The Unofficial Chatterbox Thread! Everyone is Welcome! are one tough cookie! :) :hug:

The technicians that did the CT scan were commenting the same thing. I guess they had a guy in earlier that was not nearly as bad as i was and they had to help him, he was moaning and hollering. They said he was 6' of wimp and I was 5' of tough. They wished he could have seen me, maybe it would have shut him up.:lmao:

I know i do have a high tolerance for pain. But moaning and hollering doesn't help anything. Very nice people at the ER. Think I will right them a letter this week and thank them. They were awesome.:thumbsup2
The technicians that did the CT scan were commenting the same thing. I guess they had a guy in earlier that was not nearly as bad as i was and they had to help him, he was moaning and hollering. They said he was 6' of wimp and I was 5' of tough. They wished he could have seen me, maybe it would have shut him up.:lmao:

I know i do have a high tolerance for pain. But moaning and hollering doesn't help anything. Very nice people at the ER. Think I will right them a letter this week and thank them. They were awesome.:thumbsup2

Isn't it because men are babies? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:
I'm so mad at Target right now. We bought the bike assembled and you would expect that it would be done right. ARRGGHHH!! I'm not going to sue them or anything, I mean accidents happen and I doubt they did it on purpose. But I still plan on calling the store that DH bought it from and speaking with them. Don't know if the same person is still putting their bikes together, but they might want to reconsider.

I'm sure they have some tiny printed sign, in tiny tiny font that says they are not liable for injuries due to assembly.

We bought J a bike at Target last year, first time he rode it.. he slammed into a curb , scraping his legs.

The brake fell off!

The wheel looked a little "off" too.
We returned it right before we moved, one less thing to pack and money back in our pocket.
I don't blame you for being upset. I was thinking you should sue them. Good grief! :headache: I'm glad that your injuries weren't worse and that you don't have any broken bones. :hug:

Calling the store and speaking to the manager would be a good idea. They may want to double check the assembly.

I can tell you that every single bicycle in our house will be double checked for loose handlebars. DH was kind of beating himself up because he didn't check everything out really good like he normally does. I think it was because I got it for Christmas 2007, weather was bad so I didn't ride it right away, had my surgery last spring and didn't ride it all summer because of that, then bad weather set in again. I was so looking forward to lots of camping trips and bicycle riding to get back in shape this summer.

I really don't want to ride that bike again. i don't want to give it away, for fear that it will happen again. So I'm having DH take it to the dump. That bicycle has bad mojo!:laughing:

I see your spunk has not been damaged with your bike miss adventure.

Nope! My spunk is totally intact...although i didn't see it on the CT scan??LOL!
I just found this on a bicycle forum:

biker105211-04-04, 12:33 PM
There are three major problems with Target bikes:

1. one size fits all. Think about it can a person 6'5" fit in the same pants a 5'9" person does? They can, but it ain't going to be comfortable and you'll hate it and quit riding. So that's a wasted $100.

2. Assembly is haphazard at best. Many of these are not assembled properly and are unsafe as soon as you roll them out of the store. Even if they are assembled correctly (by some miracle) all bikes need a tune up within 30 days to shift and brake properly. Target doesn't do repairs so you take it to a bike shop where you are charged $40 - $50 for a tune up, half the cost of the bike. Don't tune it up, it runs like crap, riding is no fun, you quit, wasted $100.

3. Target bikes are throw-aways after one year. Stuff gets broken, tires wear out, things need to be fixed. Just to replace both tires will typically cost $50 - $60 with el cheapo tires, add in a tune up and your at $100. Go to Target and start the waste money cycle again.
I can tell you that every single bicycle in our house will be double checked for loose handlebars. DH was kind of beating himself up because he didn't check everything out really good like he normally does. I think it was because I got it for Christmas 2007, weather was bad so I didn't ride it right away, had my surgery last spring and didn't ride it all summer because of that, then bad weather set in again. I was so looking forward to lots of camping trips and bicycle riding to get back in shape this summer.

I really don't want to ride that bike again. i don't want to give it away, for fear that it will happen again. So I'm having DH take it to the dump. That bicycle has bad mojo!:laughing:

My cousin rode a bike when he was in China and the handlebars came off and he crashed. :scared1: He laughs at the story but it's so scary! :scared1:

Nope! My spunk is totally intact...although i didn't see it on the CT scan??LOL!

:rotfl: :lmao:
Isn't it because men are babies? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

I think so. Funny how people act so differently in situations like that. :confused3

I'm sure they have some tiny printed sign, in tiny tiny font that says they are not liable for injuries due to assembly.

We bought J a bike at Target last year, first time he rode it.. he slammed into a curb , scraping his legs.

The brake fell off!

The wheel looked a little "off" too.
We returned it right before we moved, one less thing to pack and money back in our pocket.

