how to wear hair while in parks?


DIS Veteran
Mar 1, 2008
This may be a stupid question but how does everyone where there hair while in the parks. Is it best to put up in a pony tail. I have long straight hair and it can really get on my nerves in the heat & humidity when it falls even flatter. Are there any suggestions on what to do, im not really a pony tail type of person but if i have to i guess i will, any other stylish ideas??
I usually put mine in a ponytail, then in a ballcap. I've never been a hat person, but I have naturally curly, long hair. The Florida humidity does a number on my hair! I usually go with a low ponytail to keep it out of my way, but at some point end up in a hat. In fact, I lost my very favorite hat on Expedition Everest and had to buy a new one because my hair looked so bad! The only bad part is that I have a hat on in almost all our pictures! But you have to go for comfort on a Disney trip, right?!
i made the mistake of parting it intwo side braids and had extremely bad sunburn, dont do it!
It takes a while to get the hand of it, but if you can get it down a French twist is a great option to a ponytail. Not only do you keep the hair off your sweaty neck, but it's somewhat flatter so better for rides where you need to keep your head back. This webpage shows one way to do it, but if you have thick hair like me make sure you wash the night before. Slightly "dirty" hair goes up a lot easier than squeaky clean hair. Hope this helps! :flower3:
I wear in ponytail, but make sure it's a HIGH ponytail, because if it's square in the back of your head you could hurt your neck on some of the rides that require you putting your head flat back, if you jerk your neck the pony tail will hit the back of the seat and kink your neck!! been there done that....
Ponytail hate them but oh so much cooler an I find my head hurts after awhile so I have to keep moving ponytail thru out the day. Another one with VERY curly hair french twist just isn't gonna work to many curls gonna hang out in places they shouldn't be lol

Sometimes I'll do the ponytail then put hair up in a bun type thing with a nice barette but I have to keep moving that too.
I've put mine up in a French braid...only problem with my hair is that it's layered, and pieces keep escaping, so I end up throwing my hair into a ponytail by mid-afternoon...
some days I start with it down,but almost always ends up in a ponytail or a baseball hat.

I also try to take as many pics possible early(when its down), so all my pics aren't with my hair up or in a hat
If it's hot and humid - I definitely go the ponytail route or I pull it through a scrunchie as if I'm going to put it in a ponytail and then tuck the bottom of the tail into the scruchie so that it looks like a bun at the top of my neck. No matter what, I always carry a scrunchie with me when I'm in FL. Sometimes I put it up when I'm outside in the heat and take it down when I'm inside in the cooler air since I can't stand having it up all day long.
I have long straight hair too and I wear it in one long braid or french braid. I find if I put it in a pony tail it always ends up right in the middle of the back of my head and hurts on the rides where your head hits the back of the seat. If I try to put it up higher, it pulls down anyway so the braid works out better.
We usually wear ours in a ponytail and then braided. (The kids either have one or two). I find that it stays better than just a ponytail since the hairtie doesn't slip down and it also seems cooler.

I also often wear my hair in a bun at home so I did that a few times. My girls are very cute with two buns.
thanks very much for the replys!! Looks like the majority is ponytail.

My hair is long but layered so i guess i will have to experiment with doing a ponytail & then either some bobbypins or headband.
I have long straight hair that is layered and wore varying styles... it was reeeeaaalllly windy when we were there, so even tho it was cool, having it down was NOT an option. I did two low ponies on each side a couple days, a french braid, a "messy" bun (looser ponytail then hair just mashed up and pinned) and the rest of the time straight high ponies. I did get some ribbons so I could at least festive them up!
I start out with it down, for photopass pics, then put it up when it starts to get really hot. That way I have decent pictures, but am not miserable all day.
Two plaits or pony tail. I just looked at the instructions for the french pleat - I would love to be able to do that style but my hair is just too thick! I asked my hairdresser to try one out when I was planning my wedding hairstyle, and she couldn't do it. After half an hour of trying, we gave up! :headache:
This may be a stupid question but how does everyone where there hair while in the parks. Is it best to put up in a pony tail. I have long straight hair and it can really get on my nerves in the heat & humidity when it falls even flatter. Are there any suggestions on what to do, im not really a pony tail type of person but if i have to i guess i will, any other stylish ideas??

I was just thinking about this the other day. When we went in 2000 for our honeymoon I wore it in a ponytail the whole time. My hair is fine and straight...just past the shoulders.
This time I'm thinking about getting a trim and wearing it pulled back. I'm sure I will wear it in a ponytail some, but I doubt I will wear it all the way down. My hair gets tangled really easily.
If you buy the thick pony tails and double them up they will support you hair really well so you can avoid the pony tail headache that comes from the weight. I have really thick hair and when I was younger the weight of the ponytails always got to me. As an adult I have learned the double holder trick and have never had a problem since.


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