"Are you done with that?!" A photo heavy, gluttonous, Jan 2012 Trip Report! NEW PG32

The fountain post just made me tear up!! I am so happy that we have been taking our kids since they were little, the thing that gets me is the fact that one day they probably won't want to go because they will be too big. :sad1: I try to enjoy every single minute when we are there together as a family.
I know what you mean too about someone in your family or group isn't having a good time you tend to take it kind of personal. When you spend a year planning a trip and someone in the group isn't having as good of a time as you thought they would, it kinda takes the fun out of it for you too. I am happy you had a magical moment with the girls though that makes it ALL worth while. :goodvibes
Just found your TR and I am really enjoying it. I,too, have my fair share of meltdowns. For the same reasons. I plan so long and so much wanting everything to be perfect and for everybody to be happy. However, something always goes differently and I freak. I hope your Durango gets better and doesn't cost too much to fix.
I'm just getting caught up!
I can't believe what a FULL day you had in Epcot! No wonder your feet hurt!
I'm not a huge AK fan. I think that part of my problem is that I live 20 minutes away from the Bronx Zoo. We're members and go often. Obviously there's no EE or FoTLK at the Zoo but they have some rides and great animal exhibits. And I've still never been on EE.....
As the family Trip Planner I totally get the frustration with everyone when they aren't have a good time. It breaks my heart!!! I feel like I'm forcing them to go to Disney. I know that on some level family vacations are stressful and Disney offers too much activity and stimulation but still.
I'm glad your day ended on such a positive note!

OH MY at Leslee's huge Stitch.

I can't stop laughing thinking of her parents' faces when they ask what she spent her hard saved cash on and she produces him! :rotfl2:
The fountain post just made me tear up!! I am so happy that we have been taking our kids since they were little, the thing that gets me is the fact that one day they probably won't want to go because they will be too big. :sad1: I try to enjoy every single minute when we are there together as a family.
I know what you mean too about someone in your family or group isn't having a good time you tend to take it kind of personal. When you spend a year planning a trip and someone in the group isn't having as good of a time as you thought they would, it kinda takes the fun out of it for you too. I am happy you had a magical moment with the girls though that makes it ALL worth while. :goodvibes

Yep, totally worth it, ever second! :goodvibes

Just found your TR and I am really enjoying it. I,too, have my fair share of meltdowns. For the same reasons. I plan so long and so much wanting everything to be perfect and for everybody to be happy. However, something always goes differently and I freak. I hope your Durango gets better and doesn't cost too much to fix.

Thanks! Yep, I even try to prepare myself, I KNOW everything isn't going to go as planned, etc. but I think it's even harder when your family reacts differently than expected. I hadn't prepared myself enough for that I guess!

I'm just getting caught up!
I can't believe what a FULL day you had in Epcot! No wonder your feet hurt!
I'm not a huge AK fan. I think that part of my problem is that I live 20 minutes away from the Bronx Zoo. We're members and go often. Obviously there's no EE or FoTLK at the Zoo but they have some rides and great animal exhibits. And I've still never been on EE.....
As the family Trip Planner I totally get the frustration with everyone when they aren't have a good time. It breaks my heart!!! I feel like I'm forcing them to go to Disney. I know that on some level family vacations are stressful and Disney offers too much activity and stimulation but still.
I'm glad your day ended on such a positive note!


YES! I didn't want them to feel like I was forcing them to go to Disney! I felt guilty that they didn't enjoy every single second, and once I let go of that, it was much better!

If you think THAT day was long at Epcot, wait until I start up tomorrow on our ELEVEN HOUR day at Epcot! :eek:

OH MY at Leslee's huge Stitch.

I can't stop laughing thinking of her parents' faces when they ask what she spent her hard saved cash on and she produces him! :rotfl2:

It was funny, my friend Summer (Leslee's mom) was actually surprised that the Stitch ONLY cost her $50! :laughing: She had tons of money she had saved and some from grandparents as well. It was the perfect choice for her seeing how much she loves Stitch! I told her she would have to have him on her lap all the way home if we couldn't stuff him anywhere else in the packed Durango! :laughing:
I am caught up after being sick for a week! You guys have had some busy days! I must say the DTD posts made me cry. I know exactly how you felt as you were sitting alone thinking no one was enjoying the trip. :( Seeing the girls play in the fountains and the way you described it brought tears to my eyes again.