Sounds like they have a bit of a problem with bike assembly. I would rather put it together myself and know that it's done right.
My BIL knows how to rebuild bikes, Target cheapie (clearance) would still be a good deal. There is also a community run bike tune up workshop in Mpls. They have tools, space and people on hand to help you learn to tune up your bikes. I thought that was pretty cool, it's located near the U of MN.. excellent because the campus is HUGE! Having a bike is almost a necessity there.
Sounds like they have a bit of a problem with bike assembly. I would rather put it together myself and know that it's done right.

I believe they just pull an employee off the floor to put together the bikes, furniture, etc. Just one of the many teenagers/ college kids that goof off and be silly during work hours. It's a big social scene on the weekends working at Target. :rolleyes:
Time to get ready to go. My bf and I are going to watch Angels & Demons. Feel better Alison! :grouphug:

Bye Bernice! I hope you two have a good day :goodvibes princess:
My BIL knows how to rebuild bikes, Target cheapie (clearance) would still be a good deal. There is also a community run bike tune up workshop in Mpls. They have tools, space and people on hand to help you learn to tune up your bikes. I thought that was pretty cool, it's located near the U of MN.. excellent because the campus is HUGE! Having a bike is almost a necessity there.

Dh can work on the kids motorcycles, so i guess I can trust him on a new bicycle. I'm sure every single bicycle in our garage will get a thorough going over this week.:thumbsup2
I just found this on a bicycle forum:

biker105211-04-04, 12:33 PM
There are three major problems with Target bikes:

1. one size fits all. Think about it can a person 6'5" fit in the same pants a 5'9" person does? They can, but it ain't going to be comfortable and you'll hate it and quit riding. So that's a wasted $100.

2. Assembly is haphazard at best. Many of these are not assembled properly and are unsafe as soon as you roll them out of the store. Even if they are assembled correctly (by some miracle) all bikes need a tune up within 30 days to shift and brake properly. Target doesn't do repairs so you take it to a bike shop where you are charged $40 - $50 for a tune up, half the cost of the bike. Don't tune it up, it runs like crap, riding is no fun, you quit, wasted $100.

3. Target bikes are throw-aways after one year. Stuff gets broken, tires wear out, things need to be fixed. Just to replace both tires will typically cost $50 - $60 with el cheapo tires, add in a tune up and your at $100. Go to Target and start the waste money cycle again.

Now you tell me!:lmao:

Time to get ready to go. My bf and I are going to watch Angels & Demons. Feel better Alison! :grouphug:

Bye Bernice! I hope you two have a good day :goodvibes princess:

Bye Pix, have a great afternoon. I think I'm going to get off the computer for a bit. Need to go make my bed and get a bit of housework done. I feel fine, except for bending over makes my face hurt bad. Still have lots of things I can do though without bending over. Makes me feel better to move about. Staying in one spot resting makes me stiffen up.

Bye Bernice! I'll probably pop back on later today.
My sis watched Angels and Demons yesterday, she liked it a lot.. just as good as Da Vinci Code.

We almost went to the Wolverine movie, instead we stayed home and rented two red box movies.. Finally watched Twilight, never read the books. I liked it! Now I want the books.
Makes me feel better to move about. Staying in one spot resting makes me stiffen up.

Bye Bernice! I'll probably pop back on later today.

Now my mother (smother?) instinct kicks in and I have to scold you.....

Make sure to take some Tylenol, helps the inflammation.
No super lady today!

Tsk Tsk!!!

My scolding complete... carry on. :snooty:

Now my mother (smother?) instinct kicks in and I have to scold you.....

Make sure to take some Tylenol, helps the inflammation.
No super lady today!

Tsk Tsk!!!

My scolding complete... carry on. :snooty:

Guess I should have read this earlier. I made my bed, vacuumed the house, did 4 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and dusted.:rotfl: I just hate laying around feeling like crap. At least if I'm busy working then it keeps my mind off of the pain.

I have taken Ibuprofen, but I will take your advice B. and take some Tylenol also.:thumbsup2
Alison, Alison, Alison!!!!

OMG! I cannot believe that happened to you. Poor thing. How are you feeling today?

I wanted to get a new bike before I went back to school in August and now I know I wont go to Target to get it!
Today is Jake's end of year kindergarten program. Should be cute. They have made t-shirts for the kids to wear. Tomorrow is water day where the fire truck comes and shoots the fire hose off the ladder at the kids on the playground. Always fun! its 107 degrees so that will be nice for them. Then Wednesday we have a half day of school for the last day. :cool1: I'm so excited for school to be out. Not sure why I guess I'm just getting sick of the daily routine and I know Jake is burnt out.

Tonight is also Morgans last night of cheer. She has been in this since she was 4 and I told her we could not continue. She was upset but will live. She prefers dance anyway and since the studio is working with us we are able to go that route.

I so hope we hear about a job today. Of course I wake up thinking that every morning. There is one he was up for with dunkin donuts that had potential for growth but they were worried because it was less money that he might leave for another job if he finds something better. We just want to yell "there is NOTHING better out there, please hire him!!!" Seems everyone loves him but doesnt want to hire him. UGH. So scary.

