Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Gosh, I don't even know where to start I'm so out of it...

I've pretty much just been posting on the BL threads. I quit posting on my team thread because I just felt like a failure. Everyone else there is either in shape or lost a bunch of weight to get in shape, and I am still plugging along, I'll probably end the year about 10 lbs lighter than last year, but nothing spectacular -- I'm still slow and big.

Nothing exciting on any racing fronts, either. I'm doing the Disney Princess in Feb., and that's it. I will probably do some other local races, but nothing with any name recognition.

As of right now I'm on track with eating and training. For some reason I tend to do well in December. This is my first year after 4 of going to marathon weekend I won't be there, and I'm in the habit of training hard and really curtailing the eating. I just seemed to slide into it naturally this year, so I'm going to go with it. I'm kind of sad about missing marathon weekend, and I think I've got Dennis talked into us going back for 2013. He wants to run another Full, and he does enjoy the Disney experience, as long as he can leave as soon as he showers after the race :rotfl:

I :lovestruc that Tandy is doing an Ultra! :worship: This is so awesome, and your grades are also something to be very proud of! You are doing great!

Jackie -- Your race schedule sounds so challenging -- but I know you love it! ::yes:: I'm envious you are running with Annie. The only thing my Ben is going to run to is the Wii :rotfl:

Jeanne -- Congratulations on the new Baby Greek who will be arriving in 2012! What a wonderful addition to your family. You are going to be an Awesome Grandma! :yay:

Vicky -- I hope things have settled down after the crazy October. Congrats on the weight loss, I am sure you will make your Jan. 1st goal! :dance3:

Debra -- Vegas was fine. I'm not really "built" for that town -- I'm one of the fuddy duddies who actually goes to their workshops -- but I did go out in the afternoon one day and at night, and I had a good time looking at things and hanging around. I'm not a gambler, so I didn't come home any richer or poorer. :confused3

On that note, I'd better get back to work...I was supposed to have a big project that happily has gone away, so I should be able to work on smaller tasks and enjoy somewhat of a break. My Autumn was one giant, stressful project after another, and I am, in the words of my friend Rose, "chicken-fried".

So in the vein of it's fun to catch up -- what is on everyone's Christmas list?

Maria :upsidedow
Maria - You are NOT a failure! But I do understand what you mean about the team thread... it had gotten a tone of super success there for a while. I don't think they mean it to be that way, and I'm truly happy for Richard, and Jen, because I know they've worked really hard to get where they are. But it did get a little boring... I finally just jumped back in one day and did an update, mainly because I felt a little lonely. And I miss you when you're not around - your posts are always fun and entertaining. I love knowing what's happening in your world, so PLEASE don't be a stranger!

And it's hard not going in January after years of being there. 2011 was our first missed year after 3 years in a row, and it was tough. Especially around now on the boards, when everyone is discussing where they're staying, and when they're arriving. And I really thought we'd be there, or at the very least, at Princess. And now we're not. :sad2: But I'm excited about Jacksonville - at least we'll be crossing the FL border. Annie is trying to work a Disney trip on to the end of it, but it's too early for her spring break so the timing isn't quite right. And she has a chance to go to Vegas in March, so I suspect that's where our $$ will end up going. :rolleyes1 (And Maria, I imagine I'd be like you in Vegas - the lights would be pretty, but I'd be bored within a couple of hours!)

Hello Leanies! Sorry to be MIA! I've just been staying over on my team thread but there just doesn't seem to be enough time these days. And last night I checked on how many miles I had done in November - mostly to see when I needed to be replacing my shoes and it turns out, I nearly ran 100 miles. Yikes! That's probably on the low end for some other Goofy-ers but it's a lot more than I've ever run! That explains why I have had no life lately :laugh:

Jackie - I felt the same way you did last year when everyone was talking about going to the Princess Half. The new greenway sounds like a very scenic run! I take its still warm in your part of the woods? The weather has stayed above freezing here - so it's made training very pleasant, no excuses not to get out for a LR. I will do a virtual 12 miles with you on Christmas Eve :)

Someone once told me to start out with a faster pace group. The reasoning was that it's easier to keep the pace once you've started rather than to play catch up later on. I think that's awesome that you've got so many races planned! You've definitely come a long way since your surgery! I'm so happy for you!!

