Worst thing you have done


DIS Veteran
Nov 25, 2007
while at Disney World?

I think the worst thing I did was making DD 4 at the time, ride Mission: Space. She is a wicked daredevil and has loved ToT since she was 2. So last trip we rode EE and I wasn't able to sit next to her (it was me, her and our 6YO family friend) so I had the two girls sit together and I sat behind them. I was terrified she was going to fall out. Also while she has been DYING to ride it ~ she HATED it. She didn't cry or anything but was mad at ME when we got off and said she was never riding it again.

So the next day we wanted to do Mission Space Lite. So we got in line and she was fine and then started saying she was scared and she didn't ride. I had ridden it before and knew what it was like. I thought she just didn't wanna ride because it was like EE. So even though she was crying I made her ride it. She was fine and didn't HATE it or anything ~ but looking back I must have looked like a terrible mom. :scared1: I always SWORE I would not make the kids ride anything they didn't want to. But we used instant fast passes and had still waited about 15 minutes before she started to panic. So I made her ride ~ crying and all.

So what is it? What is your less than stellar moment at the parks?
I went to WDW with my (now) ex husband and 8 year old twins in 2008. Even at 8 years old, they were too scared to ride anything. The ex was being a butt about watching them so we could take turns riding stuff, and about 4 days into our 7 day vacation I lost it, and got really angry at them. I didn't make them ride anything, but I wanted to. I begged and even tried to bribe them. They wouldn't even ride It's a Small World. We were sitting at the bus stop at AKL, getting ready to go to Animal Kingdom. I was telling them all about the safari, really talking it up, it was just like riding in the car, etc etc, and they weren't biting. I finally just lost it, and told them (not very nicely) that I didn't know why we even came, and that we should just pack our crap and go home, since no one appreciated how hard I had worked to plan this vacation. Not my finest moment :sad1:

To be (a little) fair, the whole vacation was SO frustrating. The ex was picking fights the whole week because he didn't want to be there. I had made ADRs at all the amazing restaurants at WDW, and we didn't even go to half of them because everybody was complaining about having to travel to this resort or whatever. None of them would get out of bed until 10 AM every morning, and all the boys wanted to do was stay at the hotel and swim in the pool. $5000 and 8 months of my life just felt wasted. I planned so many special things for that trip that went undone or unappreciated. But, bottom line was, I was the adult, and I just have just let it go.

I love my kids to pieces, and I apologized to them at the time, and after the trip, and explained that I was frustrated. This time, I am going on my honeymoon, no kids except the one I'm currently growing, and I'll get to do all the fun things I missed last time (except thrill rides). My fiance is also reading up on the parks, so he doesn't get overwhelmed like the ex did. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Once on a hot day, Mr.Pickles was forced to share a monorail with someone who did not use deodorant and smelled quite repulsive. Mr.Pickles asked him to leave the car.

Since that day, Mr.Pickles no longer rides the monorail.

Mr.Pickles tip of the day:

If you think about Mr.Pickles, good things will happen for you!!!
This June we went. We've been like the last 5 Junes, so we know what the weather is like. Well, the stipulation this time was my wife would go if she could get a massage. Fine, done deal. I would watch our girls while she got a spa treatment with my sister. When done, we decided to go to Epcot so my DD4.5 could meet the characters around the World. Well, we got there a little late and tried to eat at Electric Umbrella. No openings, so we decided to walk. We made it all the way around to Germany when I looked at my wife and realized she was ready to pass out. We went into the Liberty Inn. There were lines there too, but I got in line and she was able to get a table. Once we sat down she informed me they told her after the spa to drink LOTS of fluids and take it easy for a while. I guess hoofing it around the World Showcase wasn't taking it easy. Needless to say, it was a long afternoon until everyone recovered...her from her spa, me from the tongue-lashing. :)
While parking the truck and running for rope drop at AK, I also was able to swallow a breakfast sandwich from the drive thru @ mcdonalds, not a good idea to start with. Then my DD and I ran for EE while my DW got fatspasses for it... That was the sickest I think I have ever been getting off of a ride. Needless to say don't eat breakfast 15min before EE. I lost 2 hours out of my day trying to feel better, while they went off and did other things... lesson learned.
DH and I got in a fight in Casey's b/c I staked out and waited on table for 15+ minutes while he got the food and then he came in looked at it and one of the kids said they can't see the TV good enough from there so he went over to the bleachers where there was barely any room and found seats (not together 2 on one row, 1 on 1 and 1 on another) that would barely fit the 4 of us. I was FURIOUS to say the least. And it didn't help with DD spilled cheese sauce (exactly like I said she would sitting w/out a table) and DS spilled his drink on his new shirt (again exactly like I said they would). There were alot of I told you so and not so magical words said the rest of that night to say the least, including a throw down in front of Jungle Cruise with "well do you want to ride it or not (DH)" and "obviously you don't care what I say you are going to do what you want anyway so its up to you, do you think you will be able to see good enough (Me)". Come to think of it, it was probably one of our bigger fights to date.
I had to go back to the room on a work call and leave my wife and mother in law at World of Disney. Wife was aggravated but understood. Mother in law was happy, and I paid for it. They spent and spent and spentand I couldn't say a word :(
I love the "you'll laugh about it someday" thing when I am thinking.... no I will be pissed about it every time I think or talk about it for the rest of my life.

