Four Yorkshire folk on t'road - Pre Trip

Most of the hotels are easy to get to if you pick the right option.

As a rule of thumb, avoid changing at DTD, it's often long winded.

Puds - congratulations on joining DVC. Welcome home! I'm thoroughly enjoying your reports, keep up the good work Sir!


You're right Kev, our [my] schoolboy error was that due to our location we always went via DTD, and usually by boat, which was never going to be the quickest route. We then were up against it if we'd just missed a bus to the hotel where we were going, given the average 20 minute wait for the next one - but it was hard to ignore the boat when it was such a relaxing journey!!

We're well pleased with joining the DVC and are going through the welcome pack with a fine toothcomb to ascertain how we're going to use our first points!

Glad you're enjoying my reports, cheers! :thumbsup2
Fab day/report for Disney Studios. Keep up the good work, it's piddling down in Pudsey so what's the best indoors activity? Not that one, the trip report writing one!
Fab day/report for Disney Studios. Keep up the good work, it's piddling down in Pudsey so what's the best indoors activity? Not that one, the trip report writing one!

Ha ha, I've no idea to what activity you were referring to! :rolleyes1
Hi, Dave. I've come a little late to the party, but have finally caught up reading your report to date. I can hardly believe you managed to post any installments while on such a busy vacation, but you did and detailed ones at that. Love the photos of your beautiful, happy family illustrating your entertaining report. Do I have this right--you're home now writing the rest of the TR? Well, wherever you are right now, please, keep writing. You're producing hours of amusement for us and precious keepsakes for Isabelle and Billy. I'm especially looking forward to your reports of the Wilderness Lodge/Whispering Canyon Cafe and the Hoop De Doo, two places dear to my heart. Thanks to you, Caroline, and the kids for sharing your special trip.
Hi, Dave. I've come a little late to the party, but have finally caught up reading your report to date. I can hardly believe you managed to post any installments while on such a busy vacation, but you did and detailed ones at that. Love the photos of your beautiful, happy family illustrating your entertaining report. Do I have this right--you're home now writing the rest of the TR? Well, wherever you are right now, please, keep writing. You're producing hours of amusement for us and precious keepsakes for Isabelle and Billy. I'm especially looking forward to your reports of the Wilderness Lodge/Whispering Canyon Cafe and the Hoop De Doo, two places dear to my heart. Thanks to you, Caroline, and the kids for sharing your special trip.

Hi Susan, thanks very much for your kind words! :goodvibes

I posted a couple of times whilst at the Manchester airport hotel prior to our flights out, and a couple of times when we had internet access in our room at OKW. I made a few notes on an evening when the kids had gone to sleep, as we plan to do a book of our trip for both mine and Caroline's parents. Now I'm back home, it's taking ages to decipher my notes and work out what we did, and when!!

I'll be posting Wilderness Lodge next, Hoop de Doo we did on our last night - both were brilliant experiences, exactly what we had hoped for. :thumbsup2
Right Dave, Ive caught up now and Im loving your reports, great writing and great photos, cant wait to read more:thumbsup2
Our busy day started at around 6.30am for the girls, the boys slept through the pontificating about which make-up went best with blah, blah, blah - we're not daft, you can't be asked your opinion if you're asleep, or feigning sleep. We had booked a taxi the previous evening which duly arrived and we were at Chef Mickey's for our 7.30am reservation - Mickey was taking photo's prior to seating and then we were shown to our table.


Only the chance to meet Mickey could wake the little 'uns from their slumber

I had read that the breakfasts here were nothing to write home about, but I thought that it was fine, though the breakfast pizza took a bit of getting used to - the vegetarian version much better, especially when accompanied by the very spicy salsa. Billy and Isabelle were extremely taken with the characters, Goofy, Pluto, Minnie and Donald came round and interacted whilst we had breakfast, we were sold on the photo album which I thought was decent value at $31. Overall, the kids were well happy and we were all well fed when we left approximately an hour and a half later, via the monorail to Magic Kingdom.

