Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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I really like the pillowcase dress. I think its one of my favorite that I have seen! She is going to love it!

Thank you. That means so much coming from someone on this board cause I know how much awesome stuff we see here on a daily basis.

So cute!
My mom would love that purse! She LOVES Betty boop!

Thanks. My niece is a Betty Boop lover and that is why I bought the material. I got it at Wal Mart. You should look if your store still sells fabric.

I love the princess strippy -simply sweet dress!:love:

Thank you. And I hope that your grandmother does not suffer too much and that you are able to make the funeral. I find it harder to handle a death if I cannot make it to a funeral. Anyway, you have to do what is best for you and the baby, so I am praying everything works out well.

Also, I brought the Cinderella dress to work and one of the girls just asked me to make one for her daughter. :banana::banana: more money for Disney.
I want some ladybug patchwork fabric that wal mart had. I saw an outfit made with it this weekend, and I need it. Too bad our wal marts aren't carrying fabric anymore.
To make sure I'm on the same "page" so to speak, is the fabric in this skirt what you're looking for?


(Edited to add)
If this is it, here's where I've found it so far:

This turned out GREAT! I'm so impressed that you digitized those designs! Did you digitize the shirt design as well? I NEED that design!

I'm so glad you guys had a good time! Sorry about you missing Friday, but glad you ended up going anyway!
I didn't digitize Wendy, Tink, Mickey, and Minnie. I had those designs already. I just shrunk them and combined them with the castle design I made. I had a heck of a time fitting all that on that small shirt!! I hate embroidering on shirts.

Here is the Simple and Chic purse I made this weekend. I made one for Kyle's teacher and one for my cousin's bday. I :lovestruc this pattern! I think I need to go find some great material and make myself one!

Another bday outfit for my niece. I was hoping these would be capri's but I think they are going to be pants on her. Oh well at least the material is really thin... Oh and this was my 1st A line! Also the 1st time I have added ruffles to the easy fit pants. Next time I have to adjust the ruffle measurements.
Cute purse! I really like the outfit though. Too cute!

Very cute. Those fabrics really go well together.

OKay we have less then 3 weeks now before our Wish Cruise and I am starting to PANIC! lol, SO I was wondering if anyone on here digitizes designs and if soi if you could PM me. I have a few questions! I have the software just can not figure it out for anything! it is kinda driving me CRAZY lol
I digitize, but it really depends on what program you have as to if I could help you or not. I use Embird. If you go over to www.sewforum.com there is a forum specially for digitizing. I am sure they could help you no matter which program you use.
The skirt and T are adorable!! I love them! I am impressed that you digitized them too! I have a big software package that my DH bought for me when we got the machine that digitizes, but I haven't gotten that far yet! Heck it took ME 2 years before I would use the embroidery part! :rotfl2::rotfl2: My DD used it, I just used it for sewing!

So the ladybug patchwork comes from Wallyworld?? Maybe I need to go there today! I kept looking for it whenever I went to the fabric store. I was there last month and our fabric section was packed with so many fabrics. I hope they are still there!

So today I am going to Mecca or heaven, or whatever you want to call it! I found a fabric store (apparently there are two of them) in Orange County that has more fabric than I have ever seen in one place! Lots of the fabrics are a year or two old, so I will take my camera to take some pictures of this store. They have rows and rows of fabric, but unlike the fabric store, they are packed 4 deep! And rows upon rows of stacked fabric. Its like the IKEA of fabric. After being in there for a while you are so overwhelmed! I am super excited!
Depending on which program you have you should get a tutorial. That really can teach you how to digitize. I think the patchwork comes from Wally World. That is where someone on the forum said they got it. I think it is so cute. If you find it please get an extra 2 yards for me if you can!!! I can trade or paypal you. :) How exciting about the fabric mecca!! I would sooo get in trouble there.

I continue to be amazed by all the lives cancer touches. This is my sister's second time. She had a cancer in her breast removed 22 years ago. It was not a cancer that is usually found in the breast. After a lumpectomy and radiation she had 21 years of good checkups. The Oncologist who treated her and she has seen every year for followups cried with her when she saw him after this diagnosis.

I don't knit and have only crocheted the most basic things like baby blankets. I am going to the nearest large town that has fabric stores (and patterns) tomorrow or Wednesday so maybe I can find something there.

Please keep the prayers coming. I cannot imagine life without her.

