When Did I Get Voted Off of Skinny Island & Why is This Fat Shadow Stalking Me?

It is my intention to get back on here more, slowly, until I can be back here 100%. I miss you all! And definitely need the support.

To say that things are stressful, would be an understatement.

I will do my best to get back on more often and definitely will be posting more as things hopefully resume normalacy on my end.

Much WISH love to you all!! :goodvibes


Take your time! I remember my stress of class and the other issues of the past few weeks and know how hard it is to be on here. I hope everything gets sorted out for you soon. :hug:
It's okay Aimee - you do what you need to do. You're right - we all do have stresses, but sometimes we have them at different times, and different levels. If yours is bad now, it will be someone else's turn later.
We are here for you if and when you need us.
Only had one point left after dinner (due to the East Side Mario's trip) so I was too scared to attempt any evening snacks for fear of starting something I couldn't stop.popcorn::

Side effect: half hour til bed time and I'm having actual hunger pangs

Oh well...at least I conquered the cravings.:thumbsup2

Looking forward to brownies tomorrow!!:woohoo::yay:

Hope everyone has a great night.

Love and hugs to Aimee. :love::hug:
Just a quickie..

Aimee- I'm sorry you're having to deal with so much all at once. :hug: Do what you need to do and know we'll be here for you when you can get back. I'm glad your trip is still on, hopefully you'll be able to go and have a wonderful time and maybe even decompress, even if it's only for 3 days!

Julie- Hope you had a great time bowling! Good job getting the chip cravings taken care of! I know what you mean about them being gross..when I had that trout broiled in butter a few weeks ago my whole mouth just felt coated with fat..ugh! Definitely cured my cravings for real butter, and it's all we used to use!

Sheree- Glad you were able to get in to the Dr, but sorry it's costing you so much out of pocket! Hopefully the meds will do the trick and you'll feel like a new woman here in the next few days. :hug:

Good day here, did our walk/run this morning and swam for a couple hours this afternoon. I treaded & did deep water walking for 30 min to the tune of 550 cals burned! I used to teach a water walking class and I had forgotten how much I could feel the burn on my arms & legs...even did reverse crunches! Will be curious to see if I'm sore tomorrow! I may sub that for dvds while I can, once the pool is closed this winter I bet I'll get sick of dvds! Piper goes back to her Dad's here in a week, and I'm going to miss my workout buddy until she gets back! Anyone wanna road trip and walk with me for a few weeks? I'll have a spare bedroom! :rolleyes1:

Breakfast- LF nutrigrain waffles w/ strawberries & FF strawberry yogurt.
Lunch- Shrimp salad and grapes.
Dinner- Salmon, mashed potatoes, and baby carrots.
Snacks- Granola thin, LivActiv pudding cup, RF choccy ice cream, chicken breast.
Cals- 1512 (1440-1790)

July 23rd- Done!
Sorry guys, I really need to re-read all of the posts...I just don't have time...super busy around here.

Quick Tracking:
Friday, July 23, 2010
Breakfast: Sushi (383)/Heavenly Ham (375)
Lunch: Frosty-Cino (510)
Dinner: Chicken Alfredo: (400)
Snack: NONE
Exercise: Painting in the heat

Totals: 1668 cals

July 23 DONE!

"[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." - Benjamin Franklin
This is for whoever needs a laugh this morning.

My car had another classic problem that Chevy seems to have with the Malibus. The multifunction switch started malfunctioning. What does that mean you ask? Well let me tell you. I used the turn signal to get onto the interstate last Thursday night. After I merged over and the signal turned off, the noise did not. And it did not just go click click click click, it went clickclickclick clickclick click click click clickclickclickclickclick... you get the picture... so I turned the hazard on and off which used to fix the problem, no go. I hit the dash board to see if that would help and the indicator for the door being open or the lights being left on started to go off! DingDingDingDingDingDing.... Remember, I am on the INTERSTATE and I have Mariah and Ellie in the background laughing at the funny car and I feel like my head is going to pop off! Calgon, take me away!

So the car had been randomly doing that for SIX DAYS until Brent got the part and fixed it last night when I got home from work.