We headed into Tomorrowland as we hadn't visited here the other day, Buzz was a walk on and once I had wrestled control of the craft from Isabelle, my score was coming along nicely, thank you very much. Just as I had dreams of beating my best ever score, the ride broke down, and we were in the unfortunate postion of being under a speaker, so we got to hear "Intruders! Guards, sieze them! And their green friends!" over, and over, and over again for the next ten minutes. I had no idea who my green friends were either, which puzzled me greatly. The ride restarted, and through some computer blunder our scores had been reset to zero, so both Isabelle and I had about ten seconds to get any sort of score, which caused great embarrassment as we disembarked at the end of the ride, despite my protestations, I went from hero to zero.

I took Isabelle on Space Mountain whilst Billy and Caroline went on the Astro Gliders, Isabelle loved Space Mountain, it seemed a little faster than I recalled from previous visits, and whilst I enjoyed it, I do have nightmares about not being able to see the metal framework of the ride and live in fear of having my head taken clean off, which adds to enjoyment/terror/experience. We met up after these rides and had our photo's taken with Chip and Dale, re-rode Buzz and then went on Carousel of Progress. I think it's great that some of the old rides and ideas of Walt's are still going, and this is one of my fun must do's when I come to MK, I noticed a few differences from when I last visited, Isabelle said that the ride was 'absolutely awesome', Billy just liked the fact that you didn't have to walk anywhere.

We moved on and headed for Philharmagic, which the kids absolutely loved, it really is great seeing the little 'uns trying to grab the various images as they float tantalisingly in front of their faces. Of course, the dark setting allows dorks like myself to engage in the same behaviour and get away with it, though it backfired slightly when the apple pie came round and I took the spray of cinnamon straight up the nose. Everything beyond this point was accompanied with a hint of cinnamon. We had our lunch at Columbia Harbour House, I had the fish and fries (with cinnamon), Caroline had the fish and chicken combo, Billy and Isabelle had chicken and fries, I had an apple crisp pie which was really tasty - it was one of the best counter service meals we'd had so far, and thought that it was really good value on the Dining Plan.

I checked out the shop outside the Hall of Presidents as I wanted to see what I could get in the line of books or souvenirs, and was gutted to see that it had been taken over by halloween merchandise - I was on the verge of sulking uncontrollably until I noticed that there were a couple of shelves of Presidential souvenirs in the Christmas shop, so I picked up a book and a poster that will make the 'American corner' of my book shelves look a little more themed than they do already (I really am a dork!).

We then left the park just after 12 and headed back to the pool at OKW for a swim, we then got the boat over to Downtown Disney and picked up the bus to the Wilderness Lodge for our evening meal at the Whispering Canyon, though we did spot a celebrity leaving OKW as we pulled in...


With Buzz Lightyear-like reactions, the Purple Van Man was caught red-handed!!!

Arriving at Wilderness Lodge and walking into the main hotel never fails to take the breath away, it is in my opinion, the best themed Disney hotels by an absolute mile.


You can't fault Disney, they're always adding to the theming

The kids were quite taken aback and spent a while looking around, they loved the bridge and had their photo taken on it. I like to just sit on the settee's and just look at the sheer scale of the place, the totem pole, I love that there's a US flag flying inside as well, I always take a photo of it.

After we had a look around, we made our way over to the Whispering Canyon where we were seated, our server was very friendly and the atmosphere was soon buzzing. The kids were taken aback at having their straws thrown at them, especially Billy who seemed a little overawed by what was going on, but the Whispering Canyon lived up to it's reputation - Billy loved asking for the sauce, even more so when he got to pass the bottles on to another table.


Billy didn't get the joke, as this is the amount of ketchup he normally has on his meals

There were various celebrations going on which involved singing, there was a horse race around the restaurant, and the food was spot on as well.


