DDA Chapter 27

Terry - Such a crazy year for you all this year. I'm glad that SS and pensions will help you all back to a more steady footing. I understand the difficulty. What a blessing on Hal's insurance options. We should finally be eligible through Target in April. I've got my finger's crossed that it will be doable.

Theresa - What a year of changes you are looking towards. Best of luck to Abi. It sounds like a great opportunity for her.

Tammi - Thanks for the quick trip report. We loved our sleigh ride last trip. The decorations were so fun and it made for a great quiet evening. If our Christmas trips keep being several years apart, I think it may be something we repeat another time or two along the way.

We are about the same here. Wishing and hoping and planning (or trying to plan) for a better 2013. Phil really needs to find something more or different. I wish I could get him moving on it more, but I know he feels like his memory/processing issues will prevent him from doing most jobs. I keep trying to gently remind him that he won't know if he doesn't at least try for them. His pessimistic side also forgets to see all the ways he's learned/ing to live with those issues so while it may take him just a bit longer to remember all the steps, once he does he knows them perfectly and is really methodical about it all. All of his past managers have had nothing but praise for him.

The girls are doing well. This past week or so, Terra has had two run-ins with things that are or are similar to a known trigger for her major anxiety issues earlier this year. The first one was the same characters as the March situation and the second a similar idea. On the first issue she was very mature about it and told me that she still didn't like it, but that it didn't make her all shaky like last time. Then on Christmas Eve there was a comic in her new Calvin and Hobbes book that had her almost ready to give up all C&H stuff. Seeing as how her tiger Hobbes is one of her comforters in the bad times I was really worried at first. By bedtime that night she had decided that Calvin is just really creative and he's a boy so sometimes he'll come up with ideas she doesn't like. Thankfully I think she's working past that one pretty quickly. I'm very proud of her for recognizing the triggers for what they were right away and really trying to work through them and not let them take her out. I really think the milk change is part of it (as I saw the opposite in Phil just this month when he got on a cereal and milk - with D - kick again. It's now been banned from his diet by me! ;) ), but I know she's had to work hard for that too. I'd still like to get her in with a counselor or something in the long run because a friend who's been though that and worse with her daughters said that hormone changes as she nears teens may affect things too.

Deva is a crazy whirlwind of energy. She loves her "pretty dancings" and luckily got 4 new dresses for Christmas because we only had 4 to begin with. She got the Little People Princess castle from Santa and spends half the day making the princesses sing so that she can dance. The drama in her dancing is hilarious sometimes. She's the silliest kid and oh so sweet.

Still praying that my new kiddos will come around soon and help us get out into a place of our own. I've got one that should start the end of Jan. So far mama's still holding out, but I think her due date is Jan 5 or maybe it was 15th. She's Rachel's age so will go back to school as soon as she is physically up for it. My 2nd possibility is getting closer. His mom and dad moved to 15 on the adoption list yesterday and are really more like #5 on the boy list. They've asked for anywhere from birth to 3 years so we'll see the actual age when the time is right.

My mental state has been taking a beating lately. I'm really torn about where I should really be and what I should really be doing. Some days it's a tough call whether the girls would be better off with Phil while I work or with me home and extra kids added to our mix. I think a lot of it is feeling tied down with my van out of commission. It brings a feeling of lack of freedom, but I'm trying to change my mindset on that and remember the things I can do with the girls at home instead. We'll file our tax return as soon as humanly possible and then use that to get the van back and running.

May 2013 bless us all with brighter tomorrows. Much love and hugs to you all, my friends.
Hi everyone.

I too haven't been over to this thread in awhile...

