I was not allowed to use rocking chairs at Baby Care Center

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I've read most of this and posted a few times, but have come to this conclusion which goes against what I posted before. When I was in the BBC **** room with a bottlefeeding mom, I didn't even think twice about the fact that I was bfing while she was bottlefeeding. If a CM came in to tell her to leave while I was bfing, I would have gotten up myself. We are all moms, and should support each other not bring each other down. An open chair is an open chair. If you get to the BBC and all the chairs are taken by moms feeding their children regardless of how they are feeding those babies, you wait for a chair to open up. End of discussion for me.

Unfortunately while that may be your point of view, it is not Disney's. And they are the ones with the say.

Hopefully once they are done remodeling the BCC they will have set it up in a way that will make everyone happy.
... An open chair is an open chair. If you get to the BBC and all the chairs are taken by moms feeding their children regardless of how they are feeding those babies, you wait for a chair to open up. End of discussion for me.

yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!:goodvibes
yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!:goodvibes

So between 3 children and 4 years combined of bfing those children, I have been fortunate enough to never have leaked because I HAD to immediately feed my child. And I have been blessed by having a more than adequate supply of milk. Maybe it's because I have always worn pads that do a fantastic job of not leaking. If these bfing moms are going to leak over waiting for a chair, maybe invest in some good pads, or wait to go to Disney when your not going to leak all over yourself if you have to wait a whole 5 minutes for a chair to open up.
So between 3 children and 4 years combined of bfing those children, I have been fortunate enough to never have leaked because I HAD to immediately feed my child. And I have been blessed by having a more than adequate supply of milk. Maybe it's because I have always worn pads that do a fantastic job of not leaking. If these bfing moms are going to leak over waiting for a chair, maybe invest in some good pads, or wait to go to Disney when your not going to leak all over yourself if you have to wait a whole 5 minutes for a chair to open up.

It is good that you never had to worry about leaking. Everyone's bf experience is different. I think the point is if the room is open for everyone who wants it (which would have to include men) then it would be much more than a 5 minute wait. I doubt a bottlefeeding mom is done in less than 5 minutes, anyway. As for waiting to go to Disney, the exact same thing can be said about the mom who just has to have a quiet place to bottlefeed. Disney chose to make that room quiet with rockers. None of the bf moms has said that was a requirement. The only requirement they have indicated is PRIVATE.
yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!:goodvibes

Seriously? I don't find your post really all that necessary. You made your point, but c'mon..
yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!:goodvibes

That is a totally rude and uncalled for intentional swipe at moms who bottlefeed, and as a mom who bottle fed out of necessity I don't appreciate it. I would have given anything to be able to BF, but my body just wouldn't cooperate. Do I deserve to have a quiet place to feed my baby any less that someone who was blessed with the gift of being able to BF just because I couldn't??? I don't think so. Bottle feeding moms need a palce to go t feed their kids just as much as moms who BF. Mabye never having bottle fed a newborn you don't understand what it is like, but believe me, for most babies, especially young ones it is futile to try to feed them in a room with a lot of other stuff going on. They are distracted and will not eat enough to satisfy them so they are crying to be fed again in half an hour. Imagine nursing in a room with a TV blaring, kids running around, people stopping to talk to you and look at the baby, and the baby unlatching every time they want to look at whatever is maknig that noise and you will understand the difficulty. Bottle feeding is not the cake walk it is bieng made out to be here, and is not feasable anywhere as most breasfeeding moms here seem to think, especially if you have an infant that is easily distracted. Bottle fedding moms should have a quiet place to go as well, even if it is seperate from the BFing room. Sorry, Just sayin'
That is a totally rude and uncalled for intentional swipe at moms who bottlefeed, and as a mom who bottle fed out of necessity I don't appreciate it. I would have given anything to be able to BF, but my body just wouldn't cooperate. Do I deserve to have a quiet place to feed my baby any less that someone who was blessed with the gift of being able to BF just because I couldn't??? I don't think so. Bottle feeding moms need a palce to go t feed their kids just as much as moms who BF. Mabye never having bottle fed a newborn you don't understand what it is like, but believe me, for most babies, especially young ones it is futile to try to feed them in a room with a lot of other stuff going on. They are distracted and will not eat enough to satisfy them so they are crying to be fed again in half an hour. Imagine nursing in a room with a TV blaring, kids running around, people stopping to talk to you and look at the baby, and the baby unlatching every time they want to look at whatever is maknig that noise and you will understand the difficulty. Bottle feeding is not the cake walk it is bieng made out to be here, and is not feasable anywhere as most breasfeeding moms here seem to think, especially if you have an infant that is easily distracted. Bottle fedding moms should have a quiet place to go as well, even if it is seperate from the BFing room. Sorry, Just sayin'

