Hot Dog! Hot Dog! Hot Diggity Dog! ~Upated 12/15 Darn! That's the end!

Hey, is this Lynda from previously southern Illinois?
Huh? Huh? Remember our intimate encounter on the Poly beach,,, and I got great shots of you and the rest of a motley group of Dissers? If it is,,, well,,, HI. And how's Josh? If not, well,,, just ignore the ramblings of an old man.

It is Lynda from previously central Illinois! And yes, I recall that fabulous encounter on the Poly beach! :rotfl:That was a great night indeed! So many Dissers!! Josh is great, and we have a little one now, DS by the name of Avery who is about to be 2. pirate: Loving life in Florida (about 30 minutes from the mouse)! How are you and smidgy? We should meet up while you are down here too! Monica, when are you meeting up with this fellow?

Life can't be any crazier over here! My son Zack had an emergency appendectomy at 2:30 in the morning!

9 days before our Disney trip!

He is recovering nicely and I hope he comes home today.

I guess this means he gets a few extra Mickey bars.

:hug: for Zack! I hope he recovers quickly.
Wow, I sure hope Zach get's better soon. Your family is sounding more and more like us every day! And I , too, lost my appendix when I was 15, and just as they were removing it, it burst, half in and half out, which meant I got to wear tubes down mhy nose into my stomach for the next 5 days in the hospital.

It is Lynda from previously central Illinois! And yes, I recall that fabulous encounter on the Poly beach! :rotfl:That was a great night indeed! So many Dissers!! Josh is great, and we have a little one now, DS by the name of Avery who is about to be 2. pirate: Loving life in Florida (about 30 minutes from the mouse)! How are you and smidgy? We should meet up while you are down here too! Monica, when are you meeting up with this fellow?

:hug: for Zack! I hope he recovers quickly.

I almost just went and posted a picture from that night, but I don't want tio take over here. Monica if you want to see who your freaky friend is here, and Lynda if you don't mind, just say the word, I've got a great picture of you and Josh, on the beach, being lectured to by LexMelinda.
Oh, and congrats on the two year old, Avery, sure took you long enough.
You never need to ask, post away.

Zack is home recouping and building up his strength for Disney.

He is sore and they gave him a script for Vikes. Waiting to see if we really need to fill it or if the OTC meds can control his pain.
You never need to ask, post away.

Zack is home recouping and building up his strength for Disney.

He is sore and they gave him a script for Vikes. Waiting to see if we really need to fill it or if the OTC meds can control his pain.

Hope he is feeling better~

Jill in CO
Glad he is recouping well!!

As for Vikes, I think I know someone who would take them off your hands if you dont need them

In keeping with the drug theme, we were cleaning out the hall closet today in case the TV installation people need to grt there t o install the TV. Yhis closet housed many things, including years old pills. Hubby found Oxicodin from 2008. I offered to try them. but my DD threw a fit. Wonder why? I heard that's great stuff.
monymony3471 said:
Life can't be any crazier over here! My son Zack had an emergency appendectomy at 2:30 in the morning!

9 days before our Disney trip!

He is recovering nicely and I hope he comes home today.

I guess this means he gets a few extra Mickey bars.

So glad he's recovering nicely and yes a few extra Mickey bars are a necessity.
I thought I give you all an update on the last 24 hours now that Zack is settled in at home and his adoring and duped sisters are taking care of his every demand.

Yesterday I had the girls at cheerleading practice. I decided to walk the track and managed 11 laps, including sprints. I have had foot issues for about 6 months and my foot is usually screaming at me by the end of the day. On Monday I had an x-ray taken to help figure things out. When I was done, I was seriously considering crawling back to my car. The heel is toast and this concerns me.

My phone rings and its Tim. “We have a problem.” This is a serious statement and he has my full attention.

“Zack is in pain and in tears, it’s his side and it keeps getting worse.”

I tell him to take him to urgent care and then change my mind and tell him the hospital ER in case it’s serious and they have to really do something for him.

A 20 minute drive, but I felt that’s where he needed to be.

They go, and I worry.

I get the girls home and give them a shower and try to sit on the deck, I call Tim, text, FB, I can’t get him to respond. That is the surest way to send a mom to the looney bin folks.

