Come what May- We are going to Disney World! (May22,nd- May,29th, 2010).

Congrats on AKL :thumbsup2. I had a hard time deciding where we were going to stay, but we finally settled on CBR.

I know you and your sister are very excited about seeing each other and I know she just has to be going crazy to see her niece.

Great update on the PTR, looking forward to more.
Hi Q!

I just saw that you have a PTR. I'm definitely subbing! :thumbsup2

I don't know if we've had this discussion before, but I'm 1/2 Brazilian!! I got so excited when I read that you're from Brazil. My dad came to the States when he was 16, and hasn't been back since, but I've always loved Brazil and finding other people who are Brazilians! I really want to visit sometime.

Oh--and to carry on the Brazilian tradition of a huge 15 year old vacation, I got to choose our vacation that year--and I chose Disney World too! :goodvibes How neat is that?!

Your family is precious, and I can't wait for you to be at WDW. And WOO-HOO for staying at the AKL!!!!! :dance3: As you can see from my TR, it's amazing. You're going to love it.

I'm so glad I found your PTR, and I can't wait to read along!
Looks like it's gonig to be a great trip!!!

You are going to love Ohana's, its great. The food is amazing and is very unique (as in, you won't find it anywhere else in disney) and very good. The views are spectacualar too!

I just found your PTR, I noticed your in Montreal were in Ottawa..... were also staying at AKL and will be eating at O'hana for the first time on our trip in August 2010.

I'm really excited to read all about your plans.. :surfweb:
We are on the dining plan. Probably Pizza Planet. We have a big dinner planned for that evening at O'Hana. Can't wait to read about your hotel and dining choices.
We are probably eating at Pizza Planet that day also. I´ve heard their veggie pizza is to die for. ;)

Ha! My due date was Nov. 22, but Layla didn't make her appearance until Dec. 5. So she'll be ALMOST 2 1/2 when we're at WDW. :) We'll be staying offsite - my dad's work has a place available for super cheap, so we'll be staying there.

My baby was a bit ´late´also. My due date was Nov. 14th but I was induced one week later. I think it is a great age for a visit to WDW. She already talks about princesses and she also knows a lot of Disney songs. I can´t wait.
That is great you got a deal on a place to stay. Sometimes it is a great compromise since we can always think of ways of using the extra cash. :laughing:

Nice! How exciting! We LOVED the dining plan when we used it a few years ago. It's a lot of food, but it's so nice to be able to try any restaurant you want and not have to pay!

I hear people saying it is a lot of food all the time. I wonder if it is really the case. I LOVE eating! :love:

Congrats on AKL :thumbsup2. I had a hard time deciding where we were going to stay, but we finally settled on CBR.

I know you and your sister are very excited about seeing each other and I know she just has to be going crazy to see her niece.

Congratulations on deciding on the CBR. I really love all the pictures of CBR I see around here, specially the pool. It looks amazing and I am sure your family will have a great time. And yes--we cannot wait for our family reunion. I miss my sister a lot and we share some great Disney memories together so it will be the perfect place to meet up in May. :)

Hi Q!

I just saw that you have a PTR. I'm definitely subbing! :thumbsup2

I don't know if we've had this discussion before, but I'm 1/2 Brazilian!! I got so excited when I read that you're from Brazil. My dad came to the States when he was 16, and hasn't been back since, but I've always loved Brazil and finding other people who are Brazilians! I really want to visit sometime.

Oh--and to carry on the Brazilian tradition of a huge 15 year old vacation, I got to choose our vacation that year--and I chose Disney World too! :goodvibes How neat is that?!

Your family is precious, and I can't wait for you to be at WDW. And WOO-HOO for staying at the AKL!!!!! :dance3: As you can see from my TR, it's amazing. You're going to love it.

I'm so glad I found your PTR, and I can't wait to read along!

Oi Staci!! Tudo bem??

Wow... I didn´t know you were half Brazilian. That is so exciting! Do you know where exactly your dad was born? I am from São Paulo and as matter of fact that is where I am right now:cool1:. We come every year at the end of December for around 3 weeks to visit my family. We are going back to Canada tomorrow though. :( Not looking forward to being back in the cold weather :sad2:.

