Working on Weight Loss and getting Lean!

Debra - I couldn't believe my eyes! Welcome back! The wonderful thing about this group is that you're always welcome, not matter how long you stay away. And we do keep up with you on FB, even though it's not the same.

Manda - Another one echoing what Jeanne said. The best way to honor your grandfather's spirit was to do your best in the race. And you certainly did that! :woohoo: I hope you're back running again and have put the migraines behind you.

I, like many others, am not happy with the new FB. I find myself spending less and less time there. I HATE the ticker in the corner. When Google+ was announced, I was skeptical that it could work, since everyone was already on FB. But FB may well push everyone away!

DD applied for the Disney college program last week, and was quickly rejected. Can you say totally devastated? That's been her dream since she was probably 15, and all of her college plans have been based around a semester at WDW. They'll be on campus next week, and I've encouraged here to go talk to them in person and see if that can trump the online application process. I shed a tear or two as well, since my spring race plans were centered around her being there. The Princess is now officially off my race calendar for 2012, and I can quit watching the relay ticker for Chip and Dale to see if it's going to fill before she has an answer... :sad2:

As for training, wow. It's getting really close now. We were scheduled for 23 last weekend, but my partner and I cut it to 18 because of family obligations. We'd planned to stop at 15, but were feeling really good and just kinda kept going! At 18, we felt like we could go forever, but knew we HAD to stop if we were going to make our commitments. It drizzled, it rained, it poured, it was cold, cars drove through puddles and drenched us, the wind blew - it was a great run! Saturday I did 8, this weekend is 8, and next weekend is a scheduled 26, but I'll be happy with anything above 20. The following weekend I'm running a half (as a training run), and then we taper!

Then it's time to put together the 2012 calendar...

Happy Monday leanies! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tandy - How's the calf doing? The 4-6 weeks makes sense. Whenever you hear about the pro athletes pulling or tearing something, they're usually out of commission for several weeks as well. Take the time to concentrate on your classes as well as having the muscle heal properly. The running shoes will wait for you :) Even though it's tough for me to sit on the sidelines, I find it much better to run a race at 100% rather than to hobble through at 70%.

Jackie - The knee is doing better but it's now a bit sore because I did a half yesterday. But that's just the general soreness from a LR and not ITB pain. I'm glad to hear you're doing so well with your running. What do you plan to run for MCM? I've been a bit slack on my training and I'm not sure if a month is enough time to catch up so I think I'm just going for a finish right now.

Sorry to hear about DD :( Did WDW say why her application was rejected? I think she should go and talk to them in person. I have friends who work in HR that tell me they use computers to screen the first round of applicants. So sometimes, if you miss a keyword or phrase in your cover letter or resume, you get nixed.

Manda - Sorry to hear about your grandpa :( I agree with what Jeanne and Jackie have said. Come back whenever you're ready and always feel free to share/vent with us :hug:

Debra - Congrats on your weight loss! I know what you mean about FB - it's really easy and convenient to 'like' something or post a quick comment or status update but it doesn't replace the interaction we get from the group. But I'm guilty of doing that myself some weeks - life gets busy so what can you do? :) WTG on your 8 miler! I like your idea of focusing on consistency if not speed. That will be my goal between now and MCM.

AFM - I've got my tickets booked to DC! I guess it's just a little over a month away. I haven't been as diligent with my training as I would have liked - I chalk it up to a hot hot summer but really just me being lazy I suppose. But I am looking forward to the few days away :)

I did a half marathon yesterday with Kim and her DD. Lots of fun but the race was so-so in terms of organization and transportation. It was on the Toronto Islands so it took us about an hour to get back to the mainland after the race. Standing around wasn't the best idea as it left me stiff and hobbly. There also weren't enough water stations - two on course, one post race. The course was an out and back but one of the reasons I like doing races is so I don't have to carry my Fuel Belt. I think the lack of water afterward also made the stiff muscles worse. Overall, I treated it as a training run and managed a 2:19:50 so it wasn't too bad. I posted a RR over on my team thread if anyone's interested.

I've got a massage scheduled for tonight and then I'm going to try and make a batch of apple spiced muffins. Yum! They're not for me, but I'm going to set a couple aside. My baking class started again - new class, new faces. I can't say I'm too fond of some of the new students. There are some real... b****** in the classes and I don't swear very often. I had set out a bunch of supplies at our station only to have the group next to us try and take some of them. One girl was apologetic but the other was determine to be arguementative. So I was slicing up my cookie dough and I turned over to her with a "sweet" smile on my face and said "I'm not sure you want to argue with someone who's holding a chef's knife". I got a dirty look but that was pretty much the end of that discussion. :laugh:

The eating has been going well. I guess I'd better lose some weight before January! I'm down 1.2 lbs from last week. I'm basically going to try and cut out refined sugars, carbs and fruit as much as I can, except for one cheat day. My PT said he did this with one of his clients and it worked pretty well. It's a bit tricky being a runner but I've noticed that it's kept me from snacking so far.