Maria - Failure is definitely not a word that comes to my mind when I think of you. Maybe people are reticent to post when they're not doing well? You don't have to be PRing or losing a ton of weight to be considered a success in my mind. The fact that you have self control in December when not many people do is fantastic. You'll be running rings around some of us at the end of the month!That said, you're always welcome to come and post on Hakuna Matada if you like. We're a friendly group - we're not super competitive and there's lots of chatter about races, weight loss, Disney and non Disney things :)

If I went to Vegas, I'd just lose a bunch of money from shopping... and eating :) I want to go Payard's Patissiere. I love me some chocolates and macarons!

Jeannie - Congrats on the news of the grandkids! That's wonderful! Hope everything went okay at the doctors. How's your training been going lately?

AFM - Not much has been going on lately. Just lots of running. The Goofy training takes a lot of time even though I've cut back on a couple of the weekday runs. The eating has been going well for the last month as well. I have a fitness assessment this Saturday so I'm interested to see how things are going. I have about 5 lbs to go before I can get down to 130 lb for January.

And you're all welcome to come and post on Hakuna Matada :)

Anyway, gotta get back to work! Have a great day ladies! :wave2:
Hi ladies. I'm so happy to see posting. :banana:

Vicky: I'll do my catching up with you on HM. Just wanted to say that that's an amazing amount of running. Definitely explains where you've been lately. ;)

Maria: You are kidding me, right? You, a failure? I don't think so. There are a lot of people in this world, me included, who can lose weight fast and easy. It's the keeping it off that's the problem. You are 10 pounds lighter this year! And, you were how many pounds lighter from the year before at the end of last year? You are doing it right. Slow and steady wins the race. Another thing to consider is that you are soooo healthy! When you list what you and Dennis eat and how much you work out, I'm amazed.
As far as being depressed about not going for marathon weekend, I feel it too. I am sad because I really want to be there. But, at least you get to go for princess weekend. I don't even get that. I am hoping to go again in 2013 also. You should talk Dennis into going Goofy! ;)
I'm not a vegas fan either. We went once and I did not have a good time. I would love to see some of the Cirque shows, but I can do that in other places.

Jackie: I guess the 3 of us get to have Disney withdrawals. :guilty: I am quite impressed with your race schedule. Fix the woman's hip, and she's a running demon! I would love any support on ultra day, even if it is from across the country. I am going to need it, for sure!

Jeanne: Congratulations on the upcoming grandbaby! What a wonderful new phase in your life. My best friend just had her first grandchild about 8 months ago, and she's a different person.

AFM: It's been rough, but I have one full week left of school and I'm done for a month. I truly cannot wait. It's been a real struggle here at the end. With the training for the ultra, in class time, projects, studying, tests, parenting, Christmas decorations and shopping and now, my Mom's upcoming visit; I'm just a little overwhelmed. This weekend was my cutback weekend on my long runs. I have an 18 next weekend (right before finals, ugh) and 20 the next. I will then have another cutback and get to step into unknown territory. The following week is 24, followed by 28, which is just scary to me. Frank keeps reminding me that I ran Goofy, but I keep reminding him that it was over 2 days, not all at once. I've had to incorporate walking breaks in for the first time in training. I want to do the 44 mile race in 9 hours, so I have plenty of time for walking and stopping to eat. But, I may reassess on the day of. It could take me 10 or 11 and that would be fine. I just want to say that I did it. Because it's a brewery to brewery run, I'm going to start incorporating beer into my training. I'm going to have one to start and one to end. I just don't know how that's going to work when I start at 10 am. :laughing:

Harrison and Frank are doing well. Frank hasn't had a cigarette in over 2 months. He's gained back every pound that he lost, but I'd rather him not smoke. Harrison is a typical 12 year old and we have to fight him to step away from the Xbox, but he's a pretty good kid. Just lazy.

My weight is up. I just can't stop eating, and don't really want to. :laughing: Strange for me, but sometimes you just need these times. I think it's because I'm just not fueled enough when I go out for these runs. And, I have no time to eat when I'm at school, so I leave there starving and overeat when I get home.