Driving to work this morning, the horn started honking randomly! What the heck?? So now Brent is going to research what the he!! is going on since I am about to push my car off a cliff and call it even.

I hope you all had a good laugh this morning :goodvibes
One of our cars used to squeal until you raised the hood and put this big glue stick looking thing against one of the belts while it was running. Yeah, that was safe.:lmao:

I have just finished cleaning and organizing my entire basement!! :cool1:
Congrats on the clean basement! Sorry you didn't have help:sad2: I can barely get DH to "notice" the garbage needs taken out, but I did manage to get him to help me haul the basement stuff up last weekend when I got the clean the basement fever. Where else are you gonna go when it's 110 outside?:confused3

Aimee! Good to "hear' your voice:goodvibes come back when you can - we'll be here:thumbsup2

Went to jazzer again this am. Feels so good! I think I'm almost ready to try some form of tracking again...
Well...the party was a smashing success and DD lucked out with some great presents!! But, MAN am I glad it's over. Also, my brother in law took my 2 year old nephew home with him afterward so there is some double rejoicing going on now that we are back to normal here! :cool1::woohoo::yay:

I had so much to do first thing this morning that I only managed to wolf down a cup of rice krispies and half a cup of skim milk and that's only 2.5 points so I decided to go ahead and order THIN CRUST pizza with mushrooms and hot peppers on one half (FOR ME!!) and mushrooms and green peppers (yuck) on the other at DH's suggestion. He thought I was crazy for ordering what I did but I wanted a veggie pizza cause I didn't want to "pay" extra on points for toppings. Although there were five pizzas with various toppings...MY PIZZA IS ALL GONE!!:lmao:

The gross green pepper half still has leftovers though so I guess that's what I'll be eating for dinner. I don't know why in didn't occur to me until this morning that I could do a veggie thin crust for lunch but I'm so glad I did. It was totally worth it!!

The brownie and ice cream, however...not so much.:sad2: The brownie was 4 points even though I made it with applesauce but I think there was too much water in the recipe and they just weren't that tasty. The ice cream was good...but at the last second I decided to go ahead with Moose Tracks instead of Death by Chocolate and while it was tasty...it was no death by chocolate!! I might have to have half a cup after dinner tonight...just to set things right. :rolleyes1

Haven't weighed in yet this week (like I usually do) and it's KILLING me!! Looking forward to my weigh in Monday (boy, does THAT sound weird :rotfl2:) so I can see what progress I have made this week.

Hope everyone enjoys the remainder of their Saturday...I don't plan on moving off the couch too much!!:rotfl:
Quick food journal & quote:

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Breakfast: Cheerios (200)
Lunch: McAllister's Deli Justaspud (604) & Cookie (340)
Dinner: Subway Sandwich (385)
Snack: Frozen Café Au Lait (60)
Exercise: None :(

Totals: 1589 cals

July 24 DONE!

"Blood, Sweat, and Tears, leave it all on the gym floor...." - Jillian Michaels
Wow what an awesome thread! I'd love to join you all, if you'll have me.

First Name and Screen name: Ari, and arilvdc
What your Goal Is for Fitness: to be able to eat right and make excercise enjoyable.
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:...everything? I love food.
Favorite Good Food for You:Broccoli
Favorite Form of Exercise: Yoga
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: to stay on skinny island because I've created healthy habits. And take baths again.
Family: Danny, my SO.

A little back story for me-

I'm 25, about to turn 26 and I weigh more than I ever have before. It saddens me when my wii fit chirps "obese!" at me every time I step on. I really realized I had a problem when I met Patrick Dempsey, and I was too ashamed to show off the pictures on facebook- I don't want all of my high school friends to see that I've gained over 80 pounds since I've seen them. I've just started to notice my weight affecting my activity levels- I'm more tired now after walking, and I lose my breath after jogging only a few minutes. I can't take baths anymore because the water goes out the overflow before it fills up enough to cover me, and baths are one of my favorite things in the whole world (besides disney).

I'd be so grateful for any help and support you guys could give me.

