaute Speciale: I can't say enough wonderful things about her! She is the most fantastic person in the world! She made me look and feel like a princess in not time flat! I loved her! A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Photographer: Kathy at Barefoot Photography: Took GORGEOUS PICTURES and for an amazing fee. I definitely recommend her for brides on a budget. She was PHENOMINAL A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Carolyn Allens: Was able to work around our crazy schedule and with short notice on plan changes A+

Colin at Tower Video: He also did a great job, although he doesn't edit the wedding videos. If you just want someone to simply record your special day for a low price then he is the way to go. A

Tasty Too Bakery: OMG, this was the most amazing cake ever!! We didn't want the standard cakes that disney offered with the intimate package and they charged wayyy too much to upgrade to what we wanted so we went with outside vendors for almost everything. They made the most beautiful and delicious cake that any of us have ever seen or tasted! I HIGHLY recommend them! A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. I'm kind of all over the place since we just got back from 2 weeks at the world. If I remember anything else I will come back and edit.

For now here are some pics





Cinderella left her slipper behind

our sweet ride


right after the wedding

and the staircase we wp brides pay big bucks for

my prince trying on the slipper

That's it for now. If you guys want a TR I'll come back and do one of those!
TR TR TR TR TR PLEASE!! You looked beautiful!!! Cant wait to see photos of your cake too!


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