I hope everyone is doing well. Let's keep up the posting ladies.
Hello ladies,
I've been lying real low here lately. I am battling some health demons that have totally rocked my world......just when everything was going so well! Sorry to be so vague, but we are still in the process of getting a confirmed diagnosis. Suffice it to say it is in the autoimmune category. At this point, I can't even walk one mile, let alone 2 B2B halves! But we're still going in January even if it's just to visit the "world" and see some of you guys. I had an absolutely fabulous time on the cruise because my husband, who is a physician, was able to give me some meds that worked really well in the short term and it was like being my old self again. That's not his area of expertise, however, so it was only a quick fix. I'm having more bloodwork done tomorrow and hopefully that will result in more answers. I haven't been able to train much, but I know that if I make it to the start line I will find the will and determination to finish.
I am going to fight this with every fiber of my being!
BTW, please no comments on FB about kids are clueless until we have some definite information.

If I don't get back here before next weekend, I want to wish each of you a very merry Christmas. Love you all!
Jeanne: I am so sorry to hear your news. :hug: I hope you get an answer and a fix to your problem soon. If it ends up being autoimmune, it definitely stinks. I have an autoimmune disease, but it's an easy one (thyroid). I have a couple friends with Lupus, and they manage very well, but it's tough. My prayers will be with you. I hope you are able to enjoy the Disney trip, even if there's no running involved. Merry Christmas to you too and take it easy.
Hey folks. I'm here, sort of. I'm mostly just looking forward to 2011 being over with.

But I wanted to pitch in with a couple of things.

Jeanne: Oh, my goodness! I certainly hope that you get some definitive answers soon. I also hope you'll be able to share things with your family soon, as I know they are a source of your strength as well as your joy. What little news you have worries me. I am, however, delighted that you'll be able make it to the World and I'll be able to see you. I look forward to hearing good news about you & the whole family. (Congrats on baby Greek-to-be!)

Maria: I have to admit, I know exactly how you feel. I don't see it when I think of all you do, all you've accomplished, so I think YOU'RE delusional. But I have the same feelings about me, unfortunately, and similar reactions. I've just avoided almost everyone. But you, I think you've done just great this year. Except, and forgive me for not keeping up with things, you're doing the Princess. But not January. Boo and hiss.

Jackie: I'm going to miss you, naturally, and everyone else - lots of people I like seeing aren't going to be at WDW. It's got to be hard. But I love hearing about your running plans with Jacksonville, NC, etc. I actually envy that kind of planning. Your recovery, return to running and - dang it - just the fun you've been having is so great to read about!

Tandy: How did the semester go for you, now that it's finished. (Grading is still going on in this household.) Like Maria said, I'm super-impressed with your training for the ultra. Indeed, ultra seems to be what I think of when I think of all that you do! :lmao: Oh, and I have to say congrats to Frank. Quitting smoking is a big, big deal!

AFM: There's a lot that I'd love to catch you up on, but really, not the time of year or really a good idea. Summary - weight is up, family drama is up, relationship snark is up, job stress is up for me & DOOD especially. My New Year's goals are to see all those things go down. As well as my running pace.

On the up side, we're by ourselves for the holidays and planning on going out to a Chinese restaurant a la "A Christmas Story." I also plan to see "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" on Christmas Day. Because it's a holiday thing. (I saw "The Muppets" with my in-laws over Thanksgiving weekend - they didn't like it, and felt the need to tell me so.)

I also hope to do some baking over the holiday. It's been months since I've done anything more than muffins and, strangely enough, I miss it. I always think of Vicky when I bake these days. Or when I think of baking! So, what have you been making, woman, since my oven is cold, cold I tell you!

Anyway, I know many of you won't post during the holidays - but I hope to. And more important, I hope you all have great, warm, loving, relaxing holidays - no matter how or with whom you celebrate! :lovestruc
As part of my NY's resolutions, I'm committed to re-establishing connections with my WISH buddies, my runner self, and my health. So I'll be posting here at least once a week. And I hope to see you here, too. :goodvibes

First, some sad news in case you haven't read it. Robert (ultramickeymouse) and Linda, his wife, were killed Friday night. (See the "Sad News" thread by cewait/Coach Charles.)

