PFA(purple folders anonymous)

If you like Jonathan Larson, have you checked out Tick, Tick..Boom? He wrote that as well.. I love it. There's a bunch of stuff from it on youtube :) Actions Speak Louder Than Words is my favorite song.

Thats what i'm about to do now I also went on wikipedia and they made it sound really interesting too! I'll have to look up the songs you named thanks for telling me!

I think we should start some sort of game to get our minds off what's coming.
On another forum they have games like First Letter-Last Letter, Hang Man, A to Z, Trivia (character/disney/non-disney/etc), This or that?, etc.

Any suggestions?:scratchin:

I've been trying to think of something that would be fun to do it just popped into my mind just now that we could start a story and let each person add something to it lol i dont know how fun it would be though!
I've been trying to think of something that would be fun to do it just popped into my mind just now that we could start a story and let each person add something to it lol i dont know how fun it would be though!

i think that could be so much fun! and really funny at the same time :D:goodvibes
I've been trying to think of something that would be fun to do it just popped into my mind just now that we could start a story and let each person add something to it lol i dont know how fun it would be though!

Once upon a time, in a far away land called "the DISboards". there lived thouands of little people who called themselves the "CP'ers"...

ok someone else finish/continue. i'm terrible at making up stories. i could barely even start one, lol.
you can even start another storry another story and someone could continue it. like i mentioned, i'm a terrible writer.
Once upon a time, in a far away land called "the DISboards". there lived thouands of little people who called themselves the "CP'ers"...

some of the cp'ers were official, and others were hopeful, but in the end, they were all Disney fans!
some of the cp'ers were official, and others were hopeful, but in the end, they were all Disney fans!
These Disney fans tossed and turned for nights on end wondering about the inner magic that was yet to be seen, the magic not even available to the eyes of guest but only those who are CP'ers or are destined to become CP'ers....
Although these CPers tossed and turned in their beds with pixie dust floating around in their heads there were more pressing matters at foot!
A storm was a brewin' cold with a hint of foreboding danger. One jumped out of bed with a fright for looming over him was a gigantic polar bear...
Although these CPers tossed and turned in their beds with pixie dust floating around in their heads there were more pressing matters at foot!
A storm was a brewin' cold with a hint of foreboding danger. One jumped out of bed with a fright for looming over him was a gigantic polar bear...
And he wasnt nice like the polar Bear from the Golden Compass movie he was mean and hungry because he was in a hot climate and wasnt used to it. "Wheres the snow?" He growled, "I need's me snow." He growled in his fake Irish accent because he had just finished watching Ellen Degenere's St. Patty's Days special, eventhough the holiday was now over....
And he wasnt nice like the polar Bear from the Golden Compass movie he was mean and hungry because he was in a hot climate and wasnt used to it. "Wheres the snow?" He growled, "I need's me snow." He growled in his fake Irish accent because he had just finished watching Ellen Degenere's St. Patty's Days special, eventhough the holiday was now over....

"I'm sorry mr bear, there is no snow in Florida..but if you wait until christmas season at WDW tink brings the flakes from the sky upon all of us dwelling in the park!" The nervous CP'er spoke in a voice so magical the polar bears' heart melted ;]
"I'm sorry mr bear, there is no snow in Florida..but if you wait until christmas season at WDW tink brings the flakes from the sky upon all of us dwelling in the park!" The nervous CP'er spoke in a voice so magical the polar bears' heart melted ;]

Just then, the window flew open, and a gust blew through the room with terrifying speed. The polar bear instinctively lept in front of the CPer to protect his new friend against the dark, looming figure that now stood in the center of the room. The figure stepped forward into the light, and withdrew its hood to reveal...
Hi, I'm christiemarsh88, and I'm a Purple Folder-aholic. (All Together Now: "Hi, Christie!").

Admitting your problem is the first part of conquering addiction, and I just so happen to be addicted to checking my mailbox. lol.

I had my interview last Friday. I hope things went well. My interviewer didn't give me much feedback, though. I'm sure she was just recording my answers so she could think about them later, but she just said, "Great" after everything. It didn't really feel like a conversation like some people are saying. :( Hopefully that's not a bad sign, because I feel like my answers were pretty good. She really didn't ask me that many questions either--just why I wanted to do the program, and the main questions about my three top choices (Photopass, Attractions, and Merchandise). She also asked me about what my best work experience and worst work experience were. But the interview lasted for almost 20 minutes, so maybe she was just concerned about time.
Hi, I'm christiemarsh88, and I'm a Purple Folder-aholic. (All Together Now: "Hi, Christie!").

