What to avoid

DH will say without a doubt.... The Surrey Bikes. They are heavier than you think and then add the weight of two people and inclines... :headache: Not Good.

I say Snow White. It is indeed VERY Scary for those wee ones!
Food and Wine Fest. We felt it was very pricey for what little food you got.
Ok if you are going for say a evening snack.
Avoid Stitch's Great Escape at all costs. Also avoid buying bottled water - you can get cups of ice water for free.
Without a doubt, my boys can't stand Stitch's Great Escape. They even told a family we met on the monorail to avoid this attraction.

They are also hesitant to go in the Haunted Mansion since the ride ALWAYS stops when were are in the graveyard. Now, we go on the ride just to see if we can make it all through the ride without stopping...

Country Bears Jamboree - the hokey jokes zip right over our heads!

Enchanted Tiki Room - We did give it a try once it was "updated," that's enough for us!

Universe of Energy is a good ride to just sit down and relax if you're hot or tired. I think I actually took a little nap last time we went on this one. Same thing can be said about the Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico. Nice place to duck into during a rain storm.

Oh, and Maelstrom - just don't get the trolls and the ride backwards. But, it is one way to get to the gift shop. :rotfl:

However, the good in the 'World outweighs the bad. I'm ready to go back!
Another vote for Stitch - yuck! What a waste of space that ride is. I also will be skipping Astro Orbiters, tea cups, and dumbo (don't like spinning anymore plus the line is too long!) and I thought Drew Carey was a waste. Narnia was disappointing - just a movie ad really. I also don't do any motion simulators (star tours etc) - I can't handle them - coasters and other rides no problem but for some reason the motion simulators really get me.:sick:
Learned some great things from these posts!

*Buzz Lightyear and the new Toy Story ride are exactly alike, except you will wait 4 hours for Toy Story at HS.


I have to disagree on that. I think that the new toy story ride at HS is so much better than Buzz at MK.
The Great Movie Ride - boring, although Mugsy brightened it slightly.
Stitch - love the character, hate the ride.
Maelstrom - waiting around for the movie killed it.
Boma - definitely do not see what all the hype is. Neither of us were impressed.

I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one bored by The Great Movie Ride - now I can stop feeling guilty for avoiding it!
Also, do not like the stitch ride.
I really like Bug's life but it really scared my 3 year old cousin, so did the tiki room.
Definitely Bugs Life - had to carry my SCREAMING 4 y/o out of it within the first few minutes! That was over 2 years ago, and she's just started to not freak out at movie theaters!!

Also, I wouldn't do CRT again (at least not for dinner, I've heard the other meals are better). It was NOT worth 2 dining credits. You only get a couple of secs with Cinderella for a pic before dinner, and then you see a show with the mice and fairy godmother - no real interaction with them. And I was VERY dissapointed in the food, had better just about everywhere else that I went for only 1 TS credit!!!
I would not do the Maelstrom boat ride in Norway. The ride itself was kind of fun. After you get off the boat you have to wait for these doors to open up for a short film. We must have been the first people off since the last show--I don't know how long we waited for the doors to open--maybe 10 or 15 minutes. :rolleyes1 Me and my SIL were both irritated by this. Our feet were tired and we were ready to move on.

We started talking to two former CM's. They told us just to walk through--no one stops to watch the movie. I just see no point in trying to force people to watch this short film.

You don't HAVE to watch the movie if you're not interested---just keep walking on through the seats and leave with the crowd that just got out of the previous movie.
Sounds Dangerous starring Drew Carey in HS.

I cannot believe that this is at Disney World. It is quite possibly the worst attraction ever. I have tried it several times and I've never found a working headset!

Also the Swiss Family Robinson tree house. Maybe after walking 17 hours a day at Disney, I just have no energy to climb 500 stairs, but it wasn't worth it at the top!

Aside from that, I like everything else, even Stitch! I just send out a warning whisper to our party when the chili dog is coming! HOLD YOUR NOSE! That's one nasty smell that you just cannot recover from!

Restaurants that I do not like:
ABC Commissary - it may be fine, but since I feel like it is my only air-conditioned option in DHS, I dread it!

Boma - I'm aware that I'm in the minority here, but the sweet spices with the meats were not my favorite. No one in my family liked it at all, but our friends that traveled with us thought it was one of the better places from the trip.
Chef Mickey's Dinner! It was beyond gross and we paid for it for hours after. Breakfast wasn't much better.