Actually, I bottlefed 2 children, (BF one) thanks for assuming!
The arguement I am making is that the nursing room fulfills a PHYSICAL need (i.e., privacy) while those opposed to the nursing rooms are making an EMOTIONAL arguement. (i.e, peace and quiet). Thats all my post was pointing out, the difference between the physical and emotional need.
Not I, or any other poster, or any type of mother in general, or society as a whole has ever MADE anyone feel uncomfortable or less than or hurt- you (again, a general you) MAKE yourself feel the way you do. It is YOUR thoughts and feelings on an event that trigger your emotional response. If anyone feels like a failure over breastfeeding or not, you need to rewrite your internal monolouge, not blame society.
Bottlefeeding and breastfeeing mothers alike DO have a place to go if they need quiet to feed their child...its called a hotel room. I mean, since I get so hot and sweaty walking around, should Disney provide a shower facility in the park to meet MY needs?
In this whole thread, I can't think of one instance where a breastfeeding mother has called out a bottle-feeding mother for not breastfeeding. The only thing that's been repeatedly stated by the breastfeeding moms is that they want a private place due to having to expose a private part of their bodies. Yet it seems there is a ridiculous amount of defensiveness from bottle-feeding moms about why they bottle-feed, etc. when really, no one cares! I don't mean that to sound dismissive or cruel, but really, why you are bottle-feeding is of no pertinence to the fact that you don't need a private area in order to feed your child without offending anyone, which is Disney's main reason for having nursing rooms in the first place.

I only breastfed my first for 9 months and then switched her to formula. I don't give a rat's **** what anyone thinks of it.

No one is attacking moms who bottle-feed. We nursing moms are just saying that it's nice to not have to get our ****s out in public should we not feel comfortable doing so. :confused3

Many workplaces will soon be required by law to provide pumping women with a PRIVATE place other than a bathroom in which to pump breastmilk. Is this discrimination? :confused3
yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!:goodvibes

I guess breastfeeding isn't for you if you actually have to wait for a specific place to use, I think most breastfeeding moms will feed their babies when they need to be fed and not stand in line and wait for a rocking chair sulking. :rolleyes:
It is about a physical parental issue rather than a baby issue. As far as the example, I leak like a sieve, and even double pads don't always keep me from being embarassed! But, if the infamous chairs were full, I'd be out in the lobby, and content. But I am casual to begin with.
It is about a physical parental issue rather than a baby issue. As far as the example, I leak like a sieve, and even double pads don't always keep me from being embarassed! But, if the infamous chairs were full, I'd be out in the lobby, and content. But I am casual to begin with.

Actually, I bottlefed 2 children, (BF one) thanks for assuming!
The arguement I am making is that the nursing room fulfills a PHYSICAL need (i.e., privacy) while those opposed to the nursing rooms are making an EMOTIONAL arguement. (i.e, peace and quiet). Thats all my post was pointing out, the difference between the physical and emotional need.
Not I, or any other poster, or any type of mother in general, or society as a whole has ever MADE anyone feel uncomfortable or less than or hurt- you (again, a general you) MAKE yourself feel the way you do. It is YOUR thoughts and feelings on an event that trigger your emotional response. If anyone feels like a failure over breastfeeding or not, you need to rewrite your internal monolouge, not blame society.
Bottlefeeding and breastfeeing mothers alike DO have a place to go if they need quiet to feed their child...its called a hotel room. I mean, since I get so hot and sweaty walking around, should Disney provide a shower facility in the park to meet MY needs?
Iti s a physical need for a bottle fed baby to get fed, and many, many cannot do that in a room full of screaming children, so a quiet place to bottle feed meets a physical need as well, not for the mother but for the baby. My DD simply would not eat when there was something more interesting to look at or interact with, and that is fairly common in the first few months of life. Why should the physical need of a breastfeeding mom outweigh the physical need of my child for food? Why do BFing mothers get a BCC, while bottle moms should be expected to go back to the hotel if their baby needs quiet? Sounds an awful lot like discrimination to me.

So if no one can ever made to be feel less than anyone else, and it is all internal, and the porblem of the offended person, I guess racism/ sexism/ antisemitism are all in the mind of the person being wronged as well? It is ok to say anything you want, and it is the person offended by it that has the problem, not you. Hurtful is hurtful, no matter what you are bieng nasty about, and in my opinion it is wrong to ever say something intended to hurt another person for no other reason than they are different than you. That is what is going on when you be little a perosn for anything they choose to do or not do, including how they feed theri child. It is just as nasty and hurtful as hurling racial slurs. Bottle feeding moms do get treated differently than breastfeednig moms in many instances, not just this one. There is a stigma attached to bottle feeding in a lot of circles these days. I got dirty looks for bottle feeding my newborn more times than I can count and even was accosted in public on a couple of occasions and chastized for not breasfeeding. People thought it was ok to tell me I was harming my chidl by bottle feeding her, but those same people would never dream of telling people what they really think about their race/religion ect. How can that fail to make someone feel like they are less worthy as a mom??
I would hope no-one's self-worth as a mother hinges upon access to a small room with four wooden chairs.

The only reason I would use this room was to prevent people from seeing my ****s or to pump. If my baby is in a quiet nursing mood (i.e., not flailing around with my **** still in her mouth), I will choose a quiet place in the park. However, at her age she is a crazed acrobat, and nursing discreetly is a major challenge.

And for what it's worth, I would give up my wooden chair to any mother who seemed to be having a hard time, who looked like she needed a break, etc., regardless of how she fed her baby.