William Hill were surprisingly reluctant to open a book on this race

One thing I saw which has stayed with me since we've returned back home, there were a family opposite our table, two adults and two girls. When we had got rid of our table full of ketchup, we had kept one bottle on the table as Billy likes to have at least three quarters of a bottle on his meals as a matter of course. About five minutes later, the mum came over to our table and asked if they could have the bottle, I was a little taken aback and said that they could, but I felt sorry for the girls that they had missed out on the fun of having the table filled with ketchup bottles, and then the interaction with other families when you had to pass them on. Maybe they were unaware of what the Whispering Canyon involved, but I guess it's not the ideal place for an intimate family meal - it totally lived up to its expectations for me, even if Billy took a while to realise that here he could get away with everything that is not allowed on the dinner table at home!


Rumours of a straw shortage were dismissed as hearsay

We all loved it here, and we enjoyed our walk through the hotel after to get the boat over to MK to catch the fireworks, a bit like the Polynesian the previous night, the Wilderness Lodge had placed itself on the short list for our next trip - it's going to take some chosing between the Poly, Yacht Club and the Wilderness Lodge! We also got to give Bay Lake Tower the once over as we sailed past...


We held this pose for a good two hours, as we were too stuffed to move

Back in MK we managed to notch up Snow White, Peter Pan, the carousel and Winnie the Pooh, we were wandering round to do Pirates again when the parade took over so we watched that instead, the floats were spectacular, especially that last one which was a tribute to the USA which went down well with the locals, Isabelle had never seen anything like it and said "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it!", summed up perfectly by an 8 year old. We moved back onto Main Street in time to get a decent spot for Wishes - I'm not a big firework fan to be honest, but Disney certainly do them in great style, and watching Isabelle in total awe and amazement at what was happening in front of her, (she was struggling to take it all in, but trying desperately hard to do so, her head darting here, there and everywhere, trying to keep up and not miss anything!), it was one of those moments when all the cost, sacrifices and compromises that happened in order for the trip to materialise, were made fully worthwhile.


The holiday signalled a two week ceasefire in relation to niggling and squabbling

We headed for home via the sweet shop on Main Street, where I am disappointed to report that my Scrumdiddlyumptious Willy Wonka chocolate bar did not contain a golden ticket. (I have yet to open the other bar that I sneaked without t'other mob seeing it, I will open, and report back when I get a chance to eat it in solitary confinement!
I think I'm going to book Whispering Canyon, sounds right up my family's street :lmao::lmao:
Against all belief that it couldn't be possible, everyone looks even happier (and cuter) in the photos today. In regards to the power of Disney to create a magical place Isabelle spoke for us all when she said, "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it!" That made me smile and tear up at the same time. You tell your story brilliantly, Dave.
If the kids hadn't begun to feel the pace of the long days, and with a couple of earlier starts than we would have liked, Caroline and I certainly had, so today we decided to spend the day at the main pool at Old Key West. Our lazy day started a little less successfully than planned, my wander down to the bus stop to get the paper proved fruitless when I realised I hadn't actually brought a dollar, just three quarters and a five cent coin, fortunately there were no other witnesses to my fiscal blunder. :rolleyes1

The main pool area at OKW is very nice, and on this day, not too busy, there were a couple of people dotted around but we were able to bag decent sun loungers by the spa and right next to the sauna. We spent some time in the pool where Isabelle and myself tried the sandcastle slide which was surprisingly quick and flung you into the pool with a real vigour. I managed to get some book reading done (John Adams, by David McCullough - it was used by HBO as a grounding for their excellent John Adams series), and then got ideas above my station and tried out the spa and the sauna - I have to admit though, I fail to see the attraction of either. The spa would have had a poaching effect if I'd've been brave enough to go any further than knee level such was the temperature of the water, and the sauna, well, why on earth people subject themselves to that when the atmosphere is pretty much the same outside anyway is beyond me!