It would be really great if you could visit the place where your dad spent his childhood. I hope my own daughter grows up to appreciate her Brazilian heritage. So far I think she loves it. She loves the beach just as much as I do and her Portuguese is very good too! :rotfl:

Going to Disney when you turn 15 is a must do for a lot of people around here. That is why there are so many groups with teenagers from Brazil in the parks, specially during the Summer. You proved to be a real Brazilian when you chose to go. :thumbsup2

We couldn´t be more excited about staying at AKL. I cannot wait to see Beatriz´reaction when she realizes there are real aimals roaming outside our room. Only four more months to go!


Thanks for signing up! I am excited to have you around.
We are back in Canada.
Back to work.
Trying to get back to the swing of things.
So much to do.
So little time.

Looked at the pictures of our trip and realized how over my "comfort" weight I am right now. Time to start losing some serious pounds if I want to enjoy my Disney pictures. :laughing: Seriously considering Weight Watchers.

Put Beatriz' crib down. Trying to make her sleep the whole night on her "big girl" bed. Not an easy task now that she realized she can just get up by herself and move into our bed.

We booked our flight to our trip to WDW! :banana:
Straight flight just like we wanted --leaving Montreal at 8 am and getting in Orlando at 11:20am. Really excited about having the whole afternoon to start enjoying our trip. Hate to waste a whole day travelling.

Started watching "The Bachelor" again. I can't help it. Addicted already.

I cannot wait to see Mickey!

So after having dinner at Ohana's I would like to take advantadge of the fact that my sister will have her car and perhaps drive to a grocery store to pick up some stuff to put in our hotel fridge. ;)

Maybe some snacks for Beatriz, some milk and juice, some baggles, cold cuts and cheese for breakfast and some bottles of water. I am thinking if we have a light breakfast at our room every morning we can save our Dining Plan credits for more yummy things in the parks. I know, I cannot stop talking about food. popcorn::

Does anyone know a place near WDW resort where I can get some supplies?

My original plan was to hang out at the Pollynesian Resort for a while and go to the beach to see Wishes at 10 pm. However, I am afraid if I wait until after the fireworks it will get too late to go shopping. Specially with a cranky , sleepy baby. It breaks my heart to miss out on the opportunity of watching Wishes from the Pollynesean resort though. :(

Anyways, if my sister gets to Orlando earlier than planned we just might be able to go before our meal but I doubt it. :rolleyes:
Still need to figure out the best place to go for our little grocery shopping. Any suggestions? Anyone?
There are several places close by. My brother (lives in Orlando) picks me up and takes me to a really close Walmart-I'm not a big fan of Walmart but it's good for having everything we need in one place. I can ask him for some tips/directions if you want. :goodvibes
There's a few wal-marts and targts within 20 miles of disney:thumbsup2 also, there's a Goody's in the crossroad shopping center right outside od DTD. We've been shopping there the last few years and for it's location it offers us everything we need.
Looks like it's gonig to be a great trip!!!

You are going to love Ohana's, its great. The food is amazing and is very unique (as in, you won't find it anywhere else in disney) and very good. The views are spectacualar too!

We are very excited about everything we have planned so far. I have to admit Ohana's is one of the restaurants I am most antecipating to try. Those shrimps do look fantastic. ;)


I just found your PTR, I noticed your in Montreal were in Ottawa..... were also staying at AKL and will be eating at O'hana for the first time on our trip in August 2010.

I'm really excited to read all about your plans.. :surfweb:

Bonjour Raecheal:wave2:
Welcome to my journal! So it looks like we are doing a lot of the same things. Too bad we won't be there at the same time. Did you ever stay at the AKL before? I still cannot believe we will stay there.

I am joining in....My family will be there the same week.

Hello and welcome! I am getting to meet more and more people that will go the same week as us. Where are you staying?

There are several places close by. My brother (lives in Orlando) picks me up and takes me to a really close Walmart-I'm not a big fan of Walmart but it's good for having everything we need in one place. I can ask him for some tips/directions if you want. :goodvibes

Thanks for the tip. Walmart sounds like a good choice. If you have the address I can look it up onlinee. Thank you very much! :drive:

There's a few wal-marts and targts within 20 miles of disney:thumbsup2 also, there's a Goody's in the crossroad shopping center right outside od DTD. We've been shopping there the last few years and for it's location it offers us everything we need.