It's Tough to Be a Bug: It scared the heck out of DD and even me and the sting in the back was NOT fun. I have feeling if we had allowed DD or DS to sit by themselves we would have had to leave early like MANY other parents did. We made it through the show but we will never do it again.
interesting thread. It seems like avoiding things may depend on who you are with, adults, teens, children or all 3 lol. I've never been on the Stitch ride, its a shame because he is one of my fav characters. I have been on ALien Encounter and I know they revamped it because kids and some adults thought it was too scary.

Space Mountian has 3 inlaid tracks in it that are very close together, they switch the tracks that is why if you ever thought it was different you got a different track. I swear the best (scariest) is the track they usually have on at night, I don't know if there is any reason to that. but they really do mean Keep Your Hands Inside.

I have to agree with the Luau, it seems as though in an attemp to make it something for everyone (adults, teens, children) they really just ended up screwing up the good old fashion Luau people are accustom too.

A few things I'll add

The sit down Restuarant in Japan. It's like Bennihana's or Kobe. It's not traditional enough, or disney enough to be anything exciting.

Swiss Family Robinson Tree house on a busy day. It can be neat but if its a busy day you feel rushed to get through it, it feels like a big giant queue line in the tree.

Innoventions it's okay the first time, but they just seem to have a hard time updating it with the speed of techinlogical advancements.

Backlot Tours I used to love this back when MGM first opened because they actually did have full fuctioning soundstages but now they don't. Nothing is ever filmed back there, the last time I remember something being filmed it was a BCS Title commercial when Ohio State won against Miami. I think that was back in 2002/2003 before they renamed them Hollywood Studios.

Pooh's Adventures only because I'm still upset that it replaced Mr. Toads Wild Ride.
I absolutely HATE It's a small world. That ride drives me NUTS!!!!:headache: I could have also done without the Enchanted Tiki Room. It was silly funny but overall just aweful.

My mother in law for years has bugged about going on ETR. 'Oh, it's so funny, you'll love it' So this last time I tried it. Nope. We left half way through. Totally cheesy. I was actually embarrased for the CMs.
Lines. Use Fastpass, go early, know which rides have lines and which don't and how to avoid them.

Other than that, there isn't a one sized fits all. I like Stitch. I'll never go on Rock n Rollercoaster again. What one person loves another dislikes, and what one dislikes you might skip and have skipped something you later discover you really enjoy. Give anything that sounds interesting and is appropriate for your party a try.

(There might be SOMEONE who likes the lines).
Of course it's all personal preference. We generally avoid:
The Coral Reef
Chef Mickey's for breakfast
Stitch's Great Escape

Ok, so I'm curious as to why you disliked The Coral Reef and Chef Mickey's. I've been to the parks several times but never had a table-service meal there. We are leaving in a week and a half and I have booked both of these. We have a DS(5) and I just thought he'd love to see the fish and aquarium at Coral Reef and Chef Mickey's wasn't even a question for me!!! :confused3
*Diddo on Space Mountain, you see that bad boy in the light and realize just why they say "keep arms down on this ride"!
*Buzz Lightyear and the new Toy Story ride are exactly alike, except you will wait 4 hours for Toy Story at HS.

While I agree with what you said about Space Mountain (it looks so rickety and yucky!), I have to disagree about TSM. It's 100% better than the Buzz Lightyear ride. Although, if it wasn't for the fast passes, I probably wouldn't wait 1+ hour just to try it out.

Here is my list of things to avoid:

Enchanted Tiki Room - dumb
Country Bear Jamboree - Seriously?? Why is this "attraction" still running? My inlaws made me ride it last year and now I see now why it was the basis for Lester's Possum Park in A Goofy Movie. :rotfl:
Carousel of Progress - unless you need a nap
Peter Pan - unless you have a fastpass or the line is 15 minutes or less :-)laughing: yeah, like that's going to happen). Why people wait almost an hour for this ride is beyond me!
Wow, very informative for the Dino ride, I wouldn't have known that for my 5 & 7 yr old!

I heard before that the Snow White was very scary and have never taken my kids b/c of that.

I HATED Stitch, my 3 yr old was terrified, and my 5 yr old couldn't stand it either. In fact nobody in our family or our friends' family liked that at all!

I love Tower of Terror, but my 5 yr old got scared. She also got scared on Splash Mt. at night, but she was fine during the day. That final drop in the dark really scared her.
I know its sacrilege, but my kids HATE small world. They even made up their own lyrics
"It's a world of torture, a world of pain
Please Mom don't make us ride that thing again..."

I, on the other hand, am not a fan of the Country Bears.



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