Not only am I saddened by the news, but it's again a reminder about how many real friendships have been made here. And so I'm thinking of you my Leanies, as we move forward in 2012.

So it seems a bit odd to talk about plans for the New Year, but I believe Robert & Linda would appreciate the sense of moving forward, one step at a time. And that's what I propose to do. I hope it doesn't seem to crass to do so.

So, briefly, to let you know where I am in my journey. January is a good time for fresh starts - and I need one. I started strong in 2011 with the Penguin's 100 day challenge...finished it, and started the next. Lost some weight.

But stress brings out the unhealthy couch potato and potato-chip eating slug that is me naturally. So, I fell into a rut of not enough XT, minimal maintenance running, and overeating. I'm back to where I started in 2011.

2012, then, is going to be all about me. Me, me, me. Rediscovering all the things that will make me healthier and happier, and maybe finding a few new ones. And you're part of that. I hope you'll join me in a journey of discovery and focusing your your best selves, too. :hug::yay:
Jeanne - Any news yet?

Debra - We've spent the holidays watching movies. I seriously want to see Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but none of my family is excited about it. We saw Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Day, and enjoyed it, despite the fact that it probably isn't that good of a movie! Then Annie introduced us to Redbox... and I've finally seen everything that I missed during 2011! So far... The Help, Super 8, Midnight in Paris, Water for Elephants, The Town, The King's Speech, Captain America, and tonight we re-watched Deathly Hallows 1&2.

I'm all for starting 2012 healthy. Or at least healthier. I'm doing the 100 Days Challenge, for the first time. I'm going to attempt to cut out some of the junk. I want to lose 5 more pounds before my marathon in February.

And the calendar for 2012 looks like this, so far:
2/12 26.2 with Donna - Jacksonville, FL
2/25 Crystal Coast Half Marathon - Morehead City, NC
3/25 NC Half Marathon - Charlotte, NC
4/15 RunRaleigh Half - Raleigh, NC

Tentative races include:
4/22 Flying Pirate Half - Nags Head, NC
11/10 Richmond Half - Richmond, VA
11/11 Outer Banks Half - Nags Head, NC
(Yeah - I know, that's 2 in 2 days. I'm having a crazy desire to move up a level or two, or three, in the Half Fanatics!)

And to put it in writing, once again, there is a time goal of 5:30 for a full.

Jeanne: Thinking good thoughts for you! And hoping all is answered soon, with a clear course of action.

Jackie: your race and healthy living plans sound fantastic! You've got a lot of local or regional races in your area. I don't think I realized how many. And the Half Fanatics seems to be a good way to motivate for races; I definitely think you could rock back-to-back halfs. And putting that time goal in writing seems to be working for you. Your races just keep getting better and better.

And wow, you've seen a lot of movies! I like Netflix but Redbox has that impulse factor that's fun. We saw "Dragon Tattoo." I think it's worth a watch if you've read the book. Very dark, though.

We just saw "Hugo," and enjoyed it, although it's a strange film for Scorsese to do. His child star, Asa Butterfield, will be Ender Wiggin in the upcoming film of "Ender's Game." I always think of Maria when I think of "Ender's Game!":goodvibes

AFM: As per usual, we have yet to commit to races. We've roughly figured out travel for the first six months of the year - it's about every 3-4 weeks, for a total time on the road of about 6-7 weeks. I haven't checked to see if there are races where we'll be traveling. But I'm trying to embrace the idea that running in a new place will be a good way to get my groove back. That is, if I actually decide to travel with DOOD to some of his places as part of his job. (But dagnabbit - he's going to the UK in May!)

I like the 100 day challenge myself, because it really was focused on improving myself rather than tallying up numbers for a team. And what I found is that, in order to offset boredom, I needed to do new things. I'm enjoying it so far...getting back into some XT things that I'd stopped doing. Like all upper body and core work. (And boy, does it show!)

I'm a little superstitious about putting my running goals into writing until after this weekend. Because, you know, I'm a freak. But it involves getting faster, with a strong core, and to drop this weight that drags me down physically and emotionally.

To that end, and you'll probably all kick me out of the Disney club for this...I've cancelled all but one of our ADRs for this weekend. We're going to eat at our resort (off property, Bonnet Creek), except for meets and our post-race celebration at Rose & Crown (DOOD's favorite and his request). No time to start that healthier eating, I guess. Not that there won't be some treats, but I'll be trying to avoid temptation!