That would be one of those moments for me PG.
I had to go back to the room on a work call and leave my wife and mother in law at World of Disney. Wife was aggravated but understood. Mother in law was happy, and I paid for it. They spent and spent and spentand I couldn't say a word :(

Hmmm are you secretly my husband and not telling me?

Come on now... Dan is that you?
I love the "you'll laugh about it someday" thing when I am thinking.... no I will be pissed about it every time I think or talk about it for the rest of my life.

That would be one of those moments for me PG.

I know! I was getting a little irrirated even typing it!
OMG, is that why we have started to agree on a some things now:rotfl2:

:rotfl: My husband works on EVERY trip. But one time he had to spend the entire day in the hotel working. Once he had to fly home early and LAST trip he had to take a 3 hour conference call while we played in the pool at Fort Wilderness. :mad:

The time he spent a whole day in the room my mother was with us and we shopped. And we shopped. And then more shopping. :rotfl:

The best part is and part of why we can go so often is that if they have to call him for work anytime during the week for a significant amount of time ~ he doesn't have to use any vacation time for the whole week.
I lost my child 15 minutes after arriving at the first park on the first day of our vacation. I guess we didn't go over the "stay together as a group" speech enough times with him. He saw a ride he liked and just walked into the que while the rest of us were parking the stroller. There were 4 adults there, nobody saw him leave. Scared the living crap out of everybody but at least we extra dilligent about staying together for the rest of the trip and we haven't lost anybody since.
The best part is and part of why we can go so often is that if they have to call him for work anytime during the week for a significant amount of time ~ he doesn't have to use any vacation time for the whole week.

I wish that happened for me. Normally I can dispense of the issue on my cell. This time it was a conference with a judge that, let's just say hates me. So I didn't want to take the chance.
The worst thing I ever did was ride Mission Space. I love, love, love rides, especialy thrill rides. I guess my body doesn't love intense spinning. My DH and I were out of commission for a long long time. We sat on Ellen's Energy Adventure, moaning and groaning. At least that kept us out of the heat.
Yeah I am always HAPPY when his cell battery finally dies for the day. Then they can't email, text or call him. UGH! It is my biggest pet peeve. They woke me up at 3:15 AM the other night... grrrrr
Ok, here's one that mom's of teenagers will understand. . .

I ended up going with my ex husband (husband at the time) who I really didn't want to go and my 2 daughters. The oldest was in the just dating stage and complained all the way that she missed her "boyfriend" and the husband (that I didn't even want to come) was complaining) finally when the teen started in with the "I wish I was home with "what's his name"". . . I had HAD ENOUGH. . . .

I said, and I quote. . . .


Now, while I have spanked my kids before I wasn't REALLY going to beat my teenager. It was one of those moments!

We laugh about it now actually :lmao::lmao:

BTW, she is now married and expecting a child of her own and is currently warning her sister (who is now that age) NOT to ruin her own vacation thinking about some little boy from home!:rotfl2:
I had to go back to the room on a work call and leave my wife and mother in law at World of Disney. Wife was aggravated but understood. Mother in law was happy, and I paid for it. They spent and spent and spentand I couldn't say a word :(

I would like to say nothing ever happened to me/because of me but I'm sure thats not true. DH and I say (jokingly) that we only love eachother at Disney and we just pretend everywhere else. It's the only place where we hold hands all the time. If we find ourselves holding hands somewhere else we stop, laugh, and say "hey we're not at Disney"! But I know we've had our fair share of blowouts about some really dumb stuff. So dumb I can't remeber details. Now is that Magic, or what?
We got to DL bright and early and did some rides. Then we hit Space Mtn. When we got off dd wasn't feeling so good. It was close to lunch time and blazing hot so we went over to Carnation Cafe and got a table. I thought she just needed to eat since she hadn't eaten hardly anything for breakfast. She didn't like what they had at Carnation Cafe, which upset me, since she is so darn picky! So I went and got here a plain hot pretzel which she only ate 1 bite of- okay wasted $4 and missed my lunch when I left the kids with my friend to go get pretzel. I was not happy. If only she would learn to eat at mealtimes we wouldn't be having this problem!:mad:

She said her head was hurting so I took her over to the first aid center to get some tylenol. She took the tylenol and complained even more that she felt awful. We headed for the exit to go back to the hotel . We didn't even make it out of the gates when she threw up all over the nice bricks. My friend was digging through her purse and diaper bag for kleenex, napkins, wipes, something to clean up dd. I ran to grab a CM and let them know what happened. Everyone was staring at us!

I felt so awful for getting upset with her! She promptly fell asleep back at the hotel and when she woke up she felt fine. I do think it was lack of food, dehydration and heat and riding rides. She stayed away from Space Mtn the rest of that trip though.:rolleyes1


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