UPDATED w/ more PICS!! At WH's right now and need some advice from former visitors...

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Duffy, sure doing small loads is not what I do at home but at home I have more than two towels for four people. Now do you get why I had to keep washing the towels?

I've been at work all day, I work until 8 pm EST, t

hat's why no response till now.

I AGREE TOTALLY. I've never had an issue with anything other than 32 loads of laundry. I still think it's excessive.

I never doubted you, I actually had to remind several other posters, reminding them that you had to do that. :confused3:confused3

I only questioned if this is the rule, or the exception. Apparently it's the rule.

Small loads!! That's the reason why so many!! Finally a valid explanation!! :cool1: Did you know that if you wash a regular load, you will end up with more clean clothes at the end of the cycle??? If you only wash one or two towels, you'll get one or two clean ones when they're done. If you were to wash 6, you'd get six clean ones! How does washing only small loads get you more clean towels for the next day?? It takes just as long to wash a regular load as a small one-or am I imagining it?

Well, good for you, but I can't fit a king-size comforter-which is what the original poster said they had, not a spread-in my washer.

I worked at a ski resort in Pa. But that was a long time ago, over 15 years, more recently I've stayed at SeaMist resort in Mass., and at Mt. Snow in Vermont, just this summer. I'm going to call all three of them on Friday, and ask about this, just out of curiosity. We certainly had no such "requirement"! With all the towels at the place in Vermont, it would have been very difficult to wash them all, there were 3 bathrooms, and they had crazy-huge amounts of towels.

Thanks! I can finally sleep now, having concluded, in my non-professional opinion, that you are, well, I'll come right out and say it-obsessive about laundry. 10 loads of family laundry? 7 loads of bath towels? You DO wash towels after only one use.

Incidentally, my addition is fine. I said, in post #106, that I'd estimate washing all the bed linens would be 10 loads. That's about what you have here? (Loads 1-9, plus 22)

In addition, you washed loads of towels 12 times. Your family laundry-NOT INCLUDING ANY TOWELS OR BED LINENS-was 10 loads. That is a heck of lot of laundry your kids go through!
Yes, we do wash towels after every use. For me, it's about hygiene, though I know others may not feel it necessary. I'm not sure how you find my needing to do an average of 1.5 loads of clothing laundry a day for 6 people as being a tremendous amount of clothing. Ummm, 6 pairs of shorts, 6 shirts, 6 pairs of pjs, undies, bathing suits, etc. Hmmmm, not understanding where you are coming from. We were there for a week. I'm sorry, but going home with a bunch of gross dirty clothes when I have access to a washing machine while on our trip is part of the appeal of renting a home like this.

I totally understand now. I don't wash pajamas after only sleeping in them once. I try to keep my water bill down, by only washing full loads, and only washing dirty clothing. Pajamas that have only been worn once, or towels that have only been used once, don't get washed every day at my house.

And I know you really want to play ignorant on this, but the laundry for the rental, NOT including those we had used add up to at least 14 loads of laundry. We never used the towels in the linen closet and I washed the pool towels that were in the linen closet prior to us using them because they had hair all over them. I also forgot to mention I washed all the stuffed animals/stuffed dolls they had in the house as they were dirty as well. My children wanted to play with them, since they were sitting on their beds, so I washed them so they could do so and also for the next guests kids as well.

Ahh, a few forgotten loads.

Seriously though, you have a chip on your shoulder that, dare I say, makes you sound as though you are more familiar with this rental situation than you are claiming to be. :rolleyes1 I mean, since you are so comfortable throwing accusations around that my family is wasteful, that I'm obsessive about doing laundry, that it'd be impossible to do that many loads of laundry on my vacation (which, by the way, I agree wasn't much of a vacation at all!!) I'm sure you wouldn't mind me thinking out loud for a moment that perhaps you may know Donna or "be" Donna, who frequents the boards often enough to have known to place glasses in our townhouse before we even made a request for them because it was mentioned in this thread at the beginning of our stay? :rolleyes1 The only things you defend as being neglectful are those that are in pictures, since that happens to be the only thing that can be proven. I've never said anything to make anyone have to question if what I've said up to this point has been valid, yet you keep nit-picking something so ridiculous as how much laundry was done.