I want updates, like every 5 minutes. I need to know if he’s smiling, crying, in pain, what he’s saying and who is saying what to him.

Me being home is not working out for me at this moment.

Tim left his phone in the car.


Who does that?

He must have gotten whacked up side the head by one of my mental images and decided to get his phone and call me.

By this time they drew blood, and did an ultra sound, and put Zack on a Morphine drip!

I put the girls in my bed and thought I’d lie down with them but I was a bag of nerves.

I left them and went downstairs to Dis.

Tim called to tell me they were doing a CT scan and Zack was drinking barium.
Ha! Zack is the pickiest eater of all four of my kids. I have no idea how they got him to drink that although it took him an hour.

My phone rings again and Tim tells me his white blood cell count is like 18,000which is high and an indication that Zack’s days of being whole is shot!

The appendix needs to come out!

And I need to get my butt to the hospital.

I put Matt in charge of the girls, get them in their own beds, change and head to the hospital.

There is no worse feeling than walking into your child’s ER room and finding it empty. ACK!!! Did I miss them!? Are they already operating?

A nurse walking by sees my state of panic and leads me to the front desk where I find out he is getting his CT.

They bring him back and shortly after they confirm he has appendicitis. He will be taken to the OR soon and not 10 minutes later the hot assisting surgeon comes and gets my son. Follow me he says, I jump up and and obey!

The line of the night was, “You are a big 13 year old.” And Zack’s reply of the night was, “I have been told.” I loved how he managed to keep his sense of humor through this.

At 12:30am he was taken to OR for prep

At 2:00am the hospital issued a code black

At 2:20am he was taken into surgery

At 3:30am the surgeon came to tell us Zack was done and doing fine. There was a code black and that means there is bad storms and we can’t go back.

At 4:30am they lifted the code black

At 5:00am they come get us and take Zack and us to pediatric floor.

That struck me funny that he was on this floor looking at my adult sized son, but after all he a really big 13 year old.

I left at 5:30am to be there for when the other kids woke up. Plus I had a 10:30 Dr. apt for my foot.

I think I got a 2-3 hour nap. Matt has his last day of camp at 11:30 and then we can all go back to the hospital and relieve Tim.

Side note: I found out that I have a bone spur and the doctor gave me a cortisone shot, IN MY FOOT WITH A NEEDLE!
I was not ready for this and I stopped him saying I needed a moment to prepare myself. “Oh, you are ones of those,” he says, and he sprays some freezing cold spray on my heel. Told me to not look and put that needle in my foot. I inhaled and forgot how to breathe. He had to remind me twice.
I can finally walk without feeling pain. I hope that means I can manage the parks better. He also gave me a treatment plan to avoid surgery and arch support inserts for my shoes. I think I’m finally 6’ tall!

We arrive back to the hospital at about 2:15pm. Tim left with the kids and I stayed til about 5pm with Zack, just waiting to be discharged.

We got home close to 6pm. EXHAUSTED, but relieved that my family is all fine and together and HOME.

Sadly Zack had to give up his appendix, a useless part of the body, 9 days before we leave for our Disney trip.

The doctor is not too sure about letting him swimtime soon any so our plans may have to change.

Here's hoping he has a great week of healing. And this is my cue to open a mommy drink.

Never a dull moment and I still love this crazy life I have been blessed with.
I figure if you love Nebo and Smidgy, this report needs to be added to my list! I totally get staying offsite. There is a big price difference for a large family. ::yes::

I hope Zack recovers quickly!!

Maria :upsidedow

Thanks Maria welcome to the looney bin!

OMG - here's hoping for a speedy recovery for Zack before your trip. :goodvibes

Please make sure you keep a good eye on him at the parks. Both my kids have had incidents of pushing themselves too far because they wanted to keep having fun with injuries. We all regretted it the next day when we couldn't do what we planned that day at all while they recovered.

Definitely keeping that a top priority, he has already brought this up and is worried about spoiling things for his siblings. Who is this kid? Really?
Mony, what a thing to happen just before your trip, YIKES!. Hope Zack recovers fully by the time you get there. PM me any meeting plans, I will try to make it
I almost just went and posted a picture from that night, but I don't want tio take over here. Monica if you want to see who your freaky friend is here, and Lynda if you don't mind, just say the word, I've got a great picture of you and Josh, on the beach, being lectured to by LexMelinda.
Oh, and congrats on the two year old, Avery, sure took you long enough.