Anyway, I'd better get back to work! Have a great day ladies :wave2:
Jeanne: Thanks for the support. I am happy about the race time, and I hope that I can repeat it, or even do better, in Vegas.

Debra: I do spend a lot of time on Facebook, but I am not friends with many WISH people, so it is here that I really come to talk about running. I think it is great to have a group of people who share this! Good job on weight loss this summer. I think summer is way harder than winter for me. I know there are the holidays and such in the winter, but in summer my schedule is just so crazy. Not as crazy as yours, but crazy.

Jackie: Sorry about your daughter. I hope something works out for her when she talks to them at school. Sorry it changed your race schedule too. That is hard. Congrats on the race. Sounds like you had a great run :) Good luck with 20 and have fun in taper.

Vicky: Only 2 water stops for a half marathon! I would die. Congrats on the weight loss. And I love the story. I hate people who think they are entitled to everything.

AFM: It has been hard to get back into running. My training schedule for Vegas had me doing a 6 miler this weekend, but since I have only gone out 2 times in the past 3 weeks I decided to keep it to 5. They were pretty good. I didn’t go fast, but I made the distance and I was still smiling at the end. I think I need a couple of really enjoyable runs to get me back into having fun.
Wow, this thread seems to be chugging along now!

I won't bore you all with the details -- suffice it to say this is my busiest time of year at work, and I've been snowed under for the last week, and that won't change until after Columbus Day, even though I have a business trip to Vegas Oct. 5-8!

Manda -- I am so sorry for your loss :hug: It is such a difficult situation, I hope you are able to find peace.

Vicky -- I saw that awesome medal! It sounds like it was a decent race for you, and I'm glad you were able to do one with Kim :yay: Sorry about the scary baking class heathens. They just show up wherever you go :rotfl:

Jackie -- Oh, no! Poor dd! That must have been so hard. I know they have hundreds of applicants for every position, but it's still so disappointing...I hope this doesn't taint the magic too much for her, and maybe the face-to-face will give her some tips to get the application through :idea:

Debra -- :welcome: Back!

Jeanne -- How's that wedding coming?

Tandy -- How's that healing coming?

The last of my company just left. We got up at 4:30 to take them to the airport. It's been two solid weeks of company, with different people at a time. Between that and working 10 hrs a day and the last two Sundays, I am wiped. But the fun doesn't end yet...I am really glad I am going to be able to relax when I get home now instead of hostessing.

I am not doing my lower carb eating, and I can't tell you the last time I ran. Well, I could but I'd have to review the calendar first...tonight I am going to bed at a decent hour and getting up for a run, TOM or not. Yep, everything is all at once for me right now. Anyway, I am determined to take my personal life back.

I did do one positive thing -- I changed my Princess reservation so now I'm at AS Movies preferred instead of AS Sports. It's more a mental thing, but I thought Sports wasn't really "magical" enough. I'm a loon :lmao:

I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful week!

Maria :upsidedow
Vicky - Your baking class is such an adventure. I love the knife story! You and DD would get along fabulously. I can absolutely see her doing just that, especially in the cooking class she took last semester. Congrats on your half. Sounds like not such a great race, but that's a good time for a training run! I'm holding on to my plan to do MCM at a 1/1 interval, hoping for a 5:30 finish. There are 2 or 3 of us from my Galloway group who want to start together. I haven't convinced all of them that the 1/1 is the way to go, but we may all end up at about the same pace anyway.

Manda - Sometimes you need to run just for the fun of it. No purpose, no time goal, just enjoy it. Or buy something new to wear so you have an excuse to wear it! Anything to get you out there.

Maria - I spent some time yesterday on the college thread, and found out that there are around 30,000 applicants for 7000 positions in the college program. Annie talked to someone on the phone yesterday, who in her words "told her very disney-like tough luck, try again in 6 months." Apparently many people are rejected at the web-based interview step, but often pass it the second time. I just don't know that her schedule will allow her to try again next year.

And now, drumroll please... I got on the scale this morning, and FINALLY saw a number that began with 13-. In fact, it said 138.7. :banana: I almost fell off the thing. Sienna, poor dog, thought she'd done something wrong from the way I yelled at her. Haven't seen a 13- number in over a year. I really thought it was stuck at 140+. So I went to Chickfila for breakfast to celebrate. :lmao: I'll have a salad for lunch.

I'm so glad to see more people posting again!

Maria - 10 hour work days and house guests! How do you do it all? I love that you're getting right back into it tomorrow! And yay on the hotel swap! I say whatever helps to get 'er done :) I have one lady in my boot camp class that will only do step ups on a specific bench. I asked her why and she just said it's lucky! Is Princess your next race or are you coming in January as well?

Jackie - I think that's where all the drama on those reality cooking shows comes from. Lots of egos ... or people just being alternately on sugar highs or sugar lows :laugh: What kind of cooking classes did DD take? Truth is - I have no knife skills. So whenever I have knife, I'm probably more likely to cut my fingers more than anyone else but no one else has to know that ;)

Definitely un-Disney-like to be given a tough luck. Maybe the HR/recruiting department just isn't a very friendly group. What kind of internship position was DD aiming for?