You think I'm associated with this place? :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Actually, I don't like being called a liar. I don't usually rent condos, I've never done so in Florida. We usually camp. I'm used to tents, for goodness sakes! We've been in Florida 4 times, 3 of the 4 were at Disney hotels, and the third was at the Marriott World Trade Center, or whatever it's called, 11 years ago.

The house was filthy. Doing the laundry was never the issue. I did that for my well-being and did the additional items because I believe in treating others how I'd like to be treated. The issue is, the house was falling apart, the property management team was very rude and disrespectful to my family, they charge cleaning fees of $95 per stay when the house was NOT clean and I spent my entire vacation having to deal with cleaning it all while receiving threats of potential fees they had no right to even mention!

I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, the fact that I agree with you. Have you read my posts? I-AGAIN-only questioned who in God's green earth does 32 loads of laundry in one week, while on vacation? Answer, finally-an obsessive person.

I'm over the laundry, so please, let it go! Do you want me to say I only did 20 loads of laundry on my vacation? Would that make you feel better? I can do that for the sake of getting you to drop the laundry snark :sad2: I guess, until you are in the position we were in, your opinion of what is consider necessary vs. obsessive really doesn't matter very much to me :flower3:

No, I just wanted an explanation of why so much, because I was considering a stay here, and I have it now, finally. :cool1: It's not Windsor Hills demanding that I wash so much that I end up having to get up during the night to do it all-it's your need to have every item of clothing or towels washed after only one use, which makes me go :scared1: :rolleyes: :confused3 AND the need to wash all the filthy bed linens, which AGAIN--I AGREE WITH YOU, is outrageous and you should not have had to wash them at all!!

So, I may look into Windsor Hills after all. I dislike the rule about having to wash the towels we use, but because we use them and then hang them on the towel racks to dry-that is what those racks are for, aren't they? Not just decoration!-it shouldn't be more than two or three loads. Hopefully, I won't get the filthy linens that you had to wash.
OMG I am so with you on the issue of those stuffed animals in the kids room. They were filthy!!! I told my girls not to touch them!!! LOL. They were so gross. There is a reason why stuffed animals are not allowed in PICU's and NICU's in hospitals as they carry lots of germs.

I used to wash towels after every use at home too but now we use them twice. I still use a different towel for my hair and my body. lol.

We only had two towels in our unit, not kidding, lol. Duffy is bashing me for washing small loads to clean them. Whatever. lol.

When we rent our next condo I'm bringing my own sheets, pillowcases, and towels and that will be that :) lol

Yes, we do wash towels after every use. For me, it's about hygiene, though I know others may not feel it necessary. I'm not sure how you find my needing to do an average of 1.5 loads of clothing laundry a day for 6 people as being a tremendous amount of clothing. Ummm, 6 pairs of shorts, 6 shirts, 6 pairs of pjs, undies, bathing suits, etc. Hmmmm, not understanding where you are coming from. We were there for a week. I'm sorry, but going home with a bunch of gross dirty clothes when I have access to a washing machine while on our trip is part of the appeal of renting a home like this.

And I know you really want to play ignorant on this, but the laundry for the rental, NOT including those we had used add up to at least 14 loads of laundry. We never used the towels in the linen closet and I washed the pool towels that were in the linen closet prior to us using them because they had hair all over them. I also forgot to mention I washed all the stuffed animals/stuffed dolls they had in the house as they were dirty as well. My children wanted to play with them, since they were sitting on their beds, so I washed them so they could do so and also for the next guests kids as well.