It's fine with me! Would love to see those photos again! Ah, I miss Melinda!!

Monica, I hope Zack is feeling back to normal by the time you get here! Wishing him a speedy recovery!
Wow! I hope that Zach is feeling better soon!

You sure earned that mommy drink, maybe you should have had two!

That needle in the foot had me cringing. At least it's feeling better now though!
Can I have a mommy drink too?
I have also had that cortisone shot, ritht into the very top of the foot, and I think it went all the way through until it struck the wood flooring underneath.
Nicely told Monica, it was nice of him to give up a body part for the sake of the report.

Now,,, let's see what I can find of our dear freind Lynda:

I think this is them right here:


But this one was my favorite;
notice the looks of horror on their faces as Melinda describes what it is
like trying to live with two teenageers and a preteen all in one, stinkin' room!

I actually am starting to get caught up. Who knew?

It sure has been hot here lately. At first I welcomed it, embraced it, got all goopy messy hot in it, and now I hate it.

Sorry, all I got from that is you're hot.

Disney in August is a sweat bath. From the second you walk outside all you do is melt. There is nothing I love more than being around a million people who are all sweating and rubbing into one another.

Was Caligula a Disney movie?



Disney has us right in their back pockets.

But they are making "Honey, I shrunk the monymonys"

Those that know me know that I have been working hard to get through school. In December I will be walking across the stage to receive my BA from the College of Education at WSU: Special Education/CI K-12 and Elementary Education K-8. Sounds good don’t it? Can’t wait! :cool1:

Congrats! Premature, but who cares? Well deserved.

Matt is 15, Zack is turning 14 while in Disney, Mal turns 8 after we get back at the end of August, and Maddy turns 5 while we are in Disney. Yes, November was a busy month for us.:rolleyes1

Could you please explain in detail exactly why it was busy?

And my oldest shares the same birthday with the ever so popular and famous Nebo. If the Disney gods will have it, we are vacationing at Disney at the same time and could possibly cross paths. When I asked about this on his current trip report,the best trip report on the dis! I was a kid in a candy store!

You're expecting a snarky comment here, aren't you?
Well you're not going to get it. His TR is the best on the Dis and I'm envious that you'll get to meet them.

Tim and I found some great ways to cut corners so for the first time we are staying off site, we rented a house, purchased our tickets through undercover tourist, and Tim is using points he’s earned to stay places with little to no money out of pocket. That’s more Mickey bars for us!

I read your and others posts re: getting flack for staying offsite. You'll notice in my siggie that we stayed offsite the first few times and won't "ever again". But I don't get why people would get worked up about others' choices.

Who cares what someone else is doing. If you want my advice, I'll give it. But if you're happy with what you're doing, (whatever that might be) then I'm happy for you.

Bottom line is, whatever gets you where you want to go is just fine by me.

Who’s Tim? My husband, cancer survivor (2008 sucked) and Nebo’s long lost twin. :hug:

Congrats to your husband on beating it!

We are also driving and chose to take a different route that takes us through states we’ve never traveled and along the coast. The parents are excited about this and hope it keeps us more awake; although we do have planned stops along the way.

The road less traveled. Nice.

Hold it, 7? Say what? 4 children plus 2 adults is 6! I’ll wait for you to do the math……………………….. (she’s graduating from college, hmmmmm???)

Let’s assign the number of children (4) to the value ‘x’. Let’s also assign the number of adults (2) the value ‘b’.

So 1/2 of x = 2. Let’s call 1/2x ‘a’

So, a=b (2 = 2 right?)

Multiply both sides by a

aa = ab

Subtract b squared

aa – bb = ab – bb

Factor both sides

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

Divide out (a-b)

a + b = b

Since a = b we can re-write the equation as:

b + b = b or 2+2 = 2 or 4 = 2

So since the number of adults is either 4 or 2 we’ll take the average, which is 3. 4 kids plus 3 adults = 7 people.

See? Wasn’t hard.

Just messing with you, my mom is coming along.

So that’s 7.5 of you now?

