East Meets West - A Wonderful Journey

I just had a chance to catch up on your report. Costa Rica looks amazing, so much more interesting than the usual Caribbean or Mexican ports on a cruise. I can't belive those racoons. we have lots of them here in New Jersey, but they are nocturnal and would never come near a person. The Costa Rican ones must be so tame. Great report, looking forward to more. Karyn
Day 12

This morning we had a proper lie in. There was nothing that we had to go to first thing in the morning so we did not get up until 8:00 AM and then we headed up to Beach Blanket Buffet for some breakfast. For a sea day, it was surprisingly quiet up there. We had a leisurely breakfast while watching the world go by. With breakfast out of the way, Graham headed down to deck4 to do Walk a Mile and I went to deck 3 for another DVC Member Celebration.

This DVC Member Celebration was not quite as busy as the first one. I managed to sit with people from our cruise meet thread. This Member Celebration had a distinct Hawaiian theme. They served Blue Hawaii cocktails, introduced the new Aulani resort that will open in Hawaii later this year, did a number of give aways rthat tied in with the new resort and showed some artist impressions of the new resort. I have to say it does look stunning. They also showed a video about the hidden Menehune. Menehune are mischievous little people that live in the forest, but also have been credited with being fantastic builders. Throughout the resort, images of the Menehune have been hidden, most of them in places where they will be found by children. The myth of the Menehune and how they have incorporated this in the resort was very interesting. We did a bit of a Menehune hunt of our own. Before the meeting, the DVC staff had stuck little images of Menhune under some of the chairs. The people who found one of them under their chairs, got a little prize. I did not win anything, but it was fun anyway.

After the Member Celebration, I headed back to the cabin. A group of people who are organizing the Mouse Adventures Scavenger Hunts at Disneyland and Disney World every year happened to be on our cruise and had offered to do a Mouse Adventure at Sea for us. As Graham is not interested in this kind of thing, I teamed up with two other cruisers that were in the same situation. With being in port for most of the day the previous day, I had forgotten to contact our team captain to arrange a meeting time. I did not want to risk waking her up before we went to breakfast so I decided that I would call her when I got back from the Member Celebration. Graham was in our cabin working on his boat. As soon as I got back, he told me that our team captain had rang and left him her Wave Phone number for me to contact her. They have recently introduced Wave Phones, which are essentially mobile phones that work only on the ship and on Castaway Cay. They are free to use and every cabin has two of them. This was the only time I used ours. I managed to contact her and we arranged to meet up outside Beach Blanket Buffet 5 minutes later.

When I met up with her and her son, who had decided to join us, we had a look through the game pack. There were a number of tasks that could be done sitting down like some trivia questions and some picture clues. Others could be partially done while sitting down like a word search, but that then lead to a question for which we had to find the answer around the ship. My favourite task was where you had to put various public spaces onto a grid of where they are located and this was then used to decode a grid of words, which in turn formed a question. Other questions could only be answered by going around the ship. A really fun task happened on the Route 66 entertainment area. As part of the theming, they have mile markers and there are also places printed on the carpet that are along Route 66. There was a whole lot of multiple choice questions and for each answer, you had to go back or forward a certain number of miles. Once you reached the last question, you had to answer in which “state” you are badsed on the place names on the carpet around you.

Once we had done this task, we decided to go and sit down to work on the tasks that did not require us to walk around the ship. It just so happens that Bingo was on at this time and my partner in crime really wanted to play. I played a lot of Bingo on our first cruise, but have not played since. Still, I was quite happy to sit down and work on the Scavenger Hunt while the electronic Bingo card did its job. The session was finished earlier than scheduled so they decided to play a game of give away Bingo and everybody in the room was given a free card. I participated in this, but did not win anything.

Once the Bingo was over, we headed out to work on the tasks were we had to find clues or answers around the ship. In the meantime, we had ben joined by another team member. We literally walked up and down the ship looking at every corner of the public spaces. We even managed to talk our way into the Oceaneers Club with the help of the daughter of our team captain as we thought one of thepictue clues was taken there. This was the perfect way to get to know the ship better. We finished off most of the tasks that we had started earlier and did one task where we had to decode a question that had been written in the nautical alphabet and then we decided to break for lunch. I wanted to catch up with Graham for lunch. Be therefore arranged a meeting time and location. Of course, I could not find Graham anywhere. So I decided to go up to Beach Blanket Buffet to join the others.