Time for another unofficial chatterbox thread! Everyone is Welcome!
Thanks Pix!!!:hug:

ooh, lovely new home.

I went to Edinburgh yesterday and got soaked from the rain. My shoes have breathing holes in them so my feet were soaking wet, my hair was soaking wet and then I shivered for about an hour after I got home, dried off and wrapped myself in a blankie. The countdown is on now for the cold that is likely coming.

My sis is still here, we haven't fought too much which is good but I think we're both getting a little sick of each other's company. This is her last week here though so I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Looks like all our plans are being rained on though so I'm not too sure what we'll do to occupy our time.
Gee I hope the rain stops soon, and you and your
sister can have some good quality time before she has to leave! :cheer2::cheer2:

... andddddd they're off!!!! ..... :cool1:

Okay... I know you might think I am crazy... but then, you guys probably already do.. I just let Alex go out to play by himself for the first time EVER. I was going to let him take his sister and play water guns in the back yard, but she didnt want to to go.. so he went to play with a buddy. Im freaking out... and I want to go get him. Im mental.
I know it is hard isn't it? But this is really good for him. Gives him a chance to be with another family, see what they are like, practice his manners and all that stuff.

You are just being a regular Mom!! :hug:

Oh geez, I thought it was just raining!

Folks, it was a beautiful sunny day (and a balmy 75ish) here in the Seattle area. We had a loooong little league game, and even with sunscreen (or "sun scream" as DS5 calls it) we got a little toasted. Ah well. SUN, PEOPLE!!!

Hope you all are enjoying some good weather as well. FINALLY spring has sprung!
Well howdy stranger!!! :hug:

Good morning Hyenas! Well you say, aren't you supposed to be camping? Well yes!

Yesterday was a lovely day, kids had a great time riding mx. Some of our friends camped next to us. So after dinner Sue (one of our friends), DS and myself decide to take a bicycle ride.

I'm riding the new bike I got 1-1/2 years ago at Christmas. You may remember my big pink cruiser bike that I posted pictures of....well I have ridden it about 3 times total. I got it at Target and apparently they did not assemble it real well. Because at one point my handlebars went one way and the tire went the other way.

End result I crashed...BAD! So I ended up in the emergency room as a level 3 trauma. No Kidding! But I'm ok.

They were very worried that my cheek bone was broken, so did a cat scan and it turned out ok. They also thought the knee and hand might be broken, so did x-rays. But NOPE!. Everything is just scratched, contusions, etc.

My big toe on my right foot is scraped up, my knees are both bandages, both hands are wrapped up in gauze and bandages. But the worst part is my face. I have a gigantic black eye, my right cheek is totally swollen, so i can barely see out of that eye and I got five stitches on my chin.

So I'm guessing the bike won!!!!!!!!!!!:lmao:

I look like Frankenstein, all I need are the little plugs on the side.

You know what though, LIFE HAPPENS! Boy they really tried to push the vicoden last night, but I kept telling them, no pain killers. They make me sick and I hate how they make you feel. Actually I feel sore all over, but not really bad thsi morning.

You know I almost always wear a helmet, but for some reason I didn't this time. Although the ER doctor said that a helmet wouldn't have made a difference or protected me from any of my injuries. although I'm thinking that I might get one of those bike helmets that looks like a mx helmet and is full face.:thumbsup2 That is if I ever climb upon a bicycle again.:rotfl:

Oh and the best part, we start heading towards home (which was about an hour away) and stop at the ER in Longview. Which is the meth capital of the NW! People are just glaring at my DH in the ER...I look like I've been severely beaten and here he is wearing a wife beater shirt because it was hot and we had been camping.:lmao: My bicycle was still in the back of his truck, parked on the street in front of the ER. Do you think anybody would steal it? Nope, not a chance!:rotfl:
Good grief Alison!! You are one lucky lady it sounds like!!! I hope that you don't have too much pain. Take care!! :hug:

I'm here!

And back there somewhere too. :laughing:
Hi Bernice!

Isn't it because men are babies? :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Today is Jake's end of year kindergarten program. Should be cute. They have made t-shirts for the kids to wear. Tomorrow is water day where the fire truck comes and shoots the fire hose off the ladder at the kids on the playground. Always fun! its 107 degrees so that will be nice for them. Then Wednesday we have a half day of school for the last day. :cool1: I'm so excited for school to be out. Not sure why I guess I'm just getting sick of the daily routine and I know Jake is burnt out.

Tonight is also Morgans last night of cheer. She has been in this since she was 4 and I told her we could not continue. She was upset but will live. She prefers dance anyway and since the studio is working with us we are able to go that route.

I so hope we hear about a job today. Of course I wake up thinking that every morning. There is one he was up for with dunkin donuts that had potential for growth but they were worried because it was less money that he might leave for another job if he finds something better. We just want to yell "there is NOTHING better out there, please hire him!!!" Seems everyone loves him but doesnt want to hire him. UGH. So scary.
I hope you hear some good news Shawna!! :hug::hug::hug:


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