We have taken the spoiled children 6 times and she has come with us 5 of those times. She loves Disney as much as we do and she travels with us and my sister’s family, eh sometimes because said sister is on a Disney cruise as I type this and my mom is home getting ready for our trip. This is also another reason for us taking this trip, but in case my sister ever reads this, we won’t get into the details of that.

Mum’s the word. No wait you’re the mum.

So please settle in, get ready for some laughs, and I hope you enjoy the rantings of your newest disney crazed friend!

Sounds good to me!

All are welcomed and please POST OFTEN so I know you are reading and I don't get a complex that I am doing this for my own entertainment. Heh.

Okay, OKAY!


Your husband sounds awesome


I’m not sure, but rumour has it that all husbands who post here, are.

This is Mal when she was 2. My favorite all time clip of her! We were at Hollywood and Vine Sing and Dine in Hollywood Studios. Don't even know if this exists anymore.

Cutie patootie. :goodvibes:

I thought I give you all an update on the last 24 hours now that Zack is settled in at home and his adoring and duped sisters are taking care of his every demand.

Ah, yes. I remember when I was about 13 and was laid up. I made my DSis a virtual slave.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

I have had foot issues for about 6 months and my foot is usually screaming at me by the end of the day.

Sorry to hear that.

The heel is toast and this concerns me.

Toast is better if you scrape off the burnt bits.

My phone rings and its Tim. “We have a problem.” This is a serious statement and he has my full attention.
Never a good call. And there’s only one thing that can make it worse.

“Zack is in pain and in tears, it’s his side and it keeps getting worse.”

And that’s it.

I tell him to take him to urgent care and then change my mind and tell him the hospital ER in case it’s serious and they have to really do something for him.

Boy, that was a good call on your part. What made you change your mind?

They go, and I worry.

Parents are really good at that…. And it never ends.

I call Tim, text, FB, I can’t get him to respond. That is the surest way to send a mom to the looney bin folks.

Yikes. If your foot wasn’t sore, I’m sure you would’ve paced a hole in the deck.

Tim left his phone in the car.


Who does that?

I’d say Tim was lucky. If you hadn’t been so concerned with Zack…. I shudder at the thought. :rolleyes:

By this time they drew blood, and did an ultra sound, and put Zack on a Morphine drip!

And right about now, Mom’s in need of some meds, too, I’m betting.

Tim called to tell me they were doing a CT scan and Zack was drinking barium.
Ha! Zack is the pickiest eater of all four of my kids. I have no idea how they got him to drink that although it took him an hour.

Poor guy. I remember when our first DD was a baby and my MIL decided to overdose her with Tylenol (don’t ask). She had to drink this charcoal mixture. Afterwards, she looked like a miner who’d been in a bad accident… but she was smiling.

My phone rings again and Tim tells me his white blood cell count is like 18,000which is high and an indication that Zack’s days of being whole is shot!

The appendix needs to come out!

And I need to get my butt to the hospital.

Oh, my gosh. You must have been flipping out. I know I would’ve been.
There is no worse feeling than walking into your child’s ER room and finding it empty. ACK!!! Did I miss them!? Are they already operating?

Oh, boy. I can feel your terror from here.

He will be taken to the OR soon and not 10 minutes later the hot assisting surgeon comes and gets my son. Follow me he says, I jump up and and obey!

Did you follow him because he was hot?

The line of the night was, “You are a big 13 year old.” And Zack’s reply of the night was, “I have been told.” I loved how he managed to keep his sense of humor through this.


At 3:30am the surgeon came to tell us Zack was done and doing fine.

Were you breathing a sigh of relief at this point? Or only when you got to see him?

I think I got a 2-3 hour nap

Been there. Done that. Will do it again.

Still sucks.

Side note:I found out that I have a bone spur and the doctor gave me a cortisone shot, IN MY FOOT WITH A NEEDLE!


I can finally walk without feeling pain. I hope that means I can manage the parks better. He also gave me a treatment plan to avoid surgery and arch support inserts for my shoes. I think I’m finally 6’ tall!

Glad to hear that the foot’s feeling better, and congrats on the new elevation.

We got home close to 6pm. EXHAUSTED, but relieved that my family is all fine and together and HOME.

I can believe that!

Sadly Zack had to give up his appendix, a useless part of the body, 9 days before we leave for our Disney trip.