One thing I've started doing is using the app "lose it" It tracks your calories, exercise and has many, many name brands and fast food info already loaded in.
Wow what an awesome thread! I'd love to join you all, if you'll have me.

First Name and Screen name: Ari, and arilvdc
What your Goal Is for Fitness: to be able to eat right and make excercise enjoyable.
Food that you Find Hardest to Eat in Moderation:...everything? I love food.
Favorite Good Food for You:Broccoli
Favorite Form of Exercise: Yoga
What Your Goal is For Yourself when you get to Skinny Island: to stay on skinny island because I've created healthy habits. And take baths again.
Family: Danny, my SO.

A little back story for me-

I'm 25, about to turn 26 and I weigh more than I ever have before. It saddens me when my wii fit chirps "obese!" at me every time I step on. I really realized I had a problem when I met Patrick Dempsey, and I was too ashamed to show off the pictures on facebook- I don't want all of my high school friends to see that I've gained over 80 pounds since I've seen them. I've just started to notice my weight affecting my activity levels- I'm more tired now after walking, and I lose my breath after jogging only a few minutes. I can't take baths anymore because the water goes out the overflow before it fills up enough to cover me, and baths are one of my favorite things in the whole world (besides disney).

I'd be so grateful for any help and support you guys could give me.

One thing I've started doing is using the app "lose it" It tracks your calories, exercise and has many, many name brands and fast food info already loaded in.

:welcome: Ari (what a pretty name)! I'm so glad you've decided to join us.

This week I'm -1, and I'll take it. When I first started this, I always told myself I'd be happy with a 1 to 2 pound loss each week. But I'm spoiled by some bigger numbers that when I see -1, I think, "Is that all?" So I keep reminding myself that I didn't put it on overnight, I ain't taking it off overnight either.

I'm posting early because I'll be gone for the next several days. We're taking the kids on a mini-vacation up to Dallas this week. I've been planning it for a couple of months, so why does it feel like it's snuck up on me? We leave Tuesday but I feel like I have way too much to do between now and then!

So have a good week everyone!
Hi Gang:flower3:

Can I play too?

First name and screen name: Emily, bunkkinsmom
Goal for fitness: To run the Disney 1/2 marathon in 2012
Food I find the hardest to eat in Moderation: Chili Dogs
Favorite Good Food for you: I really like veggies
Favorite Form of Exercise: The kind I don't know I'm doing
Goal for Skinny Island once I get there: To be a good role model to my kids
Family: DH, DD7, DS6, DD3

backstory: I was never "skinny", but never overweight either. I look back at when I THOUGHT I was fat at 140 lbs (I'm 5'3.5") and WISH I could wear those clothes. My goal is to lose 75 lbs AND be able to exercise with my kids.

I've been "trying to lose weight" for about 2 years and have gained a few pounds. I just really need to commit to it. I have done sparkpeople and journalling, but trying to find the time when you have your own business and 3 kids is a bit trying in and of itself. When I cook I lose weight. I LOVE to cook!

I figured out that I had to do it now when I saw the movie "The Grown Ups". There is a scene in that movie where they all go to a water park. There is a HUGE water park in my town and I have never been. My kids have never been. I watched that part of the movie and they were all having such a good time. I thought to myself how awful it is that I am denying my kids that sort of fun because of my own shame and embarrassment. So I've decided. And now I need you guys to help me stick with it! I am off to the park to walk a couple of miles!!!
just a quick drop by...... won't be weighing in till tomorrow ...been with family at Knoebels for the past 3 days...with all the walking I've been doing the last 3 days..I must have lost something ..but we will see....
I'm at -1.2 for the week..I'll take it! That makes a little over 20!

Julie- Glad the party went well!

Ari- Welcome! I know what you mean about the wii fit thing, that drives me crazy! Also the groaning noise it makes when I step on!!

Barb- I hope you have a great time in Dallas!

Emily- Sounds like you have your hands full with 3 kids and your own business! My dd (9) is walking with me now, it is harder to get in a good workout with her home. Next weekend she'll go back to her Dad's til school starts so I'll have a few weeks to really kick into high gear again!

