In Search of My Body vol.9 - I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Hi All--we got 6" today (could have been a TON more since we are on the coast, but the bulk of it blew out to sea right before our area). But still, 6" and NO snow day. Or even a delay. So at least that is good.

Tomorrow is my long run day. I am mentally preparing now. :rotfl2:

KELLY!!!! ROCK STAR and Ultimate Goddess awards to you! Amazing! So proud of you!

RONDA--glad your feet are better!

LISA--Glad you found Dad! :rotfl2: Hope is on the mend.

PAULA--sorry about work. It WILL improve.

NANCY--woo hoo to Nate! Any $$ from Clarkson?

All is well here. Just busy. PTA and kids and running and work. Heading up to the lake house for the week-end. Ugh. We have to check on the house and shovel off the roof. NOT a fun and relaxing week-end, that's for sure. The kids will have fun skating on the lake and all of that. And I'll get a good snow shoe trek in. The lake is 6 miles long, so I'll snowshoe 2 miles down and then turn around. A 4 mile snow show trek is LONG, trust me!

Ok, time to zone out for a while. I have a Post-PTA headache, as always. :headache:
P.S. Almost time to start a new thread! :thumbsup2 At 200 pages, the mods lock us down, so we will have to start a new one in the next day or so.
P.S. Almost time to start a new thread! :thumbsup2 At 200 pages, the mods lock us down, so we will have to start a new one in the next day or so.

Jo, Meg, Ronda...who is going to do it? :goodvibes

So I am back but crazy here!

Lisa - dad update?

Cathie - you don't have to tell us anything about personal stuff - I sure don't. It is the internet, after all. But I hope things are going better for you, all in all.

Lisa - GREAT words, totally amazing point about the friends. I NEEDED to hear that. I am on the other side from you. As always, you give me food for thought.
Frustrated. Can't find my iPod! How am I going to do my long run without my shuffle?!? I hate running with my phone!

Kat--keep the live updates coming! LOVE them!
Live update coming!!

Today we slept late, again, until about 10-10:30, lazed around in the villa and had breakfast and coffee and such.

Walked over to Epcot around 12:30. Gorgeous day, high 60s, clear and sunny.

I got lunch at Tangierine Cafe and he got fish and chips from the UK, and then we went to pull a fast pass for Soarin'. However, the wait was posted at 30 min so we chanced it, and it turned out to be more like a 10-15 min wait. We lucked into the first row B section without even asking, as well.

From there, we did the Land and Nemo, both walk-ons, wandered the Living Seas a bit, and went to go single-rider Test Track. The CM at the single rider line told us that there was no wait in the stand by so do that instead, so we did. Turns out, he was right... we walked right through and into the pre-show.

Next, into World Showcase on the Mexico side. Rode Maelstrom (about a 10 min wait actually), and D got a beer in Germany where I was highly disappointed that they no longer serve Spaten Oktoberfest. He got a Pilsner, of which I was NOT a fan. I got a Sam Adams Brick Red in America which was way yummy, though. We completed the loop and went back to BWV, returning around 4:30.

Dinner was at Le Cellier (yumm as always) and we came back to watch Illuminations from the balcony, which, well, never gets old.

Now, relaxing on the couch with a strawberry daiquiri. :)
Hello All

Kat, loving your reports!!!

Crazy Crazy day today, just got home. Work, pick up kids, cut and color the hair, stop at the store for bread (I guess the kids want bread with their sandwich's :rotfl2: )

Off to bed.

Happy Thursday All

Meg, tomorrow is your last day! Congrats
Meg, tomorrow is your last day! Congrats

Thank you!

I am very happy today has finally come. My last week has been a nightmare thanks to coworkers who seem to have no problem being rude and mean now that I'm on my way out. Today is about saying good bye to the kids which will be the only hard part.

My computer cord is still not working but hopefully I'll get that taken care of this week while I'm up in Vermont. I'm leaving right after work at 4 and I'm hoping for no snow on my drive.

Kelly- Congrats on making goal! I'm so happy for you.

Kat- I am loving the live report, I keep picturing everything in my head while I read it.

Ok off to start my day, I have a feeling it's going to be a crazy one.
Morning! Glad you are getting out of there, Meg.

Ugh...not looking forward to my long run today. My inner voice is just whining "but I don't wanna...." *sigh* I am sure I will suck it up and get out there. Just waiting till noon so it will be warmer. Hoping for about 20*.
Meg - good luck with your day. They don't understand their loss.