Hello to all the other Leanies out there. I know we've been a quiet bunch, me especially, but wanted you to know that you're part of my NY's resolutions!:confused3
Happy New Year ladies! I somehow missed the last 3 or so posts, sorry.

Debra: You're 2012 plan to focus on you sounds like a good one. If I've learned one thing about the women I know, it's that we all put ourselves last. I am trying to learn to be better too.
I am totally understanding of eating off property. After this last January, we will always do the same thing. It's too much stress with the ressies, too much money, and too much food otherwise.
All the travel sounds wonderful, but definitely takes some planning and organization. We are going on 3 mini trips this year plus the big one to Europe, and I'm trying to get all 4 trips planned before I go back to school, because I won't have the time at all. But, it's kind of fun really. ;)

Jackie: Wow, that is a lot of movies! I have seen none. :laughing: I always have intentions of seeing them, but never make it. And, a lot of races planned! Yikes! I have all of 1 planned, and may have to scrap that.
What is the 100 day challenge? Sounds good, whatever it is.

AFM: I have ITBS and can't run. It's driving me crazy. I haven't run now for a week and a half, and was hoping to be back at it by Monday, but it's not looking good. I am walking 2 miles per day and I'll have pain one day and none the next. :confused3 I'm doing all the right things:ice, band, stretches, core exercises, but nothing yet.

My 2012 goals are simple: Be the super healthy me that I get so close to! I have started back with the clean eating. I'm back to lifting and core work, especially for my hips. I'm going to continue the running when I'm allowed back. I have gained enough weight that I have about 12-15 pounds to lose, but I want to do it super slow and just get body fat off this time. I'm hoping to reach my goal by my ultra on April 1st.

I am also hoping to hear in March that I've been accepted into the RN program. I've got to get through this spring semester and then, take one online class this summer. I don't want to take it online, but with all the traveling we're planning, I have no choice. Then, I can start the nursing program this fall, I hope. The school only takes 64, so it's very competitive.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I can't wait to hear how Debra and Vickie's races went (anyone else running this weekend?).
Heading out to WDW tomorrow......looking forward to seeing many of you. No definititive answers or course of treatment yet, but I am actually feeling pretty good. My plan is to show up for the half on Saturday and see what happens. I'm signed up for the second leg of the Chip and Dale on Sunday and will see how I feel when the time comes. No matter what I decide, John should be able to earn his medal for the first leg. Worst case scenario, I will join the WISH scream team outside HS.

That's it for now......still need to pack and write a critique for the book club session I will be missing. So much to little time! I may not make it to bed tonight......
Bumping this thread back up, and reminding myself to post tomorrow. When I officially weigh in and go "clean" for the two weeks before we travel to see my family for the delayed holidays - when all bets are off.

Tandy: I knew about the big trip to Europe - how's the planning on that going? I didn't know about the mini-trips. Wow, and you've got the full plate with school, etc. Are those family trips? Is one associated with the ultra, and how is that going with the ITB and training and all? *(I'm still catching up, can you tell?)

I had not idea that the RN program you're interested in was so competitive. But you've done really, really well with school and I'm sure your application will demonstrate just how focused you are.*

Jeanne: You utterly rocked your race; I can't believe how good you looked on the course. Both days! And in my excitement to see you when I scream teamed the full, I totally forgot to ask you how John did?! And did the official/unofficial Chip & Dale relay thing get worked out? (Let alone updates on your other issues...)

AFM: My race went well - not much of a race, per se *I was having a rare good day, one where my legs were strong and my HR low. Unfortunately, *my racing partner was not. We ended up going slower than either of our training runs had suggested. I'm okay with that - prefer the company - but I feel like I failed to adequately support her and her needs. Not used to running with anyone, so something to work on.*

On the upside, we were both Girl Scouts and helped someone we didn't know get through enough miles that she should have earned her finisher's medal. Long story, but that woman thought she'd draft off us for a while, not realizing we were much faster than she thought. I think our use of RW intervals from the beginning confused her... We had to leave her behind, though, because even at our slower pace we were too fast for her.*

