When Did I Get Voted Off of Skinny Island & Why is This Fat Shadow Stalking Me?

Yesterday I had a hard time with the candy calling me. I just kept telling myself, that I didn’t need it, didn’t want it, etc. It worked! I didn’t eat a single piece. Then last night we had our last Italian cooking class. I was lucky when every dish was something that I really wouldn’t like. I had a small taste of two dishes and ate the poached pears in rum raisin sauce, then came home and ate dinner here instead. I totaled it up and had 1769 calories!
congrats on the candy resistance:thumbsup2 Sometimes I even say things like "I'm not eating that" out loud to myself or someone else...that really seals the deal for me! THe cooking class sounds like fun - I've been thinking about taking one...would you recommend taking a class? Worth your time?

Sorry I forgot to give an update on my brother. He's been transfered from ICU to a regular room. They still don't know what is going on, but his vitals are doing better and it doesn't look like he'll need dialysis, his kidneys seem to be functioning now.
thanks for keeping us updated! strange they don't know what's going on still. :hug:

pipersmom: Waffles with yogurt actually sounds good...we use sugar free syrup (tastes the same to me, honestly), but I've always questioned the health benefits of eating that vs just real syrup? Fruit/yogurt sounds much healthier than either!

I just ordered a book called Water with Lemon. I saw the author on PBS and she seemed interesting. Anyone else read it?

Have a quick tip - I LOVE Hellmans mayo. It's true. It's so terrible for you, though. I eat it on sandwiches & pasta salads. Well, I discovered I could use just a little mayo mixed with greek yogurt to make my pasta salads, and I found flavored mayo (chipotle!) for sandwiches. It's made with low cal mayo, so only half the calories and tastes great (I can't stand flavor of low cal regular mayo). You actually need even less because it's a strong flavor.:thumbsup2

Here's to a good Thursday! Try to stay cool everyone!! (supposed to be over 100 AgAiN today here)

off to exercise:banana:
This is for whoever needs a laugh this morning.

My car had another classic problem that Chevy seems to have with the Malibus. The multifunction switch started malfunctioning. What does that mean you ask? Well let me tell you. I used the turn signal to get onto the interstate last Thursday night. After I merged over and the signal turned off, the noise did not. And it did not just go click click click click, it went clickclickclick clickclick click click click clickclickclickclickclick... you get the picture... so I turned the hazard on and off which used to fix the problem, no go. I hit the dash board to see if that would help and the indicator for the door being open or the lights being left on started to go off! DingDingDingDingDingDing.... Remember, I am on the INTERSTATE and I have Mariah and Ellie in the background laughing at the funny car and I feel like my head is going to pop off! Calgon, take me away!

So the car had been randomly doing that for SIX DAYS until Brent got the part and fixed it last night when I got home from work.

Driving to work this morning, the horn started honking randomly! What the heck?? So now Brent is going to research what the he!! is going on since I am about to push my car off a cliff and call it even.

I hope you all had a good laugh this morning :goodvibes
Tricia: Sorry about your car. I had similar problems once, a million years ago but my car was an old piece o' crap...I forget the make and model.

Jane: Glad to year your brother is doing a bit better. Hopefully they'll be able to come up with a diagnosis soon so they can tailor the care to whatever his needs are.

Personal Update:

I have just finished cleaning and organizing my entire basement!! :cool1: Now, it's unfinished so my family (read: hubby) treats it like our garage and it's been a dumping ground since we moved in seven years ago. I got it half done a few months ago and finally got around to finishing it today. It took two or three hours (I have no idea what time I headed down there this morning so I can't say for certain) and I am well satisfied with the state of it now...excepting for the 12 garbage bags full of stuff to be donated, that it.

I've thoroughly cleaned it four times in seven years (ALL BY MYSELF, I might add) as well as the garage too (again, all by myself). I did the garage last week as well as the kid's bedrooms so the only thing left is my bedroom and the linen closet and they are in fairly good shape so it shouldn't take too long.

Can I just take a moment to complain that I always have to clean it alone, even though I have very little (if anything at all) to do with the state it gets to (garage also) each and every time I have to do something about it. I cleaned them the year before last and asked for help and...nada, I ended up doing it alone.