There's a shopping center right outside DTD? I am going to look into that. Thank you very much for the tip!:thumbsup2

Hi Queila!! Sorry--I didn't realize you had a PTR going!! Yay!! As you know we are going to be there the same week!! And AKL--how fun!! Oh--and we'll be in MK on Thursday and Epcot on Friday, too!! In terms of groceries, I ordered mine on our last trip from They deliver to your resort so you wouldn't have to go shopping that night AND you could watch Wishes from the Poly beach!! (which we might do as well) There is a charge for the delivery (I'm thinking $12) but it is very worth it!! And if you aren't at your resort when they deliver, Bells Services will hold them until you get back. It's so convenient!! Oh--and you will LOVE O'hana--the food is excellent and the atmosphere is cozy and fun!! :goodvibes
Jumping on to read! We should be there during the same time as long as our dates stay the same! Last year was my first time visiting Disney and my 3 year old came with me. He had a blast!
Your plans sound great! I used Garden Grocer last year, too, and have nothing but wonderful things to say about them.
Planning for May, 23rd ,2010

Epcot Center is the first park we are going to visit. It just happens to be my very favorite park so we are going to visit it twice (on the first and on the last day). :magnify:

I am so excited to have an entire day to explore the Future World. Last time we rushed too much through Epcot and I feel there were a lot of things we did not get a chance to do. :(

Upon arrival the plan is to go to Epcot character spot to take our official pictures with the characters while we are still looking good and not all tired and sweaty. I have never done this before but it just sounds like a good plan. I am not sure of what to expect in terms of characters we are going to meet but I will be happy with whoever shows up. Is there anything special I should know about the character spot? It will be our very first time.

Then it is off to the attractions…

I cannot wait to play astronauts at Mission Space again. Since we are going to be with my sister and brother - in - law we will use the ride swap to do all the big rides with a thrill. Last year I almost walked out of the line of the Mission Space I was so afraid of passing out but thanks to my husband I did not and boy did we ever have fun. I will definitely try to do it more than once if we have the time.

Then we want to play crash test dummies at Test Track, go under the sea with Nemo and interact with Crush. I know Beatriz is going to freak out! She loves Nemo and the other day I caught her humming "just keep swimming, just keep swimming...". :laughing:

And while we are under the sea we will stop for our lunch at the Coral Reef. :banana: Yummy. I made our reservations for 13h10 because we still don't know if my sister will be joining the dining plan and the menu is around 30% cheaper at lunch time and the items are basically the same. I think I am having the Grilled Mahi-Mahi by the way. ;)

I have read mixed reviews about the Coral Reef but I am willing to give it a try. I know Epcot Center has a lof of great options for a sit- down meal but I have always wanted to eat there so... I will hope for the best.

Maybe by the time we finish lunch the line up at Spaceship Earth hwill have diminished and it is our turn to enjoy it.

And then off to my favorite one… flying over California in a hang gliding! In 2008 we went on a trip to California (our first vacation as a family of three---just check the cute picture bellow) and we have the best memories of the time we spent there so Soaring had a special taste when we rode it last year.


And then for the rest of the afternoon the plan is to visit some more attractions and play together at Innovations. It will be my first time at Innovations also so I am looking forward to spending some quality time as a family in there. Hopefully Beatriz will be old enough to participate in some of the activities. My husband is particullary looking forward to test driving a segway. :confused3

To finish off we can go have super at a quick service restaurant in the World Show case. Maybe I will have a cheese plate at the Boulangerie in France. Or maybe I will try the Japanese curry at Yakitori House. Last time I had the couscous at the Moroccan pavilion and it was to die for but I definitely go for something different this time.

And then we will go secure a spot around the lagoon to enjoy Illuminations that starts at 9pm. In the meantime we can watch some street performers, do some shopping and do some people watching while we wait for the show to start. I will save a school bread from the bakery in the Norway pavillon to eat while I enjoy the show.

So… how is that for a first day? Will it be too much with a two year old? She is not a difficult child (sure, she has her days :rolleyes: ) but I am thinking it is doable, specially if I get her to nap a bit in the afternoon in her stroller.