Kat - I, too, am loving your reports. It sounds so relaxed.

E - hope you found your tunes. They are essential.

Paula - great job staying with the workouts. They are a stress management tool! I used to let them slide. Then I realized they make me happy. It's a delayed happiness, but happy. I defend their place in my schedule.

It's going to be 50* today. 50*! It won't melt everything, but the temps will linger in the upper 20s tomorrow morning and I will again RUN OUTSIDE. My feet are feeling much better. Noticed much less soreness/stiffness when I woke up this morning. I also picked up a set of Superfeet insoles. Like 'em so far. I may swap them back out.

One of my frustrations with running is the forced interval between experiments. It's like capturing a sunrise photo... you get to do it once a day. In this case, four times a week. Time moves differently on planet Ronda. Then I have to decide.... is it the shoes? the treadmill? my legs, were they cold, did the muscles never warm up? speed? hills? So many variables and only 40 more runs until the marathon.

Tomorrow is a short one. Six miles. I can do that anywhere ; )

Kat - I, too, am loving your reports. It sounds so relaxed.


One of my frustrations with running is the forced interval between experiments. It's like capturing a sunrise photo... you get to do it once a day. In this case, four times a week. Time moves differently on planet Ronda. Then I have to decide.... is it the shoes? the treadmill? my legs, were they cold, did the muscles never warm up? speed? hills? So many variables and only 40 more runs until the marathon.

Tomorrow is a short one. Six miles. I can do that anywhere ; )


Definitely a relaxint trip. We both really needed it after the stress of December. As it's almost 10AM and I am typing this in the villa in my PJs with a poptart and coffee. :)

Yay for 50*!

LOVED the explanation of planet Ronda. I so do this. :laughing:

Today is a MK day, then Narcoosee's for dinner. Tomorrow, we drive home. :(
Jo - Yay for cut & color! Can't wait to see it! :goodvibes

Meg- sorry your "soon to be ex" co-workers are being so miserable. Just a few more hours and you can head to Vermont. btw - I'm curious - whereabouts in Vermont are you headed (if you told me before, I forgot. sorry). Seth is in Northfield - right near Barre.

E - oh, E. How was the run? I hope you found both your ipod AND your motivation. :upsidedow

Paula - great job staying with the workouts. They are a stress management tool! I used to let them slide. Then I realized they make me happy. It's a delayed happiness, but happy. I defend their place in my schedule.

LOVED this Ronda. :thumbsup2

So many variables and only 40 more runs until the marathon.

WOWZA! It's getting close! What a relief that your feet feel better. Whatever it is/was, I hope that trend continues.

Tomorrow is a short one. Six miles. I can do that anywhere ; )

:laughing: Yes, yes you can! Doesn't it seem funny to say "eh, it's *only* a 6 miler tomorrow. No biggie" Gosh. Think back to when you started running. How intimidating was the thought of SIX MILES :scared1: Now look. Fabulous.

Speaking of running:

Kelly & Rob - how goes the C25K? :confused3 Actually, Rob, how goes the flu?:sick:

Kat- I can't believe that you are almost done with your trip! That seemed to just fly right by!

Lisa - I have Canada questions. :laughing: I'm considering a trip to Montreal this summer. What do I need to know?:confused3 And dad. I want to know about dad. And you. How are you thru all this.:lovestruc

Paula - hang in there honey! :grouphug: Keep taking time for you, because you are awesome and amazing and deserve to be treated as such.

EE - you too! :grouphug:

Liz - :flower3:
Thanks for all the good thoughts ladies. It's been a very interesting day. I'm going to miss the kids and a few teachers but that's about it and today they are reminding me why. Nothing has been done for my last day, usually we do a pot luck lunch and a card, I realize the reason it hasn't been done is because I haven't organized it. I'm ready to be done. Vermont is calling me!

Nancy- My boyfriend lives in northern Vermont, he lives in a town called St. Albans, it's above Burlington and just below Canada. My boyfriend went to Norwich University though.

Okay, have to go finish writing some good bye notes to parents. (My boss didn't send out my good bye letter to all the parents, it just doesn't stop.)

Oh, oh. I have to share. So we have borrowed snowboards from my bf's brother, I'm bringing my hockey skates and the two of us bought snowshoes so we will be spending our week being very active outside. I can't wait!
Hey everyone, I apparently got a pretty serious strain of the stuff, so I'm just coming back to work today. I'll still got a pretty heavy cough, so not doing anything exerciseish yet. I'm shooting for Sunday as the restart date.