So this year I "demanded" help, which angered hubby and when I explained my feelings he said nothing at all about it, just that he didn't remember me asking for help last time. So, I rephrased and asked nicely and waited two weeks and again...nada! So, I just did it myself. While my hubby was sitting upstairs playing the DS or something and my son, daughter and 2 year old nephew were downstairs with me getting underfoot.

What IS that about?? :headache: No point in complaining to him about it today...he'll just get mad at me again. Typical male defense. :sad2: Well, at least it's clean for another year. I wouldn't have bothered, but hubby has a contract with the local university (he teaches Computer Science) which ends on August 31st. They are not renewing the contract, but they are offering a similar position which he has applied for but they have not yet set up interviews for it so although I believe they will rehire him, we have no guarantee of it. If for some reason, they don't rehire him, then we will likely have to relocate which means selling the house. And, I DON'T want to wait until the last minute to try and get this place into shape if that is the situation.

On a happier note...

Tomorrow my baby girls turns seven!! Her party is on Saturday and she has requested pizza. I haven't yet decided what I should have for lunch at the party. I'm not really interested in having the pizza...besides not liking the place we are ordering from I don't really enjoy regular pizza anymore since I made the switch to thin crust. I guess I should think on it some more. I saved tons of flex points so I could indulge so it doesn't have to be diet stuff but something...else. Any suggestions??

Having a 2 year old in the house has had it's disadvantages. It it wrong of me to admit that I'll be happy to see him leave on Saturday?? I'm hoping to get back into a regular summer routine on Monday and his not being here will help that. Now, I feel guilty...:guilty:

Hubby just heard via email that the University will be hiring him for another year!! There will be paychecks in September!!

Who hoo!!:yay:

Hubby just heard via email that the University will be hiring him for another year!! There will be paychecks in September!!

Who hoo!!:yay:
:yay:Yay!! Good news!

I have not tracked yesterday. Maybe I can today - it's not too late. Yesterday included Taco Bell - not pretty - that may be why I didn't feel like tracking. I knew it wasn't good.
It's getting hard - only 6 days until vacation, so I can't go buy more produce. Only stuff that will keep or for sure get eaten.
I have been fighting this cough thing far too long. My throat is sore, and now my other eye is infected!! I think the germs from my cough are getting into my eyes. Grrrrr! :mad: needless to say, I'm tired and I haven't been exercising much. Walked only one day this week.
Tonight I have decided I need to get to bed earlier. It's been 11 p.m. lately and I have to get up by 6:30. Not enough sleep if I'm trying to get well. Plus - PMS is setting in for the weekend. Should be fun.
Okay. So that's that. Moving on.

Tricia - hope the wacky car gets fixed!! what a pain.
Stayhomemom - Sorry, lost the name - I feel your pain about the cleaning. It's so frustrating. We have a crawl space that is like tornado alley. I'm ready to remove EVERYTHING and get a dumpster. The kids have a lot of toys under there and they never put anything away, just leave it all over the place. So when I go to actually find something - nope. It's literally scary to go in there.
Sad thing is, I just had a garage sale and got rid of a ton of stuff. You'd never know.
At least DH is helpful - I think if we had a weekend that was completely free we could get a lot done. but I'm not willing to spend the time if it will end up like that again in two weeks. I'd rather wait and get rid of the toys when the kids are done with them. My stuff is all nicely boxed and labeled and stored.
I hope your baby girl has a fun birthday!! My baby girl turned 7 in March. I think she'll be 13 next year. :laughing:

Jane - I'm glad your brother is out of ICU - I hope they can figure out what the problem is/was so they can fix it!!
Okay, so paychecks in September means that we can go to Cedar Point at the end of August! :woohoo:Of course we have been spoiled by Disney so I'm not sure how it's going to measure up...I've never been so I'm not sure what to expect.

I spent a ton of time yesterday pricing out a family vacation to London/Paris. I wanted to know how long (realistically) it would take to save up for it since the kids are already waaaay into the idea. It'll take AT LEAST two years from the time we have enough to afford our cruise next year.

Anyway, the whole fam INSISTED that one of our Paris days be dedicated to the two Disney Parks (Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios). Have I brainwashed them well or what?? :thumbsup2 We figure we'll just park hop since there are several park attractions that are the same or similar to the ones in Orlando.

