Geen Yight - She's Out of Sight: A Trip of Leaps and Bounds

Between now and the time I go back, I will be doing church camp, my new Y job, and starting a new school year with the extra T-Th tutoring. While I was on the trip, I got some new info through school e-mail about all we are going to be doing to implement our new Core Curriculum. We will be doing some after-school meetings - more than usual. I don't know how that will affect the Y job, so now I am a little hesitant to start that, especially for the little bit of money I will really get out of it. I'm wavering right now as to whether the hours are worth it. I'm probably going to give it a try, though, and see. I'm just on the fence a little more with that now than I was before I left. We also are starting a new teacher evaluation system which will require more paperwork. I don't know, just the more I thought of it, I think I might be better off to try a higher paying part-time job. Even though the Y will be easy, it also pays very little. I am wondering about the learning centers. Does anyone know what they pay their tutors?

Brooklynn and I will be going back with Kay and her granddaughter in October. We'll be meeting up with a growing crew of fun DISers. :dance3: Our trip will revolve mostly around things little girls like to do. We are sending out special wishes for some free dining pixie dust to be scattered on us soon. If not, we'll just eat on a small budget and still have a great time. :)

We have to go to Chattanooga tomorrow for a wedding. Give us a few days to get it all together, and we'll get started on a new report. Jill has to go full throttle this week at work with some late nights. I have to do church camp shopping and do a CPR training Friday night and all day Saturday, then church camp starts Sunday. It may be a couple of weeks, actually, before we really get going.

Thanks for following us on Facebook. Hope you enjoyed it all!

I just loved reading all your updates here and seeing the pictures too! Thank you so much for the texts - every single one of them brought a big smile to my face! I know EXACTLY what you mean about the Disney trees and the fountains...there is just something about them. :cloud9:

I'll keep your decision about the job front in my prayers and thoughts! I could imagine it's hard to make a decision like that when you aren't completely sure on what to expect exactly!

I'm THRILLED to hear the October trip ends up working out! And what a special time it will be for you and Brook!

Take your time on a trip report, we will happily hang out until then. You've got some busyyyyy times ahead!
Welcome back! I will be looking forward to hearing more about your trip whenever you are able to get to it. :goodvibes. Also looking forward to a potential DIS meet in Oct. :)
Welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your trip whenever you are able to get around to it, and I loved the Facebook pictures and getting pictures from you!
Jumping back into real life with both feet I see.

Have fun at the wedding and we will all wait here :surfweb: until things settle down a bit.

About the Y job, you would probably get paid more at a Sylvan or other learning center. The right decision will come to you and you will be able to juggle whatever you decide. :goodvibes
Hugs for the last day! I hope it's the best one yet! :hug:

I can't wait to hear all about every little thing....and see pics of Bella with the characters!!!

I am so excitted she was able to get in the pics with the characters! :thumbsup2

I havn't seen any FB pics since Monday..I think there may be a problem with my link???? :confused3

Be safe on your travels home tonight! I have missed you!
Take Care, Lana

So sorry about the link. Facebook only lets you upload 100 pics per mobile album so I must have hit that limit sometime on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. Here is the link to the rest of them.
Sorry that you are back... but glad your trip was great. You sure will be busy, but I will be waiting.

I forgot to ever thank you for that picture of the window at MK from Summer Magic. Hannah was over the moon thinking that was cool when I pointed it out to her when we were there!

Hooray for the fall trip. I sure would like one, but it is not in the cards since Doug is gone that lovely weekend!
Bella is too precious holding Brooklynn's hand while keeping a distance from the characters at Character Spot! :lmao: Glad she is starting to go up to them more, and I love all of your pictures Jill!
Hi guys. Loving your updates and photos. Hope you continue to have a great time. Yay to Bella for getting up close to the characters. :woohoo:

I am coming out of 'lurkdom' to say how much I am enjoying your trip reports. I have followed them for a while now, but rarely post. Anyway, I live in NW Alabama and saw one time where y'all were from, and I am a teacher as well. That is what got me hooked! Have a great rest of your trip and a safe ride home!

MeMom and Jill,
Glad to hear yall are having a wonderful time!!! I saw the live feed of the fireworks, they were wonderful! How did you like Ohana dinner? Isn't it wonderful! We love it!!!!:love:

Long time lurker here popping in to say that we are really enjoying your trip report! Glad to hear that you are having a great vacation!

Watched popcorn:: the fireworks via the video feed from the Poly's beach... The star shaped fireworks at the end were really cool!!! :thumbsup2

Happy 4th of July!!!

We wanted to welcome our new and newer readers! :cheer2: We are so glad you feel comfortable enough now to join in the conversation. You will find many good, good DIS friends here. They are always willing to help answer trip questions if you have them or send postcards to your kids or help you learn more about their area of the world if you happen to be traveling there or just whatever you want.

