Oh My! – The Brits Are At It Again! **COMPLETED** 11/13/11

Oh I would totally love to stay at Poly one day..what a lovely resort! :thumbsup2

Oh no on the Tonga Toast not being all that - I was really excited to see that you had chosen the one dish I really want to try so was not happy to read you were disappointed.
Linda, I am not sure the Tonga Toast is a heatlamp thing ..... I am not the biggest fan either. I LOVED the Banana Stuffed Frenchtoast they served at Boatwrights when they still did breakfast though. But it was different - more banana, not so much bread and they had real strawberry syrup, sweet but yum.

Okay, got sidetracked. :rotfl2:
At least the eggs were good! Can't wait for your review of MNSSHP! :thumbsup2
Hi Linda! :wave2:Don't tell anyone - but I've never really fancied the Tonga toast...:eek:

It just looks too blinkin'......cuboid! And very, very sweet! But I'm sad you didn't enjoy the pancakes - I was thinking about pancakes at Kona Cafe! We've never had breakfast there before but we want to go next year....

I love the painted toenails on the hammock photo. I love the Polynesian too and would love to stay there.
We ate at Kona for breakfast at the end of September and our experience was the opposite. Meaning my pancakes were very good and DH's eggs were runny. Our waitress was nice enough, but DH said that the hostess wasn't very friendly. So I guess this place is hit or miss.
You should 100% try it, that is our favorite signature!

Ooh I think we are going to have to fit it into our May 2012 plans :thumbsup2

I catch up and comment and you go and sneak in another review on me. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I'm sorry that you were not very happy with Kona. We went for the first time and loved our meal (I've not gotten to that part of my reviews yet), but then we all ordered things that you didn't, except Mark -- he did have the tonga toast.

You have to be quick round here :laughing:
I really thought DH would have ordered the Samoan as I am sure he would have loved it

Now I really want pineapple macadamia nut pancakes! My fav :goodvibes

Wish I could help you with that :wizard:

Oh I would totally love to stay at Poly one day..what a lovely resort! :thumbsup2

Oh no on the Tonga Toast not being all that - I was really excited to see that you had chosen the one dish I really want to try so was not happy to read you were disappointed.

The Poly sure is a wonderful resort ... mmm, one day :cloud9:

Linda, I am not sure the Tonga Toast is a heatlamp thing ..... I am not the biggest fan either. I LOVED the Banana Stuffed Frenchtoast they served at Boatwrights when they still did breakfast though. But it was different - more banana, not so much bread and they had real strawberry syrup, sweet but yum.

Okay, got sidetracked. :rotfl2:
At least the eggs were good! Can't wait for your review of MNSSHP! :thumbsup2

Hi Karin :goodvibes
I've heard a lot of great reviews of the old Boatwrights Breakfast, such a shame it's not still available :sad2:

Hi Linda! :wave2:Don't tell anyone - but I've never really fancied the Tonga toast...:eek:

It just looks too blinkin'......cuboid! And very, very sweet! But I'm sad you didn't enjoy the pancakes - I was thinking about pancakes at Kona Cafe! We've never had breakfast there before but we want to go next year....

I love the painted toenails on the hammock photo. I love the Polynesian too and would love to stay there.

Cuboid - my new favourite word :lmao:
Thanks for spotting the toe nails :goodvibes

We ate at Kona for breakfast at the end of September and our experience was the opposite. Meaning my pancakes were very good and DH's eggs were runny. Our waitress was nice enough, but DH said that the hostess wasn't very friendly. So I guess this place is hit or miss.

I have to admit, nobody was very friendly in there and I am such a ray of sunshine in the morning :rotfl:
Tuesday October 11th Part Two

Following our breakfast at the Kona Café we headed off property to do a little shopping :car:

Our breakfast kept us going so we didn’t feel the need for lunch; I did pick up a Pumpkin Spiced Latte from Starbucks though, man I wish they had these in England :cloud9:

After dropping our bags back off at the Boardwalk and freshening up we jumped on a bus to MK for tonight’s Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party

We arrived at the park a little after 4pm got our wristbands and trick or treat bags and headed into the park

The party doesn’t officially start until 7pm but we wanted to have time to explore and grab something to eat ahead of the festivities

On a side note; on the way into the park DH spotted the Barbers Shop (I can’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before) and asked me if it was ‘real’

‘Mmm, yep it’s real’

Right there and then DH decided that he needed a haircut :upsidedow

So in we went; me thinking there would be no chance of just walking in and getting an appointment but low and behold there was a chair just waiting for him and within five minutes he was chatting away to the wonderful CM Barber and putting the World to rights :rolleyes:

It was a seriously good haircut and DH was delighted with it, what he wasn’t expecting was the finishing touch of Pixie Dust all over his hair pixiedust:

I thought it was hysterical and was more than happy to bow my head when asked if I would like a sprinkle as well :goodvibes

So we headed off down Main Street with our hair full of glitter and DH’s pockets stuffed with Mickey stickers for being a good boy and not crying :lmao:

We were both getting hungry and DH was in the mood for a burger so we headed over to Pecos Bill in Frontierland