Apparently, they also want to hit up all the other Disney parks in the world so I guess we'll be planning our trips accordingly. :laughing: I think I may have created monsters here....:lmao:
Okay, so paychecks in September means that we can go to Cedar Point at the end of August! :woohoo:Of course we have been spoiled by Disney so I'm not sure how it's going to measure up...I've never been so I'm not sure what to expect.

I spent a ton of time yesterday pricing out a family vacation to London/Paris. I wanted to know how long (realistically) it would take to save up for it since the kids are already waaaay into the idea. It'll take AT LEAST two years from the time we have enough to afford our cruise next year.

Anyway, the whole fam INSISTED that one of our Paris days be dedicated to the two Disney Parks (Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios). Have I brainwashed them well or what?? :thumbsup2 We figure we'll just park hop since there are several park attractions that are the same or similar to the ones in Orlando.

Apparently, they also want to hit up all the other Disney parks in the world so I guess we'll be planning our trips accordingly. :laughing: I think I may have created monsters here....:lmao:

I Know what you mean.
We are planning a London/Paris trip next summer. I have a friend from here who just moved to London for 3 years with her hubby's job. So we want to go see them. We can stay with them for free. The girls have passports that expire in July 2012, so we have to go before then so we don't have to pay more! But it's SO expensive to fly over! I hope it goes down, but from here it is over $1000 per person RT. We plan to go to Paris and sight see and hit Disney too. So 3-4 days at least. I'm hoping to do it all in about 2 weeks. Might be a bit longer, but it's hard to be gone that long from work for me.
Have fun planning! As soon as we get back from WDW I'm getting some guide books and doing some "real" research!
Tracking for today:
B: mini bagel w/PB
S: peanut butter sandwich crackers
L: vanilla light yoplait yogurt (100 cal), wasabi/soy almonds, grapes, a few cucumber slices (I didn't feel like eating the salad I made and took to work), Starbucks NonFat White chocolate mocha!
D: none
S: Twix candy bar! Lemon Italian Ice Way too many calories in my snacks! But I had a very rough day - health wise and I did some emotional eating.

Not done, well, but done.

I have been fighting this dang cough business for almost three weeks. So today I was super tired - been staying up too late too. I got the mocha. My throat hurt all day. So after I got home, I planned to go to the minute clinic at the grocery store and then pick up a few groceries. So I go in there - THE CLINIC IS NO LONGER THERE!!! It was all closed up and dark. I guess I'm not very observant, b/c I shop there about once a week or so! I practically started crying. It had taken all my energy to go down there. So I got it together and shopped. And bought a Twix bar. I ate it on the way home. It made me feel better. for about 10 minutes. Now I'm just crabby. I was hoping to lose another pound or two before vacation (where I will probably put them back on) and wanted to make sure this isn't something I need meds for (or get some and get rid of it!). Grrrr. If it still hurts tomorrow, I'm going to try to get in at my clinic. It would have been so much more convenient at the store. Tomorrow I'll have the girls with me. Maybe I can arrange a play date at a neighbor's house while I go in.
I'm going to take some more pain killer and go to bed shortly. Maybe even before the kids!!
Food Journal Tracking:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breakfast: Cheerios (280)
Lunch: Cheese Sandwich (85)/Subway Sandwich: (385)
Dinner: Jambalaya (350)/Banana (109)/Bread (100)
Snack: Baked Doritos (170)
Exercise: None

Totals: 1489 cals

July 22 DONE!

Quote for the day:

"The only journey is the journey within." - Rainer Maria Rilke

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Michele – I LOVED the Italian cooking class. We had another one tonight “Dim Sum” it was ok, still fun, but I didn’t love the recipes. I’d recommend taking a class, the hard part is finding a good instructor. These classes are through our Adult Ed Department. We’ve taken some in the past from the Rec Department and as long as the class is hands on it’s a lot of fun. Demo classes are more like watching the food channel.

Tricia – I read on FB about your car issues but hearing exactly what happened was much better. I used to have a 78 Vega Station Wagon (yup my first car) that would stall and lose all power steering when I was making some left turns (not all of them just every once in a while). Made for very interesting driving.

Julie – No official diagnosis yet (not that anyone has told me) but Mom said they were going to release him, but as of 6:00pm she hadn’t gotten the call to go and pick him up. It very well might be that the doctors have told Mom information and she didn’t quite catch all the info (she’s deaf in one ear) OR (and this is my pessimistic side) the news isn’t good and she’s not telling me since we are going away this weekend. I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case, but it is in the back of my head.