We had a lovely counter service dinner from goods to go, I had a fantastic cheeseburger that was much more 'normal' sized with really fresh salad in the bun, the kids were happy to use snack credits on nachos with cheese, and Caroline had a lovely chicken caeser salad, we shared a couple of key lime cheesecakes and a couple of carrot cakes to round it off. I then foolishly decided to expose more skin than was necessary to the Florida sun, with the rather predictable outcome being a more toasted appearance than was required. After spending a good five hours at the pool we returned to our room to get changed for our evening meal, one we had booked the previous evening, at the Captain's Grille, Yacht Club. I'd never eaten here before but seem to remember a few comments that spoke in glowing terms, and it would give me a chance to show Caroline and the kids around the Yacht Club, which at this point would be my favoured destination for our next holiday.

We got the boat over to Downtown Disney and spent some time in the Lego store, Isabelle managed to frustrate everyone by remaining unbeaten on the car races that they hold outside, you construct your own car and then take on all comers. Isabelle's design defied the laws of gravity, being both lop-sided and not particularly streamlined, but it beat everyone else consistently, much to their disgust. There was an audible cheer when we left to go in the shop, Billy got a couple of Lego speedboats and I happened upon the 'architecture' series where I picked up 'The White House', funds will dictate whether I return to pick up a couple of the others, or whether they will be relegated to online purchase when we return home, but it continued my love affair with all things lego, started way back in the mists of time.

We arrived nice and early for our reservation with the intention of enjoying a cocktail prior to our meal, and headed for the Captain's Cup where I had some memorable champagne mojito's on a previous visit. I was just pipped to the bar by a group of young ladies who then, despite the constant encouragement of the bartender, managed to take 25 minutes to order four cocktails, and ask the most inane questions imaginable about the drinks they'd just ordered. It was the sort of conversation which would been ideal had it been held in an empty bar, not with other customers waiting, and the end result was that we had to leave without being able to get a drink, which was a big disappointment.

We headed through for our meal where karma did me a favour, I ordered a bahama mama for Caroline and a power berry mojito for myself to start our meal seeing as we had missed out in the bar, the server delivered two bahama mama's by mistake, apologised profusely before delivering me my mojito meaning I got my first cocktail on the house, what a result!

Caroline and myself both had the wedge appetiser, a baby iceberg with blue cheese, bacon, egg and a dressing - a real nice, light starter, very refreshing.


For the main, I had a New York Strip with bacon and cheese mashed potato and carrots,


Caroline had pork chop with a mushroom mash.


My steak was very nice, cooked just right, however Caroline was a little disappointed with hers - she didn't want to get the same as me and went for something different, she was disappointed with the chop and with the mushroom mashed potato - which had a very sweet taste.

We accompanied our meal with a couple of Sam Adams beers, I had the Boston beer and Caroline the Oktoberfest - both were robust beers with lots of flavour, and really enhanced our meal. Tiredness had caught up with Bill and he was less than than enthused with his cheese pizza, Isabelle had a cheeseburger. I finished with a Key Lime cheesecake (my second of the day!) and Caroline had a chocolate cheesecake.


Whilst the meal was very good, the service here very disappointing, more so when you took into account the fact that the place wasn't exactly packed, it was apparent that our server was serving too many tables and it had an adverse effect on our table, she made a couple of mistakes with out order, forgot us on a couple of occasions so we got the attention of another server, it wasn't a massive deal to us, but we recognised this in the tip that we left.