We had a nice leisurely lunch. I had Macaroni Cheese, Beans and Carrots, Beef Short Ribs, Fried Chicken and Pasta with Tomato, Basil and Parmesan Sauce. For pudding we decided to get some soft-serve ice cream from Goofy’s Galley and made our own ice cream sandwiches with the cookies that were on the dessert buffet at Beach Blanket Buffet.

After lunch, we carried on with our tasks. We had another decoding exercise to do and we also had two tasks that had to be done at a specific time. One of them was Shuffle Board and I was very quick to volunteer somebody else for this and the other one was a task where we had to send a message to a Wave Phone with a bit of information and then got a reply with another piece of information. Once all the tasks were complete, I dropped off our answer sheet as the cabin for this was near my own cabin. We came 9th, but this was definitely about the taking part rather than the winning and I had a lot of fun doing Mouse Adventures at Sea.

When I got back to our cabin, Graham was there and we decided to go and get a coffee at Cove Café and then head for the Rainforest Room. We had a nice relaxing afternoon. In between, we did our laundry. We had no trouble finding a washing machine. Finding a dryer proved to be a bit more challenging. As there were no dryers available on our deck, Graham decided to go up to deck 7 as the laundry room there is bigger. I decided to leave him to it and get changed for the show. I rarely attend any shows when cruising, but that night there was a show that I wanted to see. Susan Egan, who was the original Belle in Beauty and the Beast on Broadway was on the ship and was giving a concert. I was just leaving to head down to the theater when Graham came back to ask if I could come up to see if I could get the dryer to work. He had found spare dryers on deck 7, but unfortunately he could not get the dryer to accept his key card. Each machine has a card reader installed. You just swipe your key card and it charges the applicable amount to your room account. Well, that is the theory anyway. I tried with my card and had no success either. I then noticed that none of the card readers in the laundry room seemed to have power. By now I was too late for the show anyway, so I headed to Guest Services to report the fault. You have to give them this. By the time I headed back to my cabin, maintenance was already on the way to look at the problem.

With my plans spoiled, I went back to the cabin to read for a bit and then headed out to make good use of the various photo opportunities. I was in line for Mickey and Minnie, when Graham appeared in this swimming shorts and a t shirt to let me know that he had managed to find a dryer and would be a few minutes late for dinner. There were all these people in their semi-formal dresses and then there was Graham. You should have seen the looks some people gave us. He suggested that he should have a photo with me, Mickey and Minnie, but I sent him packing. I regretted this afterwards as this would have made a very memorable photo.



Once I had my photos with Mickey and Minnie done, I went to have photos done on the stair case and in front of one of the backdrops. They had a lovely pink backdrop out that evening.







Once I had my photos done, I headed for dinner. Apart from Graham, we were waiting for one other couple. When Graham arrived, we decided that the other couple would probably not come so we decided to order. Graham disappeared in between two courses to get our laundry out of the dryers. That night was the Prince and Princess Menu. Graham had Scallops Au Gratin, The Beast's Potato and Sausage Casserole Soup and New Zealand Rack of Lamb, Potato Gratin, Ratatouille. It suited me rather well that he was not there at the beginning of the meal. On the Transatlantic he had really enjoyed the Rack of Lamb and even had seconds. So I tipped off our server to this fact. For his dessert, Graham had chosen Princess Jasmine's Banana Bread and Butter Pudding, but he was not very impressed with this. I had chosen Double-baked Cheese Soufflé with Mascarpone and Gorgonzola Sauce, The Beast's Potato and Sausage Casserole Soup, Beef Wellington, Broccoli and Carrots, Roasted Fingerling Potatoes and for dessert I had Prince Charming's Chilled Chocolate Soufflé.

After dinner, we made a quick exit so that we could some photos of the two of us before the photographers packed up for the night. Unfortunately the photographer by the staircase had already left, but we managed to get photos in front of the pink and white backdrops.









Once the photos were taken, we headed to our cabin. Our stateroom host had left us a towel peacock. I took a couple of photos of this and then retired to bed.


Day 13

It was back to our usual routine that day. Mickey Mouse gave us our wake up call at 7:00 and we headed up to deck 9 for Aqua Aerobics. We had a bit of a surprise that morning though. Up to that point, the female fitness instructor had been doing Aqua Aerobics. However, this morning the class was done by her colleague. The class was always very energetic, but that day it was even more so. We were the only people participating and it was great fun, but we were absolutely worn out by the end of it.