I agree that you are good at looking at things in a positive light. I am sorry about your pets passing...that is very hard. I am sending you & your family good thoughts for good health in the new year. :goodvibes

I would love to see pictures of your trip..sounds like you got alot done. I have one of your castle pictures as my desktop. :thumbsup2

Hope you enjoyed the beach & time with your family. :beach:

Hope Colby is doing better. Hope a huge trip in 2014 happens for you all. :goodvibes

Hope you & Richie are feeling better. :wizard:

Welcome home!!! :woohoo:

Sounds like the girls keep you busy. Good luck with the van & work.:)

Congratulations to Abi, what a wonderful opportunity!:woohoo:

Sounds like a nice NYE.:cloud9:

I hope everyone is enjoying family time & the holidays. We had a nice quiet Christmas. We celebrated both girl's birthdays this month as well. We are hoping to have a family trip to WDW during Thanksgiving in 2013 but we will see how these tax increases & increasing expenses for the kids go. Sadly as they get older we have to consider "their' schedules & can't plan whenever we want like when they were little..(they also cost alot less as WDW when they were littler too!)
Happy New Year & Happy 2013 to the DDA. pixiedust:


We did have a wonderful 10 days away and I was not ready to return to reality. I feel so badly for those of you having troubles right now. Keep that positive attitude if at all possible; it does help.

Terry - Health Insurance is a horrible thing in our country right now. Sadly, Bob and I have none anymore. It is terrifying. Because of his health history (all of two years long) we are at the top of the list for premiums: It would cost us more to have insurance than I make in a year. We have paid into BC/BS for almost 40 years and, other than having two children and a few minor things over the years we have not ever needed it much. Now, when it is so important to have, we cannot afford the coverage. :mad: Bob will be eligible for Medicare in July, thank goodness. Then we can take a look at what it will cost to cover just me. I fear that it will still be exorbitant!

That being said, I am wishing for each of you the best year you have ever had. After all, they do continue to get better, don't they?!?!
Happy New Year everyone!!!
I would love to see pictures of your trip..sounds like you got alot done. I have one of your castle pictures as my desktop. :thumbsup2
Oooh....I'm published!! Lol! Here are the links if you're interested.

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y2... Day 1 Hollywood Studios/?albumview=slideshow

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y254/tammi67/WDW Dec 2012 Day 2 MVMCP/?albumview=slideshow

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y254/tammi67/WDW Dec 2012 Day 3 Animal Kingdom/?albumview=slideshow

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y254/tammi67/WDW Dec 2012 Day 4 Epcot/?albumview=slideshow

http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y254/tammi67/WDW Dec 2012 Day 5 Magic Kingdom/?albumview=slideshow

Elin - I'm glad you had a relaxing time at the beach. It's surprising what a little mental relaxation can do for the soul. July is just a few short months away so hopefully you and Bob can hang on until then!

The kids and I had a nice NYE. We stayed in (too cold for 1st night), played games, watched tv and ATE. I had gotten lots of snack foods, and they were thrilled to have sparkling grape juice to toast NYE. I even let them put it in champagne glasses. I really liked how ABC honored Dick Clark. I hope they keep his spirit alive every NYE.
It's interesting to read about everyone's health insurance issues. I work in healthcare an am amazed everyday how screwed up the sytem is. The decision for me to work full time was in large part due to our need to decent health insurance. That being said half my paycheck goes toward our health insurance. The insurance that Chris can get through his employer is horrible, basically an expensive catastropic policy so we purchase through my employer. It's not so bad if it were just for me and the boys, but it costs an extra $100 per week to add Chris to the policy. That is actually cheaper in the long run than having him purchase his through his employer :confused3 With the long term health issues that we deal with we have to have insurance so we pay the ridiculous premiums.

Nice pictures!!! I love the one of you & the kids in the sleigh! We had the same storyteller for the Hanukkah story & Tres Reyos Magos (which we all thought were amazing) that was a couple of years ago...it's so nice to see the same folks working there for years.

Anyway, thanks for posting!
Well Hal's car died and to get the work done, it would have cost us about $3,000. :scared1: So he had a chance to buy his father's Mercedes. That car has more buttons than I have ever seen in a car!! He is still finding them. Of course, he said that he should upgrade his wardrobe. Ain't gonna happen!!

It is a 1997 c280 and it rides nice.
We are in the middle of a deep freeze here! In my little town, we haven't gotten out of single and minus digits for the last 4 days! Brrr!!! I don't do the cold, well, so I haven't been too happy!