Admitting your problem is the first part of conquering addiction, and I just so happen to be addicted to checking my mailbox. lol.

I had my interview last Friday. I hope things went well. My interviewer didn't give me much feedback, though. I'm sure she was just recording my answers so she could think about them later, but she just said, "Great" after everything. It didn't really feel like a conversation like some people are saying. :( Hopefully that's not a bad sign, because I feel like my answers were pretty good. She really didn't ask me that many questions either--just why I wanted to do the program, and the main questions about my three top choices (Photopass, Attractions, and Merchandise). She also asked me about what my best work experience and worst work experience were. But the interview lasted for almost 20 minutes, so maybe she was just concerned about time.
My interviewer didnt say much either after each question I answered she would say some thing like "great" or "thats awesome" or "I know how that is" but thats really it my interview only lasted for about 15 minutes. It looks like we got some of the same questions maybe we had the same interviewer! Good luck though!
Maybe!! A good friend of mine is also applying, and she definitely had the same interviewer as me. She said that she didn't really say anything to her either. P.S. My friend who's applying is from Mobile, too! :)
Maybe!! A good friend of mine is also applying, and she definitely had the same interviewer as me. She said that she didn't really say anything to her either. P.S. My friend who's applying is from Mobile, too! :)
Wow I bet we all had the same interviewer! Does your friend go to South Alabama? And my letter came in like six days so maybe yall will get your's quick too!
Wow I bet we all had the same interviewer! Does your friend go to South Alabama? And my letter came in like six days so maybe yall will get your's quick too!

Oh my gosh! I hope we get our letters that quick! We don't actually live in Alabama, though, but we're both originally from there. Like I said, she's from Mobile, and I'm from Talladega. Right now we're both in Missouri though.

Are you doing Fall or FA?
Oh my gosh! I hope we get our letters that quick! We don't actually live in Alabama, though, but we're both originally from there. Like I said, she's from Mobile, and I'm from Talladega. Right now we're both in Missouri though.

Are you doing Fall or FA?
Wow thats a long way from home! Do you like it? I'm doing Fall because I need to do summer school just in case my school decides not to take credits from Disney.
Yeah. We're up here surrounded by Yankees! lol. (That's what my relatives tell me anyway--they say we even talk like Yanks now.)

We applied for Fall, too, so maybe we'll get to meet you down there! :)
My sister and I dont talk like were from the South either unless I meet a cute guy from up north then I add a little southern charm lol but thats off topic! Yea maybe we'll see each other! my date to be there is Aug 12th because the Aug 24th date doesnt end till jan 8th and thats the day b4 my birthday and right b4 school starts the aug 12th date ends on jan 2nd so hopefully my parents will be visiting for christmas and they can just stay until the end of my cp.
what to do...

does anyone know how much grades are brought into play? somehow I'm currently failing creative writing. How? I don't know because I love to write. I didn't hand in a couple of assignments, and the assignments I did do he didn't even collect them! So I handed in a bunch of stories I've written for the midterm review and I hope he realizes I'm not like purposely not handing things in?! I graduated with a 3.0 in my last school but I'm failing in normal college (I went to a ITT Tech that was VERY hands on compared to community college where the teachers don't even care about you...I really hate it here...)

ugh I hope this doesnt affect getting into the CP I'm getting all emotional right now thinking about it.
what to do...

does anyone know how much grades are brought into play? somehow I'm currently failing creative writing. How? I don't know because I love to write. I didn't hand in a couple of assignments, and the assignments I did do he didn't even collect them! So I handed in a bunch of stories I've written for the midterm review and I hope he realizes I'm not like purposely not handing things in?! I graduated with a 3.0 in my last school but I'm failing in normal college (I went to a ITT Tech that was VERY hands on compared to community college where the teachers don't even care about you...I really hate it here...)

ugh I hope this doesnt affect getting into the CP I'm getting all emotional right now thinking about it.

I'm actually not sure they CAN even look at your grades. I'm pretty sure you have to sign a release to ANYbody that wants to see your grades, they can't just be sent anywhere. Maybe they can tell your GPA, I'm not sure.


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