We did some shopping at the Disney store in the Yacht Club foyer, picking up a pin for Billy's collection, some attachments for Isabelle's bracelet, and Caroline picked up a t-shirt and watch. We had a wander round Stormalong Bay which suitably impressed everyone, as did the fantastic views over to the Boardwalk, along with the video being shown on the beach. If I was trying to sell the resort, I couldn't have done any better than get the Epcot fireworks to start just as we were walking towards Epcot, which they did! It was a fitting end to a lovely meal. We had a nice leisurely stroll back through Epcot and picked up our transfer to OKW, and not long after we were enjoying some Jack Daniel's in our room to finish off our lazy day very nicely, thank you very much!
Only food photos with this report, but by now we can imagine the smiling faces that were looking down at these plates. Dave, you are continuing to do a great job of reporting. Thanks again.
Columbia Harbour House is my fave WDW counter service. Lovely food.
Today's busy day didn't start too well when we had problems with the taxi we had booked to arrive at 7.30am wasn't outside our door - this surprised us as the previous taxi was waiting for us long before the time we had arranged. We rang the front desk who said they would check with the taxi as to where it was. Caroline and Isabelle had been up since 6am making Isabelle look the part for CRT. The front desk then rang back to say that the taxi was waiting for us at Hospitality House, when Caroline asked if they could send it up to the room, she was told that it wasn't allowed and we would have to come over. Of course, this was the one occasion when there were no buses at any of the stops, though I was that furious that the ten minute walk to the front desk seemed to take five seconds! Caroline and the kids headed for the taxi, I headed for a confrontation! Despite being fobbed off, I got my point across, my issue was that if taxi's weren't allowed to pick up from rooms then that was fine, a mistake had obviously been made previously, but why on earth didn't someone come across to pick us up when we had explained that we had an ADR at 8.05am? To be made to walk from our room to Hospitality House knowing that we were going to be made even more late for our reservation at CRT seemed absolutely absurd, and I let them know it. I was asked what I wanted to sort out the misunderstanding, I replied that I didn't want anything, and was extremely disappointed in the customer service, and communication, and I left to get the taxi. I was really mad, and disappointed for Isabelle who missed out on the chance for a few photo's on an empty Main Street.


We took our own Princess to the Royal Table

We got to CRT about ten minutes late, and sat down to a pleasant enough breakfast, Isabelle was in her element and Billy also got some special attention which helped him through a girl-biaised hour or so.


A novel way to rustle up an extra side of sausage and bacon!

Once again, the photo's were very nice and put together in an attractive presentation, all of which was included in the DDP. The food was fairly standard, nothing special, but it's all about the Princesses at this particular meal, and they were here in abundance and Isabelle absolutely loved it.


Plenty of interaction for the kids

After a few photos and having finished our breakfast, we headed out, it seemed a little odd to be heading out at a time when everyone else was heading into MK, but today we intended to do Epcot, but if truth be told, I was itching to get to my favourite Disney park. We got the monorail all the way over to Epcot, and on what was turning out to be another sweltering day, we headed off for Soarin' which had a twenty minute wait, which was made worthwhile when we struck jackpot and got front row middle seats - the kids were awestruck, and absolutely loved it. We then headed over to Test Track which Isabelle loved, and Billy claimed to, though his terror-struck face as we did the final track section told it's own story, though we were back in the good books when we photo'd him in a pick up truck afterwards! We then did Universe of Energy, or as Caroline called it, 'The chance for adults to take a nap' - to find a ride that takes 37 minutes when your legs are aching is a real bonus, upon completion we headed towards Finding Nemo and then stayed to talk turtle with Crush. We were temporarily terrorised when Isabelle was chosen to ask a question, but unlike her American counterparts, she neither froze at the occasion, or asked something which embarrassed her parents.

We then headed off around the World Showcase, starting in Mexico where we all tried to get ten gallon hats on five gallon heads, rode the three cabellero ride and pondered getting some habanero sauce to spice up our pasta's et al back in the UK, but having witnessed several Man vs Food episodes where habanero's won, we bottled it.


Billy spots a potential smuggling opportunity for the plane ride home

We then went on Maelstrom at Norway - a ride I really like, and the kids did some colouring in of viking masks before we called time and headed to Germany for some well deserved beers. I managed to make my way around the German shops without mentioning the war, and resisted the temptation to goose-step a la Basil Fawlty over to the nervous looking Italians next door.


