You Know You're Excited About Your Upcoming Trip To Disneyland When...

... You recognise yourself in nearly every reply to the OP :rotfl2::rotfl2:

I completely agree! As I've read each post I think. "Oh yeah, I do that, too!":rotfl:

--when you start hiding items in your luggage that you purchased on clearance at the Disney Store that you will give the kids as souvies on the trip! The first trick is digging them out of storage and into the luggage without getting caught!:banana:
Your trying to "Disneybrainwash" your kids by playingthe new snow white movie over and over again through they day, even when they're not paying attention, when I get sick of the snow white movie on goes Alice or Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. Then every Saturday is Disney movie night and I make them sit though all the pixar movies again :)
You tell your son "Grab your hoodie "howdy, howdy, howdy" (hoodie/Woody) every morning. And every morning you get the pre-teen eyeroll in return. LOL.

And you scour ebay looking for Disney music, and find that someone just posted a 2008 Disneyland 2-cd set (only available in the park) for less than $20 shipped and you almost jump up and down because it has so many cool ride songs!!! (dutch auction - plenty available still!)
I'm sure you all do this:

Scratch yourself all over because your are in desperate need of your Disney fix!
-you have started planning the trip after the one that you haven't even had yet! are planning at least 4 trips after the one you even had yet!!! purchase NMBC on DVD even though you have previously had no desire to see it because you are gearing up for Halloween in Disneyland!!! (and the kids should really know WHO Jack & Sally are!!)

.....when the kids watch said DVD they exclaim "This is the music from Disneyland!!!" because we watched the Halloween fireworks on YouTube the day they were posted!!!
OK, I'm experiencing a new one these days.

You know you're excited about your upcoming trip to Disneyland stash away every bit of cash and you think of it in terms other than the amount of said cash. I recently added an unexpected $17 refund from the pediatrician to my "Trip Fund" and instead of thinking, "Yay! That's $17 more for the pot!" -- I was thinking, "Yeah! That's 4 Tigger Tails!" When some rebates came rolling in from Kraft, Precious (cheese), and something else...I was thinking, "Alright! That's one-third of a night's stay at Hojo!" :rotfl:
When you realize you are more excited about your babies first trip to Disneyland than the babies actual birth....which is still months away!:rolleyes1
When I roll over in the middle of the night, cuddle with my husband, and say, "I'm to excited to sleep!".

What's great: He's just as excited as me, too!! :goodvibes check the wait time apps on your phone throughout the day to see if the crowd flow has changed from past summers. have 4 wait time apps on your phone. :rotfl:
You print out the menus and lots of other stuff to put in your special Disney trip folder. I love to go thru my binder of goodies over and over :love:. It makes the next upcoming trip more real!
When your kids say, "lets watch a movie mom" and you all sit down to watch the Disney Vacation Planning DVD.:lmao: My kids love it.
When you start packing 2 weeks ahead (thinking that might speed up the time)

When you text your DH: "are you sooooo excited to go to Disney" and he replies "yes honey, you sent me a text asking me the same thing half an hour ago"
You have reservation confirmation numbers memorized.
So after reading this whole thread I've realized that we are all the same person! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :goodvibes
You buy every Disney related shirt you see knowing you can wear it on the trip. Then you realize you bought more shirts than days you will be there.
You buy every Disney related shirt you see knowing you can wear it on the trip. Then you realize you bought more shirts than days you will be there.

:laughing: I just realized I did that a couple of days ago. take your kids on 8 - 10 minute walks in a familiar place, so you can really put that 8 - 10 minute walk from Hojo to DL in perspective. ;) make your 3 boys watch Sleeping Beauty for the first time, to familiarize them with more Disney characters -- and you realize that Sleeping Beauty can really hold its own when it comes to captivating an all-boy audience ages 3 - 9. A special sword and shield, evil laughter, a dragon... what's not to love? see Mickey Heads everywhere you look: in the plate of Oreos you set out for the kids, in the droplets of water on the cutting board when you set down a freshly washed bunch of broccoli, in the bubbles in your 3 year old's bubble bath, in the last 3 Reese's Puffs floating in the milk in the cereal bowl...

Anyone else? :)

umm you make t-shirts that match, right down to color and font!:thumbsup2

umm you start to poop with joy when your trip is 3 DAYS away! ;) :lmao:

you start to send out emails to each family member going to re-cap the schedule of your magical trip..:laughing:

you can't work at your own job cause all your doing is thinking off all the churros you want to eat...:woohoo:


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