I have a few co-workers that have useless parts of the body. But I can’t get a doctor to remove their collective brains.

The doctor is not too sure about letting him swimtime soon any so our plans may have to change.

I’m thinking that a change in plans now is better than a sick boy in Disney.

Here's hoping he has a great week of healing. And this is my cue to open a mommy drink.

Never a dull moment and I still love this crazy life I have been blessed with.

Wow. That’s quite the update. Glad to hear he’s doing better now.

Zack is home recouping and building up his strength for Disney.

He is sore and they gave him a script for Vikes. Waiting to see if we really need to fill it or if the OTC meds can control his pain.

You might want to go ahead and fill that prescription. If he doesn’t need them, you can mail them off. I’ve got Nebo’s address if you need it.
Mony, what a thing to happen just before your trip, YIKES!. Hope Zack recovers fully by the time you get there. PM me any meeting plans, I will try to make it

When do you come back from your trip?

A mommy drink for you for sure xo. Glad Zack is home.

Thanks, today is rough with pain, just like they said it would be.

It's fine with me! Would love to see those photos again! Ah, I miss Melinda!!

Monica, I hope Zack is feeling back to normal by the time you get here! Wishing him a speedy recovery!

I miss lexy too! He is resting and hopefully healing fast, thanks!

Wow! I hope that Zach is feeling better soon!

You sure earned that mommy drink, maybe you should have had two!

That needle in the foot had me cringing. At least it's feeling better now though!

If I wasn't so tired I might have had more.

Can I have a mommy drink too?

Cheers! Of course you can, we all can, let's party! How come that sounded so much more fun when I was in my 20's?

I have also had that cortisone shot, ritht into the very top of the foot, and I think it went all the way through until it struck the wood flooring underneath.

I have my hands over my ears and I am not listening, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!

Nicely told Monica, it was nice of him to give up a body part for the sake of the report.

We try very hard over here to compete with all the other great TR's.

I actually am starting to get caught up. Who knew?

Sorry, all I got from that is you're hot.

You are way too kind, thanks,

Was Caligula a Disney movie?



This must be before my time, I got nothing. :confused3

But they are making "Honey, I shrunk the monymonys"

Yes, we could all benefit from losing some weight.

Congrats! Premature, but who cares? Well deserved.

I'll take it! Thanks, cause I have worked my booty off and I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Could you please explain in detail exactly why it was busy?

Sorry, I have a headache.

You're expecting a snarky comment here, aren't you?
Well you're not going to get it. His TR is the best on the Dis and I'm envious that you'll get to meet them.

I'm excited and nervous, like when I used to meet all the artists at the radio station I worked at many moons ago.

Congrats to your husband on beating it!

I'll let Pkondz handle that one.

The road less traveled. Nice.

I like Frost too!

Let’s assign the number of children (4) to the value ‘x’. Let’s also assign the number of adults (2) the value ‘b’.

So 1/2 of x = 2. Let’s call 1/2x ‘a’

So, a=b (2 = 2 right?)

Multiply both sides by a

aa = ab

Subtract b squared

aa – bb = ab – bb

Factor both sides

(a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)

Divide out (a-b)

a + b = b

Since a = b we can re-write the equation as:

b + b = b or 2+2 = 2 or 4 = 2

So since the number of adults is either 4 or 2 we’ll take the average, which is 3. 4 kids plus 3 adults = 7 people.

See? Wasn’t hard.

So that’s 7.5 of you now?


Mum’s the word. No wait you’re the mum.

In Michigan, I'm mom.

I’m not sure, but rumour has it that all husbands who post here, are.

Just rumors!

Boy, that was a good call on your part. What made you change your mind?

The fact he was crying was the red flag. My boy doesn't cry,he just gets angry.

Yikes. If your foot wasn’t sore, I’m sure you would’ve paced a hole in the deck.

:rotfl: I was actually icing it at that time.

Did you follow him because he was hot?

He was rolling my son away and of course I had to follow him. Geesh!

Were you breathing a sigh of relief at this point? Or only when you got to see him?

I was pretty upset over the fact he was out of surgery and I had to wait an hour and a half to see him. But he doesn't even rememeber being brought to his room or us being there. He asked me why he was there at one point and I told him he had his appendix removed and he asked my why? Oh I miss those kind of drugs!