My, reading about your cleaning woes I felt like I was reading an entry in a diary of mine (I actually don’t write in a diary, but I could have written everything that you did). My DH and DSs have a HUGH threshold of frustration with junk. Jim is a piler. He was when we met in High School and hasn’t changed much. My boys are the same. They keep EVERYTHING! While I do tend to save a lot of stuff I at least try and keep it organized. I would get to a certain level of frustration and then BLOW and just start cleaning myself (normally banging things around and slamming doors would get them to put forth some sort of assistance). I’ve done everything from writing lists and making sure to assign everyone a couple of tasks, to demanding that they clean, then I got so tired of fighting that I got very apathetic. I just didn’t care anymore and that really got me scared. I talked to Jim and we had a really long conversation. They don’t voluntarily clean things but if I prep them (give them a specific day/time that we are going to clean) they will help. I’d wait till things calm down and try talking to him again, ask him how he would like you to ask him to help (give him a couple weeks notice, write him a note, etc).

I’m SO glad that you got the confirmation that he’ll have a job this next year!

Sheree – I’m so sorry you are still feeling yucky. I say go to the clinic and get checked out. Getting on a plane with a cough and sore throat will not be pleasant.

I tracked at work, but once we went to cooking class its impossible to figure out calories. Brendan and Charlotte just baked a tray of brownies. Luckily Jim and I are leaving tomorrow to drive to Oregon and the Ashland Shakespeare Festival for the weekend. The kids are staying home and will most likely finish them off before we get home. I’m going to try and make good choices this weekend, but we will be eating out every meal. The B&B that we are staying at is supposed to have internet and a computer for guests to use, but I don’t know if I’ll have much time to check in.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.
Good morning all!

Tricia- Sounds like your own "Christine"..hopefully it will turn out to be something simple and easy to fix!

Julie- Good for you for getting your basement done! I'm sorry your family isn't more helpful. One of the things I like about it just being Piper and I is not dealing with any flack as far as "marital disagreements" go! Don't get me wrong, I still have to deal with some flack, but now I can just hang up on him! :lmao: Hooray for Cedar Point, I've never been, but when I lived in Cincy it was talked about often, and people seem to love it.

Sheree- Hoping you can get into the clinic today and you can get it taken care of. :hug: It's never any fun not feeling well.

Jane- The bed and breakfast & Shakespeare Festival sound awesome, I hope you have a wonderful time! I wish we had cooking classes around here, the only ones offered are by Chefs, and the series (usually 3 classes) start at $75 or so, which is definitely out of my budget range! Good luck with your food choices, I know you'll make good decisions, even if it means indulging ;)

Good day here so far, Piper and I got our walk done and she's working on meds now. Lazy day yesterday, we went grocery shopping and then spent the afternoon at the pool...when it had cooled down some last night we got our walk in. I like the morning walks a lot better! We'll prob head to the pool again this afternoon.

Tracking for yest-
Breakfast- Egg beater omelette w/ ham & FF cheese, sourdough toast.
Lunch- Huge salad w/ RF 3 cheese ranch & baked cheetos.
Dinner- Shake & Bake Parmesan chicken breasts (I was surprised, shake & bake wasn't horrible except the sodium.), apples, wax beans.
Snacks- Granola thin, choccy rice cake, strawberries & grapes, 100 cal chips deluxe, RF ice cream.
Cals- 1470 (1440-1790)

July 22- Done!
Here's my tracking for Wednesday & Thursday...

Wednesday - July 21st
Bfast: Bagel w/ 2tbsp cream cheese, Dannon Light n Fit NF Peach yogurt
Lunch: 5 pcs. Sushi (Crab Roll & Cucumber Roll), spoonful of lo-mein and spoonful of sesame chicken, 1 veggie spring roll
Dinner: Chef Boyardee LF Cheese Ravioli, Mini Chicken Sandwich w/ ketchup

Total Cals: 1699

Thursday - July 22nd
Bfast: 2 Ham & Cheese Lean Pockets
Lunch: Taco Bell Chicken Burrito
Dinner: Chicken Breast w/ Potatoes, Peppers & onions cooked on grill, green beans
Snack: 90 Calorie Twix Ice Cream Bar (yum-O! :cloud9:)