I know I've been bad and haven't commented much, but I must tell you how much I love your family! You guys are have your tiffs like any other family, but reading this TR you can really feel how close you all are and the love you share.
I am caught up after being sick for a week! You guys have had some busy days! I must say the DTD posts made me cry. I know exactly how you felt as you were sitting alone thinking no one was enjoying the trip. :( Seeing the girls play in the fountains and the way you described it brought tears to my eyes again.

I know I've been bad and haven't commented much, but I must tell you how much I love your family! You guys are have your tiffs like any other family, but reading this TR you can really feel how close you all are and the love you share.

Thank you Rachel! :lovestruc We are very close, I think we kind of HAVE to be with homeschooling and spending 24/7 together, :laughing: and it's nice that it shows through in my TR. I was worried everyone would think my kids were just complainers, but really, we had a great time 99% of the time, but like any family, those meltdowns and complaints happened! I hope you are feeling better!
The fountain - what a joy. One trip with a friend - we sat and talked and talked and talked while her daughter was in pure joy for HOURS playing there. She bought a towel at the Once Upon a Toy store so that she didn't freeze on the bus back. Lovely shots. :lovestruc And free fun.

Energy. Karen, everyone understands your frustration. And on the other hand how to let it all go as well. It sucks to be around negative energy - And yes I know they are lovely and your family. But regardless it's draining for certain personalities.

You know there's this fantastic OPRAH episode where this scientist lost part of her brain functioning and she kept the part where she feels everyone's energy. And she said she learned that "everyone is responsible for the energy they bring". Life changing. We can't control everyone - well I try :rotfl2: - but it does suck to feel drained by blah blah blah.

Your husband is smart though. He knew he needed a break and took it that day when he was spent. :thumbsup2

And as were you to finally say in your walking away - enough. Smart as well. :goodvibes Hardly a meltdown. Smiling. And to realize that you could let go of some expectations as well.

I am so wonderfully - beautifully lazy at WDW. Next time you can send them to me. :rotfl2: Tatally.

And no I don't think your family is a bunch of complainers. They're human. Smiling. We took 13 to WDW on our points. My father was endless in his comments. Totally draining. Laughing. But wonderful memories regardless. Wouldn't change it for anything. I'm loving your travels with them and how honest you're being - refreshing. The pictures are the proof in the pudding - the connection between all of you.

The picture - in the beginning - walking to the castle. DO NOT WORRY FOR ONE MINUTE about not getting that family shot. The back of them walking toward the castle is just beautiful Karen - WAY BETTER than any portrait kind of shot. Just exquisite.

Oh I had so much to say. But I can't remember. I'll return when I get my brain back. Oh Dylan looks like you, eh?

Oh I know. You look fantastic. Where do you want to be? Because you look great. You and I ARE THE SAME. :banana: The weight just does not show in the *normal* way. I used to feel frustrated. Now I feel fine.
OH MY at Leslee's huge Stitch.

Totally entertaining!!! Loved it.

Although I can't stand the little monster. :rotfl2: Totally annoying. And you can tell her I said so. :lmao: ;);)

Karen, I guess you missed Alien Encounter. Yes? I don't scare easily. At all. But that thing used to freak me out. My first time in it (1995) I had no idea which made it even more effective. The total naive factor.

And Eisner LOVED it. And then people complained that the fear of Alien Encounter wasn't Disney. :sad2: Too bad. So sad. Stitch sucks.
Oh Karen - I know - my brain is returning. :thumbsup2

I totally said "yes" when you said you were looking into places for you and Rey and you realized that WDW gives so many more options/choices for vacation days/nights.


Do you know how many arguments I have on the DVC boards? I bought DVC outright. Saved and dreamed for years. And bought. And then suddenly finances changed and I went many a time without park passes (because I didn't want to go beyond my means) and had a ball. And so many go on and on "well you just should have bought any other timeshare if you aren't going in the parks each time".