Seriously though, you have a chip on your shoulder that, dare I say, makes you sound as though you are more familiar with this rental situation than you are claiming to be. :rolleyes1 I mean, since you are so comfortable throwing accusations around that my family is wasteful, that I'm obsessive about doing laundry, that it'd be impossible to do that many loads of laundry on my vacation (which, by the way, I agree wasn't much of a vacation at all!!) I'm sure you wouldn't mind me thinking out loud for a moment that perhaps you may know Donna or "be" Donna, who frequents the boards often enough to have known to place glasses in our townhouse before we even made a request for them because it was mentioned in this thread at the beginning of our stay? :rolleyes1 The only things you defend as being neglectful are those that are in pictures, since that happens to be the only thing that can be proven. I've never said anything to make anyone have to question if what I've said up to this point has been valid, yet you keep nit-picking something so ridiculous as how much laundry was done.

The house was filthy. Doing the laundry was never the issue. I did that for my well-being and did the additional items because I believe in treating others how I'd like to be treated. The issue is, the house was falling apart, the property management team was very rude and disrespectful to my family, they charge cleaning fees of $95 per stay when the house was NOT clean and I spent my entire vacation having to deal with cleaning it all while receiving threats of potential fees they had no right to even mention!

What I do in that townhome during my stay is my business and for them to critique where I place an item to keep my children safe or the expensive item safe from my young children is NONE of their business. They had no right to enter the property while we were out of the townhome and without receiving permission from us, unless it was for an emergency or unless we had requested they come. Neither of which had been done. Just because nosey Donna was reading the boards and happened upon my complaint, she felt she could enter the property and smooth everything over by magically pretending she knew and intended to bring glasses for us. She had clearly snooped through the townhouse while we were gone as we took the fire extinguisher off the upstairs hall wall and placed it in the air handler closet in the upstairs hallway. Nothing in there by the air handler. The note by the glasses mentioned not to remove the fire extinguisher for fire compliance issues and when we went upstairs, the fire extinguisher was back on the wall. THAT IS BOLD!! I mean, where else might she have searched before looking in the air handler closet?? 2 of my children are autistic and have ADHD, which means they have medications that are regulated and had I known someone was entering the property, I would have made sure to have taken the medication with me. There is no safe available to store your valuables, so it bothers me to know my laptops were out and she could have gotten onto that, or that we had left cash behind at the house that could easily have been taken. I'm not saying she did any of these things, but it is NOT RIGHT what we endured during our vacation at Windsor Hills and while I have tried to remain calm and cool on the basics, there is a lot of baggage that went along with that week that goes way beyond the hours spent doing laundry! I'm over the laundry, so please, let it go! Do you want me to say I only did 20 loads of laundry on my vacation? Would that make you feel better? I can do that for the sake of getting you to drop the laundry snark :sad2: I guess, until you are in the position we were in, your opinion of what is consider necessary vs. obsessive really doesn't matter very much to me :flower3:
Duffy, sure doing small loads is not what I do at home but at home I have more than two towels for four people. Now do you get why I had to keep washing the towels?

You only had 2 towels for 4 people? You didn't call and ask for more? :confused3 :confused:

All week, only 2 towels? Hard to wrap my head around this. I'd have been screaming bloody murder!!

And I'm not bashing you. I'm pressing for details, and I'm only finally getting them!! People who wash only 2 towels per load, after only using them once.

Washing every item of clothing after only one wear!

"forgettting" to mention washing stuffed animals!!

THAT'S why so many loads!! Woo hoo! Mystery solved!!
Dear Duffy, this was a condo unit. The property mgr lives 25 miles away from the place, do you think she was going to drive 25 miles to bring me two more towels :) lol

We were disgusted with this unit, I'm not kidding.

You only had 2 towels for 4 people? You didn't call and ask for more? :confused3 :confused:

All week, only 2 towels? Hard to wrap my head around this. I'd have been screaming bloody murder!!

Seriously, they should not have those stuffed animals in the unit as stuffed animals that have been used are full of germs, no kidding.

As I wrote before, the property mgr. told me she lives 25 miles from WH, no kidding. There was no way she was going to bring us more yellow towels. lol.

We had brought beach towels with us to double as a blanket on the plane if the girls got cold so we used them as towels for showers too.

I washed our two towels and two wash clothes as they were yellow but the yellow did not go away.

