Trista & Jeff- 10/30/11 - WP/Attic/UK DP - .: On the way to our planning Session!:.


or This-A-Way
Apr 27, 2011
*takes a deep breath* Hello everyone!

Welcome to Jeff and Trista's planning journal. I simply love this idea, and what better way than to share with other Disney brides.

I am simply thrilled to be here, and can't wait to share with everyone everything we have planned.

The Background (in a nutshell)

  • Knew each other through mutual friends for 2 years.
  • Good friends, but didn't date during this time
  • Went together to a friends wedding - July 1st, 2006
  • Fell head over heels for each other the first day we had time alone together
  • He moved from St.Louis to be with me in Phoenix November, 2006
  • Inseperable ever since

To be continued....

.: INDEX :.
Awesome story! It made me smile. My DF has still never been to Disney but I am a true believer that it brings the kid out of ANYONE! lol Welcome to the PJ world btw....can't wait to read more!
My Disney Dream

I was raised on Disney - I've seen every movie, can sing every song, love every moment. Some of my earliest memories are going on the monorail to it's terminus, where we could see Epcot and spaceship earth being constructed. I was very young at the time (3 I believe) and my father was shocked I could remember this from so early in my childhood.

Whenever I went to the park, I saw these women wearing "bride" ears, and I felt so envious of them. I wanted to someday be like them, and wanted to get married in the park.

I had the opportunity to go to Disney world in 1995, just after the wedding pavilion opened. I told my mother "I'm going to get married there someday". - It was then and there, that I started to dream and plan. ((my teenage dream will be shared soon!))

The seed was planted, it was my dream. Now I just had to find my prince charming who shared my love of Disney.
The Disney Magic

It wasn't Jeff.

He wasn't raised on Disney. He saw some of the movies, but didn't have them memorized. He could not sing every lyric, he didn't know the names of all of the characters. He thought I was a bit of a Disneynutter, but loved me all the same.

In 2007 - I pleaded with him to take me to Disneyland. I am firmly convinced he did it to shut me up. I tried to explain to him the magic that would take over, how you were transformed into a kid all over again, and he would see the Disney magic. He just smiled and shook his head...He went to make me happy.

As soon as we arrived in front of the park - I could see an amused glint appear in his eye. I could see the dread that he had all the way to the park was slowly starting to fall away. I didn't say anything, I didn't push anything... I just took his hand, and lead him onto Main Street.

It earned a nod of approval. He kept commenting on how clean it was, how everything was perfectly painted. It was so unlike the dirty and dingyness of Knotts, Universal, and Six Flags. Everything was so cared for, and CLEAN!

Jeff enjoyed the rides - but I had the feeling he was getting more enjoyment over the pleasure it brought me than anything.

After dark I gave him the option "Do you want to see the parade, or would you like to go on more rides?"

I had hoped that he would say the parade, but if you've never seen a Disney parade you can't possibly understand how incredible they are. In his mind it would be nothing special. Off to Alice in Wonderland we went...

While walking to the ride, the parade was in progress. I kept trying to stand on tip-toe, hoping to catch a glimpse. Needless to say, the parade was in full swing when we climbed aboard caterpillar...

As many of you know, in the middle of the ride you exit the building on the 2nd floor, and are outside for a few short moments. It just so happened, that as Jeff and I exited the doors, the final float of the parade was going past. EXACTLY where we were. On top of the float, were Mickey and Minnie!

I gasped!
Jeff gasped!
Mickey looked over in our direction and turned away... did a quick double-take, pointed at us, and waved!


Jeff turned into a little boy, I saw it happen!
His eyes lit up, a smile crept across his face, and in a small voice he said "Mickey waved at me...."

His smile got bigger as it started to sink in..."Mickey waved at me!!!!!!"

That was all it took. A little bit of Disney magic.

We've been to Disneyland every year since.
Thank you for the warm welcome, NicknNancy! I'm thrilled to be here!

I was trying to post links for some other brides, but I'm below the 10 post mark. :rotfl:

I had to split up my story to help be contribute faster and not post fluff!

Since you read mine, I'm off to return the favor.

Pleased to meet you!
Welcome to the boards!

My DF had never been to Disney World until he met me...

One of my favorite things to do is go to Disney with someone for their first time and watch their expressions as the magical world captivates them in every way possible.

I can't wait to hear about your plans! :wizard:
Welcome!! Can't wait to hear about your wedding plans!!