Once the class was over, we retired to the hot tub for a bit before getting dried off and heading back to our cabin to get changed. Then we headed back upstairs for a coffee and some Stollenbread at Cove Cafe.

Next up was Walk A Mile. After this I went back to the cabin to pick up my camera. I had been given strict instructions by a dear friend to take photos of Edge, the new Tween Club. They had an open house that morning before their programming started. So I decided to head down there and ask if I was OK to take some photos. The counselor on duty was perfectly happy with this. I rather liked what they had done with that space. It was especially impressive considering that the space that is now Edge was still taken up by conference rooms about two weeks before our cruise.














Once I had taken all the photos I wanted, I thanked the counselor and headed off. My next commitment was a character meet and greet with Goofy and Max at the Gazebo on deck 9. There was no photographer, but the escort for those two was only too happy to take photos.




The scavenger hunt the previous day had inspired me to do something about the Scavenger Hunt that I had promised to organize for our October cruise. So I headed up walked through every inch of public space on the ship for the second day running. While I was at it, I took plenty of photos around the ship.







I had arranged to meet Graham outside Triton's at 11:00 for brunch. We were seated and were asked if we would mind sharing a table, which we didn't. It was a nice surprise when the people we ended up sharing with were two of our table mates from dinner. Graham had a fruit platter followed by Marinated Flank Steak, Green Beans and Chips and I have Mushroom Soup followed by Marinated Flank Steak, Green Beans and Chips and Chocolate Brownie Pie for dessert.

After we had our fill to eat, I headed out again. They had a repeat of the Princess Gathering that they had offered earlier in the cruise. I had given it a miss at that time as I am not really into the Princesses. I rather play with Stitch. Still, I figured I had a CD to fill. So I decided to attend it this time. I had heard horror stories about the lines the first time round. When I got there, the line was not very long at all. Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Tiana and Ariel were in attendance. There was only one line and you just went from Princess to Princess.












Once I had my photo taken with all the Princesses, I went back up to deck 9. Mickey was supposed to be coming for a meet and greet in the gazebo near the Goofy pool. Mickey had brought Minnie along as well. Better still, there were not many people around so I got quite a few photos.




Once I had said goodbye to Mickey and Minnie, I had some time to kill. I put the finishing touches to my Scavenger Hunt, but I also had enough time to have a closer look at the midship mural. Both the Magic and the Wonder have murals behind the midship elevators that cover decks 6 to 9. The mural on the Magic has never inspired me, but I absolutely love the mural on the Wonder. It is an underwater landscape with Ariel and some other characters from The Little Mermaid. I took photos from a number of different angles.








I got so absorbed in this, that I managed to miss the beginning of the meet and greet with Lilo and Stitch. A bit of a line had formed when I finally got there, but it was manageable. Unfortunately again, there was no photographer present, but the character escort took some nice photos with my camera.




I decided to head to the cabin for some down time. On the way, I took one more photo and bumped into some people from our cruise meet thread. I chatted with them for a few minutes and then went back to the cabin. Graham was working on his boat again. I had planned on reading for a bit, but ended up having a nap instead.


I woke up in time to put on my pirate costume. We would not be in the dining room for dinner that night, but I like being in my pirate costume for the photo opportunities. Next up though was pirate trivia. This has become a bit of tradition for us to do this on every cruise since our Western Caribbean cruise in 2009. We headed down to the Promenade Lounge and ordered some drinks. Graham had a Virgin Pina Colada and I had a Virgin Peach Daiquiri. The turn out for the quiz was huge with many repeat cruisers. The host expected that there would be a large number of winners and so did we. However, we ended up being the only people with a perfect score of 25. The prize was a Disney Cruise Line baseball cap. Initially we were only getting one between the two of us. The other people kept telling the host that we should both get one and in the end he gave in and gave me one as well.
I headed back to the atrium to have my photos taken with Captain Hook and Mr Smee, Chip and Dale, Minnie and Captain Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately I missed Mickey.










With the character photos taken, I had some portraits done as well. I particularly love the one where I am fighting Captain Hook.







With all the photos out of the way, I headed up to the Rainforest Room. After relaxing in a heated tile lounger for a while, I got showered and changed. We were eating at Palo that night so a cocktail dress was in order.