We're glad so many of you did get to see the Poly beach feed. It is amazing to be there in person, and Dave and Kathy are very gracious hosts. They'll be running the webcam again for New Year's Eve.

Our 'Ohana dinner was scrumptious, by the way. :thumbsup2
Thanks to all who posted updates for us while we were gone. I think most people were able to follow on Facebook, which makes it nice.

Welcome home! I am glad to hear that you had such a great time. I am looking forward hearing about all of the details!

Thanks. We had a very nice time and got to do several new things.

Have fun at the wedding. Take your time with the report. We will be here when you have time.

Sending pixie dust for free dining or a good pin code for the room.

I keep looking at Mousesavers, but we're still only up to October 1st. I know we're in the next batch of releases, but time is closing in on us, so I'm getting a little worried that maybe there will be no free dining offer this time. It would make it nicer, but we'll still be okay without it.

Wow, you do have some busy days ahead! Take a deep breath and dive in!!!
Marc said you would get paid more at a place like Sylvan learning center but they are hard to get on at unless you have an "in" there...
Looking forward to October, but we have so much to accomplish before that trip happens!

If I could pick up two or three tutoring sessions just on my own, I could make as much with those as I could make in all of those YMCA hours, too. I'm wondering if I should try to pursue that avenue a little more.

Welcome home! I'm so glad to hear that you all had a wonderful trip. I can't wait to read about all that you did!

One of my cousins owns a Sylvan Learning Center here in NC. They do one on one tutoring after school and in the summer. All the tutors are certified teachers. They pay pretty decent money too. If you have one of those in your area, I would definitely look into it. I think that would be a lot better pay than the Y and you would only teach one child at a time. Please keep us posted on that. I'd love to know if that works out for you.

How about pray for some FD pixie dust for me too. I've been waiting and waiting for an October discount to come out, but nothing has yet. I'd prefer FD, but I will take a 40% off discount too. I just want SOMETHING! I'm starting to panic! And what are you dates again? Mine are still unsettled, but I hope to nail something down soon.

I may call Sylvan on Monday.

Our dates are 15th through 19th. I will take an AP room discount, but for the sake of the whole group of us, free dining would be much better.

I'm glad to hear you guys are home safe and sound and that you had a great trip! Even that you accomplished some "goals" I'm excited to hear all about it! After you deal with your chaotic schedules and get back to the swing of real life again of course!

We did have some new things on our list, and we got a few of them marked off. :thumbsup2

Full swing, for sure. I think Jill said she has to be at work until 9 or 10 Monday night! I was happy to see her away from work and having fun with the girls.

Welcome home, MeMom & Jill!!!

It sounds like you both will be super busy over the next couple of weeks -- so please take your time! We'll all still be here waiting!!!

Loved following your updates & seeing the pictures!!! It was fun to "be there" with you guys if only through a photo! Looks like you had lots of fun & I can't wait to hear about your conversations with the CM's! Its always fun to get to know them!

Keep watching your mailboxes & email for PIN codes for October!!! I know of a few people who got them within the last week or so (room discount pin codes)

Have a great weekend!!!

Glad you enjoyed following along. We always enjoy sharing the trip along the way. We know how happy it makes us to see pictures when others are traveling.

Welcome back!! No rush getting started - I always am so far behind anyway!

Sounds like a great trip, and a busy next couple weeks for you guys!! Maybe then you won't miss WDW so much if you're busy!

True. Staying busy will make the weeks until next time go by faster.

Welcome home MeMom & Jill! For the first time ever I can say that I enjoyed following along with your trip on FB

I'll be going in October now too, joining up with Wig'd and her crew, I so hope we get a chance to meet while I'm there!

We will. Are you guys all going to MNSSHP on the 16th? If nothing else, we can meet up with all of you outside the Magic Kingdom gate before you go in. We'll make more firm plans soon.

Glad you made it home safe! I really enjoyed getting all of the pictures; especially the one of our stone!! It means a lot to me that you went and found it.

It was dark when we were trying to find it, so we were using our phones as flashlights. :laughing:

Glad to hear you guys had an amazing trip!
Funny, it always rains really hard on our last day too. I remember being stuck in the waiting area for Carousel of Progress for a good half hour last August.
Can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear all of your stories!!!

It rains nearly every time we leave! This time, it was storming when we were finishing our snacks at Pop, and some of the power went out. When we were walking around Swan & Dolphin and while Jill and John went to Epcot, it was raining, but at least not storming. The girls and I had the covered walkway between Swan and Dolphin to keep us mostly dry, but Jill and John were soaked. No crowd, though, so it would have been a great time to shop in the Epcot stores.

Welcome home!

Have a great time at the wedding! Maybe we will see some pics when all the dust settles.