I haven't decided if I'm posting tracking for Sat & Sun or not...I did track, I guess I'm just feeling lazy, LOL! I binged last night for the first time in a long time, but it was healthy stuff *there's no junk in the house*..a bowl of FF cottage cheese & peaches and an english muffin w/ RF peanut butter..this was after the RF ice cream after dinner. I was still within my range, but it still made me feel :sick:. Okay off to walk with Piper, will check in later!
Morning Piper! I thought about walking with my DD7 also! She was in soccer camp last week, and she could really use the exercise. Maybe I will ask her about it tonight. It would be a good way for her to get used to waking up early again before school starts.
Welcome Ari & Emily - Hopefully you will find the motivation from this group that you need to get to skinny island. This is a great group of guys and gals that love to support each other and they are there to help you get through those days that aren't the best. I really look forward to coming on here every day to get their support and to learn about each and every one of them.

Emily - I know how hard it can be to find the time to do this journey every day. Now I don't have 3 kids but I do have my own business and it gets challenging at times (just look at my posts from last week) but I decided that if I wanted to do my business and make it sucessful long term then I needed to do this journey for myself now. It is difficult but it can be done, especially if everyone in the family is there to support you. I wish you the best of luck:goodvibes

Okay I am down 1.6lbs this week. A little slower this week but I will take it. I wasn't bad this week eating wise but I need to get into the habit of exercising. I was doing really well until I went on holidays a couple of months ago and now I can't seem to get motivated into the exercise routine again. Time to do another challenge on the Wii Active I think.
Well it was a horrible week for me personally. My grandma (with dementia) went missing from my mothers house. She was found, but it was horrible. Later on my grandpa passed out and they called an ambulance for him. He refused treatment and it got very ugly.

Even with all the stress, and some stress eating, I am -2.0 for the week.

WELCOME Ari and Emily! Looking forward to seeing you both on the way to Skinny Island!!
I had a pretty great weekend even though it was busy. Got to have date night with DH on Friday. :love: We had dinner at PF Chang's (my most favorite place) and then went to see Grown Ups at one of our new theaters. We went to the Knoxville Zoo with our church youth group on Saturday. Oh MYlanta! :eek:It was sooooooooo hot! I don't think I've ever been that hot in my whole life. We did have a great time though. When we got back, we went swimming at my cousin's house. Then Sunday, we had church and then DS's birthday party. I woke up Sunday with a horrible migraine, but I muddled thru my Sunday School lesson and then went to set up for the party. The party went really well considering it was so hot. We grilled hotdogs and the kids all brought water guns & outside toys to play with. They had a blast:banana:. My friend made DS the coolest cake. It looked just like a giant hamburger! I'll have to post pics of it later. After the party, my head was still throbbing so I took some migraine meds and crashed. Needless to say, my eating hasn't been terrific this weekend, but I tried to make the best of it.

Friday - July 23rd
Bfast: Egg & Cheese on english muffin from Dunkin Donuts
Lunch: Wendy's Jr. Burger Plain w/ Baked potato
Dinner: PF Changs 1/2 order Combo Lo Mein, 1 Spring Roll, 2 Lettuce Wraps & 1 Crab Wonton

Total Cals: 1736

Saturday - July 24th
Bfast: Bagel w/ Egg & Cheese
Lunch: 1-1/2 Turkey Sandwiches, Single Serving bag of Ruffles Chips
Dinner: Chicken Burrito & Chicken Enchilada w/ Lettuce & Tomato

Total Cals: 1728

Sunday - July 25th
Bfast: None
Lunch: 1/2 Hot Dog, 6 potato chips, spoonful of pork & beans
Dinner: 1 pc. Birthday Cake

Total Cals: 1041

¡Hola mis amigos! ¿Cómo están? - alright, enough with the Spanish

First: Food & Quote from last night:

Sunday, July 25, 2010
Breakfast: Cheerios (200)
Lunch: Chili's: Oldtimer (1200!) (Yeah, somebody at Chili's needs to figure that out..)