I have a few co-workers that have useless parts of the body. But I can’t get a doctor to remove their collective brains.


Thanks for the giggles! Priceless stuff!
Just wanted to do a quick group shout out! Thanks, really for everyone who is here and reading along. You all make a girl feel loved!

I was warned about the dangers of letting the Dis world know that we are staying off site. I have had my share of people bullying me here and I choose to post in safer waters. I have no issue with people knowing we have rented a house. I know you all will have my back in case anyone dares to post negatively on my TR. :goodvibes: But we are just a happy bunch over here and I am NOT looking to start anything like that, just saying.

The last 6 times we have gone we stayed on site. Since the family surpassed family of 4 and grew to a family of 5 (Disney souvenir) and then a family of 6 plus one grandma always tagging along, I have had to pay for two rooms at Pop or an All Star.

Disney likes us, I mean really likes us and this time around found that I had not one but 4 coveted codes attached to our name when we were in the looking and pricing stage of planning. 30% off any resort, free dining, free water parks options and more with a package, and one other I just can’t remember.

It was tough not using any of the codes. It almost felt like I was stabbing Disney in the back not taking one of them, but after Tim pried the phone away from my hands and hit end, it only took a few weeks to stop crying and accept the fact that we were going to have to stay off site if we were ever going to step foot in WDW in the year 2012.

I love codes! I saved boo-ko bucks at Disney using some pretty awesome codes, but this time around we are totally going outside of our comfort zone and our plans are all the complete opposite of what we are used to doing.

I even have PAPER tickets, gasp!

I- know!

There are literally a bazillion vacation homes, condos, apartments, villas, hotels, motels to rent in the Orlando area. I know because I believe I looked at ALL that were available to look at on-line. I only picked a few that I was interested in and after filtering through the 87,002 that responded back I narrowed it down to 2.


I actually enjoyed the wheeling and dealing with one owner. She couldn’t go any less, blah blah blah, and when I told her I did find a home less than hers, she miraculously could go lower, but not as low as Nebo trying to win a bottle of Boons Farm in a game of limbo.

I chose to rent this vacation home for a few reasons. Price, price, and price! That is totally huge for us, I am still a student paying tuition and not working. The house is amazing non the less and has 4 bedrooms that includes a king master bedroom, queen second master bedroom, and two other bedrooms with twin beds each. Tim and I get some privacy, my mom gets privacy, the boys get their own room and so do the girls. It has a private and enclosed pool, game room, and it’s fully loaded with all the necessities of a home. Including my own washer and dryer!

It is going to be fabulous! For the first time my room will not be decorated with laundry hanging all over the place due to poor dryers found on site at most Disney resorts. Just ask Mirage!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Okay, I think I'm caught up!

Holy moly!! I'm *so* glad Zack is okay. I can imagine how freaked out you were when Tim didn't answer his phone or texts or anything. I'd have been insane. I hope Zack is continuing to recover nicely and that the doctor gives him the okay to swim while you're at Disney.

Also glad to hear your pain is gone and that you'll be walking more comfortably while at Disney. Woo hoo!

Oh, and how incredibly ridiculous that people belittle others for their choice of accommodations. What a stupid thing to need to feel superior about.

I really don't like a lot of people. ;)

Again, so glad you and Zack are both doing better!!
Ponzi,, twas a great job on the Mony breakdown, which also came close to being a tad too literal. I especially liked your math exhibition,, seriously, well done.

Monica,,, we shall meet up I guess at Ak on that saturday, maybe if Marita isn't doing anything she can join us? Or Lynda too?

I just got the word today, a nasty phone call to be honest,,, Buzz is going to have to cancel her trip, issues at work are preventing it from happening, and I feel so bad for her and her family, we were really looking forward to meeting them, too, so you better now cancel too!

Be safe driving, we will do the same, until Disney,,,
Neb and the Smidge
Following along from a couple hours north of you. Think where the index finger meets the palm on the mitten. LOL

Hope your semester of student teaching goes well. It's been years since I did my student teaching but I remember it fondly.

The thought of a needle into my foot makes me want to curl into a ball in the corner so I hope it helped. Quick healing vibes for your son, also.


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