About eating in our resort:*I really liked being able to eat more or less normally during our trip. We did some quick service & DOOD had ice cream every day - I didn't quite hit that record, but it was close. So not all was perfect. But dining was much less a focus on this WDW trip and I felt much more in control...of eating and expenses. And that was really useful for the race. I think my next trip will be easier.*

This week, I weigh in and try to re-establish a normal schedule. The semester doesn't start for another week, which means DOOD & I are still under each other's feet when it comes to working at home. Bah. But I need to focus on XT and core work; I spend too much time sitting and writing & have what I think it called "secretary's butt." Ewwww. Now there's an image you can't get out of your head.*
Happy new year Leanies! I know it's been f-o-r-e-v-e-r since I've posted but I'm hoping I can scootch back in unnoticed!

Debra - Yup secretary's butt! I had that when I first started working in an office. I'm thinking you should see some of the ankles on these ladies too - not pretty!

DOOD had ice cream every day! He's my hero! LOL I would say it's a bit easier with the mileage that he runs. I'd love to be able to work my way up to the point where I could say that I'm going out for an easy 16 miler but I have a lot of training ahead of me before I can say that.

WTG on helping out the other racer! I hope she was able to finish!

Jeanne - What Debra said about you looking fab out on course! I was running with Eva and Mike R. and we spotted you near the YC/BC. They were asking "Who's that?" I said "I think that's Jeanne!" We all thought you looked awesome! I felt like the Wicked Witch in the 'Wizard of Oz' at that point for a number of reasons, but mostly because I felt like I was melting! You on the other hand looked cool and happy! But it was nice to finally meet you in person :hug:

Tandy - Congrats on RN school! That's huge! Before you know it, we'll be bugging you for medical advice and asking you about pains here and there and what to do about muscle pulls etc. Is it mostly classes the first year or do they give you work placements right away?

The other thing I'd suggest for your ITB is to get a deep tissue massage or to have ART done. I can't say that either ART or the deep tissue massage are pleasant but they've both helped me out with mine. And then there's just good ole fashion RICEing and patience. You could cross train in the meantime - the elliptical or recumbent bike might be good alternatives to keeping up your cardio.

I missed seeing you at the races this year! I hope you're able to come back one of these years and we can run together again!

Maria - How are you? Are you keeping busy with work and family? Are you going to the Princess half in February? Please say hi to Dennis for me :wave2:

AFM - Well I'm officially Goofy! I did both races and I'm in the process of getting RR reports done. I just uploaded my pics on FB - I still can't believe it was just a week ago!

But now I'm back to the real world and real eating! I was up 4lbs as of Friday! But I have to say that I did not watch my eating at all after the last race. I think on the Monday I ate a cheesecake brownie for breakfast, a hamburger & onion rings and shared a sundae for lunch ... I don't even have to mention dinner at that point but I'm sure it was all well over 3500 calories.

I'm back to the gym on Monday and then I'll try going for a run sometime this week or on the weekend. I wimped out because the temps were 10F and snowy when I got back. I guess I forgot the memo to pack the warm weather and sunshine!
Vicky: Congratulations on being officially Goofy again! Are you doing Dopey next year? What's your next race/challenge? I think that, given the recommended recovery time for races, you can enjoy some time off the roads (no matter what the temps).

So, you're going to tell me that the remedy for secretary's butt is squats, aren't you? That's all right, I need to hear it. :lmao:

And don't tell DOOD he's your hero for the ice cream. He'd enjoy that too much, and he's getting the stink eye from me for not needing to watch what he eats. Or for being such a speedy rabbit that he can run far more miles than I do in the same amount of time. Or maybe just breathing, who knows. The semester still hasn't started, and he's getting on my nerves and under foot. :rotfl2:

Maria, Tandy, Manda, Jeanne, Jackie, Beth, and any I may have forgotten: I hope your 2012 goals are relentlessly moving forward. Much like your running and walking goals!

AFM: I'm not quite ready to come clean with numbers, yet, or frankly calorie counting. It turns out that I've strayed so far from my goals that I need a stepladder to reach the basement. :rotfl2: Maybe next week I'll go public. But, the cupboards are bare of bad stuff (although the freezer has ice cream in it....grrrr).