No you can't take it home!

I was really chuffed to have bagged a reservation at Via Napoli, I was fortunate enough to have been browsing the Dis when I saw a post say that limited reservations were available but being snapped up quickly, we got lucky and had a table booked at 4.30pm. It was slightly earlier than we had been eating, but it worked out perfect as we were on the verge of flagging, had the reservation been much later we might have had to cancel. First impressions were very good, a nice, light and airy restaurant, with three amazing wood-burning pizza ovens as the centre-piece, we had a great table right in the middle of the room, and the first row away from the ovens, which gave us a great view of the chefs at work. The servers were all young Italians and they were very motivated and friendly, several servers, despite working different tables interacted with us and the kids especially.


A ringside seat at the pizza ovens

I started with an excellent minestrone soup, fully of crunchy vegetables and beans, Caroline had prosciutto and mozzerela with a tangy tomato sauce, we washed this down with their new La Rossa Italian beer - a fuller beer which is not too dissimilar to the Sam Adams beers we had been drinking. Caroline had the Proscuitto pizza which was a little too harsh for my tender tastebuds, I had the Piccante which was essentially a spicy sausage pizza which also had broccoli, which was a first for me, we also tucked into the house salad which was very nice, crisp lettuce, tomatoes, onions with mushrooms and the odd olive. We accompanied this with a couple of Moretti lagers, and then moved on desserts, which were superb, Caroline's was essentially doughnuts with melted chocolate and cream, though the kids nicked most of them, and I had a really refreshing Pistachio Gelato. Isabelle had spaghetti meatballs which she instantaneously decorated her face with, Billy tempted fate by having.... a cheese pizza, both had ice cream sundaes to finish. To maintain my pathetic charade of eating like a true Italian, I summoned up two espresso coffees, the strength of which nearly permanently re-arranged my facial features, I normally go for the much more sedate latte, or as us thick northerners call it, milky coffee. The final tab for this was quite phenomenal, though it was a meal that just flowed, we never felt like we'd been rushed, all the servers were so polite and engaging that it just facilitated a fabulous family tea - I guess that it lived up to the sort of Italian feast that Jamie Oliver always bangs on about. Both Billy, and particularly Isabelle commented afterwards that it had been their favourite meal so far.

Heading out of Epcot, my face, still horribly twisted from the severe espresso ensured that the crowds parted in horror and we were soon out of the parks and on our bus home, we were all so stuffed that we were out of the game for the rest of the evening...
Great update - glad to see she enjoyed the princesses - shame about the stressful start to the day.
Today we had agreed that Caroline should take Isabelle over to Downtown Disney, a) to get some valuable girl time together, and b) to pick up some of the gifts needed for the expectant folk back home. This gave Billy and I some valuable loafing time for a couple of hours, so the day started off in the pool, the girls slipped away almost unnoticed, and after another twenty minutes we were headed back to build the lego we had bought the other day. Time flew, and after snacking the morning away on crisps, diet coke and cookies (spot the bribe, anyone?) and watching coverage of the NFL, the girls had soon returned, with plenty of gifts for them, and none for anyone else.

We had sandwiches from the Earl of Sandwich (A kids turkey swiss, kids pizza sandwich, cannonballs and hawaiian bbq, desserts were bread pudding, strawberry shortcake, brownie and cupcake coronet, 3 x bottles of pop and a bottle of water - fantastic value at $39.74, or nowt on the DDP!), we then basically chilled out in the room, the kids were happy playing with the lego, and we left them to it - we had an evening meal booked at the Yachtsman Steakhouse at 5.30pm so we intended having a late evening at Epcot and catching the fireworks, so we were happy for them to relax. We caught the Epcot bus and wandered through the park, tasting the foul beverages from around the world prior to catching a friendship boat over to the Yacht Club.