Total Cals: 1568


We're going to the Knoxville Zoo with our church youth group tomorrow, so hopefully I will be doing a lot of walking. It's supposed to be 95 there, so I know I'll be sweating!
Brent sort of fixed the car last night. I'm none too technical, but I'll give it a go... the multifunction switch is a module of the steering column, its a big part that has the turn signal, wiper blades and light switches on it. So there is a post that holds it in and the part that our friend got from the junk yard has a different post than my part had. So everytime I turned the steering wheel to the left it would pinch the horn cord and honk the horn :lmao: I'm sure people were real entertained by my honking at them on my drive to and from work :laughing: For now the horn is disconnected while we look for a new part.

In other news, I think I'm going to run a 5k race tomorrow :banana: If I don't run the race I will still do the run on my own. I have been able to run 5k non-stop after the 4th of July 5k that we ran as a group. One time I have run 4.9 miles non-stop(not on purpose, got too far from home and the mosquitos would try to carry me away if I walked).

What is everybody else doing for fitness this weekend?
Hey all! Just trying to catch up quick.

First off - Tricia (both of you), are you guys OK? I heard today about all the rain in Wisconsin and I was just hoping you were doing OK.

But the story about your car had me :rotfl: The image of you driving down the road and the horn just randomly honking... :lmao: OK, probably not funny at the time.... but ya gotta admit.... ;) Good luck on the race! This weekend I'm cleaning house. How's that for an exciting fitness routine?

Jane, glad your brother is doing better. And nice job avoiding the candy. I still have a bunch of pink cookies left. Tonight we're going to a free summer musical at Zilker park. We've got some friends meeting us there and I"m bringing them to "share". :thumbsup2

Julie, I'm very impressed with your cleaning. Sadly, like Jane, I let things go just so far here until I finally blow and then start shoveling. Usually it's my youger 2 kids' rooms that need the most attention as they're both pack rats. The last time I cleaned DS's room I filled 4 large garbage bags with trash. But man it feels good when it's done! I'm so happy to hear your DH was offered a job! :yay:

My SIL went to DL Paris a few years ago. Now she doesn't speak any French at all, but she said that she could watch families and just KNOW the conversation they were having. Apparently whining and asking for toys (and parents saying no) is the same in any language. ;)

Sheree that cold has hung on for just a bit too long now. You really need to get it checked out.
Yeah, the car troubles are funny now that they are over. I was going crazy listening to it before. The random honking was pretty funny, I'm sure people were wondering who is this crazy person honking at??

We are ok with the rain. Thanks for asking! We did have severe storms with funnel clouds spottings where we live. We had to move to the basement at work yesterday, which is highly unusual for us. That's always interesting moving a pediatric clinic downstairs. Luckily it was at the end of the day so things didn't get too messed up, we just ended up staying late. I did have the girls dad bring them to my work early(he drops them off Thursdays at my work). I was grateful I did that since where he lives was the town they were having the funnel clouds and the worst rain. They got here just as they sent us downstairs.

We have more storms coming and do NOT need the rain, but hopefully they won't be as bad as yesterday!
Hey guys - thanks for the comments on my crud illness. I wanted to update you all - I went to the clinic this morning and I do not have strep. But I do have a lot of drainage that is making my throat sore. He believes I have a secondary infection as a result of all that. He also checked out my eye and believes that it is infected b/c of touching my nose then my eyes sort of thing. SO, he gave me antibiotic eye drops and a really expensive antibiotic oral med. Because I'm allergic to pennicillin and sulfa, there aren't a lot of antibiotics I can take. The last time I had a sinus and ear infection the commonly used Zpac did not work. So he did the same thing this time - went straight to the pricey stuff. So I headed off to the pharmacy. For 10 pills, my co-pay was over $100!!!! Luckily this time I knew it going in. I have a flex medical account so it got paid for from that. But boy, I feel bad for people with crappy insurance.
The dr. said that I should be fine to fly next week (OH BOY in 5 days!). When he said that I was sort of taken aback, I had not really thought about that issue!!! I will definitely be taking my meds and some sudafed too before we leave.