And, for those who can't feel the snark emanating from these pages, I'm going cold turkey on the caffeine. You might remember I got rid of it last year. And then I got sucked back in. So it's a new year, a new start, and several days worth of withdrawal headaches. I didn't try to quit at Disney, but I want to be done with it by next weekend

In the first post-Disney trip of the year.. I head to my parents for a post-Christmas Christmas. And although I find junk food and caffeine of great comfort when visiting family I'll be trying to minimize my exposure to the great temptations. And to find other ways to keep my mouth shut! :lmao:
Debra: I'm here, I promise. Just haven't had anything interesting to post. Don't worry, you'll get back out, I promise. The good news is you have nowhere to go but up, right?:lmao: Believe me, I'm right there with you. I'm glad you had a good race. And good for you for helping someone out. :thumbsup2

Vicky: I'm not in the school yet, they still need to accept me. But, I think they will. ;) I hope to get back next year and run with you, but we'll have to see. I really, really want to though. :)

Jeanne: How did it go at WDW? Did you manage it? Any answers yet?

AFM: Well, I'm not hurting anymore, but the race is out. There is no way I can build up to 44 miles by April 1st now. So, I'm not running this month and starting again in February. I have a 10k planned now in place of the ultra, so it gives me 2 months of buildup to that, considering I'm starting at 0 again. :mad: I just started back to zumba this week, and 2 classes with no pain, so that's a positive, I guess.

My weight is so high I can't believe it. I was up 13 pounds from my goal and now am at 10 again. I seem to be in a vicious cycle of self pity and comforting with food.

School started this week and I think I'm going to love some of my professors, especially my weird, eccentric social problems professor. He's a control freak/hippy. I didn't even know you could combine those 2 things! :laughing: I think the weight loss will go well with how busy I am going to be! :thumbsup2

Now, I just need to get through the semester, because I have Italy on the brain. I am so excited about the week in Venice that I've completely overlooked the week in Germany before that! And school, and winter, and spring. :laughing: And, now I need to go shopping for new summer dresses, darn!

I hope everyone is okay. I miss you guys and hope to hear from you.
Good Mornining Lovely Lean Ones!

I won't bother to try to catch up -- just a few shoutouts and an update.

Tandy -- I absolutely have faith you will get into the nursing program! You have worked very hard and excelled -- this will be the next step in your goals! I am sorry about the race, but I totally get it. :hug: I would have Italy on the brain, too, what a wonderful adventure!

Debra -- No caffeine is rough :surfweb: I know you, and you are a woman of hidden strength -- I have no doubt you will do well at the post Christmas-Christmas :santa: Congratulations on another fabulous Disney race! :yay: I always find someone a bit ahead of me (usually around Mile 7, when it gets dull) and do my best to make sure I don't lose sight of them. I find it's really helpful. I'm glad you could be that person for someone else -- what a good DISer you are! ;)

Vicky -- Dennis said to tell you "Hi!" back! You :goofy: girl! I am so proud of you, what an amazing accomplishment! I'm all for cheesecake brownies for breakfast, I'm going to keep that in mind for my next post-Disney race :idea: Which is coming up Feb. 26th -- Yep, I am doing the Princess again princess: I had such a good time, I'm looking forward to my one 2012 Disney race. And looking out to the future -- Dennis wants to do the Full again, so we are in for marathon weekend 2013! I'm sticking with either the Half or Chip and Dale, but he's going to be one of the many I hope to cheer on doing the Full! :cheer2:

Jackie -- Your race schedule looks great! I'm planning three Halfs this year: Princess in Feb., Providence Rock n Roll in August, and Wicked Half in Sept. I'd like to find a May one as well -- and I did, but I think the field is just way too fast. Anyway, I think three in 2012 is good. That's what I did in 2011, and I was generally happy with it. :thumbsup2 I'd love to do the Hershey Half, but we can't make it work with ds's schedule unless it's Columbus Day Weekend -- and that's wishful thinking, I bet.