What a magical disney story for you and your DF!! Congrats!
Hello and welcome to a lovely friendly board. Everyone here is so encouraging and helpful. I have had so many wonderful ideas and additions to our wedding trip thanks to the ladies and gents here :hug:

My DF hadn't been to Disney either until he met me. now his favourite thing is meeting characters. I love seeing how excited he gets and how he interacts so well with them. Seriously, the day he bounced up to Tigger and grabbed his tail I thought I was gonna cry laughing :rotfl:

We get married in October too, can't wait to hear all about your plans.
Omigosh I just cried. Legit. I pictured your DF saying "Mickey waved at me," and I cried. I LOVE stories like that!!!!! I can't wait to read more :)
Congrats and welcome to the boards! I can't wait to read more!

I converted my DF into a Disney fan too! ;D He didn't get it either. Until we went in December. I'll never forget the words he said to me.. (it's in more detail in our trip report).. but he said 'thank you for making me feel like a kid again and for sharing your little secret world with me'. ;D

Oh the magic of Disney.
congratulations from another October bride.

Your story on taking Df to disneyland was brilliant, wonderful how far a little bit of disney magic can go :goodvibes

looking forward to more updates, happy planning. x
It's so great to be here, especially with the warm welcome! To be honest, I still get a little teary when I read or tell the Mickey story... I knew he was the one but that solidified it.

The Colors, Bridesmaid dresses, and My wedding dream!!

I'm so excited, and I just had to share. I just spent hours trying to find the exact shades that I will use for my wedding. My inspiration? Converse.

Yep, converse.

Needless to say our mothers are a bit skeptical of my plan, but my sisters and family agree it fits us both perfectly.

I know it is in vogue now to do a Mad Tea party, but this has been my dream since the late 90's when I went to Disney and saw the wedding pavilion from afar. Bright vibrant colors, laid back atmosphere, and fun! Not to mention, all the magic happened on the Alice in Wonderland ride. What could be more perfect?

I had always envisioned a 50's type flair for my bridesmaids, and that the groom and I would be more traditional. I have the perfect dresses, everyone is in love with them! I'm even going to have TWO made for me to wear on our honeymoon!

Our colors:

The groomsmen will be in high top - the bridesmaids will be in low top.

After a little bit of searching, I have narrowed it down to three dresses. All of these dresses shown are polka-dot print, but mine will be a solid color. All of the girls will have two colors of my 6 to wear. Their dress will be one color, the dress accents (lace, ribbon, and petticoat) will be another. My bridesmaids have been going bonkers since I let them pick their own color dresses and the ability to vote on what color shall be paired with what. All of them have told me how happy they are that they have a say in the matter, and how the dress is actually something they will wear again (not to mention they are in love with their shoes!)

All of these dresses lace up the back, which will mirror my dress (hopefully) once I find the one. We've had these dresses earmarked for a few months now. The next step was to get the colors picked so we can get to work!

Each bridesmaid will have a parasol for our photo shoot (she won't walk with it, it will just be for photos) , and I am currently looking for the perfect pair of white tea length gloves to complete the outfit.

I'm going to do some work in photoshop and if the outfits look too much like skittles, I may end up scrapping the two color plan and going with the one solid color and white. I will be the first person to nix the plan if it looks too busy.

The one thing I am dead set on... converse! :laughing:

Your story is very cute! Especially the 'Mickey waved at me' moment! :lovestruc

Cant wait to see more from the dresses and colour choices, loving the BM dresses and cant wait to see the converse in action!


I'm totally in love with your colours and BM dresses. This is such a fantastic and happy theme that you have gone for. Everyone at your wedding will be grinning from ear to ear at such cheery colours and dresses.

I'm wearing a 1950's wedding dress with a fluffy petticoat edged with orange ribbon so I completely get your idea.

Can't wait to see more :goodvibes
awesome!!! I love Converse!! That is such a neat idea!

Thank you! My DF is only slightly bit taller than I am, when I put on heels I am slightly taller. If we toss in the bridal hair, well then that would just not look right for photos - Right now I am looking at putting swarovski crystals on a pair of white sequin converse so I won't be taller than he is. My dress will be long enough that you won't see my shoes, until it's photo time :) - I just popped over to your PJ and I fell in love with your unity sand vases!


Your story is very cute! Especially the 'Mickey waved at me' moment! :lovestruc

Cant wait to see more from the dresses and colour choices, loving the BM dresses and cant wait to see the converse in action!

