The Official DisDads Rant Thread

Guh! I hate it when I say something live on the air that sounded funnier and made a lot more sense in my head.

It is the daughter. Her dad passed away a year ago and he used to run the farm. He actually understood how things work. The farm belongs to the mom now, but the daughter runs her life (and she isn't incapable of thinking and acting for herself, she just doesn't put up a fight). Legally, I have no idea. If it was a cash rent, they'd have no leg to stand on, but with a crop share, they pay part of the inputs and get part of the income, so they technically have as much say on that as we do. A little more notice would be fantastic though. I'm hoping dad can talk to her today and get something settled out, but really it's a late spring and our priority is getting seed in the ground right now, not dealing with her BS. We farm the ground all around that farm, so we'd hate to lose it, but that might be the best option if it comes down to it.

That sounds like a royal pain in the rear... Sorry you have to deal with that. Always the worst when people take stands on things they really have no clue about.
I understand cost overruns but he is acting like this is a government contract. This after finally getting them to do it. When I gave him the deposit check he said work would start in 2-3 weeks. Five weeks later, he starts on the neighbor’s house. A week later, his house was finished and all they did was look at my house. At 7 weeks, I called him and asked what was going on. Left a message. A week later I left another message. This time they showed up a couple of days later. The work was done in a day. We have had a few heavy downpours since with no leaks so the work seems to be done well.

I will be sending him a check for the remaining balance on the original estimate and tell him that is all he is getting until he better explains how his estimate was so out of whack. The only notification that it would cost more was when I received the bill. If I am not satisfied I plan on reporting him to the BBB and the City. I want to be fair but come on. For a few hundred dollars more, I could have had that whole section of the roof done with another company, not the ¼ of it that they did.
Facebook :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I don't get on there...but I did have one spot that I would visit...The DDC Facebook page.

It was close to what I had envisioned for our new Dis Dads had the wall aka the Main thread...and it had a Discussions Tab where one could go and post various topics.

Sometime earlier this week I get a flurry of e-mail with everyone posting there DIS screen names...which I didn't think too much of...and found a way to turn that Peanut Butterin Beverly off....but today I discover that the FB people are changing the format of "Groups" and now those Discussion Topics are nested deep into the Groups wall. SON of a Beverly :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

This banana is turned around and not wearing pants ---> :banana:
I am truly frightened for the future of medicine! The inpatients keep getting more and more complicated and the residents seem to be getting stupider and stupider...

Phew. I feel better already! Maybe now I can go talk to one of the FMGs (foreign medical grads) without punching him in the face (which I assume would get me in trouble, right?)

Its okay to hit them, they aren't real people. (I am totally kidding)

Like everyone, I hate flight delays. I'm sure a big portion of us have had the opportunity to be stuck in MCO for a couple more hours than we wanted. We'll I got stuck on the tarmac in Poland for over an hour because they couldn't get an accurate count of number of people on the plane. (This isn't meant to be a polish joke, I was flying an Irish airline, so it shouldn't reflect on polish people). It just seems that at this point in aviation history, basic counting should not be what's tripping us up.
Our Majors lost today in OT, it was a tense exciting game, that is for sure. What really ticked me off, is that the majority of the fans were all Owen Sound Supporters, all driving 4 hours to cheer their team on. Mississaugians seem to suffer from the same affliction Toronto does, no support for any hockey outside of the Leafs......we are a city of well over half a million people, we should have no problem filling an arena.:mad:
NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation and other bureaucrats that make regulatory decisions without understanding science. :furious: Time to visit my happy place before my BP goes spikes again.
Slight rant/computer problem.
I was checking the website of a possible new job last night (and had DISBoards open on another window). I clicked on the wrong school, saw a pop-up update thing about Flash Player (I think, this MacBook is all in Korean for DW). I clicked cancel right away, but when I tried to close the window, it wouldn't. Everything I tried didn't work, so eventually, I just did one of those 5-second hard shut downs. Turn it back on and everything's working fine. Except for this website (disboards). My Quick won't work. Nor can I add any smilies by clicking on them or anything else to customize my replies (but I can change the fonts and sizes)...And it's not just on Safari, either. I tried logging in on Firefox and had the same problem.
Every Friday the 13th is followed by a Monday the 16th!!! :thumbsup2

Got to work late!!!
Forgot my Badge!!!
Facebook :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

I don't get on there...but I did have one spot that I would visit...The DDC Facebook page.

It was close to what I had envisioned for our new Dis Dads had the wall aka the Main thread...and it had a Discussions Tab where one could go and post various topics.

Sometime earlier this week I get a flurry of e-mail with everyone posting there DIS screen names...which I didn't think too much of...and found a way to turn that Peanut Butterin Beverly off....but today I discover that the FB people are changing the format of "Groups" and now those Discussion Topics are nested deep into the Groups wall. SON of a Beverly :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

This banana is turned around and not wearing pants ---> :banana:

Yes they have changed it a bit but they have added the new chat box so several dads can all chat at same time:thumbsup2
I haven't been on Facebook in a long time, but the e-mails are getting a bit annoying. If there's capability for several dad's to chat at the same time that might be a handy addtion though. I might need to check that out some evening.
I haven't been on Facebook in a long time, but the e-mails are getting a bit annoying. If there's capability for several dad's to chat at the same time that might be a handy addtion though. I might need to check that out some evening.

Just go to your notification preferences and turn off the Email notifications. I was getting inundated with FB Emails, and I went through I turned them all off. Ahhhhhh - bliss. I'm on FB often enough to see updates within a reasonable amount of time anyway.
Just go to your notification preferences and turn off the Email notifications. I was getting inundated with FB Emails, and I went through I turned them all off. Ahhhhhh - bliss. I'm on FB often enough to see updates within a reasonable amount of time anyway.

Yeah, I've just got to remember go actually go to FB when I'm at home sometime. Haven't had much computer time at home the last couple of weeks and FB is blocked at work, so I've just been getting spammed.

I'm sick and tired of buying CRUD when it comes to Sump Pumps! I just bought a replacement pump after my original pump died and the replacement pump after 8 months of usage is already having problems with the switch!

Thankfully I have a battery backup pump that has worked flawlessly each time the switch has failed.

Back to shopping for yet another new pump to keep the basement dry!



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