DDA Chapter 25

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Debbie -I am glad you had a good day at the spa. Sounds like just the ticket for you and your daughters!

Another record-breaking day of heat projected for our area again. I know we are not alone... stay cool East-Coasters!!
Good Morning,

My Spa day was wonderful yesterday, it was at the IP Casino Senses Spa, I think I could live there. I definitely want to go back with both of my daughters and have a girls day at the spa.

This morning I have to go have bloodwork done, (just routine) and then we're going to take Brandon shopping for school uniforms and supplies.

Anne Marie, loved your pictures of Charleston, even though I've never been there I have an older brother who was born there.

Hope you're all managing to stay cool

Sounds like heaven at the spa! :goodvibes

Charleston was a great weekend getaway, if you are ever that way go see the city, it was alot of fun. I found the place very romantic (if you can say that with 3 kids in tow):rotfl2: It would be a nice honeymoon destination.
Good Morning. We're expecting today to be a record breaker too. I'm meeting Chris a bit later to return a couple of props that we used for the 8th Grade Dance (bigger items) then I'll take the boys to the pool for awhile. I'm working at 5 PM so that pretty much fills our day. We need to hit the bank for travellers checks too, but that may need to wait until tomorrow.
Hi everyone! We got back late yesterday afternoon, and I had to get my house back in order before I allowed myself to catch up here! That's done, now, so here I am!

We had a great trip. Mostly. The plays were fantastic! I wish y'all lived closer so that you could come see them! What a great season!!! My brother was a saint, and took Jacob and Mary camping with his kids, so I didn't have to deal with their whining! They had a great time, and did lots of fun stuff! Mary was thrilled she was allowed to shoot the BB gun! She even hit the middle of the target!

We got haircuts for the boys, and I have to say that Timothy looks so much older, now! I cried, he screamed, and the barber shop people laughed! Such memories!

We spent the 4th at my dad's having a barbecue. I finally mastered my mom's fried chicken, which made my dad so happy! He has been missing that a lot! I promised to make it each time I come down. We also had dutch oven potatoes, baked beans, jello salad, and strawberry pie! It was a fun afternoon!

We spent the evening at my brother's house to watch the fireworks. The city shoots off the fireworks right behind their house, so we had a great view. The kids had a great time! My brother passed out glow sticks, instead of sparklers, and they were a huge hit! The best part was that no one got hurt!!!

The only bad thing was that Timothy really had a hard time this trip. I don't know what it was (possibly strange bed), but every night he would cry and cry until he started coughing so hard he would throw up. We'd clean him up, and put him in bed with us, but the coughing would continue all night long. I was worried about him, but he did just fine last night in his own bed. No crying, no coughing, no barfing! Hooray!!!

Now, we're back into our summer routine. The kids are cleaning the house for Katie's birthday party this Friday night, and then we'll go visit the cousins house for some playing.

I'm glad to see that so many had wonderful holidays! I missed you all!

Sunday July 4
Needless to say, we slept in this morning! It was a late night last night. We ended up headed to EPCOT around noon and spent most of the day going around the countries and taking pictures. It was not crowded and it was really nice. We stopped for the 4th of july Voices of Liberty concert. I had chills listening and was so glad we stopped. On the way out, we stopped at the Captain EO Michael Jackson thing—we both thought it was horrible! We went back to the hotel and relaxed for a bit. We headed to MGM and rode tower of terror and the roller coaster a few times. We were going to watch the 2nd showing of Fantasmic but it was so crazy with people lining up before the first showing even went in..So we skipped it. We decided to watch fireworks and go to the hotel. We ended up watching t hem from the bus line and had a great view and didn’t have to rush to get to the bus after. We went to the hotel, packed, and went to sleep.

Thanks for writing a trip report, Jen! Sounds like you had a blast overall!

I just found out via Facebook that one of my former students is a singer in Voices of Liberty! :goodvibes
Good afternoon, all!

I hope that everyone is staying cool.

Elin - Glad your new A/C is in and working!

Glynis - Welcome home. Sounds like you had a nice trip overall. I'm sorry that Timothy had such a rough time, but I'm glad to head that he's better now that you're home.
They are talking on the news about a Duck Boat accident that happened in Philadelphia. only one person has been taken to the hospital. Two people are missing :sad2:
They are talking on the news about a Duck Boat accident that happened in Philadelphia. only one person has been taken to the hospital. Two people are missing :sad2:

:eek: That is not good to hear.
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:


I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:


I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, big news on your front! I'm sorry that's it's been so difficult for you. I hope you're feeling okay, but am sorry about the bedrest. I can't even imagine total bedrest. You have all the good thoughts we've got coming your way to hit 28 weeks and way beyond! :grouphug: :wizard::wizard::wizard:
I just found out via Facebook that one of my former students is a singer in Voices of Liberty! :goodvibes

Thats great--they were definitely amazing!

Glynis-welcome home!

Theres abreaking news story in my area that made me think of you guys---remember when we "rode the duck" in Baltimore? There was a duck accident in Philly...they keep saying the duck hit a barge and people all were in the water

Edited--sorry, i didnt see it was posted already
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time.
I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Kristine,,,,loads of good thoughts for you!!! :hug::hug::grouphug::grouphug:
They are talking on the news about a Duck Boat accident that happened in Philadelphia. only one person has been taken to the hospital. Two people are missing :sad2:
Right now they are saying 10 taken to hospital..the 2 are still missing..

Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Youve got the prayers and good thoughts!
Prayers for you and that precious bundle, Kristine!! Total bed rest stinks!! At least there are lap tops now where there wasn't 18 years ago when I was on it with Cassidy.
what is the name of those pillows with the clear window that you find doodads through?
Kristine! What happy news! I'm thrilled for you and your family. Lots and lots of prayers for you and the little one! Please keep us posted.
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:


I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Lots of good thoughts winging your way! Bed rest doesn't sound like fun but how exciting for another little one in the house!
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