Vaccine- Autism link proven to be a FRAUD!

There is also no absolute scientific evidence that vaccines are not linked to autism. It goes both ways. There seems to be too many parents seeing a timing pattern to be just happenstance. I don't believe in happenstances. I also know how much money is invloved in vaccines, who is behind it, and where the money goes. You are obviously very passionate about your view. It pays your bills. You may get some kickbacks out of it. I still say disregarding parents point of view is very arrogant. I wish you luck. I hope some day you will expand your research and open your mind to the other side. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of grey areas.

Wow, talk about rude. Guess when you start losing a debate you resort to personal attacks. Very sad!!!
I was born in 1960 and like all those of my age group, am vaccinated against small pox. I have the scar on my upper left arm to prove it. I don't get why they stopped vaccinating against it. My sons (24 and 27) aren't vaccinated either and that is a concern to me as it was a vaccine with very few side effects. Once again, I know of no one that I knew that had any reaction to it.

Before people in this country became so self-absorbed and suit happy, plenty of children and adults were vaccinated with the accepted fact that the very, very few reactions to vaccines were much, much better than the alternative of catching the disease itself.

And, Princesspeach, that was uncalled for, rude and really not very smart. You certainly don't help your "cause" by being so out of line. You can continue to live in ignorance but I really pray that you don't live to regret your decisions you have made for your children.

Everyone is allergic to something and everything is an allergen to someone. That is just life. I found out by eating it that I'm allergic to shrimp, so I don't eat it anymore. Caution for a known problem is smart. Ignorance of the truth is not caution, it's fear based on heresay.
There is also no absolute scientific evidence that vaccines are not linked to autism. It goes both ways. There seems to be too many parents seeing a timing pattern to be just happenstance. I don't believe in happenstances. I also know how much money is invloved in vaccines, who is behind it, and where the money goes. You are obviously very passionate about your view. It pays your bills. You may get some kickbacks out of it. I still say disregarding parents point of view is very arrogant. I wish you luck. I hope some day you will expand your research and open your mind to the other side. The world is not black and white. There is a lot of grey areas.

Overall in my state, there are more murders that happen during the summer months. Also, much more ice cream is sold during the summer months. Therefore, ice cream leads one to murder. After all, according to you, there is too much of a timing pattern to be happenstance.
The age that most children who are autistic start to show their symptoms is around the same age that children are vaccinated. This is true for both children who are vaccinated and those who aren't. Just because they both happen around the same age, doesn't mean that one leads to the other.
Wow, just wow. Actually, I was never paid for my work. Everything I did was part of my studies, and you don't get paid for that. Sorry, to smash your conspiracy theory, but I have no economic stake in this. FYI the is NO money in vaccines. The profit margin is razor thin. Iti s difficult to impossible to get ANY research money out of vaccine companies for anything becuase they simply don't have it. There was no money to pay any undergrads or graduates on any of the studies I worked. Others were getting paid $20-$30 an hour to work stuides for plastics companies, oil companies ect.

No one is advocating ignoring what parents are saying, but taking it a scientifc fact is just as irresponsible. BTW, there is NO way to prove a negative, such as vaccines don't cause autism. All we can do is present the statistics. They number of helthy children vaccinated on schedule vastly outweighs that number who have had some problem, and we are seeing more and more children with autism who were never vaccianted as the anti-vaccine snowball builds.

Big pharma does not make money on vaccines:lmao:You are sadly very naive. You really need to start educating yourself beyond the mainstream media dialect. Unfortuanatly the most educated people do not have any critical thinking skills. By the way my kids have had all the major vaccines. Some of us are capable of seeing both sides and looking at things on deeper level. Do I think vaccines are safe no, but there are some disease such as polio I thought the risk was worth it. Would I give my kids the flu shot or chicken pox or hep b. Not in a million years. Not worth the risk. Like I said before if you don't think there is big money in vaccines you need to stop getting your education from msnbc and fox news.
Overall in my state, there are more murders that happen during the summer months. Also, much more ice cream is sold during the summer months. Therefore, ice cream leads one to murder. After all, according to you, there is too much of a timing pattern to be happenstance.
The age that most children who are autistic start to show their symptoms is around the same age that children are vaccinated. This is true for both children who are vaccinated and those who aren't. Just because they both happen around the same age, doesn't mean that one leads to the other.

It does not mean it doesn't. This thread is nothing but opinion. Nobody really knows. By the way your ice cream analogy is really stupid and insulting to anybody that has a kid with autism.
Wow, talk about rude. Guess when you start losing a debate you resort to personal attacks. Very sad!!!

That was not a attack. Who says I was losing a debate. I am only losing if I disagree with you apparantly. I don't think anybody can win or lose this debate. It all based on personal opinions.
It does not mean it doesn't. This thread is nothing but opinion. Nobody really knows. By the way your ice cream analogy is really stupid and insulting to anybody that has a kid with autism.

Actually, you are the one who is being insulting to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I was in no way comparing autism to ice cream; I was showing the faultiness of your whole "happenstance" argument. Just because two events occur around the same age in children, does NOT mean that one causes the other. And what is with the whole "it doesn't mean it doesn't" argument? There is no proof that aspirin does not cause autism-should we be concerned about that? There is no proof that water does not cause autism-should we stop giving that to our children?
Big pharma does not make money on vaccines:lmao:You are sadly very naive. You really need to start educating yourself beyond the mainstream media dialect. Unfortuanatly the most educated people do not have any critical thinking skills. By the way my kids have had all the major vaccines. Some of us are capable of seeing both sides and looking at things on deeper level. Do I think vaccines are safe no, but there are some disease such as polio I thought the risk was worth it. Would I give my kids the flu shot or chicken pox or hep b. Not in a million years. Not worth the risk. Like I said before if you don't think there is big money in vaccines you need to stop getting your education from msnbc and fox news.