Other than that, though, things are going well. We are as healthy and happy as could be expected, so I don't ask for too much more! Just counting down the days to our Disneyland trip!
I am planning a trip to WDW next December:cool1::woohoo::banana:

Hal's brother has a girlfriend who is a big Disney lover and she has DVC. We are going to plan a week there and then do a four day cruise on the Dream!!

I am so excited I cannot even think!! Just have to talk to Stephanie to settle on dates and have her book our cruise.
Well Hal's car died and to get the work done, it would have cost us about $3,000. :scared1: So he had a chance to buy his father's Mercedes. That car has more buttons than I have ever seen in a car!! He is still finding them. Of course, he said that he should upgrade his wardrobe. Ain't gonna happen!!

It is a 1997 c280 and it rides nice.

I am so glad that you had a wonderful option, Terry!!

We are in the middle of a deep freeze here! In my little town, we haven't gotten out of single and minus digits for the last 4 days! Brrr!!! I don't do the cold, well, so I haven't been too happy!

Other than that, though, things are going well. We are as healthy and happy as could be expected, so I don't ask for too much more! Just counting down the days to our Disneyland trip!

Glynis - Stay warm!! And plan that DL trip. That ought to help. ;) We have had unusually warm weather so far this winter, but I just got a Winter Storm Watch text for tomorrow. BLECH!! :(

I am planning a trip to WDW next December:cool1::woohoo::banana:

Hal's brother has a girlfriend who is a big Disney lover and she has DVC. We are going to plan a week there and then do a four day cruise on the Dream!!

I am so excited I cannot even think!! Just have to talk to Stephanie to settle on dates and have her book our cruise.

:yay: :dance3: :yay:
Double YAY Terrie!!! I'm so happy to hear about your trip. I know it's been a rough road. A bigger yay for a "new" car for Hal.

Glynis - Stay warm! We're not quite as cold, but it's plenty all the same.

Same old same old here. My newest charge was born a two weeks ago tomorrow. I really need to get down and see her soon, but their good timing and mine haven't been matching up well. Maybe tomorrow during naptime.
Good afternoon, DDA! :sunny:

Looks like we managed to dodge the Winter Storm Warning bullet today!! :yay:

And, Bob and I are celebrating two years since his stroke. Some days it is hard to believe it has been that long.
Good afternoon, DDA! :sunny:

Looks like we managed to dodge the Winter Storm Warning bullet today!! :yay:

And, Bob and I are celebrating two years since his stroke. Some days it is hard to believe it has been that long.

YAY FOR BOB. It certainly has been an uphill battle.

Happy anniversary Bob (and Elin)! It's been a long road but I know you're thankful for every bit of road ahead as well.
Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Bob and I are booked for our next Disney trip! Thanks to the kindness of a good friend who happens to be a WDW CM, we have a wonderful rate at the BC for November 1~9. Food and Wine Festival will still be going on and it ought to be cooler (hopefully) than our early October trips.

I guess I need to get a countdown when we get back home from Bob's doctor appointment! :yay:
Hunter had his MRI this morning. Still Clear!!! The next MRI will be in two years. They see absolutely no signs of regrowth. Huge sigh of relief here. Hopefully anxiety levels will drop here for a while.:cool1::cool1:
Hunter had his MRI this morning. Still Clear!!! The next MRI will be in two years. They see absolutely no signs of regrowth. Huge sigh of relief here. Hopefully anxiety levels will drop here for a while.:cool1::cool1:

Fabulous news, Deb!!!
I am planning a trip to WDW next December:cool1::woohoo::banana:

Hal's brother has a girlfriend who is a big Disney lover and she has DVC. We are going to plan a week there and then do a four day cruise on the Dream!!

I am so excited I cannot even think!! Just have to talk to Stephanie to settle on dates and have her book our cruise.

Good morning, DDA! :sunny:

Bob and I are booked for our next Disney trip! Thanks to the kindness of a good friend who happens to be a WDW CM, we have a wonderful rate at the BC for November 1~9. Food and Wine Festival will still be going on and it ought to be cooler (hopefully) than our early October trips.

I guess I need to get a countdown when we get back home from Bob's doctor appointment! :yay:



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