Sat enjoying the view at the Yacht Club

We had another look around the hotel before wandering in and checking out the Yachtsman, the kids were impressed with the butchers window, and especially the tantalising dessert cart as we were shown to our table.

I have to say I have a vested interest in the Yachtsman, I absolutely love it, I still remember the first time I ate here and was blown away by the sheer quality, it ranks up there with the all time greats in my mind. Our server was very friendly, and announced that we would have two servers, which surprised me but lead to a seamless meal where everything was dealt with quickly and efficiently, as you would expect.


Enjoying a quality Sam Adams

The kids had salads included in their meals, but as neither are salad eaters we had theirs, which whilst slightly cheeky, saved us $18 on the caesar salads we would otherwise have ordered! We had our by now customary Sam Adams Boston lager to accompany the meal, Billy had plain pasta with tomato ketchup, Isabelle was really pleased as she was able to get steak skewers, her first real introduction to steak in a restaurant, which she absolutely loved - we were really chuffed as she had been getting bored with getting the same thing every time.


This photo's of the food don't look too good, but it tasted superb - the best meal of the holidays, New York Strip with brandy pepper sauce

Caroline and I both had the New York strip with brandy pepper sauce, and a side order of creamed spinach - I had been agonising over the fillet mignon (too small at 8oz!) and the porterhouse (too big at 24oz!) but decided to go with what I knew - my steak was cooked to perfection, well done on the outside, nice and juicy medium in the middle - the steak was superb, far and away the best of the holiday to date, even though Caroline scandalously suggested that the Kona Cafe version was better, proof that a drop of barbecue sauce and pineapple can cloud her judgement on almost any level!!! Caroline ended her meal with the creme brulee, I had the banana Napolean, which was excellent, nice and light after such a filling main.


Caroline had the creme brulee


The banana Napolean was superb

I was pleased also, that the water here was bottled water rather than the foul American tap water that was served up almost everywhere else. I was so pleased that the experience had lived up to my (high) expectations, and that Caroline and the kids enjoyed it also - it certainly makes the selling of the Yacht Club as next holiday's venue a lot easier! Total overall bill came to $173, over $200 with the tip, and though it sounds fairly ludicrous now, well worth it.


The one occasion when it was okay for Billy to play with his food


Anything vaguely connected to the arts immediately gets Isabelle's attention

We had a nice casual stroll back to Epcot and picked up some champagne and Grand Marnier at France, enjoying the view as dusk settled over the World Showcase. We then wandered over the the American Experience to watch their fantastic show, I love it there, the flags as you go into the show go right back to the Liberty Tree and Gadsden flags right up to the modern day.


A likeness of one of the flags used by the 'Sons of Liberty' during the battle for independence

The kids liked the show which surprised me, though the fact that we'd been watching 'America' on the History Channel prior to travelling had given them some background. The show finished five minutes before 'Illuminations' started and we watched from the bridge near Italy, the verdict on this was that it was spectacular - a lot more frantic and aggressive than 'Wishes', but absolutely magnificent. We had a nice stroll back at the end, and the bus to OKW was not too long in arriving, meaning that the kids were tucked up and asleep before 10pm.

We spent the rest of the evening planning the remaining days to ensure we didn't miss out any of the rides that the kids had specifically mentioned, and caught up with the day's NFL results, part of which was ruined after learning of Liverpool's defeat to that lot over the Pennines, as a committed 'ABU - anyone but United', I was disappointed to hear the media fawning stretched over the Atlantic. A couple of rum and cokes helped put me back in the holiday mode, and it wasn't long before I too was in the land of nod...
Pretty Princesses, especially Princess Isabelle.

Thanks Susan, Isabelle was in her element! :goodvibes

Great update - glad to see she enjoyed the princesses - shame about the stressful start to the day.

It was a shame, because it could quite easily have been avoided - I was very surprised with their attitude. However, it was the only issue we had during the whole two weeks. :thumbsup2

Isabelle looks beautiful, xx


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