Bullocks. :rotfl2:

No other timeshare gives all the recreation choices, dining - casual and fine, beaches, resort hopping, movies on the beach, shopping, campfires, clubs,from FW tranquility to BW crowds and on and on and on....

Bang on.
Ahhh, woke up to a little Lisa! Such a nice thing to wake up to, perfect for sipping my coffee and enjoying the morning! :lovestruc

The fountain - what a joy. One trip with a friend - we sat and talked and talked and talked while her daughter was in pure joy for HOURS playing there. She bought a towel at the Once Upon a Toy store so that she didn't freeze on the bus back. That's genius, I wouldn't have thought of it! LOL Lovely shots. :lovestruc And free fun.

Energy. Karen, everyone understands your frustration. And on the other hand how to let it all go as well. It sucks to be around negative energy - And yes I know they are lovely and your family. But regardless it's draining for certain personalities.

Yep, and, I can be a negative energy sometimes, but Disney brings out the best in me, I rarely am when I'm there! :thumbsup2

You know there's this fantastic OPRAH episode where this scientist lost part of her brain functioning and she kept the part where she feels everyone's energy. And she said she learned that "everyone is responsible for the energy they bring". Life changing. We can't control everyone - well I try :rotfl2: - but it does suck to feel drained by blah blah blah.

Your husband is smart though. He knew he needed a break and took it that day when he was spent. :thumbsup2

He's a pretty smart guy, I'm so lucky to have him, he's actually my voice of reason too sometimes! :laughing:

And as were you to finally say in your walking away - enough. Smart as well. :goodvibes Hardly a meltdown. Smiling. And to realize that you could let go of some expectations as well.

I am so wonderfully - beautifully lazy at WDW. Next time you can send them to me. :rotfl2: Tatally.

I'm so ready to do WDW lazy! I feel like those first couple times, especially if you don't know you are ever going to be able to make it back, you have to get a lot done. I'm ready for a slower pace though!

And no I don't think your family is a bunch of complainers. They're human. Smiling. We took 13 to WDW on our points. My father was endless in his comments. Totally draining. Laughing. But wonderful memories regardless. Wouldn't change it for anything. I'm loving your travels with them and how honest you're being - refreshing. The pictures are the proof in the pudding - the connection between all of you. Thanks! :goodvibes

The picture - in the beginning - walking to the castle. DO NOT WORRY FOR ONE MINUTE about not getting that family shot. The back of them walking toward the castle is just beautiful Karen - WAY BETTER than any portrait kind of shot. Just exquisite.

Thank you! I think I'll put that one on the wall. You are right, it doesn't HAVE to be the conventional posed shot to be lovely...I should know this!

Oh I had so much to say. But I can't remember. I'll return when I get my brain back. Oh Dylan looks like you, eh?

Yup, looks like me and acts like my younger self! Well, with a little of Rey's craziness thrown in as well. :p

Oh I know. You look fantastic. Where do you want to be? Because you look great. You and I ARE THE SAME. :banana: The weight just does not show in the *normal* way. I used to feel frustrated. Now I feel fine.

I wanna be less, about 30 less, which you know that still isn't that low, but I feel comfortable at that size. Of course, that's the lowest I've ever been as an adult, so I have no clue what less would even look like! It's so refreshing to have someone that gets it! I seriously have NEVER met anyone with a similar body type. I used to (ok, still do occasionally) look for people that looked like me to try and compare, but I couldn't find them. I guess I've come to a point where I'm glad I have my height and carry it well, but I need to feel comfortable in my clothes, I guess that's how I need to gauge it and right now I don't. Oh look! A Lisaramble! ;)

Totally entertaining!!! Loved it.

Although I can't stand the little monster. :rotfl2: Totally annoying. And you can tell her I said so. :lmao: ;);)

I'll be sure to tell her! :laughing:

Karen, I guess you missed Alien Encounter. Yes? I don't scare easily. At all. But that thing used to freak me out. My first time in it (1995) I had no idea which made it even more effective. The total naive factor.

And Eisner LOVED it. And then people complained that the fear of Alien Encounter wasn't Disney. :sad2: Too bad. So sad. Stitch sucks.