Joining in--- :wave2: It's seems as if there will be a lot of DISers at Disney May 22 week. :woohoo:

I love that portrait of DH, you and your sweet Beatriz on the first post. Beautiful photo!

Becky beat me to the punch to recommend Garden Grocer for your supplies. ;) Place your order, and it's delivered to your resort. Couldn't be easier! :thumbsup2
Hi, great pre-trip report so far. Your plans sound great. We are going the 2nd week in June and can't wait.

I think your plans for EPCOT sound great. As long as your DD will nap in the stroller, you should be fine. Hopefully, your DD (being the Nemo fan that she is) will stay occupied watching the fish tank during your lunch. :)

Going to the character spot first is a great idea. We did the same thing last June. We only waited about 2 minutes and later in the day the wait can get quite long. I'm actually a big fan of the character spot because you can meet Mickey's entire gang without waiting in separate lines. Plus the backgrounds make cute photos. They are very colorful and you don't have to worry about some kid in the background of your photos picking his nose or pitching a fit. :rotfl: Basically, you wait in line and then meet Mickey, then move on to Minnie, Donald, Pluto and Goofy. They all have their own area but the same line. Make sense? There are photos in both of my trip reports if you would like to see them. Also (last thing I promise), look around when you are in the hallway by the exit after you meet Goofy. Both times we saw additional characters there.

Happy planning.
Oi Staci!! Tudo bem??

Wow... I didn´t know you were half Brazilian. That is so exciting! Do you know where exactly your dad was born? I am from São Paulo and as matter of fact that is where I am right now:cool1:. We come every year at the end of December for around 3 weeks to visit my family. We are going back to Canada tomorrow though. :( Not looking forward to being back in the cold weather :sad2:.

It would be really great if you could visit the place where your dad spent his childhood. I hope my own daughter grows up to appreciate her Brazilian heritage. So far I think she loves it. She loves the beach just as much as I do and her Portuguese is very good too! :rotfl:

Going to Disney when you turn 15 is a must do for a lot of people around here. That is why there are so many groups with teenagers from Brazil in the parks, specially during the Summer. You proved to be a real Brazilian when you chose to go. :thumbsup2

We couldn´t be more excited about staying at AKL. I cannot wait to see Beatriz´reaction when she realizes there are real aimals roaming outside our room. Only four more months to go!


Thanks for signing up! I am excited to have you around.

Hi Q!

Yes, I'm 1/2 Brazilian! I love it. My dad was born in Sao Paulo and lived in Rio later on. I'd love to visit someday. That is so neat that you get to go back every year!! I'm sure your daughter will just love having both heritages. I'm sure it's so different living in Canada. Brazilians aren't used to the cold!

I wish that I knew Portuguese. My dad always wanted us to try to learn on our own before he would teach us. So none of us know it. I have some aunts that have taught their kids, though, and it's so neat that they know both languages. Beatriz is a lucky little girl to be bilingual at such a young age. I'm sure she'll love her Brazilian heritage! I love mine, and I've never even been to the country!

Haha--that's so neat that I chose Disney at 15 and didn't even know it was the Brazilian thing to do! I'll have to tell my dad that I'm a true Brazilian. :thumbsup2

Beatriz will LOVE LOVE LOVE Animal Kingdom Lodge! It is the most gorgeous place. We loved absolutely everything about it. I bet she'll be SO fascinated with the animals. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Now...on to your latest updates. :) Your plans sound wonderful. The food is one of my favorite things to plan too. As far as groceries go, you might try to go to a supermarket nearby. I looked at Garden Grocer, but there's a minimum spending limit, and it was going to be really expensive for us. We ended up just taking a few things along and then using snack credits to purchase some breakfasts and things. We also got bottled water at all of our CS meals, and used them to refill throughout the day.

We loved Coral Reef!! Michael got the Mahi Mahi and it was amazing! My salmon was good, but it wasn't the greatest. Sometimes salmon is too oily for me. But the pasta that came with my salmon was out of this world good!! I think you'll like your meal there.

Epcot is my second favorite park! Be sure to go to "What's Your Problem" in Innoventions. It's so cute, and someone in your family will almost positively be picked. There are so many fun things to do in Innoventions and all around Epcot--You just have to dig for them!

All of your plans sound great!! :thumbsup2


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