We headed up to Palo about 10 minutes before our reservation and I took the time to take some photos of the colourful glass items in the elevator lobby and of the masks in the waiting area. I was a little nervous about eating at Palo again. We had some fantastic meals at Palo before, but our meal at Palo on our Med cruise last year had been less than magical both in terms of food quality and service. Because of this, we had decided to give Palo a miss on our Transatlantic cruise.










Well, I did not have to worry. The food was fantastic and our server Marianna was a real star. We started our meal with anti pasti that consisted of diced Parmesan Cheese, Prosciutto, Bresaola and marinated olives, garlic gloves and sun-dried tomatoes. We also were served a breadbasket with a black olive dip, a red pepper dip and a garlic mayonnaise. I could make a meal out of just this. However, there were many more delights to follow. Palo serves my all time favourite starter, Grilled Portobello Mushroom and Polenta with a Roasted Shallot Sauce. This is my idea of heaven and of course I had to have some of this. Graham had to choose his own dinner that night and he opted for the Sicilian Pesto Marinated Grilled Shrimp Salad served on a Mussel Crab and Cherry Tomato Ragout. Next up was a gorgeous sorbet. Then came our main courses. Graham had ordered Halibut baked in parchment and served with Vegetables and a Ginger Orange Sauce. I had chosen another of my favourited: Beef Tenderloin with Barolo Red Wine Sauce, Vegetables and Potato Gratin. We had ordered a pasta dish to share, Bigoli alla Contadina with thin Strips of Prime Rib sauteed with Tomato, Onion and Pancetta in a Ravu flavoured with fresh Oregano. This was absolutely heavenly. Unfortunately our server had decided that we really needed to try the Lobster and Mascarpone Ravioli and brought a plate of this, too. As I don't eat seafood, Graham had this and I was left with the pasta that we had intended to share. Still, there was no way we would have got away without ordering dessert. I ordered some Tiramisu, which was divine; and Graham went with the Panna Cotta. Our server also brought us some Gelato. I only managed a couple of spoons of the Gelato and about a third of the Tiramisu. Dinner was washed down with a bottle of Rosa Regale. At the end of dinner, we were both given a glass of Scropino, which is a cocktail consisting of lemon sorbet, citrus-infused vodka, limoncello and prosecco.

After this huge dinner, there was no way we would stay up for the pirate party. We have yet to manage this. Instead we headed down to the atrium to have photos taken against a moon backdrop. One of our favourite photographers was taking the photos and he managed to take my favourite photo of the cruise that night. He had us look straight at the flash and I was dubious about this. However, the result was truly stunning.






With the photos taken, we headed to bed. Our stateroom host had left us a towel and blanket turtle. I took photos of this and moved it out of the way. I then went to bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


I love all your photos! I will so miss the cruise this yr and hope everything falls into place for next yr. I love your jewelry you had commisioned. Have you had her make you silver jewelry at all.... I think silver and a blue would look amazing with your blonde hair and blue eyes. I love the photo of you & Graham!!
Sounds like more great days! The Mouse Adventures at Sea sounds really fun! :)
I love all your photos! I will so miss the cruise this yr and hope everything falls into place for next yr. I love your jewelry you had commisioned. Have you had her make you silver jewelry at all.... I think silver and a blue would look amazing with your blonde hair and blue eyes. I love the photo of you & Graham!!

I keep my fingers crossed that everything works our OK for your cruise next year.

The jewellery that I was wearing on semi-formal night was originally commissioned for formal night for the 2009 Western Caribbean cruise. If you remember, I had a gold evening gown for this and hence the gold jewellery. Normally I only wear silver. I have silver and turquoise, silver with baby blue and pink, silver with hot pink and silver with clear crystal. The only thing that I do not have yet is silver and royal blue, which is strange as royal blue is my favourite colour.

I keep my fingers crossed that everything works our OK for your cruise next year.

The jewellery that I was wearing on semi-formal night was originally commissioned for formal night for the 2009 Western Caribbean cruise. If you remember, I had a gold evening gown for this and hence the gold jewellery. Normally I only wear silver. I have silver and turquoise, silver with baby blue and pink, silver with hot pink and silver with clear crystal. The only thing that I do not have yet is silver and royal blue, which is strange as royal blue is my favourite colour.


I love Silver myself too. I just cashed in some of my gold as I haven't worn it in years and was doing me no good. I mostly wear my PAndora bracelet....though I don't wear as much jewelry as I used to.