Yes, missed AE! Too bad b/c I do NOT get scared on rides...let me rephrase that b/c ToT tortures me, but not b/c I'm SCARED of ghosts or anything (I still get confused when people say they are afraid on Dinosaur...they know Dinosaurs are extinct, right???) :confused3 So I would be surprised if a ride actually scared me b/c of the content. I'm just scared of the falling feeling.

Oh Karen - I know - my brain is returning. :thumbsup2

I totally said "yes" when you said you were looking into places for you and Rey and you realized that WDW gives so many more options/choices for vacation days/nights.


I REALLY want to, and I didn't think I was the kind of person to let other people's opinions bug me, but all the sudden I'm worried that everyone will think I'm nuts for continuing to go back to WDW instead of other places?!?! It's bizarre. Why do I care?!?! :confused3

Do you know how many arguments I have on the DVC boards? I bought DVC outright. Saved and dreamed for years. And bought. And then suddenly finances changed and I went many a time without park passes (because I didn't want to go beyond my means) and had a ball. And so many go on and on "well you just should have bought any other timeshare if you aren't going in the parks each time".

Bullocks. :rotfl2:

No other timeshare gives all the recreation choices, dining - casual and fine, beaches, resort hopping, movies on the beach, shopping, campfires, clubs,from FW tranquility to BW crowds and on and on and on....

Bang on.

Wow, that's great! I never even thought of that! And how great that when finances changed, you could still go b/c you have bought in!

Thanks for keeping me company this early morning! I hope your night wasn't too bad and you got some sleep! :hug:
2nd Epcot Day! Thursday, Feb. 2nd, 2012...the ELEVEN HOUR DAY!

Oh yes, almost 11 hours IN Epcot, but it started way before that! We had decided to make this a "later" morning, for me later means 8am, but for my family, maybe a bit later! ;)

I'm sure glad I have some notes on this day, but even those may not be complete only b/c it's hard to remember such a long day! I woke up later than my usual 4am, to Rey leaving the room. I figured he was headed for coffee, so I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day while the kids slept. I journaled a bunch and then realized he wasn't coming back? Looked on FB and there he was posting about how HE was the DIS expert now b/c he went down to the "commissary" and had beat the crowds (this is what he called the food court!!!) :lmao:

When he got back up to the room, it was still earlyish and the kids were still sleeping and he asked if I would like to go share a CS breakfast with him, he had an extra. :lovestruc It annoys me that I have no pictures, but we were just enjoying the morning and the camera stayed in the room! This is what we would have seen coming from our building and heading towards the "commissary" though! LOL

We got a meal to share and sat outside and ate breakfast ALONE! Is THIS what it would be like at WDW with just Rey?!?! :cloud9: I think even at that point we started talking about a trip with just us. It's in the making, for sure! It was such a nice relaxing way to start the day! no worries about RD, although I did mention when the crowds started to arrive at the food court, that these were all the non-rope drop people that we never see! :p

After a leisurely walk back to the room, we got the kids up and everyone grabbed a poptart/snack for breakfast. The girls wanted to ride the bus and we didn't think we would be doing that the following day (our LAST day??!?!?) so Rey said he would take the girls and the boys and I could drive. We had to fill up the gas and head over there, but we still made it before them. We arrived at around 10:30 to rope drop?!?!

Wait? No. RD was at 9am, WHAT are all these people?!?!?

I'll admit it, I was concerned. The last time I arrived at a park at 10:30, I just walked in, these were LINES and slow ones! Dylan said these were non-RD-people and so they probably didn't know how to work the turnstiles! :laughing:

After finally getting in, we headed over to grab some FPs for Test Track for later. I took a couple pis on the way, naturally! It was shaping up to be a warm day, but there were clouds, so the temps seemed perfect! My astonishment at the crowds was equal to my astonishment at the amazing weather we were having (70s-80!) for this time of year, so I guess it equals out!

We waited by the fountain for Rey & the girls.

When they arrived, we headed over to grab FPs for TT with their tickets as well. We decided (ok, it was ME, not them, b/c I know my stuff!) that it would be cool to head out to World Showcase right as it opened to beat the crowds. We jumped the boat to Germany and WOW, I was so spot on, there was nobody out there!


It was nice to just wander around with less people and really explore and take some pictures.