Congrats on your weight loss!! That's awesome!!

Manda - I'm glad to hear you're back out and running again! I agree with Jackie on going out for runs that have no time goals or purpose. I love doing those kinds of runs after a race and discovering new routes or parks in my neighbourhood! Good luck on your 5 miler! Maybe if you're feeling good at the end of the 5 miles, you might just go for that extra mile!

AFM - I went in for a post-race massage after work yesterday. The massage therapist asked what he should work on and I said anything below the waist because I'd just run a half marathon. I forgot to tell him that my knee was bugging me because we were chatting about food in the city. Who knew he was such a Food Network junkie too! Anyway by the end I noticed something was a little different and as I was walking out of the treatment room. I thought "Hey my knee pain is gone!" LOL (The knee pain is from tight glutes and ITB)

Oh and I went to the drugstore because I left my brush at home and I'm meeting a friend for lunch. I noticed they had packs of Oreos on sale. I love Oreos ... especially Golden Oreos. Anyway, I surprised myself by skipping them - usually I'd pick up a pack and tell myself "I'll just have two after lunch" ... never happens, more like two dozen :laugh: But anyway, I skipped 'em so I don't have to think about it :)

Have a great day ladies! :wave2:
Maria: Sounds like your life has been crazy. With work and house guests I don’t know how you do it. Good luck on going for a run tomorrow!

Jackie: Congrats on the weight! Always fun to see a number you haven’t seen in a while.

Vicky: I haven’t really done massages much but I did one with a groupon earlier this year and it was great! My Hamstring was so tight and the lady just worked on it the whole time and it was Awesome. I should do that more often as a reward after races or long runs. Also, congrats on the cookies! You are a strong woman to walk past those (and on sale!)

AFM: I did the 5 on Sunday. It just didn’t work out on Saturday. I ended up sleeping in and then told myself I would go later in the day but of course I didn’t. I made myself get up Sunday and go out. I did actually feel good and considered going 6, but I had mapped out my 5 mile route and my Garmin died mid run (bad planning on my part) so I called it a nice 5 and am excited for my 6 this week. I should be able to do it nicely.
I didn’t go out yesterday. I was mad at my DH who had messed around all day instead of looking for a job or cleaning around the house so I ended up at my parent’s house for dinner. Of course I ate too much but it was a nice stress reliever and I am ready to go out tonight after work.
Hi everyone. I'm finally back! It seems like forever since I've been here.

Manda: I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. You did great though, just so you know. I wish you had a better memory to go with your great time, but am still proud of you. :thumbsup2
Sometimes, we just need mom's food for a stress reliever. Believe me, I know. I'm just glad my mom is a 9 hour drive away, or I'd weigh a lot more!;)

Vicky: Congrats on avoiding your temptation! Oreos are amazing. I am of the mind set that whatever size container they come in is a serving. Yes, even the huge bag is a single serving! It's just best not to have them near me!:lmao:
I'm so glad your massage went so well. You've had knee pain forever, so to get relief, even temporarily, is awesome.
Those cooking class girls sound horrible. I'm dealing with a similar situation, so I totally understand. You handled it perfectly. Oh, and I promise to get over to the other team soon. I am so behind. :rolleyes1
Oh, good job on your race by the way. I think the amount of water stops is ridiculous. I had that many water stops at my last 5k!

Jackie: I'm sorry to hear your daughter didn't get in. Bummer. But, I'm sure it's very popular (obviously with those numbers). Great job on the weight loss! I know exactly how you feel with needing to see a certain number. It's so nice when we hit another 10 pound range. By the way, you're doing amazingly well with your training. You have been so smart about upping your mileage without hurting yourself, that I am very impressed (and yes, I did knock on wood, don't worry).

Maria: Wow, are you busy! I am always amazed at your schedule, but now, you're even busier. I hope you can enjoy a little "you" time now that the company is gone. We all need it. You will get back to running, I promise.

Debra: Welcome back. Don't ever feel like you can't just jump right in. You don't have to catch up, just say hi. :) Good job on the weight loss. Sorry your life has been so chaotic. Maybe things will get better now. I am such a structure person that I just can't even imagine.

AFM: Well, I feel like I could write a book just to catch everyone up. Starting with my leg: it's healing, but slower than I'd like. In PT, they discovered that my hips rotate the wrong way, and my knees fall in when I walk and, I'm sure, when I run. So, they're going to start working on that as well as the calf. My leg is sore after PT, but it's very tolerable. I'm walking 2 to 4 miles a day, but very slowly.

My diet has been stinking lately. I'm so busy during the day, I don't have any time to really eat. So, I have a yogurt for breakfast, a PB2 sammy sometime between classes, a Kashi bar between other classes, and then, after school, I'm starving. So, of course, I'm eating everything that isn't tied down. But, my weight is staying about even. I'm going to get a handle on this now, I swear!