Thanks for keeping ur fingers crossed. I went and started a thread for Fantasy Cruise 2011, talked like 2 posts and decided I better lay off as I don't wanna get excited and make friends and then not be able to go. Usually that time of yr is a shoe in but seeing as this yr proved that wrong, I won't truely know till Feb or so(whenever Del's pick happens) to know if I am going.:sad2:
Another great update Corinna, loving all your photos, though loving more the idea of Tiramisu and Rosa Regale in Palo, what a perfect combination ::yes::

I look forward to your next installment :)
Day 14

This was a bit of a strange day. It was a port day, but we were not due into port until midday. So the first half of the day felt very much like a sea day. We got up at 7:00 and headed for Aqua Aerobics. This morning, it was the usual fitness instructor in charge again, but she included some of the more energetic elements from the previous day. Graham and I were the only two people taking part again. I was quite sad, because this was the last time on this cruise that this class was offered. After the class, we stayed in the pool a bit longer for a swim.

After a couple of days off, the pin hunt was on again. Fortunately I had the good sense to ask the previous day if the pin would be released in the morning or in the afternoon. I was told it would be in the morning. So once I was dried off and had changed, I headed down to deck 4 to get my pin. The shop had been open for about an hour so there was no line, but I also had no problem getting my pin. The pin for the day featured a sailfish and Chip.


By the time I had my pin, it was nearly time for Walk A Mile. I dropped my stuff off at the cabin and then went back to deck 4. Once we had walked our mile, we could see Manzanillo in the distance. We headed up to deck 9 and I got myself some milk from the drink station. Once I realized that we were getting really close to Manzanillo, I went back to the cabin to get my camera and the stuff that I would need for the kid's jewellery workshop that I had scheduled for this morning. On the way to deck 10 where Graham had headed when I left, I took some photos of some of the little details on the ship.






I watched our approach into Manzanillo. Manzanillo has the busiest port in Mexico and amongst the first things we saw was the huge commercial port. I assumed that we would dock there. It is not unusual for cruise ships to dock at a container port. I started to get a sinking feeling. There did not seem to be anything of interest around within walking distance. We had nothing planned for Manzanillo and just wanted to wander into town.
















As we were approaching the entrance to the commercial port, we turned off and headed towards the cruise port, which is right by the town centre and this part of Manzanillo looked definitely prettier.






When I had to leave for my jewellery workshop, we were parallel to the dock. On the way down, I took a photo of Route 66 as I liked the way the light was there this morning.


This morning, I should have had 6 kids ranging from 5 years to 13 years. I even was supposed to have a boy. The girls were each making a bangle spelling their name using Tibetan Silver Letter beads and crackle glass beads to fill out the bracelet. They also had been given a choice between a fairy or princess zip pull. My single boy was supposed to make a Wall-E keychain and a Woody zip pull as those are his favourite character.




At the arranged time, one girl and her mother turned up. We waited a couple of minutes and then we got started. Once she was done, I found the nearest phone and tried to call the cabins of the other people I was waiting for. One of the cabins had a message that the cabin was not occupied. This had me worried. It turned out later that the family unfortunately had to get off the ship in Aruba. In the other two cabins there was no reply. I knew that those families were on board as I had spoken to the mums the day before. When I came back, another girl and her mum had turned up. When she nearly finished her jewellery, one of her cousins arrived and once those two were done, the second cousin and her mum turned up. This was not how it had been planned, but it worked incredibly well. I could give each of the girls some one on one attention and there was no need to share any of the tools.

Graham had arrived round about the same time as the last girl. We had arranged to meet at the Promenade Lounge between 11:15 and 11:30 to go and get something to eat before heading out into port. Once I had finished, we headed to Parrot Cay for some brunch. This was the first time that I had seen this offered, but it worked incredibly well. One of the buffet lines had breakfast foods and the other had lunch foods. Graham had a full breakfast and some fruit whereas I opted for Hoisin Pot Stickers, Salad, Rice Noodles in Sweet Chilli Sauce and Crispy Beef with Vegetables and Crispy Noodles and a Double Chocolate Truffle Slice for dessert.

After brunch, we headed back to the cabin so that I could drop off my jewellery making stuff and to pick up the things that we needed in board. Then we headed out. Apart from us, there was just a Mexican gun boat in port. A tourist market had sprung up in the area between the dock and the exit. There were also plenty of people offering all kinds of tours. We politely declined. There was also a school group with flags and banners welcoming us.

