"I Want To Go Back!!!"....a Sept 2010 PTR(upd 10/12-TR Started!)

Hey Meghan!! I am sad for you today, as you have to leave the Magic!!!! Hope you have a great and easy flight home--we will be waiting to hear all the fun new things you got to do!!!!
Ok Meghan, I know I already wished you a magical trip, but I had to comment on your last few posts!
That costume is amazing!! Jasmine will be jealous of Maddie! I can't wait to see her all fancied up!!
Your mom could sell on Etsy!
Great packing! I roll at least the tops when I pack. Isn't it great to be organized?
I'm glad Madison's teachers are good with her trip and giving the homework. Last year Paige's teacher said to say hi to Mickey for her when we went this summer. SO we sent a postcard to her and told her Mickey said hi!

Anyway - I will be thinking of you and hope and pray you have a safe and wonderful family vacation!! Even though I just went, I am a teensy bit jealous. I always am when friends go! I'll be excited to hear all about it when you get back! ENJOY!!!

Isn't it a wonderful costume! We got a lot of comments on it!

Rolling is the best!

Madison's teacher told her to say hi to Goofy, but we kinda forgot!

MEGHAN!!! :goodvibes

GO TO BED!!!!!!

I have been praying most of the day that you would have a GREAT sleep tonight!!! :hug:

We will be here when you get back!! Have a WONDERFUL VACATION!!!!!

Have a safe and WONDERFUL trip, Meghan, Tony, and Maddie! :goodvibes
We're looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!

Hi Meghan! Have an amazing trip! I posted a couple times on your last TR but did not get a chance to yet on this PTR. Everything you have planned looks amazing and I love love love! your packing idea. Your bag looks so organized. I can't wait to read about your trip when you get back!

I think I'm late - but I hope you have a fantastic trip! We made sure Disney World was all in order for your family! :)

I missed the send off! Have a safe flight and a wonderful trip Meghan! :)

Thanks for all of the well wishes. I didn't check the DIS at all while I was gone!

Hey Everybody!! Just filling in a little for Meghan & Co.! Just got a message from her that they arrived safely and are headed to DTD!!!!!

Thanks for filling everyone in Shawna!

Yay! Glad they got there safely!

I'm glad they got there safely. We had some nasty thunderstorms this morning. I wasn't sure if that delayed anything at the airport.

We were delayed a few minutes, but I'll get to that later!

Meghan, I am SUCH a bad ptr follower right now...especially with your crazy fast one!! I'm like 20 pages behind!! I don't have time to catch up on all of them now, but I promise I will soon!! But I always see your fb updates so I'm not completely behind your life and I'm still there, just in the shadows!! :goodvibes Miss ya girl!!

Thanks Kimmy!

Big surprise that her first stop is DTD...she's such the shopper! Hope she's having a fabulous time!

Wait til you see what we bought!

I hope you have the most wonderful, magical vacation Meghan!! Looking forward to reading about it when you come home. :goodvibes

Thank you. I can't wait to start my TR.

Hey Meghan!! I am sad for you today, as you have to leave the Magic!!!! Hope you have a great and easy flight home--we will be waiting to hear all the fun new things you got to do!!!!

Yesterday was horrible!

Hi Meghan!! :goodvibes

Thinking of you today as you head back home!! Hope you have had a super spectacular time!!! Can't wait to hear ALL about!!!:cool1:

Welcome back! I hope you had a fabulous trip. Looking forward to reading all about it :)

WELCOME HOME my friend!!!:goodvibes

Thanks everyone!
Hi everyone. We got home last night and it's so depressing. It's been a busy day getting Madison back to school, dentist appointment, lunch with my sis...but stay tuned. I'll be starting my TR soon. My client's travel documents came the day before I left, so I need to put everything together for her (she leaves in 2 weeks!). Once I have everything back in order with my normal life, I will get started. Plus, I have tons to catch up on here on the DIS!!!
Welcome home Meghan! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I'm sure you had a fantastic time.
Can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!!! :woohoo:

I can't wait to share it with all of you!

Welcome back Meghan!! :goodvibes


Welcome home Meghan! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I'm sure you had a fantastic time.

Thank you. We had a wonderful time, but I really wish we didn't have to jump right into reality today. I can't wait to start my TR. I just have to think of a really good title!
Hey Meghan - I know you're not so excited to be home, so welcome back to the DIS!! I'm happy to hear you had a great trip and look forward to the TR. I better get cracking on mine so you don't finish yours first!!

I know what you mean about thinking of a title! It takes me forever! Get yourself back into the swing of things, we'll be here waiting.
Meghan ~ did she have a hard time getting up for school today? Well...get all your ducks in a row and we will be waiting for you!:yo-yo: :bored: popcorn::


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