School is CRAZY! My CNA class is over, thank goodness. I had my final on Monday and take my state test today, then, I'm free Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And, just in time. My anatomy/physiology professor expects us to spend 5-10 hours a week in open lab now because we've moved on to bones. A week ago I would have started crying. But, hopefully, now I can devote at least one full day a week to that. I'm doing well in all my classes, and have a tentative schedule for next semester. I think I can manage Tuesday & Thursday only, if I go for the whole day on both days and one night class on Thursday. I just do better this way, I guess. I like having Monday and Friday free in case we have a long weekend trip or something.

And, the best news of all. I got my ACT results and did really well! I'm so happy because this RN program is sooooo hard to get in to. I need a 4.0 and a pretty high ACT to even be considered for an interview. I took that stupid test and was sure I didn't do well. It had only been 24 years since I took it last.

So, I hope I can keep up with all this posting now. I hope everyone has a great day!
Jackie: I was so sorry to hear about your DD and the WDCP! But yes, she should definitely have some face time, which may be a way of seeing who's really serious about the program. And I know it wouldn't make her feel any better, but even a rejection has very little to do with her, per se. She might not be in the "right" major or geographic location, as they do have some kind of quota system. Or she might be better off applying for in a different semester. Lots and lots of different things go into such things.

And I'm sooooo happy to hear about your good training runs. How great is it that you feel strong at 18 and are doing a 1/2 as a training run. That's just a sign of how strong your foundation is and how motivated and dedicated you've been! (Your friend, too!)

Congrats on the loss. I must note, that I tend to celebrate hitting new numbers with the same way. Well, coffee shop treats, but you get the idea!

Vicky: Two water stops on a 1/2? And that's why I always carry a water bottle. I can't count on water fountains around here, and I'd rather not go into a race blind. (Not that I've been doing a lot of racing.) Congrats on your great time, though, and getting to hang with Kim.

Remind me never to get on your bad side when you're baking. I can just imagine you wielding a mean knife. :rolleyes1 No, seriously, what is it with some people? Meh. You know what impresses me most? You're cutting down on refined sugar while you take a baking class! I may be headed in the opposite direction: less baking, more snacking. I think it's the upcoming Food & Wine talking. Congrats on skipping the Golden Oreos (I don't know what those are)!

Is this a regular massage therapist you have, or someone new? Sounds like a keeper, for both the conversation and the "magic fingers"! (I couldn't resist!)

Manda: The crazy schedule...that's the odd thing. I know my schedule is a LOT less crazy than almost anyone else I know. I just don't handle it well. :rotfl: As for your running, I say if you are still smiling at the end of a 5 miler, you're definitely doing something right.

And although training plans don't really talk about such things, finding the fun in the run post-race is - I think - essential. A stress reliever, too. (I realize I have tons to catch up in your life. I hope your DH finds a job soon!)

Side note: Don't you just had it when the Garmin dies mid-run. I swear mine knows when I'm on the fence about finishing.

Maria: I have to say, a business trip to Vegas sounds like a recipe for madness. I mean, who plans that, knowing the whole "What happens in Vegas" marketing? I'm sure you'll take advantage of the situation and the city's reputation. :lmao:

And it's probably a break from all the company. That much company, for that long, would drive me crazy. I'm not a great host, which might explain why no one visits.

I'm sure that you'll be back to running in no time. I'm out of the loop. You're doing the Princess. Does that mean you'll not be at WDW in January?

Tandy: Well, at least there's been a diagnosis in terms of your gait & what to work on. That ought to help. I can't imagine how frustrating that must be for you, though, to move from running to walking, slowly.

Given how busy you are - far busier than I am, with what seems like a chaotic schedule - I'm impressed with how you're managing to eat healthy on the run. And keeping your weight stable! :woohoo:

That's a lot of time in lab! I have no doubt you're doing well, as you've been acing things & you're focused on a goal. And a big whoo hoo on the ACT. I was never any good at standardized testing, so can understand your now-passed anxiety. Just more great educational news for you1 :yay:

AFM: Today's been the day when my laptop conspires against me. I keep getting the rainbow of death. It's five years old, on its third hard drive, and needs to be replaced. But I'm holding out, as I like its familiarity, don't need the extra expense, and am extraordinarily hard on my technology. Sort of like my shoes - apparently I like to abuse my things. :lmao:

My eating has been spotty. I leave for WDW in another week, for Food & Wine and MNSSHP, and I've been using it as an excuse for not watching what I eat. After all, I'm just going to blow it anyway, right? That's the warped logic of my mind.

DOOD & I are even wearing costumes for MNSSHP this year, kind of. Themed t-shirts. One of is wearing a Hershey's chocolate t-shirt, the other a peanut butter t-shirt. Get it? We think we're clever, even if we're really lame.