I do look forward to seeing all the pics...but I will wait patiently til you have the time.

Too bad you have to jump right back into a heavy schedule...but there will be less time to miss Disney.


Thanks to Jill's phone. I'm glad you enjoyed following along. :goodvibes

Even though we just left, I was looking at Brook's Magic Kingdom pictures this morning, and I was ready to jump right into them and be there again!

Welcome home ladies! I really enjoyed all the pictures on FB and look forward to the report.

Enjoy the wedding.

We will. We talked to Trent last night, and they were all having pre-wedding fun. Spencer is a great guy, and we wouldn't miss his big day for anything.

Welcome Back! I really enjoyed following along on your trip through FB and with your text. I'm so glad y'all had such a great trip and arrived home safe and sound.
Can't wait to see and hear all anout the trip, but I totally understand how busy you and Jill are. So I'll be here when you get the time.

By the way if you don't mind....Ty would like to show you a picture. He got a wonderful postcard from Mickey Mouse and some other very special "friends"! He just wanted everyone to know he thanks them very much and he really got a kick out of it!

Look at that face! That's one happy little boy! Thank you again!

He got that very quickly! It seems like it takes postcards forever to find their way out of Disney World and to the recipient. Kids love to get their own special mail. I'm glad it made him smile. And you, too, I hope.
She loves taking trips to Disney, helping others plan trips to Disney, planning Disney parties to bring the magic home between trips and spending time with her sweet granddaughters. That picture was when she met us at Hollywood Studios after we left her in the room. We were ready, and she said she still had to curl her eyelashes. To put them behind those sunglasses.In Disney World, where she knew no one.The eyelash curling thing seemed to be important.
So glad you're all home safely and that you had a fabulous time!

Your last-day rain story reminds me of our last day, which was your first day, when we met last summer...remember how it was coming down, too?

Wow, you really do have a lot going on the next few weeks, so just do whatcha gotta do...we'll be here!!

Yep, I remember that rainy day meeting well. This was much worse.

We have to get all of the pictures loaded on Photobucket in the midst of unpacking, cleaning, working, camp, etc. Plus, we haven't decided on a title yet. We have two that we like. One describes the trip itself more, and the other is just something cute that Bella said that we've repeated several times since.

I'm glad you had a good trip. I hope you saved enough energy to get through the next few weeks. It sounds like you will need it. Thanks for sharing your pictures while you were gone. They were a real treat.

John went to work yesterday after getting a few hours of sleep. When the girls went down for naps yesterday, so did Jill and I. We all zonked out and got some good hard sleep. Jill had to wake the girls up so they'd go back to sleep at night.

Glad ya'll made it home safely. I enjoyed following along on FB and will patiently wait for ya'll to get started on the TR for this trip.

And you know that once a trip report starts, you can't get rid of us for forever. :laughing:

Welcome home!! I followed along on facebook and I can't wait to read about it when you get the chance.

Glad you enjoyed following along! :banana:

I just loved reading all your updates here and seeing the pictures too! Thank you so much for the texts - every single one of them brought a big smile to my face! I know EXACTLY what you mean about the Disney trees and the fountains...there is just something about them.

I'll keep your decision about the job front in my prayers and thoughts! I could imagine it's hard to make a decision like that when you aren't completely sure on what to expect exactly!

I'm THRILLED to hear the October trip ends up working out! And what a special time it will be for you and Brook!

Take your time on a trip report, we will happily hang out until then. You've got some busyyyyy times ahead!

We haven't even told Brooklynn about the trip yet. She will drive Jill crazy asking 'Is it today?' for the next however many days it is, so we won't tell her until almost time to go.

I think if the Y job even paid $2.00 more an hour, it would be worth it.

Welcome back! I will be looking forward to hearing more about your trip whenever you are able to get to it. Also looking forward to a potential DIS meet in Oct.

Are you doing the MNSSP with the others?

Welcome home! Can't wait to hear about your trip whenever you are able to get around to it, and I loved the Facebook pictures and getting pictures from you!

It's always great to have you along on the trips via FB. :goodvibes

Jumping back into real life with both feet I see.

Have fun at the wedding and we will all wait here until things settle down a bit.

About the Y job, you would probably get paid more at a Sylvan or other learning center. The right decision will come to you and you will be able to juggle whatever you decide.

The thing with the Y is that it is so accomodating and so simple. I really would just have to hang out with the kids, which means I would not have to teach more after teaching a full day. That's a plus. The minus is the pay and giving up three valuable hours to make what I could make in one if I tutored. I'm batting it back and forth in my mind right now.

Welcome Home!! Enjoy the wedding.

We will.

Sorry that you are back... but glad your trip was great. You sure will be busy, but I will be waiting.