So I feel better about that and my throat is still sore, but I am doing what he told me to alleviate the problems. Apparently I must have small sinus cavities to cause the problems so often. I do get at least a couple sinus infections a year.

Well, I think I can eat better today. I'm home and actually planning to make dinner! Usually DH cooks because he gets home earlier. So I'm going to marinate and grill some chicken breast and veggies. Then DD9 has a softball game tonight. We'll be at her tournament most of tomorrow, so I will have to bring some fruit or some healthy stuff to eat.

Happy Friday all!!
Thanks for all the "cleaned the entire basement alone" sympathy. He cleaned both the bathrooms today all on his own since I'm hip deep in party preparations for tomorrow so I've forgiven him. :lmao:

Today is DD's actual birthday and we offered her dinner out...she was all over McDonald's (of course) so I carefully chose my meal items this morning, determined how many points to allocate for dinner and ate lunch accordingly. About half an hour ago, DH told her we could eat at a REAL restaurant (thinking maybe she didn't know that) and she chose East Side Mario's, where the lowest point meals are 1000 calories!! :faint:

Thank goodness for flex points!!

I DID indulge in a tiny bag of lays potato chips the other night liked I said I was going to and man, was IT disgusting!! :sick: Good thing there were only like 12 chips in the bag because after about 7 or 8 of them, I was thinking "YUCK!!" I even said that out loud!! :rotfl: I guess I'm not used to such high salt and fat content anymore.

DH laughed at me (chips and dip used to be my favourite snack and I could eat a family sized bag all myself once upon a time) because I told him they were gross but that I was glad I had eaten them. I know that sounds silly, but I WAS glad...I satisfied the urge to have them and now I'll know not to get them again in the future. From now on my choice will be Harvest Grain Sun Chips...they're healthier and don't taste as salty but still satisfy the chip cravings!! :thumbsup2

Last night at 10 pm, after fighting the urge to eat for 2 hours, I finally caved and had some treats. First I had 12 almonds (2 points), then 2 tbsps light cream cheese (2 points) and 3.5 points worth of rice crackers. Then, I guess because this wasn't enough...I counted out 13 cheesies (half a serving is 3.5 points) and ate those. So I used up 9 flex points and my last 2 daily points an hour before I headed to bed. Not the smartest idea but it was all legit so only a tiny bit of guilt ensued. Of course this is why I didn't want to go hog wild tonight, so I'll have to be very careful!!

Well, it's off to the bowling alley...her choice of birthday activity for this afternoon!!
Hey everyone! :wave:

I'm so sorry that I haven't been on the boards. Things are well.... complicated.

As you all know we've been dealing with my sister's illnesses and helping out with her kids etc. She's out of the hospital but still not doing well. So that is still going on.

We just got back from our mini beach vacation for my cousin's wedding. Those on FB have seen the pics I hope! We had a great time, though we all got eaten alive by skeeters!!

Just when we got back home something else happened, on a more personal level at home that I'm not really wanting to discuss on the boards. We're working through it slowly but it's thrown me, to say the least.

I desperately want things to get back to normal so I can find the emotional energy to focus on me. Right now, I'm doing good to get through one day at a time.

As far as weight loss goes, I'm actually doing ok. The emotional upheaval is actually helping me not eat. I'm not losing, but I'm holding steady so I'm happy with that.

It is my intention to get back on here more, slowly, until I can be back here 100%. I miss you all! And definitely need the support.

I need to catch up with everyone's lives and hope to do this soon...

Our Disney trip is still on, as of now. But it's hard to get excited about going with so much going on with both my immediate and extended family. My mother is (as expected) feeling very guilty about going off on vacation and leaving my sister without help. So thankfully my oldest sister (the one that's single and lives here in Austin as well - Edna for those that read my PTR) is going to go stay with my dad so my mom can leave and so that she can be there to help cook for my dad and be on standby if my ill sister takes a turn for the worse again. This has made mom feel a bit better, but I still am waiting for that phone call of her telling me she can't go.

To say that things are stressful, would be an understatement.

But then I realize that you all have your own stress and lives to deal with and still find time to get on the WISH boards. I hope I can soon find that balance again SOON!

WISHing you all the best of luck in your continued weight loss endeavors.

I will do my best to get back on more often and definitely will be posting more as things hopefully resume normalacy on my end.

Much WISH love to you all!! :goodvibes



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