What to avoid

Learned some great things from these posts!

I do have to say after getting up a the crack of dawn to get to Chef Mickey's this past week for 8am ressies, I was totally unimpressed! The only participation they even do is twirl your napkins to one short song, and the food was not nearly as good as other breakfast buffets we have had. I was also not impressed with Contemporary itself. I stayed at Swan and Dolphin and for less than twice the price I had great accomodations, conceirge, resort transport and first class service.

Hollywood and Vine w/ Little Einsteins had much better food and way more kid participation. Much much better for the money or the Table service credit.

*Bugs Life in AK freaked my 4yr DD out and we had to leave!
*Snow Whites Scary was just that, scary for a 4 yr old.
*Akershus Storybook Princesses for lunch, just not that good of food for $$, would definitely try breakfast b/c Princess interaction was very good, just as good as the Castle and we had both.
*Ariel's Grotto, that line never moves, we have never made it to the front, stood waiting at the halfway point for over an hour why can't people just move on and consider others behind them?? Only good thing there is the water play while you wait, still won't do it again ever.
*Diddo on Space Mountain, you see that bad boy in the light and realize just why they say "keep arms down on this ride"!
*Buzz Lightyear and the new Toy Story ride are exactly alike, except you will wait 4 hours for Toy Story at HS.

Diddo on easing kids onto rides. I won't ever talk my DD into riding anymore rides, only one she ever likes was Small World and all the ones she can see outside of in Fantasy Land like Dumbo. POC scared her and so did Star Wars in HS, she won't go in any in the dark anymore!

Also, I will never, ever stay off property again! Had ressies at hotel outside of park and only stayed there long enough to sleep and check out first thing the next morning. Moved over to Swan and Dolphin and never looked back! You know you can trust that Disney will keep their resorts to a certain standard. Never will I trust even a high end hotel chain around Disney to live up to Disney resort standards. I could have paid $10 more a night to get a value resort and saved the entire sleepless night on the internet finding available ressies for the rest of our trip! Lesson learned the hard way! :headache:
I so agree with many of these posts. Stitch is awful. However, everyone knows their own child....but I have a suggestion. Research every single ride. When our boy/girl twins were 6 we first took them to WDW. My DD is just one of those kids who will go on any ride -- fearless. My DS however is AD/HD with complications and not as brave. While we waited in queue for each ride, I described in absolute detail what the ride will do. Armed with that knowledge, he was ok for 90% of the rides. There were only two he had trouble with -- Tower of Terror was one. He kept saying, "not sure I want to do this!" and I said it was ok if we exited ... no problem, but heck just try it out. He did and when he exited the ride, did that boy peacock thing of "oh yea that was a piece of cake!!" LOL The other was a Universal Studios ride called Earthquake. They picked him for a preliminary show on stage and I didn't have the chance to describe the ride to him and he freaked.

So bottom line is to find out what each ride is all about and talk about it first.

This is so true!!! My DS is 13, will be 14 when we go in June. He still doesn't like rides. I told him he could read all the books I have on Disney rank them 1) yes will do, 2) might do, 3) not do unless all is right with the universe!! :) This seems to be making him a little more comfortable with going and not being bored or scared.
The Dinosaur ride scared the living day lights our of my then 7 yr old but my 4 yr old at the time loved it. CRT, I didn't think that was worth 2 ts credits, the food was just ok. 1900 Park Fare was much better. Malstrom does have exit doors you can use if you don't want to stay for the movie, I can't stand the movies especially when they are 360 it makes me sick. The Ellen ride is boring, but it's good to use just to get out of the heat and off your feet for 20 min. just know you will be bored. Sci fi dinner, hated it. It could of just been the day, but everyone in our party complained about the food, it was way over cooked and had no taste. I also didn't like Yak and Yeti at AK.
I agree with:

Swiss Family Treehouse
Enchanted Tiki Room
Stitch's Great Escape

and I'd also like to add:

The 360 degree movie of China. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but they came out and actually yelled a people for sitting down. It's about a 15-20 minute movie and there were only, maybe 30 of us in that huge room. Now, I can see if it's a packed house, but it was practically empty.
Can't say I agree. In all my trips, it's never been open. :lmao:

You were lucky then! You sit in a dark room listening through Earphones drew narrate around a studio getting lost and doing lame jokes. DHs headphones were broke and he just sat in the dark. Actually maybe he was the lucky one.
The Great Movie Ride - boring, although Mugsy brightened it slightly.
Stitch - love the character, hate the ride.
Maelstrom - waiting around for the movie killed it.
Boma - definitely do not see what all the hype is. Neither of us were impressed.

Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor - we really enjoyed this. It was fun to watch people's reactions.
Tower of Terror - amazing. I made my husband ride it countless times with me.
Rock 'N Rollercoaster - totally fun. Husband made me ride this countless times.
Tony's - didn't seem entirely popular, but the food was terrific, and the service top notch.
The folks posting about Maelstrom are making me remember my all time favorite overheard comment/quote from several years back: "...we ain't got time for this culture s**t" (said by a woman as she was dragging her kid through the movie section to make a getaway.) :rotfl2:

For us the thing we avoid is the Friendships between Epcot and DHS (or the Epcot resorts)...we can walk waaaaaaay faster than those things go! We only made that mistake once.
While the weirdo in me still loves this ride, I do want to warn you about Dinosaur! at AK. The first time we went on this ride we asked the CM if it would be OK for our DD (6 at the time). He said as long as she isn't scared of the dark and loud noises, she'd be fine. And while he didn't lie, he also didn't explain that there are VERY LOUD noises in that ride and the robot dinosaur at the end of the rides literally roars so loud in you face it rattles your teeth:scared1:. You also get jostled around like your a milkshake. The whole thing proved to be too much for our DD and she was crying her eyes out by the end of it.

I agree...we went once and have never been back on any of our vacations. Half of us in the jeep in the picture had our heads down and our ears covered. It was a miserable ride. (plus, once you've been on the Jurassic Park one at Universal, it's not that great LOL)
Oh, and I also don't enjoy the 3-D shows. We though Mickey's Philharmagic (is that what it's called?) was going to be great because we heard people raving about it, but I thought it was loud and miserable, and my daughter was scared. At least there was no snake in that one. LOL
I had the same problem with Honey I shrunked the audience at DL during our trip in Feb. MY younger son was so scared afterwards, that when we went to do TSMM that he freaked out when he saw the 3 D glasses. I had to explain to him that it wasn't scary, and encouraged him to give it a try. He ended up loving the ride, and went on it many times while we were there.
both the children (teenaged) and us thought that tom sawyer's Island was boring. plus the wait for the rafts were long! BTW first post after years of lurking!
The Great Movie Ride - boring, although Mugsy brightened it slightly.
Stitch - love the character, hate the ride.
Maelstrom - waiting around for the movie killed it.
Boma - definitely do not see what all the hype is. Neither of us were impressed.

Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor - we really enjoyed this. It was fun to watch people's reactions.
Tower of Terror - amazing. I made my husband ride it countless times with me.
Rock 'N Rollercoaster - totally fun. Husband made me ride this countless times.
Tony's - didn't seem entirely popular, but the food was terrific, and the service top notch.
You don't have to see the movie after Maelstrom ... just walk on through the theater, you'll be glad you did.. I agree with everything but my DW loves Boma. I think it's just o.k. but I love the atmosphere of the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
Hated Stitch. Couldn't Disney come up with something better? There are no words to describe how bad this is.

Ellen's Universe of Energy is too long unless they have to reset the ride because of a malfunction. It happened to us on two different trips. Now we go to see the movie and leave.

The Dinoland Midway is just is all wrong for Animal Kingdom. It looks like it belongs on the Boardwalk. Or a resort arcade.

Narnia could have been so much better. Disney should take a look at Poseidon's Fury in Universal's Islands of Adventure for inspiration.
Stiches great Escape. never with a little ones
In any of the 3d rides just have kiddos take off 3d glasses and is not as scary.
Dinoland and Mission space spinning :scared1: not for the little ones either.
If you have a child that hates the dark parts of Pirates is very dark.
Before we would go to Disney DD and I would watch movies that some of the rides are based on and talk about then being pretend.

When DD was little If she did not want to ride we did not ride I always said okay we will save that till you are bigger. I would not want to risk a meltdown and ruin several hrs. when it could have been avoided.

Take your times. I like the movie in ecpot (airconditioning) ;););)


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