Thank you so much for reading the start of my journal! My DF has come a long way from the first time we entered the park - I'm trying to talk him into wearing ears on our honeymoon. I might have to make a DIY hat for him. He likes fedora's and baseball hats, I might have to put my brain to work and come up with an awesome honeymoon set of ears for him. Anyone have any ideas?

I'm totally in love with your colours and BM dresses. This is such a fantastic and happy theme that you have gone for. Everyone at your wedding will be grinning from ear to ear at such cheery colours and dresses.

I'm wearing a 1950's wedding dress with a fluffy petticoat edged with orange ribbon so I completely get your idea.

Can't wait to see more :goodvibes

Thank you!!! Now that I know we have similar taste,I was reading over your PJ while at work today. I have to say, your taste is superb! :lovestruc:lovestruc
The vacation surprise

Last October we had a trip planned to Disneyland. We were really looking forward to going and seeing all the Halloween decorations. A few weeks before the trip my DF brought up the fact he wanted to go to Vegas.

Vegas? Vegas?!?
No! More time in Disneyland, please?

I told him what a long drive that would make. 1st driving to Vegas, then from Vegas to California, then back home. I tried my best to talk him out of it as I really wanted to spend the extra days in California.

He was insistent.

I figured if he could make me happy with the Disney trip, then I could make him happy with the Vegas side trip. It had been a while since we had gone gambling, and I eventually agreed. :thumbsup2

Being back in Vegas really brought back memories. Neither of us had been there since we had our first alone time without mutual friends surrounding us at outing. We had both flown in to go to a friends wedding together, and after the wedding we walked past the Bellagio fountain. I had talked this fountain up BIGTIME before we arrived, and sadly the fountain was not running the entire night due to high winds. This puzzled both of us as there was no wind.


We waited. We laughed about the "wind". We fended off the people trying to sell us $20 roses. Sometime during this time the both of us felt like we were whacked upside the head with a 2x4. It was one of those corny "soulmate" type moments (which I never thought existed!) and had our first kiss. (He ended up surprising me with one of those $20 roses after that. :rotfl:!) *sigh* He's such a sucker! :love: Ah, memories!

When we arrived on our recently-convinced-that-a-Vegas-sidetrip-would-be-fun vacation, he asked me "What do you want to do while we are here". I instantly rattled off a few things...most of which involved some form of a game of chance. After he had heard my listofdemands suggestions, he told me the only thing he wanted to do was go watch the fountain with me.

I'll admit. I melted a little. Until he added "You talked it up, I never got to see it. I might as well see what all the fuss is about." - Right! So much for that romantic swoon I was working on, turns out he just wants to see the fountain. Anyone see where that $20 rose romantic sap of my boyfriend went?

During the trip we walked past that darn fountain at least five times. All of those times he didn't want to stop or we were in a hurry to get somewhere.
Finally, near the end of our trip we made a specific trip to the fountain. Low and behold, it was actually running that day! No mysterious "high winds" in sight. Frank Sinatra's Luck be a Lady was the song for this show, and I was happily singing along with the lyrics when he turned around and casually asked "Madam... Do you want to marry me?".

Uh. What?

I didn't know if he was serious. Was he? My grandmothers alexandrite was staring at me from a jewelry box! That sneaky sneak had gone and worked this out with my mother ahead of time! And he was really proposing!

I did what any sane woman in love would do. I burst into tears.


Way to go me.

I am so good at this romance thing!

He looked a little confused, and it was all I could do it nod my head yes. He has surprised the pants off me. It turns out this was his master plan all along and I was oblivious!

** Side note on the whole Madam thing... I almost forget where it happened, I think it was some silly youtube meme that was floating around at some point. He calls me Madam and I call him Sir. I'll have to dig that up and post here if I can remember what it was from! **

We decided to not tell our parents that evening as they would freak out and think we might do something spontaneous and get married in Vegas while we were there. :scared1:

The thought did cross our minds - but you know how our womanly brains work. I was instantly thinking DISNEY! :bride:

Alright... so it was Disney and the fact that both his parents and my parents would murder us if we didn't do a big wedding. The thought of facing the firing squad by telling them "Surprise! We're Married!" kept us from doing anything rash. Oh, and did I mention I was already thinking Disney?

This was October 20th, 2010. The morning of the 22nd, we packed up and headed to Disneyland with plans of telling our parents when we arrived in California that afternoon.

But something happened in the car on the way to California....
Stay tuned!!
Ah such a lovely proposal story. I love that he had it all planned and you had no clue. Sound similar to mine!


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