DDA Chapter 17

We didn't get the storm that they were originally calling for, only 3"
Yesterday in the main bathroom there was a floral smell, didn't know what it was but being it wasn't strong didn't worry about it, BIG MISTAKE!! :sad2:
Last night before bed went to change the toilet paper roll and opened the bathroom closet and was knocked over by the smell. :crazy2:
Last year my mom bought me a plug in (even though I said I didn't want it :rolleyes:). Well I didn't know what to do with it so I tucked it in the closet, yesterday morning it had fallen over and I picked it up, but wasn't thinking and wound up putting it upside down so all the liquid spilled out. :scared:
Being it was late and John was already in bed sound asleep I had to clean up the mess with the bathroom door closed and by the time I was finished had a major headache.
I turned the fan on and closed the door for a few hours last night, but turned it off and opened the door early this morning cause it was very cold in there, now the fan is on again and it still stinks in there :headache: and I still have a slight headache.
Tom - I hope you all have a great trip! If you make it to the MK today, watch for Santonio Holmes, MVP from the Steelers. "HE'S GOING TO DISNEYWORLD" today. ;)
Sheesh. What is it with my kids? When are they going to learn the value of sleep? Probably not until they have newborns. They got up 15 minutes past their usual time. :rolleyes:
Tom - I hope you all have a great trip! If you make it to the MK today, watch for Santonio Holmes, MVP from the Steelers. "HE'S GOING TO DISNEYWORLD" today. ;)
We won't be in Florida until tomorrow morning. Our flights take off at 6:45 a.m., so I checked in 24 hours in advance. If Santonio is there tomorrow night, we might see him.
Have a great time!
Thanks, we will!

I am bringing my laptop, so hopefully I will have time to post some live reports!

Does anyone know if Pop Century has the internet cords for your laptops? I think I remember POFQ had them the last time we were there. At least that is what my brother remembers.
Chuck's mom got home from the hospital yesterday. She has to be on oxygen full time now. They are going to have to talk to her about her living arrangements. We are concerned she is not strong enough healthwise to live on her own. I sure hope she gains her strength back soon or comes to terms with moving out of her house.

Good thoughts for Chuck's mom, and for you guys as you work out a solution for her housing! pixiedust:
Wow! That was a SHORT engagement! I hope they decide that marriage is not a good idea at this stage of the game.

Have a great time!

Have a MAGICAL trip, Tom!

Heidi - Yuck on the Plug-In. I hope the smell clears out!

Tammi - Enjoy your snow delay! I wish I had a delay!
pixiedust: for Alyssa. My kids were always in the Dr's office at the age your kids are. I know how you feel.:grouphug:

Hope Aubrey stays put for awhile.

What a draining day!!!! :flower3:

You are being given so much to deal with right now. Sending you good thoughts.pixiedust:

Thats probably for the best that the uncles do their own thing. I feel your pain on the adrs. I am (almost ready) & wouldn't mind if they kept the 180 days.

Feel better.

Ditto & thank you Anne Marie!
What an exhausting and stressful day. I was on my way to a meeting in the afternoon and stopped by my credit union to deposit a check. On my way back to my van I hear PPppppppsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Dread is cast upon me like a heavy coat. My tire is going flat. Thank goodness it was in a parking lot, though, and not along side of the road. So I start getting everything out to change it (spare, jack, etc.) and while I'm in the midst of jacking it along comes a coworker, who happily assists. The downside is that my spare is very low on air. Another blessing is that he has a portable air compressor in his trunk, which gets the tire filled. So I'm 20 minutes late for my meeting, but that's okay due to my difficulties. :rolleyes: After that I head home, pick up the kids, go home and change and then hightail it over to NTB to get new tires. I needed 4 new ones desperately, as well as an alignment, so I just got it all done instead of having the tire plugged. Alyssa wasn't too disappointed that she wouldn't make it to ballet. We hit the Taco Bell drive thru on the way to NTB, and got there at about 5:15. I set the kids up to eat their dinner in the waiting area and started filling out the paperwork. I called my girlfriend, Kristy, who is also my co-teacher at Religion. Tonight was Religion, at 6:30. She agrees to swing by NTB and pick up my kids and take them to Church for class, so they didn't get stuck hanging out all night waiting for the van to be done. So after they ate they finished their homework, just in time for Kristy to get them. I got out of there about 45 minutes and $535 later. I was only about a 1/2 hour late for class. I'm just glad it's all done, and now I have nice, new tires on a van that drives much smoother. But today sure wore me out!