On the upside, I *almost* have a workout schedule sorted out. Sort of. It depends on DOOD's schedule, to some extent. So, I'm running M-W-Sa, and doing the gym the others days. But on T-Th, DOOD & I go to the gym, but he has to leave before I get done. So I finish up & walk home. (3 miles) Except, for instance, tomorrow, when he's flipping his Th-Fr schedule. And next week, when I'm out of town. So...yeah...I guess I don't have a schedule yet. :rotfl2:
Hello Leanies! The weekend is almost here! Yay!

Debra - My knife skills are pretty sub-par :laugh: I'm always afraid of chopping my fingers off so I try not to hold onto whatever it is I'm cutting. Of course that makes that item all the more slippery and an increased chance of being sliced! The MT called himself the "knot whisperer" ... he's not new but I haven't been for that many massages this year either.

Sounds to me like you have a schedule :) They don't always have to be static right? Just as long as you have an idea of what's going on during the week and when, it sounds like a schedule to me. I'm jealous that you're going to F&W! I haven't been in a couple of years. The matching shirts sound cute! You'll have to post a picture (I know you hate pictures).

Tandy - That's true about 5K water stops. I think I'll probably write the race director a note. I don't plan to do this one again but I think they should know, especially with the lack of fluids at the end of the race. It's quite dangerous considering we were on an island. Did I tell you when I was in high school I use to eat a bag of Oreo cookies for lunch. Yeah back in the days when I had a higher metabolism rate! These days you might as well just glue them on my butt! :laugh:

Sounds like your classes are pretty hectic but you're managing wonderfully! That's a lot of hours in the lab! How are Frank and Harrison managing with you busy so often now?

Manda - Good job on the five miler! I have had my Garmin die on me a few times. I think the battery inside is getting old but most of the time it's probably me getting old and forgetting to charge the darn thing! Someone told me that you're less likely to get injuries the more often you go for massages. No it wasn't a massage therapist ;) LOL Good luck on your 6 miler this weekend and to DH on his job search!

AFM - I've got training tonight and that's about it! I'm going to try and run for a bit on the TM afterward. I'm not feeling much like it but I don't much feel like being heavy anymore either. Oh and this is embarassing ... my running tights from last year don't fit :blush: I'm going to see if I can't drop a few more pounds and possibly squeeze into them. They're CW-X and I don't want to spend more money on another pair.

Oh and I'm sure you'll find this funny... last night I decided to make a batch of muffins. I like having them before I go for long runs on the weekend. For whatever reason, I got them into the oven and started thinking that I had forgotten to do something. I forgot to add the sugar. Go figure! It must have been a subconscious thing ... I ate one and it tastes like a buttermilk biscuit with blueberries. They're not bad, just not what I wanted :laugh: It's probably a good thing!

Have a great day ladies! :wave2:
Yep, I'm bumping this up from page #2!:scared1: I hope everyone is well!

Going away just really throws me off schedule, even though Vicky is right and I have a weekly schedule with most details I know of in advance. But, I'm afraid I'm just not that flexible (that, and in so many other ways :lmao:)

So, I'm trying to keep things straight with folks. Who here is doing the MCM? Vicky? Jackie?

Anyway, I'm hoping to catch up with folks and their news. I know Jeanne did Hershey- pictures, please!

Tandy, how are classes coming?

Manda, how's your training going? And, of course, DH's job search?

Beth: How is your rehab going?

Maria: What about your "what stays in Vegas" business trip?

And of course, Vicky: Muffin maker, massage pusher (like drugs, but legal), marathoner, filmmaker (heard some of what's going on there). I think of you every time I don't XT...and one day I'm going to feel guilty enough to do it! And I think you'll enjoy knowing the owners at my health club "guilted" me into participating in an TM - relay for Breast Cancer. Everyone they could convinced spent time on Monday putting on miles on a pink TM. Still hated the TM, but maybe a little less. But I don't look good in -or on -pink.

AFM: My recent WDW trip, though not Wine & Dine oriented, did involve lots of wining & dining. MNSSHP, too, but no pics of us. We got caught in one of the storms & the evening was almost literally a wash!

Food & Wine is good, although I'm not as enamored of it as many other folks. Probably the veggie in me. But I did manage to gain a couple of pounds that I haven't lost yet. DOOD is gone this weekend, so it's easier for me to "re-set" my eating when he's MIA.

I was going to go with him on this business trip, but I'm glad I didn't. Turns out my FIL is in the hospital for something - they don't know what - having to do with his prostate. Surgery is tomorrow, so I'll be around to keep in touch. We're looking at some altered plans for the Thanksgiving holiday to see them.

In happier notes, my LR are going well. I had a good run this last Saturday that surprised even me! I was supposed to do 10, but it was one of those rare runs - for me - where I felt good. So I did 12. :cool1: Now if I could just get serious about strength training. I totally understand what Vicky means about trying on last year's running tights.
Tandy - You and Annie couldn't share Oreos. She eats a row at the time, you eat a bag at the time. I can just see the fights that would break out. I won't allow them in the house any more, and I only eat a small stack at the time!