Remember my crowd pic from the first Epcot day? Same spot: (this wasn't necessarily a crowd difference in park days, but in TIME of day)

We headed over to Japan, we had another date with this store, the kids had really liked it our first day and Savannah was still wanting her Totoro souvenir!


The store was perfectly empty this time of day (11am) so we took our time!

Savannah got her catbus (Totoro), which was pretty expensive, but she had thought on it and knew it was something she wanted!

Dylan wanted a hat. He has been studying Japan for a few years now and so he was pretty pleased! He was even taking pictures of it later on. It's sitting on his computer desk now, not sure if he'll ever wear it again, but he likes looking at it. :laughing:


We headed towards Morrocco after Japan, and I realized later that there was a museum in Japan? I cannot believe we missed that somehow?!?! Dylan would have loved it. Hmmmm...reason for another trip then! :laughing:

11 hour Epcot Day continued

We headed to Morocco

I love this shot!...


I was ready for something I have been wanting again since 2008! The vegetarian platter at Tangierine Cafe! I had it on our first trip and really loved it. The rest of the family looked at the menu and didn't want anything from Morrocco. What??? Not a problem, Rey said I could just get mine and we would all sit together and then move on to find other food for everyone else!

Mmmm, it was so good!
After Morocco, we were on a mission to find food for everyone, so we started around the World!

In France, we found Marie! For anyone who had followed my last TR, Savannah was really upset to miss Marie, so she was really happy to get to finally see her. :lovestruc No lines either!

Leslee had a feather in her hair and Marie went CRAZY pawing at it! OMG, this was so cute!


We didn't really spend much time in any countries at this point b/c we were just looking for food. Not sure WHY we didn't think to go into France to the Patisserie, but we headed to the UK and decided against fish & chips for the guys (nothing for Savannah still) We did stop to see the end of a little show in the UK. It was pretty funny!

We walked and walked and walked...the day has just begun! Finally arrived somewhere that had an option with no meat:

I think Savannah was a little frustrated with finding food, so she settled for nacho's without meat at the Cantina. They looked pretty good!

Leslee got some too, but Rey & Dallas were not settling. They decided they were going to keep walking, probably back to Germany (that's ALL the way back around to where we started! LOL) and we said we would meet them there when the girls were done. Dylan decided to stay with us and get some nachos as well. I was chatting it up about getting my margarita and then realized that Rey had left with the bag! OMG, I was stuck with no money and no way to get a drink in Mexico?!?! :eek: This would not do. :p I walked over to the margarita kiosk (they have more variety) and ordered a Fiesta Margarita! (layers of lime, strawberry, & mango) YUM! I gave her my KTTW card and it wouldn't work?!?! She said that it said I had privileges, but I had exceeded my limit? Uh...I had not used it even once, none of us had charged anything to the room? Embarrassing, so I told her I would be back and ran back to the Cantina. Leslee was the only one with money, so I borrowed 10$ from her! YES! I borrowed 10 bucks from a 12 year old for my alcohol. Don't judge! :lmao:

Totally worth it! By the time I got back, my original margarita was melting a bit, so she made me a new one. Ahhh... beautiful!

We finished up, took a potty break, and then did the intelligent thing: hopped the boat again! Rey and Dallas could walk around the world a hundred times if they wanted, but we were saving our feet!

As we were pulling up to Germany, we could see Rey & Dallas getting up from a bench. Rey said they both got bratwurst with sauerkraut and sat on a bench overlooking the lake eating lunch. He really liked not only the food, but grabbing something and sitting outside to enjoy. He liked it so much that he said no to the deluxe plan if we go back b/c he enjoys the TS meals but wants some on-the-fly CS meals as well! When we got off the boat and found them, we roamed the stores a bit and found the perfect hat for Rey.

I thought maybe I should get this shirt and try to get each of the drinks on it, but I passed...this is a family trip after all. ;)

We headed to Italy and the mime was out! He was funny!