Do you expect us to use our towels more than once just because that is something that you choose to do? Everyone practices their own hygiene and you really should not demean people for using a towel to wipe their entire body (butt included) and washing it.

Personally, I commend the OP for caring enough about her family to ensure that they didn't end up with some weird virus/germs/etc.

Now here is something that will make you laugh as this post has been going on and on. I washed my king sized comforter in our regular sized washer and it broke the belt :) ROTFL.

You only had 2 towels for 4 people? You didn't call and ask for more? :confused3 :confused:

All week, only 2 towels? Hard to wrap my head around this. I'd have been screaming bloody murder!!

And I'm not bashing you. I'm pressing for details, and I'm only finally getting them!! People who wash only 2 towels per load, after only using them once.

Washing every item of clothing after only one wear!

"forgettting" to mention washing stuffed animals!!

THAT'S why so many loads!! Woo hoo! Mystery solved!!
Dear ILoveMyGirls, you only say that there were just the 2 towels and the 2 washcloths in post #144! Until then, I had no idea how many towels you had! How can I "get it" if I don't have all the facts?

So, yes, you had to wash small loads. Nothing like telling us the whooole story! Without knowing this very important fact that you neglected to tell, how am I supposed to know how many towels you had? You love to complain about all the dingy towels and how many loads you had to wash, why not tell us that you only had two, earlier, instead of waiting until so late?

And believe it or not, I don't care where the owner lives. I would demand my towels! He could not drive that far, at least once during the week? And I'd demand more than just two more.

I never "demeaned" anyone for washing towels after each use. I only asked if that's what you do, in a way to understand so many loads. You do lots and lots of laundry your way, and I'll do it mine. You guys can keep wasting water, and I'll keep trying to be green!
OMG is it really that important to someone to know exactly how someone did that many loads of laundry? Seriously to go on and on an on only looks harassing
OMG is it really that important to someone to know exactly how someone did that many loads of laundry? Seriously to go on and on an on only looks harassing

Harrassing is a VERY good word! My oldest child has a form of autism that makes it really hard for him to read body language, facial expression, and he takes every word literally. Because of spending 8 yrs working with him, I tend to be careful to say what I mean, which is why the constant badgering is so frustrating. I think I've been fairly clear and thorough with all my details, including my laundry list. I do a lot of laundry every week at home as well. It happens when you have a large family. Heck, I've done 10 loads of laundry alone TODAY! But it's MY laundry, not some townhouse that I paid to stay at for vacation that should have had clean linens available when I arrived. That was my complaint. Laundry, in and of itself, is not exactly a difficult chore. :)
I never "demeaned" anyone for washing towels after each use. I only asked if that's what you do, in a way to understand so many loads. You do lots and lots of laundry your way, and I'll do it mine. You guys can keep wasting water, and I'll keep trying to be green!

Let's be honest. There is a way of asking a question when you genuinely want to learn something and then there is a way of asking questions to try pinning a person against a wall and make them feel less than you. If you re-read MANY of your posts regarding this whole situation, you'd find your questions/comments fall in line with the second option.

Being green is one thing. Washing too many dirty clothes in a wash cycle means you are only washing dirty clothes in dirty water. The result is clothing that doesn't come completely clean, loses it's brightness, and is dingy. Sure, you may be saving water, but the clothes aren't going to last as long (as far as wanting to wear them if you aren't getting out stains or if they are turning greyish because the wash water is filthy). That means, you are wasting other resources, causing harm to the environment due the process of clothing being made, the shipment of the products, etc. Not to mention, buying replacement clothing is sure to be more expensive than any dent made to your water bill by simply adding a couple extra loads of laundry each week.
I totally understand now. I don't wash pajamas after only sleeping in them once. I try to keep my water bill down, by only washing full loads, and only washing dirty clothing. Pajamas that have only been worn once, or towels that have only been used once, don't get washed every day at my house.