We headed out of the port and towards the town centre. What we saw was really pretty. There was a lovely square with a sailfish statue and flowers. The main tourist area was well looked after. We did get the impression though that the area away from the tourist area was a bit run down.





I had two tasks for that day. I wanted to find a Mexican outfit for the Mexican night the following day and I needed to find an Internet cafe. I had no problem finding a Mexican outfit. At the second shop that I looked at, I found a beautiful hand embroidered cotton dress. At $20, it was a bargain, too. Better still, it had been made right there in Manzanillo. Once I had my dress, we went in search of an Internet cafe. As we walked along the high street, we had a bit of a strange experience. A couple of flat-bed trucks with either police or soldiers with machine guns came by. This was quite disconcerting. We did not encounter anything that would have justified such a heavy-handed security presence. The people we encountered were friendly and for the most part minding their own business. There were some street vendors selling traditional jewellery and other souvenirs, but they were friendly and polite and tool "no" for an answer.
It became obvious that we would not find an Internet cafe along the main tourist street. So we turned into one of the side streets. We were the only tourists there. We found an Internet cafe in a little shopping arcade. We were quoted the princely sum of $1 for an hour. The computers were quite old and the Internet connection was a bit slower than what I am used to, but for that price, I was definitely not complaining. I managed to get everything done and even had 20 minutes left to chat to a dear friend via Facebook.

Once our hour was up, we headed back towards the main tourist area. I took some photos of a street that had been decorated. We had a look at a few more shops and Graham got a traditional Mexican wedding shirt, which was also made in Manzanillo.



We decided to walk along the seafront for a bit, but there was nothing there that caught our interest. The shops there were firmly aimed at the tourist market selling delights like sombreros and all kinds of other souvenirs. There was also a small fun fair. I took a few photos of the ship and then we headed back.









We had every intention to get a Margarita while in port, but did not see anything that looked like it would serve us a Margarita. So once we had dropped off our shopping in our cabin, we headed up to the Outlook Cafe. Unfortunately the bar there was closed, but the bartender downstairs in the Cove Cafe was only too happy to mix us a couple of Margaritas. We then took them upstairs. There were some other people there that I knew. I spent a little while talking to them. I also took a few more photos of Manzanillo.




Once we had finished our Margaritas, I headed off to see more characters. Belle was out with a special Beauty and the Beast backdrop, Cinderella was out with Suzy and Perla and Snow White had Dopey with her. Ariel was up by the midship elevators on deck 4. This must be the most silly location for a character meet and greet that they ever thought of as the line that formed obstructed both the stairs and the lifts.









Initially I had my photos taken with Cinderella and Suzie and Perla and Snow White and Dopey. As the line for Snow White and Dopey was not long, I asked if I also could have a photo with just Dopey. This request was met with no problems so I decided to get back in the other line for a photo with just Susy and Perla.



Apart from the character photo opportunities, they also offered portraits against the white backdrop. Again, there was no line to speak off so I had some more photos taken.





With the photos all out of the way, I went back to the cabin to get my eReader and my swim stuff and headed for the Rainforest Room. Graham was already there. We essentially had the place to ourselves. Once I had enough heat, I retired to the relaxation area in the changing rooms for a while before got showered and changed for dinner.

Dinner that night was the Master Chef Menu. Graham had Shrimp with Feta Cheese in a Chardonnay Butter Sauce; Tomato, Mozarella and Rocket Sauce; Linguini with Scallops and Capers and a side of Lobster Medallions and Beef Tenderloin and for dessert he chose Apple and Pear Crumple. I had Twice Baked Gruyere Souflee with Spinach, Maytag Blue Cheese and Mascarpone Sauce; Succotash Soup; Beef Tenderloin wig Carrots and Sugarsnap Peas, Potato Cake and Bearnaise Sauce and for dessert I had chosen Chocolate Terrine.

Between the main course and dessert, I had to leave temporarily. That evening, they offered the repeat of the photo opportunity with the Fab Five. Unfortunately it was not after late dinner as promised, but at 9:30. Still, we were at Triton's that night so it worked out OK. The line was again quite long, but I got my photos.



Once I had my photos done, I went back to the restaurant to have my dessert. Once I was done, we headed back to the cabin as we had a busy day ahead. I took photos of the towel bunny that our stateroom host had left us and we packed our stuff for the next day and then we went to sleep.

Another great day! The character photos are great - especially the one with the fab five! :)


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