To make sure I'm on the same "page" so to speak, is the fabric in this skirt what you're looking for?


(Edited to add)
If this is it, here's where I've found it so far:

Yes, that is it!
I have a hard time believing that fabric sells for that much. I have a couple of girls checking at Walmart for me over in the Fabric swap. If they come up empty I might try to get some of that. Hopefully it isn't gone by the time I make my mind up!
I'm still looking to see if I find it anywhere cheaper online. Unfortunately even Walmart is about 30 mins drive away here, so I don't get there often.

The prices aren't great but the do seem to have a lot of cool disney fabric.

They have a pooh one that makes me think of the cream and purple cinderella dress that was posted earlier (with the purple sash...so pretty!)
Yes, that is it!
I have a hard time believing that fabric sells for that much. I have a couple of girls checking at Walmart for me over in the Fabric swap. If they come up empty I might try to get some of that. Hopefully it isn't gone by the time I make my mind up!
Please don't pay $6.99 for that. My Wal-Mart had it for either $2.44 or $3.44 I can't remember. I will check both of the Wal-Marts near me and see if they still have some. How much are you looking for?
Everyone is chatty today. I had to read a few pages. I love all the new things. Purses are cute. And cinderella looks so cute and great thinking to get disney fabric and fat quaters. It just goes to show how creative we all are.
I had my first mammogram this morning. I'm only 34, but I've been having some pain, so my midwife wanted me to have it checked out. Thankfully it was all clear! They scared me because they had to do a few extra scans because they thought they saw "something" and then they did an ultrasound just to be sure. I was pretty nervous about it, especially after reading the posts this morning. I am really relieved that they didn't find anything.

I just wanted to say that even with the pain I already had, it didn't hurt at all!

Here is the Simple and Chic purse I made this weekend. I made one for Kyle's teacher and one for my cousin's bday. I :lovestruc this pattern! I think I need to go find some great material and make myself one!
I love the purse and the cute little outfit!! Congratulations on your sales!

I will post after I get the boys off but yes, I did buy my car the Dave Ramsey way. It was a first for me and it feels great!
:banana::banana::banana: That's great!!

That dress is adorable! I don't think I've seen that pillowcase, it looks like it has a really pretty background! The Betty Boop purse is very nice!

I am putting panels in this fabric to make sundresses for the girls but need advice- What do I go with - solid - patterned color or multicolor pattern?
I like all of the fabrics with it except for the multi-colored flower and the brighter orange (but I like the striped orange).

So today I am going to Mecca or heaven, or whatever you want to call it! I found a fabric store (apparently there are two of them) in Orange County that has more fabric than I have ever seen in one place! Lots of the fabrics are a year or two old, so I will take my camera to take some pictures of this store. They have rows and rows of fabric, but unlike the fabric store, they are packed 4 deep! And rows upon rows of stacked fabric. Its like the IKEA of fabric. After being in there for a while you are so overwhelmed! I am super excited!
OOOHHH!!! That sounds amazing!!! I can't wait to see some pictures!

I wanna be your friend on facebook! PM me with your last name and I'll friend you.

can somebody PM me regarding making a "simple" sundress/pillowcase dress? I can barely sew a button so I need all the help I can get - or where I can have one made for my daughter, wo wears a kids size 14?

There are some great links in the bookmarks (link on the first post in this thread). There is a whole category for pillowcase dresses.
Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!
Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!

Oh I LOVE those. I'm finding out how hard it is to find cute boy stuff for Disney..the girls are easy, but the boys...oy vey!

Great job! :thumbsup2
What pattern is everyone using for a panty cover? I need to make a pair for dd to go with her princess corset dress. TIA!!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S~!

Awesome on your sales, that's so exciting! :thumbsup2

Congrats on selling them!!! Hey I am on GF too!! Same screen name!