Wow, you wear your clothes multiple times before washing? Down here in FL, where it's 85-90 degrees and 95% humidity, I couldn't imagine wearing something more than once. Even after just wearing it overnight. I've never met anyone else that doesn't wash their clothes after each wearing. :confused3

Ahh, a few forgotten loads.

Well, you say forgotten, I say it's been almost 3 wks since I was on vacation and I didn't expect to need to have taken inventory of my laundry load list. The point to the whole ordeal was that I bought a 32 load container of Arm & Hammer HE with OxiClean and didn't have a single drop to leave behind when we left Saturday morning. I apologize for not being more prepared for your need to explain exactly what each load contained, etc. It was kind of a non-stop process all week long.

You think I'm associated with this place? :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Actually, I don't like being called a liar. I don't usually rent condos, I've never done so in Florida. We usually camp. I'm used to tents, for goodness sakes! We've been in Florida 4 times, 3 of the 4 were at Disney hotels, and the third was at the Marriott World Trade Center, or whatever it's called, 11 years ago.

You still aren't getting it, are you? No, I don't really think you are associated with this place. The reason I said that is so that perhaps you'd understand how it might feel to have someone make an insane accusation about you without even knowing you.

You ignited question regarding my character, my personality (calling someone obsessive is rude, if you didn't know), constantly pushed every response I've made into a corner trying to make me either look like a liar or someone in need of help. Neither of which is pleasant coming from someone who knows nothing about me or my family and has absolutely no right to base such an opinion on me.

You, Duffy, have been calling me a liar throughout this entire thread. It's easy to cast doubt on someone and not see how that can shape the way others see them. Sometimes the only way to learn is to share the experience. How'd it feel?

I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, the fact that I agree with you. Have you read my posts? I-AGAIN-only questioned who in God's green earth does 32 loads of laundry in one week, while on vacation? Answer, finally-an obsessive person.

Just another perfect example of your inappropriate name calling. The answer isn't an obsessive person. The answer is someone who is stuck in a filthy vacation rental and has the common sense to think about the possible things that my family could be sleeping on/wiping their bodies off with. Do you not get that? Sexually transmitted diseases, skin infections, lice, etc. These are things I'm not going to purposely expose my family to. If the obvious things were so clearly missed, why in the world would I ever assume they took the time to clean the linens?

No, I just wanted an explanation of why so much, because I was considering a stay here, and I have it now, finally. :cool1: It's not Windsor Hills demanding that I wash so much that I end up having to get up during the night to do it all-it's your need to have every item of clothing or towels washed after only one use, which makes me go :scared1: :rolleyes: :confused3 AND the need to wash all the filthy bed linens, which AGAIN--I AGREE WITH YOU, is outrageous and you should not have had to wash them at all!!

So, I may look into Windsor Hills after all. I dislike the rule about having to wash the towels we use, but because we use them and then hang them on the towel racks to dry-that is what those racks are for, aren't they? Not just decoration!-it shouldn't be more than two or three loads. Hopefully, I won't get the filthy linens that you had to wash.

Or, maybe you can thank me and this thread for bringing it to light, as I am sure much will be improved since my visit. I pray nobody else encounters what my family went through, but I slept well our first night arriving home knowing I was sleeping in clean sheets and so were the guests arriving at the townhome we left earlier that day.
Sorry to see those pics and wow is all I can say . I never would have stayed.I would have camped first. A couple tents and such or a cheap hotel would have been better. I than would have demanded a refund on the spot and persued it further if needed. One thing I do not do laundry on vacation, I have always brought enough clothes for my vacation length nor make beds except for washing towels if there arent enough to get us through on vacation
I just knew that it would degenerate into insults over my personal hygiene, not to mention totally NOT acknowledging that it took forever for all the facts to come out.

ILoveMyGirls, next time you want to complain, be sure to give all the facts at the beginning, not waiting until WAAAY into the thread to let out all the important details, like the fact that you only had two towels.

You also need to stand up for yourself more. Spending all week with only two towels, because the owner must have told you that 25 miles was just too much to drive? You need to learn how to demand what you've paid for!

happylittlefamily, have fun washing all your laundry. I would rather be out having fun.
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