Deluxe 1/3-Pound Angus Cheeseburger - topped with bacon, onion rings, and barbeque sauce served with french fries

I really wanted to eat at Columbia Harbour House so didn’t order anything here but DH loved his burger and said that everything was hot, fresh and well cooked

He didn’t feel like dessert so he just got a Coke and a chocolate chip cookie to take away with us


Coke & Chocolate Chip Cookie

We headed over to Columbia Harbour House only do discover that it had closed 15 minutes earlier :headache:

OK no problem, let’s move to plan B, a snack for now and I’ll grab something later


Mickey Pretzel – Frontierland Pretzel Cart

OK, so it goes without saying that anything shaped like Mickey automatically tastes good but this was a perfect example of a soft, fresh, salty pretzel

I ate this looking out across the water to Tom Sawyer’s Island and spotted this guy below me .....


‘No chance pal, get your own’

Next up on our little snack attack


Dole Whip Swirl

The more observant of you will notice that yet again there are two spoons in this photograph; can I just give a little piece of advice to any of you out there planning weddings …………. Get something in the pre-nup about sharing Dole Whip :idea:

The crowds seemed really low tonight and with the Party now in full swing most of the rides were walk-ons so we hit the attractions before finding ourselves near Cosmic Ray’s where I decided to go and get myself something to eat


Cosmic Rays - Vegetarian Burger, Fries, Coke and Carrot Cake

This was a pretty sad burger; taste wise it was OK but the bread looked like someone had run over it with a parade float :eek:

I managed to save it by making good use of the toppings bar

The carrot cake was bleh, it had a strange chemical taste to me so after one bite I decided to save my self for the upcoming Candy feast and headed off to find the Trick Or Treat stations



Sugar, Sugar, Sugar :cloud9:

Just to wrap up, We LOVED the Halloween Party, the parade was absolutely the best I have every seen and the fireworks were awesome

I loved the way that the park was decorated and the spooky lighting effects and wouldn’t hesitate to buy another ticket if we were in WDW at this time of year again

We started to head out of the park just before midnight but I couldn’t resist one last spooky treat (like I hadn’t had enough sugar already :laughing:)

Ladies and Gentlemen; I give you the Eyeball Cupcake


Are you looking at me funny?

Next Up – You end the day with a Cupcake so why not start the day with a Cupcake?!
You saw that gator in MK!!! OMG I would have freaked out...I have this huge terror thing when it comes to gators, could be because we live around a huge lake and they are always out sunning themselves while I am walking :scared1:

Love the candy, the two times we did the MNSSHP we had lousy candy and it was super small pieces

Your pretzel looks so good!

I saw those eyeball cupcakes in MSB, did you see the ones that were upsidedown with the wicked witch legs sticking out? That was hysterical!
Awesome review of the MNSSHP! I've been hearing some horror stories about it lately so it's nice to see somebody had a good time there! :thumbsup2
Love the review of MNSSHP :goodvibes

Love the pictures of the food :goodvibes

Love the review of the food :goodvibes

The idea of a gator in the MK ...... um, well, not so much! :scared1: :rotfl2:
Just caught up with all your reviews! Boy am I behind!

I must have one of those Mickey pretzels! They look so good! I will seek one out next month.

I loved your CRT review! We had such a great experience there! Much like you, I wanted to go, but it wasn't on DH's list of vacation must-dos. He was a good sport though and had a great time too.

I had no idea that there was a pineappple vanilla swirl with the Dole Whip! I thought it was just all pineapple ice cream. I think I'll have one with my Mickey pretzel. :thumbsup2

Sorry you didn't have the greatest experience with Kona breakfast. That was one of our favorite meals last trip. Every restaurant has some off moments though. I hope you get to try it again some other time with better results.

All your reviews are great so far! Can't wait to read more!
I am loving your food reviews, but I have to say OMG about the alligator! :scared1: I think I'll hold my DS4's hand a little tighter when we next take the raft to Tom Sawyer's Island!!
We are going to try Kona this trip....sounds of the macadamia pancakes sounds like I will have to go off diet... Also can't wait for Dole whip....yummmyyyyy
Those macadamia pancakes look delicious, even if they weren't the best. :goodvibes

Love your MK snacks, mmmm dole whip! :cloud9:

I definitely want to try MNSSHP. I am hoping for a Oct 2013 trip to have Halloween in the USA. In Australia it is hardly done so I want to take the kids for the full blown experience.
MNSSHP sounds like you had a great night. What on earth happened to your veggie burger - it looked unappetising even before I read your review :scared1:

I too like CH (shame it was closed) - the jacket potatoes they sell just near there are also good.
Really?!?! I would have never expected this. Great picture as are all of your pictures. Love your dining report and love the barber shop experience. Thank you for sharing!

Ditto!!! Is that a real gator?? in MK?? :scared1:
You saw that gator in MK!!! OMG I would have freaked out...I have this huge terror thing when it comes to gators, could be because we live around a huge lake and they are always out sunning themselves while I am walking :scared1:

Love the candy, the two times we did the MNSSHP we had lousy candy and it was super small pieces

Your pretzel looks so good!