Debra - Annie's mostly moved on from the whole Disney thing. She alternates between wanting to boycott them for life and planning our next trip. :rotfl: To add insult to injury, her roommate (who she truly dislikes and has since dropped out) applied and passed the web interview AND the phone interview. We haven't heard yet if she's been accepted. Now she's stuck having to find an internship for the summer, since it's required for her major. We're scouting hotels and/or resorts now. And a pink TM?

Vicky - I'm considering looking to see if my FSA will cover massages. If it will, I may budget them monthly next year. I think it could really improve the overall running health. More to follow...

MCM is a week away. :eek: I've been dealing with unexplained knee pain for two weeks now, including through the half marathon I ran last week. I finally broke down and called my massage therapist, and saw her yesterday. I can't begin to describe all the knots and tight places she found. Hence, the need for more regular visits next year... Mostly hamstring, but glutes, quads, calves, you name it... if it's in the leg or connected to it, it was tight. So I'm basically not running right now, and hoping to do 26.2 in 7 days. I'll probably do a couple of easy miles on Tuesday and let that be it - I've taken "taper" to a whole new meaning.

I did have a really fun, albeit difficult, half last weekend. It was an inaugural women's half in Durham, and 8 of us from my Galloway group ran it together with the intent of keeping it at a training pace. We mostly did, partly because we were good at pacing, and partly because there were more hills on the course than we could have imagined in our worst nightmares. There was no elevation chart posted beforehand - the promoters weren't stupid - and although we know the area has hills, we had no idea they would find ALL of them to include in a 13.1 mile route. When I crossed the finish line, DH's first comment was "why so slow?" In truth, I was only 2:03 off my target finish time of 2:45, so I thought we did really well. We kept to our intervals until about mile 11, when the walk breaks started coming much more often and lasting longer. But the medal was pretty...

Hi ladies. How's everyone doing? I am getting so bad about posting on here lately. :guilty:

Jackie: How did you do? You were hoping for under 5:30, right? I can't wait to hear all about it.

Debra: I'm always happy when I feel like running farther on a long run. Rare, but wonderful. I hope your FIL is ok. I haven't even thought about Thanksgiving. We have to get through Halloween and then, Harrison's bday. I just take one holiday at a time.

Vicky: Well, how did it go? Did you manage it okay in your tight tights? :laughing: I'm sure you lost the weight and they fit great, right? I want a race report, please.

AFM: I am running!!!! And zumbaing.But I'm running!!!!!!! I did 6 today and it felt great. I am dealing with a lot of calf weakness, tight tendons, and now, I think I have PF, but it just feels so good to get out there. I worked out my training plan yesterday for my ultra on April Fool's day. I had to really start ramping it up even though I'm only on my 2nd week back. So, my next LR is 10. And, finally, I got Frank to say ok to the ultra. He made me promise that if I get really hurt again that I will give up running. I have to admit that it's a little scary going back into it, but it just makes me so happy. Of course, if this ultra goes according to plans, I will be running for 9 hours straight, and I'm sure I won't be happy then. :laughing: I'm not going to pay for registration until March, just to be sure.

Finally got on the scale and WOW!!! I gained 10 pounds in the 8 weeks of no running. I got back on the diet yesterday and already lost 2. I also had a meltdown last weekend and ate animal products for the first time in 10 months. I had just had it with going out to eat. I am so stinkin sick of steamed veggies, salad and french fries that I could scream. So, I ate fish. Then, I ate bacon which is the worst thing I could do. But, I got back on the wagon this week. I'm going to have to give up beer for awhile. Something about the entire season of Samuel Adams Oktoberfest just did me in. :rolleyes1

I hope everyone's doing well and can't wait to hear how our racers did.
Tandy - :woohoo: to running again! I'm so happy for you. Just don't overdo it, or the potential PF will be a real problem. Ramping up too fast is how I ended up with last year before MCM.

Well, MCM is over. Again. I didn't get the 5:30, but I achieved a much more important goal. I was happy at the end! My friend Glenda and I ran the entire race together, doing 1/1 intervals, and we never once hit a point where we felt like we couldn't keep going. We did slow down considerably, and our second half was MUCH slower than the first, which I didn't want to do, but we crossed the finish line together, and with huge smiles. The Marine who gave me my medal asked me how I did, and I said "I finished, and I'm smiling." Then he hung the medal around my neck and I was purely beaming! So much different from last year when I just wanted to cry and curl up in a ball and make it all go away. I ended up finishing in 5:42:47, which is almost 11 minutes faster than my previous PR, so it was still a really good finish, just not the coveted 5:30 that I keep thinking I should be able to do. But honestly, all I care about is that I enjoyed the race, looked at the scenery, actually know where I ran this year, and had a terrific time.

And even better, when I finished, my hotel was RIGHT THERE! I picked up my checked bag, walked up the hill, and into the hotel lobby. No wait for the shuttle or the metro. Worth every penny of the outrageous amount I spent!

We all went out for dinner last night at a fabulous steak house, and had entirely too much to drink. I fell into bed around 9:00 and totally passed out. (I won't tell you just how much of a lightweight I am, but it didn't take much to get me to that point.) Drove home this morning, and I'm about ready for a nap with the dogs while Bill has to go to work. :sad2:

On tap for next year... Chicago!