I will likely have to bring my pump on my trip in a few weeks, and since no one seems to think pumping women deserve a designated private location, maybe I'll give it a go on Main Street. Mooooo! ;)
i said...
Bottlefeeding and breastfeeing mothers alike DO have a place to go if they need quiet to feed their child...
I don't think Disney needs to provide a quiet dark room for ANY child to eat. I have stated that over and over again, without belittling anyone. The BBC is open to all children, fed with a breast, bottle, or fork and spoon.
If you have a child that needs a stimulant-free environment, by all means, the parent has the duty to provide that.
I had a child that would not eat from anything BUT my breast. So for the first 15 months of her life, I couldn't be away from her for more than an hour. As a PARENT, i saw fit to meet the needs of my child. I did not expect anything from anyone.
I would hope no-one's self-worth as a mother hinges upon access to a small room with four wooden chairs.

The only reason I would use this room was to prevent people from seeing my ****s or to pump. If my baby is in a quiet nursing mood (i.e., not flailing around with my **** still in her mouth), I will choose a quiet place in the park. However, at her age she is a crazed acrobat, and nursing discreetly is a major challenge.

And for what it's worth, I would give up my wooden chair to any mother who seemed to be having a hard time, who looked like she needed a break, etc., regardless of how she fed her baby.

I will likely have to bring my pump on my trip in a few weeks, and since no one seems to think pumping women deserve a designated private location, maybe I'll give it a go on Main Street. Mooooo! ;)

I can't speak for everyone, but it is not that I feel like breastfeeding mothers don't deserve a place to feed or pump in private, but that bottlefeeding moms are no less worthy of being given a place to meet their baby's needs as well. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't both needs be provided for? I don't think that one is any more real or important than the other.
i said...
Bottlefeeding and breastfeeing mothers alike DO have a place to go if they need quiet to feed their child...
I don't think Disney needs to provide a quiet dark room for ANY child to eat. I have stated that over and over again, without belittling anyone. The BBC is open to all children, fed with a breast, bottle, or fork and spoon.
If you have a child that needs a stimulant-free environment, by all means, the parent has the duty to provide that.
I had a child that would not eat from anything BUT my breast. So for the first 15 months of her life, I couldn't be away from her for more than an hour. As a PARENT, i saw fit to meet the needs of my child. I did not expect anything from anyone.

My argument is that if Disney is going to provide for one group they should privde for the other as well. I agree that they do not have to do either, but to say that breasfeeding moms are worthy of special consideration, but bottle feeding moms are not is just wrong, IMO. Yes, the baby care center is open to everyone, but I would not want to try to feed a newborn in the main room, breast or bottle. It is just too noisy and chaotic to be a good feeding environment. If there is a quiet place for breastfeeding, there should be a quiet place to bottle feed.
I can't speak for everyone, but it is not that I feel like breastfeeding mothers don't deserve a place to feed or pump in private, but that bottlefeeding moms are no less worthy of being given a place to meet their baby's needs as well. Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't both needs be provided for? I don't think that one is any more real or important than the other.

I think Disney is attempting to meet both needs. They have a BCC. A very small part of that center is a room with 4 chairs for moms to nurse and/or pump. They also have a large main area which can be used for bottlefeeding. I don't know why they allow people to watch TV in there - I have never seen this. I assume it might be people who are traveling with those who might be in the nursing room or in the kitchen heating a bottle or in the changing room etc. If a bottlefeeding mother does not like the TV on, they can always request that it be turned off or that it even be removed from the room if that is the issue. Disney also provide an area to warm up bottles. Disney feels this meets both bottlefeeding (an area to bottlefeed and an area to heat bottles) and breastfeeding (an area to nurse and/or pump) needs. It is just some on here that are offended that there is a private room for breastfeeding. They think they should be allowed in too - but then it would not be private. I don't know why this is so hard to understand. Disney is not slighting anyone. They are just meeting needs in different ways - just as bottlefeeding and breastfeeding are meeting needs in different ways.
I guess breastfeeding isn't for you if you actually have to wait for a specific place to use, I think most breastfeeding moms will feed their babies when they need to be fed and not stand in line and wait for a rocking chair sulking. :rolleyes:

And someone thought iheartdisney was being rude?!?

iheartdisney said:
yeah, isn't it awful when your *bottle* is all swollen and engorged before feeding time?
Oh, and then if you are waiting for a chair to open up because those dang breastfeeding moms are taking all the chairs, the *bottle* is stimulated by your baby's cues and the *bottle* leaks all over the front of your shirt?
I'm just sayin'!

I agree.
Disney should just put a loud TV and a couch in the nursing mom's room and be done with it. :rolleyes:
If there is a quiet place for breastfeeding, there should be a quiet place to bottle feed.

See, I think this is just what is so annoying. You totally disregard the whole privacy aspect and just can't get over the "well, they have something so we should too!". It is like being in Kindergarten. Well, bottlefeeding moms have a whole kitchen to heat their bottles in. I think Disney either needs to provide the bf moms with a kitchen or they should get rid of the one used by bottlefeeding moms. It isn't fair to provide for one but not the other . . .
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