I saw those eyeball cupcakes in MSB, did you see the ones that were upsidedown with the wicked witch legs sticking out? That was hysterical!

Hi Nicki :goodvibes
I can't imagine what it must be like just walking past gators when you are just out for a stroll; not much chance of that happening in England :laughing:
I did see the wicked witch cupcakes, I didn't get to try one but they sure looked cute!

Awesome review of the MNSSHP! I've been hearing some horror stories about it lately so it's nice to see somebody had a good time there! :thumbsup2

It was our first time at MNSSHP so I can't compare it to previous years but we had a total blast

Love the review of MNSSHP :goodvibes

Love the pictures of the food :goodvibes

Love the review of the food :goodvibes

The idea of a gator in the MK ...... um, well, not so much! :scared1: :rotfl2:

Mr Gator provided wonderful entertainment whilst chomping my pretzel :rolleyes:

Just caught up with all your reviews! Boy am I behind!

I must have one of those Mickey pretzels! They look so good! I will seek one out next month.

I loved your CRT review! We had such a great experience there! Much like you, I wanted to go, but it wasn't on DH's list of vacation must-dos. He was a good sport though and had a great time too.

I had no idea that there was a pineappple vanilla swirl with the Dole Whip! I thought it was just all pineapple ice cream. I think I'll have one with my Mickey pretzel. :thumbsup2

Sorry you didn't have the greatest experience with Kona breakfast. That was one of our favorite meals last trip. Every restaurant has some off moments though. I hope you get to try it again some other time with better results.

All your reviews are great so far! Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a wonderful and yummy trip

I am loving your food reviews, but I have to say OMG about the alligator! :scared1: I think I'll hold my DS4's hand a little tighter when we next take the raft to Tom Sawyer's Island!!

Our little gator friend only had three legs so hopefully that will slow him down :laughing:

We are going to try Kona this trip....sounds of the macadamia pancakes sounds like I will have to go off diet... Also can't wait for Dole whip....yummmyyyyy

I hope you have an amazing trip, you should leave the diet at home :rolleyes1

Those macadamia pancakes look delicious, even if they weren't the best. :goodvibes

Love your MK snacks, mmmm dole whip! :cloud9:

I definitely want to try MNSSHP. I am hoping for a Oct 2013 trip to have Halloween in the USA. In Australia it is hardly done so I want to take the kids for the full blown experience.

I hope you get to try MNSSHP sometime, your kids would love it :lovestruc

MNSSHP sounds like you had a great night. What on earth happened to your veggie burger - it looked unappetising even before I read your review :scared1:

I too like CH (shame it was closed) - the jacket potatoes they sell just near there are also good.

I did manage to get to CHH later in the trip so all was not lost; we love that place :thumbsup2

Hi Linda! Love your reviews - great as usual :thumbsup2

Thanks so much, I hope you enjoyed your recent trip? I was keeping up to date with your live reports and loved reading them :goodvibes

Really?!?! I would have never expected this. Great picture as are all of your pictures. Love your dining report and love the barber shop experience. Thank you for sharing!

Thanks for reading, the barber shop was certainly a cool and fun thing to do :)

Ditto!!! Is that a real gator?? in MK?? :scared1:

Yep, it was certainly real
He just wanted to keep himself to himself, he only popped out to say hello for a minute ;)
Wednesday 12th October Part One

This morning we were heading to Hollywood Studios and it was a lovely stroll to get there from the Boardwalk alongside the water :cloud9:

We were at the park for rope drop and the crowds were fairly light, so we could easily get to do all the biggies and by the time we had enjoyed a second tummy turning drop on the Tower Of Terror it was time to fill those tummies up with the type of breakfast you can only really enjoy in the Disney bubble :rolleyes1


Starring Rolls - Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake


Starring Rolls - Butterfinger Cupcake

The Red Velvet Cheesecake Cupcake was my choice; the cake part was delicious and so was the frosting.

I was expecting a little more of a cheesecake flavour and that would have probably cut down some of the sweetness but even so it was a good cupcake but not one I would rush back to get

I’ve already got my eye on the Marble Cupcake for my May trip; how sad is that? I am planning my cupcake intake for a trip in 6 months!! :rotfl:

DH went for the Butterfinger Cupcake which he has tried before and as much as I tried to get him to pick something new (mainly so I could try something new :laughing:) he really enjoys this cupcake and decided to stick with his old favourite

He managed to eat the whole this which in itself is probably more difficult than getting a Fast Pass for TSM at 7pm at night :rolleyes:

His only complaint was that it was a little ‘too cold’ but other than that he loved it and said that the cake was light and tasty and the frosting as rich and sickly as ever; just the way he likes it :thumbsup2

So with our nutritiously balanced breakfast consumed we continued our tour of the park before our late lunch ADR

Coming up next ............... Hollywood Brown Derby
I can't believe I've only found this section of the dis website in the last few days, its amazing! Thank for taking the time and trouble to do such an informative report, it's been a huge help to me planning our May trip - and I found it in the nick of time as we hit our 180 day mark a few days ago. :thumbsup2

Slight downside though, I've spent HOURS reading through the reports, when I should really have been doing other things :tigger:

Looking forward to the next instalment!


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