And I joined FB yesterday :scared1:
I have become a member of the 21st century! :rotfl2:
Anyone want to be my friend? And I can't find our FB group? :confused3
you can add me as a friend! We are there. I am just not sure what the group is called
I also wanted to thank everyone for the kind posts earlier back.
My pregnancy this time really has been so much better than it was last time, and yet, its not easy living with the symphysis seperation stuff. I havent been able to sleep in my bed for more than a week and I feel so alone out on our couch.
My Grammy Opal made it through last night, but they said with each hour things are worse. Her feet are changing color (circulation is slowing) and she is now on morphine and something else. I went and got adjusted this morning since the pain was so bad and since my midwives are in the same building I popped in and talked to them about the funeral. She said of course theres a risk of going into labor, but since last time I was a week late that it tips the scales a little and thought kind of what I thought- that if the funeral were to happen by this coming weekend I'd probably be ok, but it gets risky-er after that. So Im just waiting and really, Im hoping Gram passes soon so she doesnt have to suffer.
I took my car to a car vacuum today and bought dog and cat food (just in case) and Im setting the quilt aside today to work on a "cupcake" purse for my niece's birthday. But of course, now Im tired LOL!!!!

I love the princess strippy -simply sweet dress!:love:

I also love the skirt with the embroidered disney characters done on a serger- your lines are so perfect!!! :thumbsup2

Oh and the purse too tha twas just posted- I'D carry that!!!!!! You did a really nice job- congrats on the sale too!!:banana:

OH- and I wanted to add- my grandmother was a breast cancer survivor, she had a masectomy (cant remember if it was a double) she had it so long ago, and she was so open about it- I remember as a older teen she showed me the foam insert for her bra and her ability to be open and easy-going about the topic made me feel more comfortable about it. My Mom has had several lumps removed- but no BC, thankfully.
There is a woman, hmmm, probably in her early 70s who comes to our sewing class- bless her heart, she has that lymphnode problem that was mentioned, she can't handle pins, if she pricks herself- even if no blood is drawn, she ends up on the ER 24 hours later- but she still comes and we all help her- carry her machine to her car, the teacher pins her pieces together and everyone looks after her. She had her BC many many years ago.
So many survivors (after many years too!) in my life that it's hard for me to see it as anything a woman could die from. I suppose that's a good thing. It seems the women I know simply look at it as a bump in the road of their life that they passed through.

Penny- bless your sister, I hope this "bump" goes by quickly for her!
:hug: for you and your grammy Opal. Sorry about the feet but you are almost there!
I had my first mammogram this morning. I'm only 34, but I've been having some pain, so my midwife wanted me to have it checked out. Thankfully it was all clear! They scared me because they had to do a few extra scans because they thought they saw "something" and then they did an ultrasound just to be sure. I was pretty nervous about it, especially after reading the posts this morning. I am really relieved that they didn't find anything.

I just wanted to say that even with the pain I already had, it didn't hurt at all!

I love the purse and the cute little outfit!! Congratulations on your sales!
So glad everything is ok!!!!

Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!
So today I am going to Mecca or heaven, or whatever you want to call it! I found a fabric store (apparently there are two of them) in Orange County that has more fabric than I have ever seen in one place! Lots of the fabrics are a year or two old, so I will take my camera to take some pictures of this store. They have rows and rows of fabric, but unlike the fabric store, they are packed 4 deep! And rows upon rows of stacked fabric. Its like the IKEA of fabric. After being in there for a while you are so overwhelmed! I am super excited!

oooohhhhh, cant wait to see what you find!!! i'd love to find a place like that! I went to fabric row in Philly, but found it blah - there was a ton of fabric, but alot of it seemed to be for gowns, drapery's or upholstry stuff...it was also $$.

Here are a couple of outfits I made for a fellow Diser recently. I digitized Mickey, Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore myself.







Candicenicole: I bought the applique tutorial from www.secretsof.com. It really helped me figure things out!

I love these!! I think Tigger is exceptionally cute!!!!! love the fabrics you chose!!!! AWESOME~~

I forgot to tell you - went to the Crocs outlet a few weeks ago and GOT THE WRONG SIZES!!!! Grrrr - of course the outlet is an hour away!! So anyway I have a pair of 1/3 red Mickey Crocs and a pair of 1/3 pink Minnie Janes that were only 9.99 each!! If anyone needs these, let me know before I take them back!! Cant beat that price!!
I knit too, but I've been sewing a ton lately. Sewing is just so much quicker! Plus, I never feel like knitting in the summer, too much yarn draped across me, ya' know.

I haven't knitted in a couple of weeks. I've been working on an 8 hour baby blanket that is more like an 80 hour blanket.

I'm loving all the outfits posted. Just in complete awe.

Well I have to rest a bit before DH gets home with DD. Today at work, I had to cover a class for a teacher who got sick during the day and the kids were just out of control. It was a long headache-filled day. I'm glad I never went to school for teaching.
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