Jackie: Congratulations!!!:cheer2: That is fantastic! A much better story than last year. :thumbsup2 And, you got so close to the time you were hoping for, that I would call it a huge success. I am definitely going to book any post race hotels right at the finish from now on. My next Disney one, I'm getting the first hotel out of Epcot for sure! ;) Plus, that'll make my post race Drinking Around the World much easier. :thumbsup2
Have you all seen this article about running form? It engages with the great shoe debate!

Jackie: Your DH always makes me laugh - he's got that drill sergeant form of support going for your races. I love it! And I love that you've come back to racing (not just running) in fine form! I'm so impressed and even envious!

Congratulations on MCM. I caught your race as it was happening, thanks to FB. I thought you were marvelously consistent and strong throughout! I wasn't there on the course with you (except in spirit), but I'd think that consistency would be reason to celebrate. That and good company! Love the tip about the post-race finish. I'll need to use that on DOOD!

Tandy: Yeah for your return to running! That's wonderful, wonderful news! And an ultra! Wowsa! That's a massive commitment, but I know you're dedicated and determined. You can do it! I mean, you've already dropped 1/5 of the weight you gained while not running. And I have the sugar meltdown pretty regularly (see below), so I understand getting things out of your system!

AFM: First, I want to confess that I *thought* I would go refined-sugar free this month, at least up to the holidays. Not been an auspicious start. I pulled a back muscle last weekend - ended up skipping a few days of working out & it was painful to even sit for work, so wasn't online much. This, of course, led to comfort food. Because I'll use any excuse for comfort food. :rotfl2:

But I did do a LR today (it was a scheduled cut-back week, so long is relative) and feeling okay. Still a little sore and using the heating pad. But I'm just going to take it day by day, see what happens. Last weekend's 14 miles went well.

I'd like to have the illusion of control headed into Thanksgiving because, this year, we're headed to my ILs for the holiday. Yep, we decided to go. Normally, we don't go anywhere for the holiday - that's when papers get graded, the end of the semester looms, etc. But with my FIL's recent health scare we felt we needed to re-arrange. So you know family holidays call for more food and liquor than any one person should consume over a long weekend! :rotfl2:

We're trying to make plans for Marathon Weekend, but it looks like it'll be another last-minute decision for us. Between work, health issues for both sets of parents, and two new babies in the extended family this year - with the holiday-travel demands that go with new babies - we're running a tense household these days (pun intended), with little time to focus on running. At least little time for quality training. *sigh*

But it is what it is - one of my favorite "throw up your hands" statements. We'll be making some decisions after a few phone calls this week. Wish me luck! :thumbsup2
Hey Leanies! Sorry it's been a while since I posted. October is the fiscal year-end at the bank and its a tradition for everyone to save up all of their work and try and get stuff done at the last minute. :laughing: Certainly not my idea of how I wanted to spend October but whatever, it's over and done with for another year.

Debra - I certainly didn't think of myself as all of those things :laughing: How did your breast cancer TM run go? I like some kinds of pink but not really the Pepto Bismol pink. Blech! Congrats on your decision to go refined sugar free! I say with the IL gatherings, just make sure it's stuff you really want to eat and worth the calories, otherwise just pass. I know easier said than done because my strategy at family gatherings is usually just to keep eating so I don't have to talk to anyone :thumbsup2 I'm really not anti-social though ... just anti-(my) family :cutie: But seriously, I'm thinking lots of good thoughts your parents and ILs. Lots and lots of pixiedust: that everything's ok.

Jackie - Congrats on MCM! I would much rather finish a race happy and upright than to push for a PB and be unhappy and hurting! I still think you have an awesome time! Did it really snow on the Saturday? I wish I could have been there but I felt like I had to chose between doing MCM and Disney. I didn't want to get injured from MCM and pass on Disney. If you're there in January, we'll do cupcakes then!

Tandy - I read an interview with an elite runner who said he gains about 10-15 lbs when he doesn't train for races. I didn't feel so bad after that :laughing: It will come off once you start training again! An ultra on April Fool's LOL I'm glad that Frank gave you the ok! Have you picked out a pit crew yet? You're so speedy, you're just going to rock that race! I didn't know you're vegetarian ... You probably mentioned it and I wasn't paying attention :blush:

AFM - As for me the whole eating and exercise thing has been a bit of an up and down during October. The beginning of the month, I ate a lot of cake and birthday treats but had very little running because of my ankle. Then I ate a lot of take out because I was tired and didn't feel like cooking after work. I certainly didn't feel like running and didn't put in nearly as many miles as I should have. But toward the end of the month, I decided that I had to make a change. I had a few motivational issues but still made myself go and run - even if it was in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. I forced myself to skip the sugary treats except for my cheat day and added an extra day of training in so I could get more exercise and stretching.