That is no fun! I just went through the tire thing a few months back. Luckily, last week was just a battery. Considering I have 225,000 on it, I'll count myself extremely lucky.

My little girl is so sick. :(

All three kiddos seemed to be on the upswing, thanks to the Amoxicillin, though Alyssa did still have her lingering runny congestion and cough. We took it easy over the weekend, but we did venture out to a few places. At dinner last night, Alyssa said she was cold, and when I took her temp it was 104!

She went to bed at 6:30 p.m. and this morning her temp was 100.8. I had lost my voice last night, but thanks to some Mucinex, I woke up just hoarse (typical sinus issues). Kevin decided to stay home to take care of us, and good thing he did, because as I buckled Alyssa up for her doctor's appt., she threw up all over the van! Ugh!

Her temp was back up to 102 when we finally made it to the doctor's office. He prescribed a stronger antibiotic, since her ears are still raging. Her chest is clear and he did an oxygen test too, since there are some cases of whooping cough in the area. He suspects she has something viral on top of her double ear infection. I can hear her coughing as I'm typing. I just want her to feel better!!!

Please take care DDA! :grouphug:

Prayers and hugs to Alyssa and to you! That has to be so stressful, having three kids that don't feel well, but to have one be as sick as she is, is terrifying. I hope today is much better for you all!

Tammi - I am glad you got the tires all taken care of!

Amy - Poor Alyssa! I hope she is on the mend soon! pixiedust:

I have the official word that the Uncles will be skipping WDW this year in favor of going somewhere on their wish list where they have not been before. I think that will be good for all of us! :thumbsup2

Terrific news!

Chuck's mom got home from the hospital yesterday. She has to be on oxygen full time now. They are going to have to talk to her about her living arrangements. We are concerned she is not strong enough healthwise to live on her own. I sure hope she gains her strength back soon or comes to terms with moving out of her house.

Prayers for strength for her health, and for you guys as you make decisions.

Prayers & pixiedust: for Becky as she deals with the breakup of her engagement. I don't know if it will last but they have had some serious arguments over the last day or two. As of yesterday morning, the wedding was still on and all was fine. Things blew up last night. She has called her Grandma to tell her the engagement is off. I don't want her hurting but can't cover the relief I'm feeling.

Poor Becky. I hope she doesn't change her mind. What a tough life lesson.

Good Morning DDA!

I printed our boarding passes. Our "lucky" numbers are A41 - A43. Hopefully we will all still be able to sit together on the plane.

Tammi, I had to get new tires about a year ago. The car drove so nice after that.

Amy, I hope Alyssa is feeling better today. I have been stressing hand washing and sanitizing all last week. We can't get sick now!
Nice to hear about AI. I am not sure if we will check it out or not. I know that I will not be auditioning! I would be a good candidate for the blooper real!:rotfl:
Deb, feel better!

Those numbers sound good enough to sit together. Have a MAGICAL trip!

Yesterday in the main bathroom there was a floral smell, didn't know what it was but being it wasn't strong didn't worry about it, BIG MISTAKE!! :sad2:
Last night before bed went to change the toilet paper roll and opened the bathroom closet and was knocked over by the smell. :crazy2:
Last year my mom bought me a plug in (even though I said I didn't want it :rolleyes:). Well I didn't know what to do with it so I tucked it in the closet, yesterday morning it had fallen over and I picked it up, but wasn't thinking and wound up putting it upside down so all the liquid spilled out. :scared:
Being it was late and John was already in bed sound asleep I had to clean up the mess with the bathroom door closed and by the time I was finished had a major headache.
I turned the fan on and closed the door for a few hours last night, but turned it off and opened the door early this morning cause it was very cold in there, now the fan is on again and it still stinks in there :headache: and I still have a slight headache.