Kelly congratulations on reaching your goal, that's so awesome.
9.3 done and in the books! It wasn't pretty, but it's done.

I DID find my iPod last night, and actually GROANED when I found it! :lmao: I was totally planning on using that as my excuse not to do a long run today! :rolleyes1

1:46 for time. And I now know that I *must* do something about fuel. As I said after my 8-miler, the Gu the I have always used and loved made me gag. I thought it might be a one time thing so I decided to try it again today. OMG, I was heaving on the side of the road. Not. Good. So I have to make a trip to the running store and get sport beans.

I felt like I had one more mile in me, but not not there is still work to be done. Next week will be 10.5 and then 12, then the taper begins. Two more long runs. I can do that, right?
Hi Everyone!

Thank you so much everyone - you guys are rock stars!

Jo - I doing alright. Work is insane st the moment (it wasn't supposed to be) and is totally kicking my @ss right now. My life is all about stress management at the moment. My workouts continue and provide some sense of normalcy. Now if only sleep would return to my life.... O how I miss thee.

Sorry things are so crazy Paula :hug:

Tomorrow is hair do night, I have very long all one length hair and tomorrow I plan on cutting 2 inches and getting long layers. Wish me luck.
Good night all.

Do we get to see hair pictures Jo!

I am very happy today has finally come. My last week has been a nightmare thanks to coworkers who seem to have no problem being rude and mean now that I'm on my way out. Today is about saying good bye to the kids which will be the only hard part.

Grrrr sorry for your sucky co-workers Meg. You'll be out of there soon! :hug:

Kelly & Rob - how goes the C25K? :confused3 Actually, Rob, how goes the flu?:sick:

Its going great! We've done two weeks at week one, and I am so ready to move onto week two! Loving it so far :cool1:

Rob - How is the flu, are you feeling any better?

E, EE, Ronda, Kat, Liz, Lisa, Everyone - Hi!

Hope everyone is having a great day :lovestruc
Happy Friday

Safe Travels Meg!

I will get my DH to take a pic of me tonight before I go to Run Club Dinner and I will email it for you to see.

I have to share, I just got a letter for the surgery center for Alaina. It said " we check with your insurance and your deductable is $500.00, your deposit of $500.00 is due the day of surgury"

OMG Really. I have to pay that BEFORE she has the surgery. I called and they said "well yes if you can, but if not just give us what you can we wil bill you"

Who has $500 to just pay just like that... Don't they know I have saved for a trip to WDW, where I must buy stuff..

Vent over. Girls are have friends over right now, it is so crazy here right now, Why do little girls need to scream??? :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Oh and E, I have 2 more long runs too. and I am just not in a good head space.. YUCK

Ronda, 6 miles still freaks me out. You Go Girl 50* out.. Heat Wave :lmao:
Ok, it's official. I am not bouncing back well after this run. Like, I couldn't park tour. Ugh! I have always been able to just go about my normal day after a long run, but this one kicked my a$$!
Nancy- My boyfriend lives in northern Vermont, he lives in a town called St. Albans, it's above Burlington and just below Canada. My boyfriend went to Norwich University though.

Oh yes. Canada Vermont :laughing: St. Albans is definitely up there! Norwich, eh? Corps or Civilian? :confused3 Have fun. Be safe, be smart. (omg the mom in me :eek:)

Rob - glad to hear you are on the mend. There's some ugly crud going around right now. Bleh. Don't envy anyone who gets that.

Jo - ooohh! A picture would be fabulous! So. Did you say "run club dinner"? :confused3 more info please :goodvibes

Kelly! -movin' on to week 2! Look at you run. Soon you'll be addicted. You could even become our little British Forrest Gump :laughing:

9.3 done and in the books! It wasn't pretty, but it's done.


OMG, I was heaving on the side of the road. Not. Good. So I have to make a trip to the running store and get sport beans.

Ok, it's official. I am not bouncing back well after this run. Like, I couldn't park tour. Ugh! I have always been able to just go about my normal day after a long run, but this one kicked my a$$!

Ok. Great job on the 9.3 Not so happy to hear about the heaving :eek: That's not what the fuel is supposed to do.;) And the not bouncing back - hello? You heaved. You're body clearly did not approve of the Gu :sad2:



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