I forgot to ever thank you for that picture of the window at MK from Summer Magic. Hannah was over the moon thinking that was cool when I pointed it out to her when we were there!

Hooray for the fall trip. I sure would like one, but it is not in the cards since Doug is gone that lovely weekend!

Did you see that I ended up ordering Summer Magic and Follow Me Boys on DVD? I loved watching both of them, and I think I will start ordering a few more here and there in the years ahead. It was very nostalgic to see them.

Bella is too precious holding Brooklynn's hand while keeping a distance from the characters at Character Spot! :lmao: Glad she is starting to go up to them more, and I love all of your pictures Jill!

It probably looks like she was smiling about the characters, but she was cracking up at Jill and me, because we were acting like nuts behind the cameras. :laughing:

She is fine when she sees them from a distance. She even called out when she saw Mary Poppins walk by in Fantasyland, and she walked up to Fairy Godmother and handed her the autograph book. She is getting there ever so slowly.
Welcome Home!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! I do want to thank you so much for those wonderful texts!!!! They brought extra happiness to my day!!!

Will be praying for you and the job situation as you figure out exactly what you will do!! I do some tutoring throughout the year and am hoping to add a few extra hours a month this year, we'll see how that goes!!!

I hope you have a great time with church camp!!!!!
Did you see that I ended up ordering Summer Magic and Follow Me Boys on DVD? I loved watching both of them, and I think I will start ordering a few more here and there in the years ahead. It was very nostalgic to see them.

I hope you are using the Disney movie rewards program! With all the Disney DVD's you have you could really rack up some points. They offer a lot of old disney movies as rewards. I've gotten quite a few free movies and I don't even buy that many DVD's. Plus they give you a free DVD on your birthday and anniversary every year.
Welcome back! I happy to hear that you made it home safely and that you had a wonderfully magical vacation, but I'm still sorry it had to end!

Jill- Thank you so much for taking time out from your vacation to post pictures on facebook. It was so exciting for me to log on and see what you were up to, thank you for sharing pictures from our favorite place. I almost felt like I was on vacation too! :goodvibes
Welcome Home!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip!! I do want to thank you so much for those wonderful texts!!!! They brought extra happiness to my day!!!

Will be praying for you and the job situation as you figure out exactly what you will do!! I do some tutoring throughout the year and am hoping to add a few extra hours a month this year, we'll see how that goes!!!

I hope you have a great time with church camp!!!!!

If I am going to take the Y job, I have to do a two hour on-line child abuse class this week, along with 5-9 Friday night and 8-4 Saturday before church camp starts on Sunday. Plus, I still have all the camp shopping yet to do. That's weighing on me right now. The more I think about it, I think I might try to just pick up some private tutoring. That's something people won't pay for at my school, but at the private school my kids went to, people will pay. I might just make some contacts over there and do that again. I used to do that when the kids were still there, and $20 an hour is more attractive than $7.

We are glad that you guys enjoyed the pictures. It really is fun to share our trips with each other while we take our turns getting to go.

Welcome home! I enjoyed all the fb pictures! Enjoy the wedding!

Thanks. I'm sure you are very busy getting ready for you vacation now!

I hope you are using the Disney movie rewards program! With all the Disney DVD's you have you could really rack up some points. They offer a lot of old disney movies as rewards. I've gotten quite a few free movies and I don't even buy that many DVD's. Plus they give you a free DVD on your birthday and anniversary every year.

Jill takes/uses them, but she doesn't know about the birthday/anniversary thing. We'll have to check into that.

That is the plan :thumbsup2

Okay, we'll plan to see the whole group on that day, then, before you go to the party.

Welcome back! I happy to hear that you made it home safely and that you had a wonderfully magical vacation, but I'm still sorry it had to end!

Jill- Thank you so much for taking time out from your vacation to post pictures on facebook. It was so exciting for me to log on and see what you were up to, thank you for sharing pictures from our favorite place. I almost felt like I was on vacation too! :goodvibes

We were sorry it had to end, too. I would like to stay for two weeks sometime. Really, I'd love to be able to go for a week every other month. Maybe I would get my fill then.

Maybe. :upsidedow
Hi! Welcome back! I've been lurking some and have enjoyed all your updates. Brooklynn and Bella remind me so much of my 2 girls - I have a big 4 year old and a small 1 year old who is scared to get close to characters. I'm happy to hear Bella warmed up to them this trip! Can't wait to hear more! But don't hurry - it sounds like you all have a LOT on your plates! We'll all wait patiently :goodvibes
Welcome home MeMom, Jill & family. It sounds like you all had a great time. I loved seeing Bella standing with the characters.:cutie:

Thank you so much for sending the text pictures. It really made my day!!

Have fun at the wedding. I hope you are having a sunny glorious day as we are here in NH. Beautiful sunshine & a nice breeze.:cloud9:


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