Oh no -- I have reactions like that to strong smells. Someone's perfume in Church was so bad a few weeks ago, that I thought I was going to have to get up and go to the back. I hope your headache gets better!

Sheesh. What is it with my kids? When are they going to learn the value of sleep? Probably not until they have newborns. They got up 15 minutes past their usual time. :rolleyes:

My kids are the same way. Jake got up at 7 on Sunday. (Andrew was at a sleepover.) I asked him why he was up so early, and he told me that was late, compare to when he gets up for school. :rolleyes:

Debbie -- Aubrey is a beautiful name. I hope she doesn't come early.

Andrew made the select baseball team. He's the number 13 player, and won't get all that much playing time, but he doesn't care. He loves the coach and the kids on the team, and it is a good team, so he'll have lots of fun and hopefully strengthen his skills.

Have a good day, DDA!
This is Kevin's "essay" about his AI experience. I did not proofread it. ;)

Sorry, no pictures uploaded to Photobucket yet, but there are a couple in my recent WDW album on Facebook. :)

:rotfl2: How much fun!! Thanks for sharing it with us.

(My family would probably die of embarrassment if I did it. :lmao: )
Tammi - sounds like a rough day for you yesterday. :hug:

Amy - poor Alyssa! I hope that all of you are doing better, but expecially hope this new antibiotic works wonders for her. :grouphug:

Elizabeth - Let the final planning begin... for THREE! :thumbsup2
Chuck's mom got home from the hospital yesterday. She has to be on oxygen full time now. They are going to have to talk to her about her living arrangements. We are concerned she is not strong enough healthwise to live on her own. I sure hope she gains her strength back soon or comes to terms with moving out of her house.

Lot of good thoughts headed your way as you all deal with this, Vicki. :grouphug:
Prayers & pixiedust: for Becky as she deals with the breakup of her engagement. I don't know if it will last but they have had some serious arguments over the last day or two. As of yesterday morning, the wedding was still on and all was fine. Things blew up last night. She has called her Grandma to tell her the engagement is off. I don't want her hurting but can't cover the relief I'm feeling.

Oh, my. What an emotional roller coaster for your whole family, Vicki. I am so sorry it is all happening right now. pixiedust:
:wizard: for all of this, Vicki. I know it is going to be hard for her. I watched my mom do it with my grandmother. She (grandma) cried all the time about not wanting to leave home, and then she cried all the time about wanting to GO back home. We kept telling her "this is your home now." But she just didn't get it. You know it's the best thing for her, so don't let her put the guilt trip on you. :wizard: :hug:

We dealt with that with my Mom too. For years. So I am sending even more pixiedust: that she becomes strong enough to "go home" and not need another place to live for a while. :grouphug:
Vicki - Continued prayers for Chuck's Mom. I hope that she comes home strong enough to continue on her own or that you can get her on board with some assisted living somewhere. Lots of prayers for Becky too and she works through this situation. It definitely sounds like it's for the best even if it's a rough road right now.

Elizabeth - Good news from the uncles. I agree, it does sound like the best situation for all.

Tom - I think you're perfect for sitting together. There are almost 40 rows of seating anyway, plus two sides. You'll have all sorts of options I bet. I do believe that Pop has the cables as Music did in Sept. They are hanging in the closet along with info on how to use the system.

Tammi - What a day you had! Glad you got it all worked out though and now don't have to worry about the tires anymore. I have the same sleep issues as your kids. I usually get up at 6:30. My days off, by 7:00 I'm very awake (and worried that I overslept :rolleyes: even if I'm still tired).

Deb - I hope you're feeling better soon!

Amy - Poor Alyssa! I hope today is the day it all turns around for her and she's on the mend. Kevin's summary is great. Very interesting set up and attraction!

Debbie - Hope your DGD decides to hold out for your vacation to start. Just tell her specifically when you're good for her to be born. Seems to work in our family anyway. ;)

Heidi - I totally feel your pain. At least I got to leave my issue yesterday. They apparently got a new plugin at the dance studio yesterday as the scent was pretty strong. I must have sneezed at least 10 times in that hour. Luckily, the headache stayed pretty minor and went away quickly.

Marci - Congrats to Andrew for making the team. Sounds like it will be a good experience for him.


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