Jeanne -- How are you? :hug: You have been on my mind, I hope you get some answers soon. Are you going to do Providence again? I promise to come to the meet this year! :goodvibes

Manda and Beth -- Hey, are you two still around? I'm missing the "Beth" challenges! I bet we'd all be up to start one in Feb., if you are so inclined ::yes::

I am knee-deep in Princess training right now. As of last week I was up 3 lbs from my Princess weight last year, so I'm pretty determined to run this one at a lower weight and (hopefully!) faster time. I did 11M Saturday, and I have 12M planned for tomorrow. I'm doing something a little different this time, and getting up to 13M before I start to taper. I figure it can't hurt. ;)

The other thing keeping us active right now is the NFL Playoffs. We're watching every game. I know some of you are not so fond of Terrific Tom and My Beloved Patriots, but he is quite fun to watch when he's having a great day!

I also just started using WW online again. It is helping. Thinking about what I'm eating is key for me :blush:

Time for lunch, everyone have an awesome week!

Maria :upsidedow
Hello leanies!

So we have a meeting in our office this morning. Someone brought Timbits (donut holes) - it's a big box and I'm thinking there are 30? I make it through the meeting without eating one but as I'm eating lunch, I say to myself ... Maybe I could have just one :blush: Yeah, like having "just one" ever happens.

Before I can finish my lunch, my manager comes over and asks me to pull some files for his next meeting. As I'm doing this, he goes into the meeting room, brings out the box of Timbits (there are about 15 left) and starts eating them. I look over and say "Should you be eating those?" ... not so much because I want one but because he's a type II diabetic. He says "Probably not..." and as soon as my back is turned, he takes the box and goes back into his office.

So my first thought is "Gee, thanks for offering me one..." but then as I'm watching him scarf down this box. I'm thinking he did me a favour because I could have easily eaten half the box! Enjoy that sugar, fat and the insulin injection you'll need later tonight! And thanks for not sharing :cutie:

Maria - Say hi back for me! If the both of you are there in 2013, we'll need to get together or do a Leanies meet of some kind! Has Dennis done another full since Disney back in 2011? This was my second one but I'm hoping to attempt another one this year.

I will have to make it out to the Princess half one of these years. I hope the prices don't continue to increase like they have with DL. Good luck with your 12 miler this weekend! What's your time goal for the half?

Tandy - Sorry about that! I must have read a little too quickly and thought that you were already accepted :blush: My bad! I do that too with food :blush: I look at it this way, you can always work off the weight. Sometimes it's better to have something that makes you feel a little better temporarily. The social problems class sounds interesting! Is that one of the electives that you have to take?

Debra - I think squats give your bum more "shape"... At least that's what I've heard. I'm definitely in for the full but whether I'm doing the Goofy will depend on the price. I guess it's good that I can said it's price related and not endurance related :laughing: I don't think I'd ever register for the 5K - the medal is just so cheesy ... oh and the getting up three days in a row. Did I mention I'm not a morning person ;)

AFM - I might have gotten roped into joining a dragon boat team at work. It might be my chance to do a bit of networking since I don't golf, drink or do both at the same time ;) I just happened to be in a meeting with an exec and noticed his medals on the wall. I thought they were marathon medals :blush: Anyway, me and my big mouth ... but it's hard to say no because it's my manager's manager. I guess my outs would be that I'm not a strong swimmer and the $350/year registration. Although given the cost of races... I'd only have to drop one or two to cover the fee. I'm going to check out one of their practices next Thursday.

Have a great weekend everyone! :wave2:
Hello mean leaners!

Thanks for the compliments about my races. Once I got to Disney, the pixie dust started to work it's magic and I felt capable of anything. Truth be told, it was probably just my (performance enhancing) meds starting to take effect! Whatever the reason, it was a great boost to my psyche to be able to participate and complete both races. A week prior I would have bet big money that such a feat was totally impossible.
Still no answers on what is going on, but the good news is that it does NOT seem to be auto-immune or rheumatoid related. I saw a new doctor last week and had a few more tests run. I am presently being tapered from the steroids which is probably a good thing. They caused me to gain 10 pounds :scared1: and have raised my BP, but they do make me feel good.
And count me among those who came back from marathon weekend with a few extra pounds.......and I missed the ice-cream social! Time for another mean-leaner challenge.

Vicky: so glad I finally got to meet you. Love the donut story!

That's it for now. My iPad is doing weird things and I am afraid I'm going to lose this entire post......


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