Dinner: Pizza (340)
Snack: NONE
Exercise: T-Mill (-130), Stair Master (-390), Bike (-50)

Totals: 1740 cals

July 25 DONE!

May not be a weight-loss quote, but whatever, I like it:

"We all don't have a Fozzie in our lives, and that's too bad because each of us really needs a Fozzie. We all need someone who believes in us and who believes that, no matter how bad things look at the moment, it will work out for the best. We all need someone who carries around a rubber chicken, a buzzer, and a whoopie cushion, just in case. We all need someone who never, ever gives up -- on us, on themselves, and on the dream that maybe this time that old joke will get a laugh. Most of all, we all need someone who needs us just as much as we need him or her.

That's Fozzie.

So go ahead! Get out there! Even if it's not Friday, find your own Fozzie. You'll be very happy you did."
- Kermit the Frog

Second: It's Monday! Which means: WEIGH-IN. This week I'm at:
Sorry, got a little excited there! However, that number might be an exaggeration...but I gained a little for my birthday and that's showing it off...so, I don't know....however, a loss is a loss.

Thirdly: getting even busier around here with school and everything........

:cool1:Welcome Ari and Emily!! :cool1:

Congats to the losers this week :)

I have stayed the same again...I think well, that's good, I haven't gained, but I really need to get back into losing mode. I feel a little bad I'm just along for the ride and not losing with y'all :(

I'm going to start tracking again - we'll see where it goes!

Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories and successes...it keeps me wanting to come back
Barb: Have a great time in Dallas. And congrats on being down a pound!! I feel the same way when I lose a bit less than I normally do, but…as you said, it DID take a while to go on so taking it off will take time also. And less is less no matter what!!

Ari and Emily: Welcome to the Skinny Island bunch! If you need help, you’ve come to the right place. We’re a good group…so glad to have you along for the ride!

Amanda: Congrats on the 1.2 pound loss. I know what you mean about feeling lazy for tracking. I tracked for a few weeks there (on here that is) but then I gave it up. I’m doing it with ww online already and I just can’t be bothered to re-input it all over here. I too “indulged” a bit this week (although I DID have a tiny bit of junk food that I bought specifically) and man, did I feel sick after having it. I guess once you establish a pattern of good habits, it’s harder to return to the old ones. Isn’t that a nice thought??

Heather: All right!! You are that much closer to goal for that wonderful cruise you are planning!! Great job!! I haven’t exercised much lately either and I just feel so DARN guilty about it. I just finished lunch so I’m going to wait an hour or so and then force myself to put in the time. The Wii Active challenge sounds like a great idea!

Tricia: Sorry to hear about your stressful week but I’m glad you grandma was found. Good job on the weight loss though. I hope this week is less stressful for you.

Allison: That cake sounds intriguing. Can’t wait for the pics. Sounds like you had a busy and (mostly) fun weekend.

Way to go Patrick!! You are just killin’ the weight loss!! Keep it up!! We’re so proud of you!

Michelle: I think it’s great that you could maintain without tracking. I think you are doing awesome and look forward to hearing next week’s weigh in after tracking once again this week!

Personal Update: Went out and bought a new scale today. The old one had been giving DH and myself problems intermittently, and then fairly regularly and the extremely regularly and finally this morning when it told me I was WAAAAAY up, when I KNEW I wasn't...I’d had enough!! I reweighed myself again on that same scale and got what I think was a more accurate weight just before replacing it but the new one is a weight watchers one and I’m excited to begin using it.

Anyway, with the old scale data, I am down 1.8 this week!! I’m not disappointed (that weigh in was a relief after first stepping on the scale and seeing such a LARGE number that I wasn't expecting) but I'd be lying if I said that I didn't hope to lose in the two pound range for a few weeks more before slowing down. My exercise last week was practically non-existent though, so I’m hoping that is a factor and I’ll see a difference this coming week with the reintroduction of activity into my routine.

I have now crossed into the zone where I begin to notice the weight loss affecting my shape...particularly my mid section. The next 30 pounds to come off should be quite exciting...I can't wait!!

Looking forward to hearing weight loss reports from more of us...:thumbsup2


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