Keep it going ladies. :goodvibes I'm so glad to see the personal attacks flying now, maybe this thread will get shut down quicker. I might as well put in my two sense, the know-it-all(ness) and condescension from the vaxxers on this thread is appalling. Don't start calling "boo hoo" on the personal attacks when those with differing opinions were called "stupid" by some of you from the get-go.
Say whatever you like, but your opinion is exactly opinion because after 8 years of solid research that is what mine is, apparently to you.
Big pharma does not make money on vaccines:lmao:You are sadly very naive. You really need to start educating yourself beyond the mainstream media dialect. Unfortuanatly the most educated people do not have any critical thinking skills. By the way my kids have had all the major vaccines. Some of us are capable of seeing both sides and looking at things on deeper level. Do I think vaccines are safe no, but there are some disease such as polio I thought the risk was worth it. Would I give my kids the flu shot or chicken pox or hep b. Not in a million years. Not worth the risk. Like I said before if you don't think there is big money in vaccines you need to stop getting your education from msnbc and fox news.

No I think you are the naive one. If vaccines were making money why would the big pharmaceuticals stop making them? It is extremely hard to find a manufacturer willing to make them. and most are not in this country.

PS and to think people get actual facts and news from TV is laughable.
Actually, you are the one who is being insulting to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I was in no way comparing autism to ice cream; I was showing the faultiness of your whole "happenstance" argument. Just because two events occur around the same age in children, does NOT mean that one causes the other. And what is with the whole "it doesn't mean it doesn't" argument? There is no proof that aspirin does not cause autism-should we be concerned about that? There is no proof that water does not cause autism-should we stop giving that to our children?

Actually you should not give aspirin to children. If you don't believe me research it online. I thought every parent knew that. Another very bad analogy. I was not meaning to be insulting. I look at things objectively. It seems that people that are pro- vaccine are not capable of seeing the other side or willling to do any research on the subject.They are just speaking from pure emotion. So much so they make bad analogys.
It does not mean it doesn't. This thread is nothing but opinion. Nobody really knows. By the way your ice cream analogy is really stupid and insulting to anybody that has a kid with autism.

No actually it is a very good one.
No I think you are the naive one. If vaccines were making money why would the big pharmaceuticals stop making them? It is extremely hard to find a manufacturer willing to make them. and most are not in this country.

PS and to think people get actual facts and news from TV is laughable.
Big paharma has not stopped making them.:confused3 It is not hard to get a vaccine. Yes the mainsstream news is laughable. 'What the heck are your reading. Sorry I have to stop posting I have to go to work tommorrow and inject people with the vaccines made by merck,baxter,glaxco smith etc.
Actually you should not give aspirin to children. If you don't believe me research it online. I thought every parent knew that. Another very bad analogy. I was not meaning to be insulting. I look at things objectively. It seems that people that are pro- vaccine are not capable of seeing the other side or willling to do any research on the subject.They are just speaking from pure emotion. So much so they make bad analogys.

You are right- I meant to say Tylenol. And as a parent, I have done much research on the subject. Do you know what I found...Nothing! Not ONE credible study linking vaccinations and autism.
Keep it going ladies. :goodvibes I'm so glad to see the personal attacks flying now, maybe this thread will get shut down quicker. I might as well put in my two sense, the know-it-all(ness) and condescension from the vaxxers on this thread is appalling. Don't start calling "boo hoo" on the personal attacks when those with differing opinions were called "stupid" by some of you from the get-go.
Say whatever you like, but your opinion is exactly opinion because after 8 years of solid research that is what mine is, apparently to you.

Would you mind quoting a pro-vacc poster who called someone else "stupid?" I have read this entire thread, but I must have missed those.:confused3
Actually you should not give aspirin to children. If you don't believe me research it online. I thought every parent knew that. Another very bad analogy. I was not meaning to be insulting. I look at things objectively. It seems that people that are pro- vaccine are not capable of seeing the other side or willling to do any research on the subject.They are just speaking from pure emotion. So much so they make bad analogys.

WEll if you are going to be picky... Actually there is only one time that giving aspirin to children is a problem and it is very very specific. Aspirin is fine for children who don't have viral infections, It is used with kids who have arthritis, etc.
I don't think anyone has called anyone stupid. I thought an analogy was stupid. Honestly I have not found any proof either way. There are very inteligent people, doctors ,and scientist that feel strongly both ways that have done research to validate their opinions. For those of you that can't find any research from anti vaccine doctors. I would be happy to point them out. I think this is a subject where the two sides are not going to agree and this thread is going nowhere. I think parents should do what they feel is right. I for one will not be posting on this thread anymore. It's kind of like a bridge to nowhere.
Anybody with half a brain always knew that vaccines do not "cause" autism in the strictest sense.

Excellent, intelligent post. But, you may as well be slamming your head into a brick wall. As they say, you can't cure stupid.:laughing:

Would you mind quoting a pro-vacc poster who called someone else "stupid?" I have read this entire thread, but I must have missed those.:confused3

There were also nasty emails sent to a person responding on this thread with an opposite opinion than yours and others. There are more examples, those are just from the first few pages. I don't have time to scan the whole thread at once, though I have read from the beginning.
Lets hope the mods shut this down. I think they should stick to disney topics on this board. These kind of boards always get out of hand. Its difficult for people including myself to keep the sarcasm and jabs under control when they feel strongly about something. enough said.


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