I lost Rey briefly and then Dallas when he went looking for Rey, but found all three guys sitting on a bench outside one of the Italian stores. It was also around this time that Dallas told me that he would like to learn Italian! He really loved WS, I think both of the boys did...I don't think I could have gotten them to spend 11 hours at any other park! ;)

Off towards Morocco again...I could have named this day "How many times can we walk around the world-day!" :laughing:

Up next: Oh my aching feet! Do we split up again or no?

Tom and I have had 2 weekend trips to the World alone and it's a totally different experience from going with kids. We love it!!! Tom swears that the adult trips are what remind him that he actually does love Disney. :lmao:

WS is so relaxing and nice. I love the idea about everyone splitting up and getting their own food! :thumbsup2: I agree with the idea of going standard instead of deluxe. CS are just as nice 9 times out of 10. We're planning on a 15 Hour Day (with two TS breaks) when we're there as we only have 1 Epcot day so we'll see how that goes! :moped: Got to love the souvenirs, too!
We had stopped in the museum in Japan on this past trip, it's really small! I certainly wouldn't plan another trip around going there (unless you're just looking for reasons to go back, then sure! :laughing:)

Uh oh, I hope everything was okay with your card and charging privileges! Too funny that you borrowed money from Leslee for your 'rita! :rotfl:
Tom and I have had 2 weekend trips to the World alone and it's a totally different experience from going with kids. We love it!!! Tom swears that the adult trips are what remind him that he actually does love Disney. :lmao:


Just going with less people I think makes a difference, but going as a couple sounds wonderful to me! We just have to find a way to swing it, we're torn between family vacations and couple vacations, especially since our kids are getting older, but we can't usually afford both!

WS is so relaxing and nice. I love the idea about everyone splitting up and getting their own food! :thumbsup2: I agree with the idea of going standard instead of deluxe. CS are just as nice 9 times out of 10. We're planning on a 15 Hour Day (with two TS breaks) when we're there as we only have 1 Epcot day so we'll see how that goes! :moped: Got to love the souvenirs, too!

Wow! 15 hours sounds crazylong, but those TS meals will make it seem like less! I bet you can do it! :thumbsup2

We had stopped in the museum in Japan on this past trip, it's really small! I certainly wouldn't plan another trip around going there (unless you're just looking for reasons to go back, then sure! :laughing:)

Shhhh, I AM just looking for reasons to go back! :laughing:

Uh oh, I hope everything was okay with your card and charging privileges! Too funny that you borrowed money from Leslee for your 'rita! :rotfl:

I have no idea what the deal was with the card, I didn't try to charge again, so I don't know. We just brought cash for tips and souvenirs and that was it, so there really was no need for the cards (except in my desperation!) I have no shame! :lmao:
My feet are always killing me at Disney as well. I've lost some weight and have gotten in a little better shape, so hopefully that will help this trip. I wear good walking shoes .... but I can never escape the achy feet.
My feet are always killing me at Disney as well. I've lost some weight and have gotten in a little better shape, so hopefully that will help this trip. I wear good walking shoes .... but I can never escape the achy feet.

My feet usually hurt, but this time it was especially painful. I'm a runner and I just recently developed Plantar Fasciitis, which is an inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It's fairly painful under normal circumstances (I had to stop running a couple weeks before the trip b/c of it) but I REALLY irritated it more at Disney. I wasn't willing to pay for a wheel chair, so I just kept going and I'm actually still paying for it now, 2 weeks later! I have read it can take a few months to get better, so I'm just trying not to walk a lot now and hope it gets better soon. :rolleyes:
My feet usually hurt, but this time it was especially painful. I'm a runner and I just recently developed Plantar Fasciitis, which is an inflammation of the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It's fairly painful under normal circumstances (I had to stop running a couple weeks before the trip b/c of it) but I REALLY irritated it more at Disney. I wasn't willing to pay for a wheel chair, so I just kept going and I'm actually still paying for it now, 2 weeks later! I have read it can take a few months to get better, so I'm just trying not to walk a lot now and hope it gets better soon. :rolleyes:

We play lots of tennis and Plantar fasciitis is something that is common with tennis players. I have never had it, but some of my friends have and they say it is very painful and it can take a very long time to heal. I remember one of my friends telling me she would freeze canned sodas and then place it on the floor and foll her foot over it. Maybe you could try that ?? I hope yours heals sooner rather than later.


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