So I think I'm more or less back on track - I'm eating smaller portions, avoiding refined sugars as much as I can, going to the gym regularly and getting in those LR. I really don't want to have deferred MCM for nothing. And I'm happy to say that when I weighed in last Friday, I'm back down to 139. :thumbsup2 There's still 9lbs to go but I'll get back down there by January! I got in my b2b LRs this weekend 14 and 6.75 (I ran out of time ... but figure that's close enough). Tomorrow I'm heading to the gym to get in my workout. I'm hoping that things will be quiet at work tomorrow since everyone is on the road and it's just me :)

Have a great night ladies! :wave2:
Before we get knocked off page 2, I'd better post. :)

How's everyone doing? Obviously still super busy. And, it's about to get worse with the holidays.

Vicky: You are doing a great job on your training. Is everything feeling good right now? I saw that you are shoe shopping on another thread. I hope you find what you need with enough time to break them in before January.

Debra: How's your back feeling? I hope the training has been able to continue. Did you ever get any reservations for January? How are your parents and inlaws doing? Is everyone healthy now? I hope you get through your holiday ok.

AFM: We are holing up for Thanksgiving this year. I just want to be with Frank and Harrison and watch the Packers win. I don't even need food. But, the boys do, of course. So, I'm hoping to have dinner ready by 11, so we can eat before the game starts. How pathetic am I?

We have been redoing Harrison's room and my life has been a chaotic mess, with stuff everywhere. But, finally getting it under control. I even got the drawers and closets cleaned out because I was forced to by losing the guest room closet. Harrison now has his room and the guest room, so I got rid of 2 huge outdoor garbage bags full of clothes and shoes! :woohoo:

Running is going well. I got a 14 miler in today. I'm hurting a little, because I am not used to the distance anymore, but it's just the general aches and pains of overuse, not injury.

School's going great. I have 3 and a half weeks left and it's crunch time. I am so close to a perfect 4.0 for a second semester. I'm also a total suck up teacher's pet in anatomy/physiology, so I'm hoping he takes pity on me and helps me out. :laughing:I am .8 away from the A right now, but have 2 more tests before it's all over. I just received my last book for the spring semester, so I'm all set to go. I am a little nervous because it's all classes I am not interested in, like ethics and psychology, but they are required, so I'll make do. I got my nursing school application in, but won't find anything out until the end of March, beginning of April. I just hope I don't have to go in for my interview after my ultra. They just won't understand why I can't walk. :laughing:

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, or just a great Thursday if you are Canadian. ;)
Just popping in to WISH everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have been seriously delinquent with regard to posting, but my life is a roller coaster ride. Much drama with Grandma (John's mom) lately and we had to move her from a senior living center to assisted living this month.....not fun!
My training is somewhat nonexistent. I have gotten up to 6 miles on the treadmill but can't seem to find the time for anything longer. I am doing B2B halves in January and I know I can get away with just winging the first one, but am scared that the second one is going to do me in. Also dealing with some medical issues that developed unexpectedly. I have a doctor's appt. to get an official diagnosis, but that isn't for another week and a half. Getting old stinks!
Tomorrow we leave for Florida. Wednesday we are sailing on the Disney Dream - John, myself, all 4 kiddies and their SOs. I am so looking forward to all being together. And I'm not sure I told you this, but we are expecting Baby Greeky in the early spring. I'm going to be a grandma!

That's it for now......a super wonderful Thanksgiving to all of you, no matter how you celebrate.
Almost slid to page 2, but saved because no one is posting anywhere!

Jeanne - How did the cruise go? The FB pictures look fabulous! How was your doctor's visit?

Tandy - We have an ultra here on April 1 too. I'm planning on volunteering. Seems like a cool thing to do, since I know I'll never run one! And I can pretend I'm cheering for you while I'm out there, just from a very, very long distance.

Debra - "It is what it is" was one of my sister's MIL's phrases, and we adopted it from her. Very straightforward and no fault!

Vicky - No Disney for us this year (or next year, as it actually is.) Lots of other plans on the table now, but January in Florida is not one of them. February, however...

Where is Maria?

I am now registered for the 26.2 with Donna marathon in Jacksonville, FL on Feb 12. In addition to being a huge fundraiser for breast cancer, it's the official Galloway marathon, and the only race with Galloway pace groups. I've decided that if I can't reach my 5:30 goal in a Galloway group, it can't be done. And just to be a little crazy, I'm going to run with the 5:15 group.

Then 2 weeks later, I'm running a half on the NC coast, more for fun than anything. A whole group of my running buddies are sharing a condo. It would be a great course for a PR, but the timing isn't real good! Then in late March, Annie and I are going to Charlotte to run the new NC Half on the speedway. She has to have the medal, complete with moving car and LED lights! 2 weeks after that, Raleigh has a new half that we're all going to run to support the organizers.

So... I'm training. And training. Fortunately, we've just opened a new greenway that runs along the river, and it is positively gorgeous. The new portion is around 7 miles, so I'm planning to do my 14 mile run this Saturday out there. Anyone up for 16 on Christmas Eve?



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